How to close compote for the winter? How to close compote: preservation rules. Recipes for delicious compotes for the winter

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Happy is he who drinks compote!

Indeed, homemade compote cannot be compared with any other. The concentrated and aromatic drink can be diluted, so making compotes is also profitable! Compotes can be topped with your favorite and any berries and fruits. Summer is the hottest time for those who like to prepare compotes for the winter, and in winter enjoy the unique taste and aroma.

When preparing compote for the winter, many people have a question: do they need to sterilize jars of compote or not? Many will answer - yes, and there’s no getting around it. When sterilized at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, the microflora completely dies, so the preparations can be stored for a long time. But the fact is that at high temperatures all vitamins are destroyed and the compote from a healthy drink turns into a sweet, high-calorie drink.
Therefore, when preparing compote for the winter, you can do without sterilization, but only in two cases:
if the compote will not be stored for long and if the canned fruits contain a sufficient amount of acid. Acid delays the development of microflora. Therefore, compotes from cranberries, rowan berries, lingonberries, currants, gooseberries and sour apples, cherries can be preserved without fear and without preservation.

Before preparing compote for the winter, heavily contaminated fruits must be soaked in a soda solution (5-6 g of soda per 1 liter of water). If the fruit has been sprayed with chemicals used to control pests, it can be removed by washing the fruit in water and diluted vinegar. Also, before canning, the fruits must be carefully sorted, removing unripe and damaged fruits. If the berries or fruits are too soft, you can squeeze the juice out of them, boil them with sugar and preserve them.

Compotes for the winter -Spicy plum compote

An excellent compote recipe for the winter, because in winter it can be used as a basis for making mulled wine.


  • strong plums 3 kg.
  • water 750 ml.
  • dry red wine 750 ml.
  • granulated sugar 750 g.
  • vanillin 1/2 tsp.
  • cloves 2-3 buds
  • anise 1 bud
  • cinnamon 1 stick

Cooking method: Wash the plums, cut them in half and remove the pits. Divide into jars. Pour water and wine into a saucepan. Add sugar and vanilla. Drop the clove and anise buds and the cinnamon stick. Cook for 7 minutes over medium heat, remove from heat and strain. Pour the prepared broth into the jars. Cover the jars with sterilized tin lids and pasteurize at 80 degrees. Roll up, wrap in a thick towel and leave until completely cool.

Compotes for the winter - Lemon compote with mint

Take this recipe into account. Cold lemon compote perfectly quenches thirst, and served slightly warmed up, it will help overcome the first signs of a cold.


  • granulated sugar 1.5 cups
  • lemons 3 pcs.
  • mint 10 leaves
  • water 3 l.

Cooking method: Choose lemons of approximately the same size. Wash, peel, cut into slices, remove seeds and veins. Place the sliced ​​lemons in washed and steam-sterilized jars. Then place the washed and dried mint. If desired, you can add washed orange or grapefruit to the lemons. This will add additional flavor. Boil water, add sugar to it and stir until it is completely dissolved. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. When the syrup is ready, pour it into the jar, without adding 2-3 cm to the top. Roll up with sterilized lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them up.

Compotes for the winter- Strawberry compote


  • strawberries 3 cups
  • granulated sugar 1.5 cups
  • mint 6 leaves

Cooking method: Sort the strawberries, wash them, remove the stems and place in a colander. Then pour the berries into a prepared sterilized 3-liter jar. Place mint leaves on top of the berries. Add sugar. Boil water and add boiling water to the jar up to the neck. The jar should not be cold, otherwise it may burst due to temperature differences. Boil the metal lid and screw the jar on. Carefully turn the compote over, cover with a warm blanket and leave until completely cool. Ready-made strawberry compote is best stored in a cool place in winter.

Compotes for the winter - Raspberry and blueberry compote


  • apple juice 3 l.
  • granulated sugar 80 g.
  • vanilla 1 pod
  • raspberries 250 g.
  • blueberries 250 g.

Cooking method: Warm the jars in the oven, boil the lids. Boil syrup from juice and sugar, add an opened vanilla pod to it. Boil for 3 minutes, add washed berries and cook for 1 minute. Select berries and put them in jars. Boil the syrup and pour the juice over the berries in the jars. Seal, wrap, and after cooling, store in a cool place.

