What can be made from cola recipe. How to make Coca-Cola at home: recipe



Coca-Cola - this brand is known to people of all ages all over the planet. Almost no party, children's party, or family celebration is complete without this drink, and it can be found in any store. Cola is drunk neat, ice or lemon is added to it, used as an ingredient for various cocktails, or made into fruit ice. It appears to be the most famous and most successful product in the history of the food industry. However, everyone is familiar with the disadvantages of this drink: high sugar content, artificial ingredients, and metabolic disorders with serious consequences. But everyone still enjoys drinking cola. Maybe this list of possible uses of cola will make many people think. Here are 18 unusual ways to use cola:

COCA-COLA AS A TOILET CLEANER To clean the toilet with cola, you just need to pour it into the toilet and wait. You've already seen before what happens when you do this simple trick. Chemicals corrode everything except ceramics. After an hour, just go through the brush once, rinse and you're done!

COLA AS A STAIN REMOVER Why buy expensive stain removers when you have cola. Just add a little cola when washing and your clothes will be spotlessly clean. In addition, thanks to phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide, the chemicals included in the drink have a deodorizing effect.

COLA - GLASS CLEANER Thanks to the citric acid it contains, cola can be used to clean glass. Windows and other glass surfaces will shine clean. From now on, it won't be easy for me to order glass cleaner with ice cubes at a restaurant.

COLA AS A MEANS OF INSECT CONTROL Just like us, insects love this sweet pop. Only, unlike us, as soon as they try it, they immediately die. For example, if you pour cola on an anthill, you can destroy the entire ant family.

COCA-COLA FOR HAIR Did your hairdresser dye your hair the wrong color? No problem - cola will make your hair lighter, the result depends on the amount of liquid. This way you can save not only money on the hairdresser, but also a lot of time.

COCA-COLA - SOLVENT Chewing gum in your hair? No problem, cola will easily dissolve it. Just pour cola into your hair and remove the gum.

PAIN RELIEF If you have been bitten by a wasp or stung by a jellyfish, the chemicals contained in cola will help you cope with the pain in just a few minutes.

DISHWASHING LIQUID It is best to remove food residues in frying pans and pots with cola. The result is the same as when using cola to clean the toilet - the chemicals corrode everything.

RUST ANTI-RUST Using Coca-Cola you can easily remove rust from any surface.

PESTICIDE In India, cola is successfully used as a pesticide - it is much more effective and cheaper than using industrial chemicals. DE-ICER In winter, cola will help you get rid of ice on your car glass in no time. You just need to pour it on the windshield. FERTILIZER Cola can also be useful in the garden. Just add it to your compost every week. This will lead to the proliferation of microorganisms, whose activity is very important for increasing soil fertility. STYLING PRODUCT You can use dried cola to create curls: wet your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse with water so your hair doesn't look sticky.

SKIN CARE PRODUCT Just add cola to your moisturizer and your skin will become soft and glowing.

FURNITURE CLEANER If children have painted furniture, simply soak a rag in cola and wipe the surface. Then be sure to wash with soapy water so that the furniture is not sticky.

OIL STAIN REMOVER Spilled oil always causes many problems. If this happens, then you just need to wipe the oil stain with a sponge soaked in cola, no matter what surface it is on - on the table or on the kitchen floor, and the stain will disappear.

BLOOD STAIN REMOVER With the help of cola, you can perfectly remove blood stains not only on clothes, but also at crime scenes. Even the police use it to restore order where a murder has occurred.

COCA-COLA SERVES ART If you like vintage, you can experiment as follows: wet the photo with cola and quickly wipe it off. Brown color will “age” the photo. It's amazing what you can do with cola. Instead of buying a whole bunch of cleaning products, you can just use this fizzy drink. Only now it’s absolutely clear: you shouldn’t drink this. Share these unusual features of cola. They will open the eyes of many.