Compotes for the winter - Rowan and berry compote


  • chokeberry 1 kg.
  • red currant 500 g.
  • cherry 500 g.
  • water 3 l.
  • granulated sugar 750 g.

Cooking method: Sort the berries, remove crumpled leaves and stalks. Rinse and drain in a colander. Prepare sterilized jars, add berries, filling the jar 1/3 full. Place a pot of water on the stove. When it boils, add sugar. Boil for 5 minutes. Pour hot syrup over the berries. Cover the jars with boiled metal lids. Turn over and leave until completely cool. Then transfer the jars to a cool place.

Compotes for the winter
- Apple compote with mint


  • apples 2 kg.
  • granulated sugar 2 cups
  • citric acid 1 tsp.
  • mint 4 sprigs

Cooking method: Wash the apples, cut into slices, remove the core and seeds. Rinse mint sprigs under water. Sterilize jars for compote, place apples and mint in them. Boil water, pour boiling water over the apples, close the lids and leave for 15 minutes. Then pour the broth into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add sugar, and boil. Add citric acid to each jar, fill with boiling syrup to the neck and roll up. Turn hot jars over, wrap them and leave until cool.

Compotes for the winter - Compote of pitted plums


  • plum 1 kg.
  • granulated sugar 500 g.
  • water 1.5 l.

Cooking method: Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. Place in a sterilized jar and pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar, boil for 3-5 minutes, pour boiling syrup over the plums and immediately roll up. Turn over, wrap and leave until completely cool.

Compotes for the winter - Compote with cherries


  • cherry 1 kg.
  • granulated sugar 1 kg.
  • water 3-4 liters

Cooking method: Sort the berries, rinse, remove wrinkled and damaged ones, debris and leaves. Fill sterilized jars two-thirds full with cherries, add boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Pour the water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and boil the syrup. Pour hot syrup over the cherries in the jars and roll them up immediately. Turn over the jars of compote, wrap them and leave to cool.

Compotes for the winter - Raspberry compote with cinnamon


  • raspberries 2 cups
  • water 2 l.
  • granulated sugar 250 g.
  • cinnamon 1 stick

Cooking method: Sort the berries; set them aside if they are too soft or damaged. Wash the berries and place them in clean jars. Pour boiling water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water, bring to a boil, add sugar and a cinnamon stick, and boil. Remove the cinnamon and pour boiling syrup over the raspberries in the jar up to the neck. Roll up immediately. Turn over and wrap, let cool.

Compotes for the winter - Lingonberry compote


  • lingonberries
  • water 1 l.
  • granulated sugar 1.2 kg.
  • citric acid 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method: Boil sugar syrup. Place washed and dried berries in boiling syrup in portions, cook for 4 minutes, then transfer the berries to jars. When all the berries are boiled, add citric acid to the syrup, skim off the foam and pour the berries into jars and seal.

Compotes for the winter - Sea buckthorn compote


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries
  • water 1 l.
  • granulated sugar 500 g.

Cooking method: Wash the berries, place them in prepared jars, filling them about 1/3 full. Pour hot syrup made from water and sugar over the berries. Turn upside down and leave until completely cool. You can prepare sea buckthorn compote by squeezing the juice from the berries and mixing it with sugar syrup. You can also add apples and rose hips to sea buckthorn.

Compotes for the winter
- Apricot compote


  • apricots 4 kg.
  • granulated sugar 500 g.
  • water 1 l.

Cooking method: Rinse the apricots. Cut large ones in half, leave small ones whole. Place apricots in prepared jars. Boil water, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the syrup into the jars of apricots, leave for 10 minutes, then pour the syrup into the pan and bring to a boil again. Pour syrup over the apricots a second time, seal, turn over and leave until completely cool.

According to tradition passed down from previous generations, many housewives are engaged in conservation. After all, in winter you really want to open a jar, for example, of jam or compote, and enjoy the taste of summer berries. Almost all fruits that grow on local lands during the warm season are suitable for preservation. The most common desserts are twists in the form of jam, jam and, of course, compote. Very often fruits are preserved in their own juice.


Young housewives who are just learning the art of conservation are interested in the question: how to close the compote for the winter? After all, it is important to do everything correctly, otherwise the contents may ferment and the jar may explode. Therefore, it is necessary to follow all the rules of conservation technology. First you need to decide what exactly the compote will be made from. The principle of its preparation is very simple. Fruits or berries are peeled, washed and placed in boiling water, most often with added sugar. The contents are then bottled. Everything seems simple. But nevertheless, you should clearly know how to close the compote.


So, everything in order. First, let’s determine what the compote will be made from. For example, from strawberries. This drink will have a subtle berry aroma and even in winter will remind you of a warm summer. Even in canned form, if properly prepared, strawberries retain their taste. The amount of ingredients is indicated for a three-liter bottle. You will need about 2.5 liters of water, an average of 700 grams of strawberries and a glass of sugar. You can add a little more berries than the specified amount, then the drink will be rich and aromatic.

Next stage

Before closing the compote, the bottle must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. This can be done using a pan of boiling water and a special lid with a hole for the jar. Having placed the bottle over steam, it is necessary to sterilize it in this way for at least 15 minutes. In the meantime, the berries should be cleared of stems, sorted to avoid rotten ones, and rinsed well. Next, the strawberries are placed in a sterilized jar about a quarter of the capacity. Then the berries are poured with boiling water, the jar is covered and left for about a quarter of an hour. After this, the infusion is poured into a saucepan, where sugar is poured, and put on fire. The compote is brought to a boil and poured back into the bottle. Now you can roll it up using a special key. Here's how to properly close the compote. The bottle must be turned over and placed on the lid. After cooling, the container should be placed in a dark place where it will remain until winter.

Fruit compote for those who love original drinks

How to properly seal a compote made from different fruits? A very tasty drink is made from several types of berries. For example, strawberries go well with raspberries, cherries with black currants, and so on. A drink made from gooseberries is also very popular. The berries, as in the previous recipe, also do not need to be boiled, which preserves their beneficial properties. To prepare, you need one kilogram of gooseberries, 1 liter of water and about 2.5 cups of sugar. The minimum permissible amount required for the compote to last until winter is indicated. You can add more sugar if the drink tastes not sweet enough. For compote, it is necessary to select only ripe and dense berries so that they retain their shape. Then rinse thoroughly and pierce each one.

Next, the prepared gooseberries should be filled with hot water, but not boiling water. Meanwhile, sugar is poured into the water and put on fire until it is completely dissolved. The jars are sterilized for a quarter of an hour or pasteurized at 90 degrees for about 30 minutes for a three-liter volume. Then the berries are placed in the bottles and immediately filled with the prepared syrup. After this, the jars are screwed on with lids. Gooseberries go very well with currants, so you can combine them in one drink.

Cherry compote

How to close cherry compote? Now we will tell you in detail. Note that the berry itself fully retains its taste and aroma if the correct compote preparation technology is followed. It also gives the drink a beautiful and rich color. To prepare, you will need about three kilograms of cherries, one and a half liters of water, and 750 grams of sugar. The berries should be sorted, peeled and rinsed with cold water, then dried thoroughly. You need to take a saucepan with a volume of at least three liters, pour the specified amount of water into it and add sugar.

Then put it on the fire and wait until the crystals completely dissolve and the syrup boils. In the meantime, the bottles should be sterilized. After a quarter of an hour, dried and prepared berries are placed in a hot jar, which is filled with syrup. Then you can twist it. It should be remembered that before closing the compote for the winter, it is necessary to sterilize not only the bottles, but also the lids. This is important, because if these rules are not followed, the containers may burst.

Currant compote for children

Are you interested in how to seal currant compote? Similar to other berries. According to this recipe, the currants are also not boiled, but filled with syrup. During the infusion process, the berries will give off their taste and aroma, and also saturate the drink with color. If the currants are sour, for example red, then you will need more sugar. The approximate proportion is 1:1.