With Coca-Cola you can:

1. Remove grease stains from clothing and fabric (I had some to start with).
2. Remove rust (methods include using a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola, a sponge, or even aluminum foil).
3. Remove blood stains from clothes and products.
4. Make the layers of the pie sticky.
5. Clean up oil stains on your garage floor. Soak the stain and then simply rinse off with a hose.
6. Loosen rusted bolts. Pour Coca-Cola over them and just wait for the miracle to happen.
7. Kill slugs and snails. Pour the drink into a small bowl, it will attract them, but the acid in Coca-Cola will kill them.
8. Help your lawn become lush and green.
9. Prevent an asthma attack! The caffeine content of two cans of Coca-Cola can prevent an attack.
10. Defrost a frozen car windshield.
11. Clean the burnt pan. Just fill it with drink for a while, then wash it.
12. Descale the kettle (follow the description from point 11).
13. Neutralize a jellyfish sting.
14. Clean car battery terminals by pouring Coca-Cola inside.
15. Get rid of nausea. Drink a can of Coca-Cola right away, and then a teaspoon every hour.
16. In addition, cola can help with indigestion (it will help clear your stomach;)).
17. Make an exploding fountain from a mixture of coka-cola&mentos. To do this, take a 2-liter bottle of the drink.
18. Get rid of hiccups. Rinse your mouth with plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola.
19. Shake the cola and pour it on your car windshield to get rid of stains from midges and other clumps.
20. Method 19 is also suitable for the bumper.
21. Clean your engine. Coca-Cola distributors have been using this method for decades.
22. Use as unloading. Boil the drink and drink hot to cleanse the body. Almost like a watermelon, only unnatural.
23. Make sweet BBQ sauce. Mix a can of Coca-Cola with ketchup and brush over ribs or chicken.
24. Pour Coca-Cola over the roasting ham. The sugar will crystallize and the meat will turn out bloody.
25. Add a can of cola to the stew to tenderize it and give it a special flavor.
26. Launder metal money. Soak money in Coca-Cola and it will become shiny again.
27. Make your hair curly. Spray the drink onto your hair, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
28. Apply to your photos. For an antique effect, use cola and plain paper, wet and leave until completely dry.
29. Clean the floor. Pour the drink onto your kitchen floor, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe dry.
30. Make the meat tender. Mix a can of Coca-Cola with a packet of Italian seasoning and simmer a tough steak in the mixture.
31. Make better compost. Coca-Cola increases acidity, adds sugar and feeds microorganisms.
32. Dissolve the tooth in it. Use a closed container. Although, why do you need this at all, unless you are Hannibal Lector.
33. Remove chewing gum from hair. Dip the gum area into Coca-Cola and leave for a few minutes.
34. Get silky skin. Mix a spoonful of Coca-Cola with the lotion you use regularly.
35. Make a low-fat brownie.
36. Get rid of wasps and bees at a picnic. Pour the drink into a bowl and leave it at the place where you want to have a picnic for about an hour.
37. Remove stains from porcelain.
38. Is there a dirty pool? Add two 2 liter bottles of the drink (this works like getting rid of rust).
39. Remove odors. Add cola when washing, this will help get rid of pungent odors, especially from fish.
40. Remove dye from hair.
41. Mop the floor with Coca-Cola to make it sticky. This is a ploy by the film industry to stop actors slipping.
42. Remove marker stains from carpet. Treat the stain with Coca-Cola, then with a brush, and then rinse with soapy water. How to wash a Coca-Cola stain is no longer for me.
43. Clean the toilet. Soak for a while and then rinse with clean water.
44. For a deep tan (although in my opinion this will cause cancer).
45. Prevents the formation of kidney stones if you drink Coca-Cola regularly.
46. ​​Wash down the burger.
47. Use to restore your azaleas or gardenias.
48. Coca-Cola and aluminum foil will make chrome shine.
49. Remove paint from metal furniture. Soak a towel in Coca-Cola and cover the entire surface of the furniture for several days. Make sure you keep adding Coca-Cola to keep the towel moist and prevent it from drying out. (Looks like I'd rather buy paint stripper.)
50. Add to vodka, rum or bourbon.
51. Drink straight from the can if you can. Too sweet for me.

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Good day, dear readers of our delicious blog! Today we will look at a recipe for Coca-Cola at home in 5 minutes. Coca-Cola is the most expensive and fashionable carbonated drink in the whole world.

It was invented in the United States of America at the end of the 19th century, but initially it was not at all popular among Americans. The future legendary drink was sold in pharmacies, and customers purchased it poorly. But at the beginning of the 20th century, cola became widely known in America, and since then it began to conquer other countries and entire continents.

Probably, many were wondering what this world-famous drink is made from. Of course, we also don’t know the manufacturer’s trade secret, but using ordinary ingredients we will try to prepare a homemade substitute for the miracle drink.