If black currants are used, the berries of which have a sweeter taste, then approximately 800 grams of sugar are consumed per kilogram. The berries are separated from the stems, washed, sorted and dried. Then they are placed in pre-sterilized bottles and filled with one and a half liters of syrup. Before closing the currant compote, you should also prepare the lids. When everything is sterilized, the bottle can be screwed on. The jar should be turned upside down and allowed to cool. Then the container is sent for storage in a dark, secluded place.

Apricot compote

Want to know how to close apricots? A compote made from these sunny fruits can be enjoyed by both children and adults. Of course, every housewife has her own cooking secrets. For this compote you will need about 600 grams of ripe apricots, one glass of sugar and 2.5 liters of water. The fruits are sorted, washed thoroughly, and the seeds are removed. Bottles are sterilized along with their caps. Then the halves of apricots are placed in them to a third of the volume. Next, the syrup is prepared and then poured into a container.

There is another way to fill the bottle. Apricots are immediately covered with sugar and boiling water is poured into half the jar. After a quarter of an hour, without allowing the container with its contents to cool, the missing amount of water is added. After filling the bottle in one of the ways, it is twisted and turned upside down. There is another version of the recipe when the fruits are pre-cooked. However, this deprives the drink of transparency, and the apricots themselves lose their taste.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to close the compote. We looked at different recipes. In fact, everything is done easily and simply. We wish you good luck!

This is a proven, very tasty and simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter. To make this cherry compote you will need only 30 minutes.


for a 3 liter jar of compote

Cherry– 500 grams (3 cups)

Sugar- 1 glass

Water— 2.5 liters

Mint(optional) -1 sprig per jar

How to cook cherry compote for the winter

1 . Wash the berries (with or without seeds) well and remove the stems.

. Place a pot of water on the fire. Sterilize the jars (you can simply wash them thoroughly and scald them with boiling water). Divide the cherries into jars. For every three-liter jar, 3 cups of cherries (about a third of the jar).

. A sprig of mint will add a refreshing flavor to the cherry compote. This is optional, you don’t have to add mint.

4 . Add 1 cup of sugar to the jar of cherries.

. Pour boiling water over the cherries and sugar into half the jar. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes.

. Then take out the mint (if you made cherry compote with mint) and add more boiling water to the neck.

. Roll up or twist jars of cherry compote. Leave to cool with the lids down (you can “under a fur coat”). That's all!

Store the compote in the cellar for the winter.

Delicious cherry compote is ready for the winter

Cherry compote for the winter recipes

So, it's time to start stocking up for the winter. Twists, salads, vegetables and fruits. It’s so nice to discover delicious dishes during the cold season, as an ideal addition to the common table. But not only do you want to eat delicious food in the winter cold, you also want to try a piece of summer, so it will be cool cherry compote for the winter. The pleasant aroma and unforgettable taste of the juicy fruit will perfectly lift your spirits in the snow and cold. And the beneficial properties of cherries, such as thinning the blood and fighting anemia (anemia), will only give you more strength and vigor in the cold.

The first thing you need before cooking cherry compote for the winter, is to buy good cherries. Since there are so many varieties, you need to think about whether you want a sour or sweeter drink. You can also purchase additional ingredients that add even more richness to the cherry compote. This can be sugar and cinnamon, ginger and any savory herbs and seasonings that you like. It goes well with cherries and berries such as strawberries, currants and raspberries. Of course, twisting several jars with different compotes is the most ideal solution, so buy berries, jars, lids and sugar, and let’s start making amazing preparations.

How to cook delicious cherry compote:

  • When preparing cherry compote, you should know that you do not need to add citric acid to it, since this ingredient is already included in the berry.
  • If you want a delicious drink made from cherries, with a rich aroma, it is better not to separate the cherries from the seeds, since the berry itself is tasty, but all the juice and sourness will come out of the pulp if it is broken.
  • If the compote is designed for long-term storage, the seeds will have to be removed from the fruit; they will shorten the shelf life of the drink.
  • If you decide to cook cherry compote with cinnamon, be sure to take sticks. Because loose seasoning will ruin the color of the drink, it will turn cloudy and brown.
  • Don’t put too little sugar, the cherries will release juice, the compote will be more sour in winter, so don’t be afraid to over-sweet.