It doesn’t taste much different from the original, but all the ingredients are familiar to us, unlike factory Coca-Cola.

So you don’t have to worry about how drinking this tasty brown liquid will affect your body. And this is a big plus of the homemade option. In addition, preparing the drink will not take much of your time; you will only need 5-10 minutes and a little effort to please your loved ones and friends. So how to make Coca-Cola at home?


1. Rosehip syrup - 2 tablespoons

2. Granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons

3. Sparkling water - 250 ml.

4. Chicory - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. Take chicory and pour it into a deep bowl, add sugar there.

3. Now gradually pour a glass of sparkling water into these components in small portions, and continue to thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The result is a brown liquid, with a yellowish foam forming on top.

4. At the next stage, we need to pass the resulting mixture through a layer of gauze. To do this, put gauze on a bowl and pour the brown liquid into it. We don’t need all the grains that remain on the gauze; they can be put aside.

5. We only used 250 ml of the bottle of soda. Now slowly pour the strained mixture into the remaining water. For convenience, use a special funnel for pouring so as not to spill the liquid. After pouring, cover the bottle with a cap to prevent gas from escaping.

6. Our wonderful and popular drink is ready! Everything is very simple. You can try it yourself and treat your family and guests! Coca-Cola goes well with both sweets and meat and other dishes. So you can serve it with anything. Bon appetit!

Sports drink recipe video:

Everyone knows that the producers of the famous drink do not reveal their secrets; they keep the composition of the product secret. And a trade secret is a serious thing! Therefore, we can try to guess the ingredients of Coca-Cola as much as we like, but the original components will remain unknown to us.

But we tried to cook it in 5 minutes at home! And it seems that we got a good option, considering the fact that we made the legendary drink right in our kitchen, and not in a special factory!

There are many options for homemade cola, for example, instead of rosehip syrup, use blueberry syrup. To prepare homemade brown “yummy” they also use: lemons, limes, cinnamon, vanilla, caramel, special sauces, orange oil and even whiskey. There are a lot of different versions, and they are all similar to the original.

Dear readers, please send your comments and improvements! Subscribe to blog updates and share information about it with your friends. Cook and try new delicious dishes together! Goodbye!

Previously, lemonade was made from citrus juice, water and sugar. Everyone drank this cool drink with pleasure and did not worry about harm. Thanks to the influence of advertising, Coca-Cola became very popular. If you read the composition, you can see that it contains a lot of preservatives and other chemicals. This information is terrifying, but not many are ready to give up their favorite product. There is a way out - cook it yourself. In this article you will get acquainted with the composition of this drink and learn how to make Coca-Cola at home from harmless ingredients. The recipes are so simple that even a novice cook can handle them.

A little history

In the twentieth century, Coca-Cola quickly rose to the peak of its popularity. This was largely due not to her taste, but to competent PR and advertising techniques. Everyone drinks this drink: children and adults, partygoers and serious careerists. It all started in 1886, when an ordinary pharmacist from Atlanta had the idea to brew an unusual syrup.

Pemberton used cola nuts and coca leaves to prepare it. By the way, this is where the name Coca-Cola comes from. Since ancient times, the Indians knew that these plants help lift the mood. The pharmacist was also aware of this effect and decided to use it. Over time, the syrup became popular in the city as an additive to soda. And later a company was created to produce this miracle drink on an industrial scale.

Secret Ingredient Revealed

Because the people at Coca-Cola were savvy PR people, they came up with a clever move to increase the popularity of the product. A rumor was spread that the drink contains one mysterious ingredient, and information about it is in a bank safe. Moreover, it can only be opened by the board of directors when it gets together. They even said that many spies tried to reveal the secret of cola, but failed, paying with their lives.

One day the company decided to sell the drink in Turkey. And everything was going well until one organization noticed it. It turned out that hiding the ingredients of the product violates Turkish law. The case went to court, and then the secret had to be revealed to the world.

Coca-Cola's secret ingredient was red food coloring, which was obtained by processing small insects called cochineal worms. They have been used since ancient times to add color to candies, creams and wine. In addition to cochineal, the lemonade included oils of orange, lemon, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Modern composition of the drink

The Coca-Cola we are used to is made according to a different recipe. There are no kola nuts, coca extract, or bug dye in it. But even a modern Coca-Cola drink will amaze with its composition. I mean that in a bad way.

According to the label, Coca-Cola recipe contains sugar, artificial color, caffeine, flavorings, carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid. The greatest harm is caused by the last ingredient, which is an excellent solvent. It doesn’t matter that it is contained in a tiny dose. Some people drink this drink often and in large quantities. And no one has canceled the accumulation effect.

So it’s worth thinking about what you drink before buying another bottle of your favorite drink. After all, it is used to remove rust, scale, wash off blood and even get rid of slugs. Of course, there is nothing better than making Coca-Cola at home than using all sorts of chemicals.

Harmless cola: ingredients

If you decide to make a popular drink yourself, then this is the right decision. This recipe will make delicious and refreshing lemonade without preservatives, dyes or other harmful substances. Of course, the taste will be different, but not much. In just half an hour you will prepare a healthy drink that can be given without fear even to children.

So, before making Coca-Cola at home, prepare the ingredients. This:

  • Water - one liter.
  • Lemon and lime - one piece at a time.
  • Two oranges.
  • Sparkling water.
  • Sugar - 300 grams.
  • Natural coffee - two tablespoons. But you don't have to add it.
  • Nutmeg - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon - three sticks. Or a teaspoon of ground.
  • Coriander beans - a teaspoon. Or two teaspoons of ground.
  • Vanilla essence - half a teaspoon.

Preparing a drink for coloring

First, let's prepare the sugar caramel that is needed to color our homemade Coca-Cola drink. Place a glass of very hot water next to the stove in advance. Later you will understand why this is necessary. Pour sugar (five tablespoons) into a deep saucepan or frying pan and pour in a little water (a tablespoon will be enough). Keep over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula.

Caramel is prepared very quickly - in just five minutes. It can burn quickly, so stay close to the stove. First, the water will evaporate and the sugar will dry out and resemble salt. If it clumps or sticks to the bottom, don't worry, that's normal. The main thing is not to stop stirring. Then the caramel will begin to melt. Sugar lumps will stop sticking and dissolve. From this point on, it is important not to miss the darkening of the caramel, which occurs in a matter of seconds. If it turns black, homemade Coca-Cola will not taste good.

As soon as the caramel turns dark brown and begins to bubble, you need to immediately pour the glass of water into it, which was mentioned earlier. Do this carefully, otherwise you will get hot splashes. Stirring constantly, keep the mixture over high heat for another half a minute. The color for the soda is ready.

Making the second component of the drink

Soak citrus fruits in warm water and wash thoroughly with a brush to remove wax. Remove the zest in a thin layer with a grater or knife. Remove the white layer. Squeeze the juice out of the remaining portion.

Pour a liter of boiling water over sugar, coriander, nutmeg, cinnamon and zest. Keep on fire for a minute. In this recipe, the sugar is calculated for a product of medium sweetness. Therefore, you can increase or decrease its amount if desired. We are simply telling you how to make Coca-Cola at home; you have to decide for yourself whether it will be cloying or slightly sweet.

Add vanilla extract to the resulting mixture, pour in citrus juice and caramel for coloring, which you prepared earlier. Turn off the fire. Grind the coffee, pour boiling water over it and leave for ten minutes. Then strain and add to the prepared mixture. Coffee gives lemonade its characteristic taste. If you do not drink this drink or prepare water for children, simply do not add it.

The syrup needs to brew and cool, so put it in the refrigerator for several hours, or even better, overnight. Serve Coca-Cola in a special way. Fill the glass halfway with syrup and top up with sparkling water. Garnish with ice cubes and mint leaves if desired.

Anyone who lived in Soviet times remembers Baikal lemonade. This is a tonic natural herbal drink, a good alternative to Coca-Cola. Try cooking it yourself and see how delicious it is. Half of the ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy, and the rest can probably be found at home.

So, you will need:

  • ten grams of St. John's wort herb;
  • ten grams of eleutherococcus;
  • ten grams of licorice root (can be taken in powder);
  • ten grams of fir needles;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • two hundred grams of sugar (or stevia powder);
  • three liters of water.

Don't be afraid that you'll end up with a forest-flavored Coca-Cola. The herbal notes will be subtle and will not spoil the drink.

Preparing an herbal alternative

First you need to prepare an infusion. Place the herbs in a saucepan and stir. Meanwhile, boil water. Pour the herbal mixture over it and leave to steep for three hours.