Cherry compote recipes

Cherry compote - quick and easy

  • Ripe red cherries - calculate the quantity so that in a 3-liter jar the berries occupy a third of the container.
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups per three-liter jar.
  • Water.

Containers for compote must be sterilized and washed well. We sterilize the lids along with the jars. In the meantime, someone is standing preparing the containers, you can do the cherries. You need to wash the cherries, sort out the wormy and burst ones, put the berries in a colander and let them drain.

Place a pan of water on the fire and boil. In each jar we put a berry, as already said, about a quarter of the total volume. Now pour in sugar and pour already boiled water on top. Now you immediately need to screw the lids on the jars. Before hiding the cherry compote in a dark and warm place, the jars should be shaken thoroughly so that the sugar is mixed and dissolves faster in the liquid. Or do it as shown in the recipe with step-by-step photos. We hide the twists and cover them with a blanket.

Cherry compote with cinnamon

  • Cherries - for a jar of 3 liters of 300 grams.
  • Cinnamon - one stick - two per jar.
  • Sugar - a glass (200 grams) per jar.
  • Water.

We sort through the cherries, the pits can be left or removed. You need to wash the berries, put them in a colander. Now we wash the jars and sterilize the lids. When the cherries are dry, place them in jars. Add a stick or two of cinnamon to them - the spice will add an incredible aroma and also reinforce the beneficial substances of the berries.

Place a pan of water and boil, then pour in the jars of cherries. Let the liquid sit for a while, maybe about half an hour, then pour it back into the pan. Add as much liquid as it has boiled away. Now put it on the fire again, add sugar. Tasty and rich cherry compote recipes which may even be completely different from one another, will turn out delicious regardless of whether you make syrup or simply pour boiling water into the jars. After boiling, turn off the heat and stir the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Fill the cherries with syrup and cover the jars with lids. The twists need to be well wrapped and placed in a dark place where no one will disturb the compote until the right moment.

Cherry compote – assorted

  • Cherries - 200 grams per jar.
  • Red currants - half a glass per jar.
  • Strawberry - half a glass per jar.
  • Sugar - a glass per jar.
  • Water.

So, how to cook compote from cherries, strawberries and currants so that it turns out tasty and sweet. We will use cherries as a basis, which you will try before purchasing. They must be sweet and preferably small in size. In any case, currants will make the compote sour, even if there are enough strawberries, sweet cherries and sugar. Therefore, you can put it in smaller jars. Sterilize the jars, wash and dry the berries, sort. Place cherries, strawberries and currants in jars, fill this aromatic mixture with sugar.

We put the water on the fire and boil, then pour it into jars with berries. Now you can twist the compote. Shake the jar thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves and the berries release juice. Cover the jars and hide them in a quiet and dark place.

Compote of cherries and apricots

  • Cherry - a glass per 3 liter jar.
  • Apricots - 10 pieces per jar.
  • Sugar – 250 grams per jar.
  • Water.

The cherries need to be sorted, putting aside the bursting and rotten ones. Rinse them under the tap and place in a colander to let the water drain. Meanwhile, also wash and sort the apricots, cut them into 2 halves, removing the pits. You need to cut it carefully so that the fruit is not torn, since it will dissolve in water and ruin the beautiful appearance, the drink will look like it has lint. Place strawberries and apricots in jars.

Place a saucepan on the fire and bring the water to a boil. If you close, for example, 10 cans, you need up to about 30 liters of water, add 250-300 grams of sugar for each liter. The water should boil after you put the sugar in the water again. Stir, let the syrup cool slightly, and only then pour it into jars.

Pour water into a large saucepan and place the jars to sterilize. The compote in the container will boil for about half an hour. Then the jars need to be tightly screwed, placed on the lids (upside down), and wrapped in a blanket, hidden in a dark place.

Cherry compote with liqueur

  • Cherries - 300 grams per 3-liter jar.
  • Sugar - a glass per jar.
  • Vanilla sugar – 3 sachets.
  • Cherry liqueur – 50 grams.
  • Water.
  • Mint - fresh leaves, 2-3 per jar.

Many housewives who are just starting to learn the art of cooking ask themselves: how to close cherry compote, where to start. It's simple, you should start by buying good products, jars and lids.

We sort out the cherries, set aside those unsuitable for preservation, rinse them under a tap with cold water, then put them in a colander and let the dirty water drain. Now remove the seeds from the berries, please note that when buying fruits, take care of large berries so that they do not spread after removing the core.

Now she will cook the cherry compote itself. You need to put a pan of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add vanillin and sugar. Boil again until the sugar melts, add alcohol, reduce heat. Now burn the cherries and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Sterilize the jars and lids, fill the containers with slightly cooled compote, and place mint leaves on top. Banks with cherry compote screw it on and put it in a quiet and warm place until winter.

Apples are the most common, almost everyone's favorite fruit. Fresh fruits can be enjoyed all year round. But if there is a garden, or a couple of apple trees grow in a country house or garden plot, then the fruiting product must be processed. We have several apple trees of different ripening periods growing on our site. There are always plenty of apples, we prepare them in different ways. Today I will share recipes for apple compote for the winter for a 3-liter jar.

Compote of apples in slices for the winter in a 3 liter jar

First, I’ll tell you a simple way to make apple compote for the winter.

You will need for a 3 liter jar:

  • Apples in slices - a third of the jar;
  • Sugar - a glass;
  • Water – 2.7 liters.


  1. First, wash the bottles and caps in the required quantity with detergent and soda, pour boiling water over them well or sterilize them over steam.
  2. Preparing the apples. It is better to take large, hard, sweet and sour fruits. We wash them, cut them into quarters, peel out the core, and cut them into slices. Immediately immerse in acidified water to avoid darkening.
  3. Fill a third of the jar with prepared apples. Immediately add boiling water and let sit for 5 minutes. It is not recommended to keep it longer. Pour sugar into the water drained from the fruit and boil. Pour the resulting syrup into bottles, roll up the lids, cover with something warm, and cool.

Advice! Add a third of a coffee spoon of citric acid to a liter of cold water.

Place the finished compote in the cold.

Whole apple compote

Recipe for a 3 liter jar:

  • Sugar – one and a half glasses;
  • The apples are small - about a kilo;
  • Water – two and a half liters.

How to cook:

  1. We choose small fruits so that they fit well in the jar. They must be undamaged; rotten and wormy ones are also not suitable. To make a compote of fresh apples for the winter, wash the fruits well and let them dry.
  2. Wash a three-liter jar with soda, fry it in the oven, boil the lid.
  3. Place dried whole apples in a jar. Laying should be no higher than hangers.
  4. Cook the syrup for several minutes, skimming off any foam that appears. There won't be much of it, but it's still better to remove it.
  5. Pour the hot, sweet syrup into a jar of apples, cover with a lid, place it in a tall container with warm water, placing a napkin on the bottom. The water in the dishes should be slightly above the hangers. Heat the water over medium heat. Sterilize the compote for 20 minutes at a gentle boil.
  6. After this, seal the jar. Leave for air cooling. The next day we take it to storage.

Recipe for apple compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar without sterilization

Here I will share a recipe for apple compote for the winter based on a 3-liter jar without sterilization.

Need to take:

  • Almost a kilogram of small apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g sugar.

This is the consumption of products for a 3 liter jar without sterilization. If the preparations are larger, we increase the set of products proportionally: we multiply the ingredients by the number of cans or apples.

Let's start preparing compote from fresh apples for the winter:

  1. We choose fresh, unspoiled fruits. Wash thoroughly. Using a sharp knife, cut out the stem and the opposite side in a circle.
  2. Place apples in steamed jars. Pour in boiling water. Cover with lids and cool completely.
  3. After cooling, pour water into a bowl, add sugar, and boil until it dissolves.
  4. Pour the prepared syrup over our apples to the very top. Some of it will be absorbed into the fruit, and the liquid will become slightly less.
  5. Roll up the compote, turn the bottles over, and wrap until completely cool. The preservation goes to the basement.

Reference! During the cooking process, the apples are saturated with syrup and slightly increase in size.

Compote of apples and plums

I think you will like the assorted compote recipe. The combination of different fruits will give the drink a brighter taste and aroma. Compote of apples and plums turns out tasty and beautiful.