Strain the cooled mixture and bring to a boil again. Add lemon juice and sugar. When it dissolves, turn off the heat. If everything is done correctly, the color of the drink will be dark. You can try replacing regular water with mineral water. Better yet, use a siphon to fill the lemonade with gas.

As you can see, the recipes are very simple and do not require special knowledge. And most importantly, the end result is natural and tasty drinks.

Of course, the secret of producing the original drink is kept in the deepest secrecy by the producers themselves. Of course, this is a commercial secret, something like a military secret, which cannot be revealed to anyone under any conditions or circumstances. But today we will play the role of culinary agents 007, spies, revealing the secret of how to make Coca-Cola at home with our own hands, what ingredients you need to take for this purpose, how to mix it correctly to get a drink that tastes identical.

A little history and theory

As you know, Coca-Cola is recognized as the most famous and expensive brand in the world among manufacturers (according to international research agencies 2005-2015). The drink itself is sold successfully in more than 200 countries around the world. According to the official legend, Coca-Cola was invented in Atlanta (USA) in 1886. The main ingredients of the original recipe included coca leaves (the same ones from which the drug is produced!) and nuts from the cola tree, which grows in the tropics. At the beginning, the drink was sold in pharmacies, and it was bought rather poorly (revenue for the first year of sales was only $50). And already in 1902 the drink became the most famous in the USA. Subsequently, fresh coca leaves were no longer added as part of the fight against cocaine in the country. Other well-known ingredients include caffeine and caramel coloring, cinnamon and lime, vanilla and orange oil. They say even a certain amount of alcohol.

Today we’ll look at how to make Coca-Cola at home. The ingredients that we will use, of course, have nothing to do with coca leaves. But we assure you that the taste will be no worse than the well-known original composition. There are several ways to make Coca-Cola at home. All drinks are very tasty. Let's look at some.

How to make Coca-Cola at home. Recipe No. 1

For this recipe you will need: 100 g of dry ground chicory (as for preparing a small bottle of rosehip syrup and blueberry syrup), granulated sugar and one and a half liters of the simplest drinking carbonated water (not salted).

Pour one glass of soda from the bottle. Pour three large spoons of chicory into a bowl. Then - 5 heaped spoons of sugar. Two tablespoons of rosehip syrup. One large spoon of blueberry syrup. Pour a glass of soda and mix thoroughly so that both chicory and sugar are completely dissolved. Filter the resulting mixture through a layer of gauze folded in half. Little by little, in a thin stream, we begin to pour the dressing mixture back into the bottle. Only this must be done carefully, since when pouring very quickly, a thick foam forms that comes out of the bottle. After the filling mixture is completely poured into the bottle, the water in it acquires a “Coca-Cola” characteristic color, quite close to the original. Here's how to make Coca-Cola at home. It's quite simple and the ingredients are quite affordable. So, we go to the nearest supermarket, buy what we need and prepare it, for example, for a children’s party (five bottles at once).

It is advisable to drink it chilled and immediately, since during long-term storage the gas evaporates quite quickly, leaving just sweet, tasty water. Maximum - half a day in the refrigerator. In general, this kind of Coca-Cola is good at parties and at all kinds of celebrations organized for children, as an alternative to the original.

How to make Coca-Cola at home No. 2

Probably everyone has their own ideas about the taste of this drink. Because the composition below differs significantly from the previous version, but is also tasty. Actually, it’s not even the drink itself, but the Coca-Cola syrup from which it can be made. This syrup is stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, which also differs from the above drink.

We will need: one liter of clean water, one lemon, lime, orange, two tablespoons of lemon zest (grated from the lemon), a little cinnamon, a whole kilogram of granulated sugar on the tip of a knife, vanilla on the tip of a knife, a third of a glass of Heinz BBQ sauce.

Let's start cooking. Pour a liter of water into a container, pour spices and zest into it. Then, stirring, add all the sugar until completely dissolved and cook (do not boil!) on the lowest heat for a very short time. Remove from heat, add lime, lemon, and orange juice. We also add BBQ. Mix everything again and cool. When the mixture has cooled, strain onto double cheesecloth. The syrup is ready. Finally cool it in the refrigerator. Before serving, throw a few ice cubes into a glass, pour in half a glass of syrup and half a glass of plain soda or soda.

How to make Coca-Cola at home for adults: add a few spoons to the same glass