Recipe 1

What you will need:

  • A kilogram of apples;
  • Half a kilo of plums;
  • A glass of sugar.

Wash the apples, cut them in half, cut out the seed box. Leave the washed plums whole or carefully remove the pit, maintaining the shape of the fruit.

  1. Place fruit in sterilized jars, pour in boiling water, cover with a boiled lid, and leave for an hour.
  2. After a while, pour the water from the bottles into a container, add sugar, boil until the syrup is completely homogeneous, and pour it into the contents of the jars. Close tightly, turn over onto the lid, cover, and let cool.

Store in the pantry or any cool place.

Recipe 2

And another simple recipe from this series, but with some differences.

  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Plums - 0.5 kg;
  • Apples - 3 pcs.;
  • Peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Wash jars and lids with baking soda and rinse thoroughly. Sterilize over steam or in the oven.

Let's wash the fruit. Divide the plums and peaches into two halves and remove the pits. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seeds. We put the fruits in bottles. Sprinkle sugar on top of the fruit. Pour hot water up to half the container and let sit for 10 minutes. Then add boiling water to the top of the neck. Immediately seal it, put it on the lid, and insulate it for a day. We take out the cooled compote for storage.

Reference! To quickly wash peaches, immerse them in water with the addition of soda. Shake the dishes and leave for 5 minutes. The fluff will float to the top.

Recipe 3

  • 3 plums;
  • 4 apples;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

Ripe, undamaged fruits are washed well with running water. Remove the pits from the plums, breaking them in half. We cut the apples into several parts, after cutting out the seed box.

Place fruit in a sterilized bottle. Fill with boiling water. Leave for an hour. Drain the water and boil for five minutes. Add sugar and cook until it dissolves. Pour the boiling compote into jars. Roll up the tin lid and turn it over. After a day we put it in the pantry.

Compote of apples and lingonberries

This preparation is suitable for those who like a rich drink without berries. Compote of apples and lingonberries, which I propose to close for the winter, will not only be tasty, but also healthy, designed for a 3-liter jar.

Required Products:

  • 1 kilogram of lingonberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

It is better to cook freshly picked lingonberries. When sorting through the berries, you need to remove the green, rotten ones. Poor quality fruits can ruin the preservation. Dry the washed berries on a paper napkin.

We use sour apples. Wash them thoroughly, remove the seeds, cut into pieces.

Pour three liters of water into the pan, add sugar, wait until it boils. Then put in the apples and after 15 minutes take them out. Add lingonberries to the resulting compote and cook for 20 minutes. When the berry gives up all its taste, it can be removed. Pour the resulting compote into a clean jar and seal it. We lower the cooled compote into the basement.

Delicious option with orange zest

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh lingonberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • Zest of one orange.

Pour 3 liters of water into an enamel pan and place it on the stove. Place washed apples, cut into four parts (without seeds), orange zest, and sugar into boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Place the apples in jars. Pour lingonberries into the compote and cook for ten minutes. Pour the finished drink into jars. Let's roll up. Place it in the cellar when cooled.

Apple and cherry plum compote

To prepare a delicious compote of apples and cherry plums for the winter for 3 jars, according to the recipe, prepare:

  • 4 apples;
  • 8 pieces of medium-sized cherry plum;
  • 150 grams of sugar.

In order for the compote to acquire a pleasant, pink color, you need to take red or purple cherry plum fruits. We take whole, well-ripened berries. We remove the branches, wash them in several waters, and remove the seeds.

  1. Wash the jars with soda and rinse thoroughly several times. Roast for 20 minutes in the oven. Clean lids must be boiled for five minutes.
  2. We take sweet varieties of apples. Wash it, cut it into slices, remove the seeds.
  3. Place a layer of apples in the jar and put cherry plum on top. Fill completely with boiling water. Cover with a lid. The fruits must be kept in boiling water for twenty minutes. Carefully pour out the water, let it boil, and pour in the fruit again. Cover with a lid and let sit for fifteen minutes.

Advice! To make it convenient to drain the water from the jar, prepare a nylon lid with large holes.

After cooling, pour the water into the pan and boil again. Pour sugar into the jar and fill it with boiling water a third time. We twist it. We place the jars upside down and cover them with a fur coat. The next day we put it in the cellar.

A simple recipe for pear and apple compote for the winter

For this preparation we will use whole apples. The recipe is simple but very good.

Required Products:

  • 5 small apples;
  • 3 large pears;
  • 230 grams of sugar.

First of all, let's prepare the fruit.

  1. We choose small, not overripe apples without damage. Wash it well, remove the tails. We will preserve them in their entirety. Large, well-ripened pears are suitable. Cut the washed fruits into three parts and remove the seeds. Very large ones can be cut into quarters.
  2. Fill the cleaned jar halfway with fruit. Gradually, so as not to burst the bottle, pour boiling water and cover with a lid. The fruits will warm up for forty minutes.
  3. After forty minutes, pour the water into the pan and add a little boiled water. Let it boil, and again pour in our assortment. Now we reduce the time the fruit stays in boiling water to thirty minutes.
  4. For the third time, pour the fruits for the same time. Add sugar to the drained fruit water and turn on the gas. After boiling, fill the jar with fruit with syrup. Roll up and let the compote cool under a warm blanket. The cooled workpiece is stored in the cold.

I described proven recipes for apple compotes for a 3-liter jar for the winter. Choose any of the suggested recipes and find some time to prepare it. And all winter you will drink delicious, and most importantly, healthy drinks.

I also advise you to watch the video recipe for apple compote. And you will see that this is not a difficult and quick preparation.

How to close the compote?

Homemade sweet preparations will never be superfluous, so many people make their own compotes from berries and fruits. But not everyone knows how to close the compote so that it turns out tasty and can be stored for a long time. We offer you several basic conservation rules.

Preparing berries and fruits

All berries and fruits for compote must be whole and fresh. Large apples and pears must first be cut, but small ones can be preserved whole. You don't have to remove the pits from cherries, plums, apricots and peaches. But wash and You need to sort through all the fruits and berries. Only raspberries are not washed!

All rotten and wormy berries must be ruthlessly discarded; dark and broken places on large fruits must be cut out - then your compote will last a long time. All debris (leaves, petioles, etc.) from small berries must also be removed. Only after this can you start canning.

Preparing containers

Three-liter glass jars are best suited for preparing compote for the winter. It is advisable to close them with metal lids. If you have jars with threads, you can use screw caps. Conventional jars are sealed using tin lids and a special seaming key. Polyethylene lids are also suitable for preservation, but an inexperienced housewife may not be able to handle them if, for example, she keeps them in boiling water.

Before closing the compote for the winter, all jars need to be thoroughly washed, even if you think they are clean. Reusable lids should also be thoroughly washed. After this, the container must be sterilized with hot steam. To do this, place the jar upside down over boiling water (to do this, you can boil water in a kettle or in a small saucepan). In this case, the neck of the jar should not touch the water. The lids must be sterilized immediately before seaming by holding them in boiling water for a few seconds.

Conservation process

Now about the conservation process itself. How to properly close a compote? To do this, sterilized jars are filled with prepared berries or fruits by about a third or up to half. After this, boiling water without sugar is poured into the jars to the very top, the jars are covered with lids and left to “rest” until they cool completely.

The cooled water is poured from the jars into a large saucepan, leaving the berries (fruits) in the jars. After this, sugar is added to the water according to the recipe. But the final the amount of sugar depends only on your taste - the compote can be made completely unsweetened.

Place the pan on the fire and let the syrup boil. The boiling syrup is again poured into the jars, filling them to the top and immediately sealed with prepared lids. If you use an automatic or semi-automatic key, then simply cover the jar with a lid, place the key on top and turn its handle six times, first clockwise, and then the same number of times in the opposite direction. Older key models have a special screw that tightens. Use this key to close the jar by rotating the handle in one direction only, and also tighten the screw several times until it stops.

The jars are turned upside down, covered with a towel and left to cool. If in an inverted jar the compote does not flow out from under the lid, and no air bubbles rise, then the jar is closed tightly. When the compote has cooled, the jar with it can be stored in a prepared place.

Now you know how to close the compote. And if your experience with preparations is still small, then it will be useful for you to watch a video on how to properly close compote.