Jam made from apples with tails is transparent. Making jam from whole paradise apples

Apple jam is a very appetizing, tasty and healthy delicacy. You can prepare this wonderful dessert from both cultivated varieties of apple trees and wild ones. Wild apples differ from garden apples, perhaps, only in their small size, while in taste and beneficial properties these fruits are almost identical.

How to make apple jam from wild game?

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients needed for our jam:

  • wild apples - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • purified water - 250 ml.


The wild fruit should be cleared of the stalks, washed under cool water, the fruits should be placed in a colander and given time so that excess liquid can drain from them. Next, you have two options to choose from - you can make jam from whole fruits (for example, if you use wild ranetki) or from apple slices.

If you choose the first option, then you should not peel the apples, since during the cooking process they will become very soft, and not a trace will remain of their former hardness. If you prefer the second option, then wild apples should be cut in half, cored and cut into slices.

Place the prepared fruits (whole or slices) into an enamel bowl, pour in purified water and cover with granulated sugar. Apples should be simmered over low heat. As soon as the fruits release juice and there is a significant amount of sweet syrup in the container, you can time the 30-40 minutes during which the cooking of our delicacy should continue. All this time, the jam should be continuously stirred and the resulting foam should be removed.

Wild apples are much tougher than garden apples, and therefore the time for preparing jam from them increases significantly. If unripe fruits were picked, it is recommended to extend the cooking time to 1 hour.

Prepare glass jars for jam. To do this, they need to be carefully washed with baking soda, pasteurized, and then dried thoroughly. Pour hot apple jam into jars and seal them with metal lids using a sealing wrench. Store containers that have cooled at room temperature in a cool place.

Apples, especially if they are whole in such jam, are unusually sweet, well soaked in sugar syrup. Having bitten them, you will feel a piquant sourness, giving this dessert a pleasant, incomparable forest aroma.

Paradise apple jam is a delicious homemade dessert that the housewife can be truly proud of. After all, preparing delicacies requires considerable experience and great dexterity. The most popular dessert option is jam made from whole heavenly apples.

Jam from ranetkas (also called apples of paradise) can be cooked in different ways: with or without tails, whole or by dividing the fruits into slices.

Paradise apples: cooked whole

Many people love jam from heavenly apples, boiled whole. There are no difficulties in preparing it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.

Will need:

  • . apples (5 kg);
  • . granulated sugar (4 kg);
  • . water (3 l).


  • . In order for the jam from paradise apples to be successful, you need to take ripe, but not overripe fruits. Wash the fruit and remove the receptacle. The tail needs to be shortened by about 1/3 of the entire length.
  • . Each apple must be pierced in several places. The best way to do this is to use a wooden toothpick.
  • . Apples prepared in this way must be blanched (kept in boiling water for no more than three minutes).
  • . From boiling water, immediately lower the fruits into cold water.
  • . Now you can start cooking the syrup. Syrup for jam from paradise apples, prepared according to a traditional recipe. Sugar is placed in cold water, then brought to a boil. Strain the syrup and let it boil again.
  • . Next, pour the slightly cooled syrup over the fruit and leave until completely cool.
  • . Then bring to a boil again and cook for no longer than ten minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  • . After five hours, put the container on the fire again, bring the contents to a boil and cook for another ten minutes. You can’t stir the jam, you just need to shake it gently. Only in this case will the apples retain their integrity. Repeat all steps again after five hours.

The readiness of the jam can be determined by the color of the apples: they should have a rich amber hue. The jam made from paradise apples prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly beautiful. And fruits can be used to decorate baked goods and homemade desserts.

Place the cooled sweets into sterilized jars.

Paradise apple jam with tails

For preparation you will need:

  • . ranetki (2 kg);
  • . granulated sugar (1.6 kg);
  • . water (600 ml);
  • . lemon juice.


  • . The fruits need to be washed, sorted and pricked in several places with a wooden toothpick.
  • . Blanch the ranetki in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and immediately cool by placing them in a dish with cold water.
  • . You need to take a fairly large container (an enamel basin or a deep pan) and prepare the syrup in it. Pour the amount of sugar according to the recipe into the required volume of water and bring the liquid to a boil. Cook the syrup for about three minutes and turn off the heat.
  • . Place the previously prepared apples into the slightly cooled syrup and leave them to soak for four hours. The container must be shaken periodically.
  • . When the time is up, the apples in the syrup need to be boiled again. Cook them for five minutes. Then the container must be removed from the heat again and the jam left for another four hours. Then repeat the cooking again. After the second cycle, add lemon juice to the half-finished jam from paradise apples with tails.

The finished dessert is transferred, slightly cooled, into prepared jars and rolled up.

Paradise apple jam, prepared with the addition of citric acid, always turns out transparent. For this recipe you will need:

  • . apples of paradise (1 kg);
  • . sugar (1.2 kg);
  • . water (one and a half glasses);
  • . citric acid (1/4 teaspoon).

To make heavenly apple jam transparent, you must follow the following technology:

  • . Ranetki need to be washed and all fruits with wormholes removed. Then pierce each apple with a toothpick to the core.
  • . Pour water over sugar and immediately add citric acid. Boil the syrup.
  • . Place the apples in boiling syrup and cook over low heat for no longer than ten minutes. Do not disturb the fruits during cooking, but only gently shake the container with jam.
  • . Remove from heat and leave to soak for a day.
  • . Then cook the jam again for another 10 minutes.

Now we check the readiness of the apples: if the apple becomes transparent when cut and resembles good marmalade, then the dessert is ready.

Paradise apple jam, prepared according to this recipe, is placed in jars while hot.

“Paradise” jam with cinnamon and walnuts

The jam made from paradise apples is incredibly tasty, where the recipe contains cinnamon and walnuts. Such a dessert may well become the housewife's calling card. Heavenly apple jam in this version, prepared for the winter, will become a favorite delicacy for all household members.

And now about how to make such jam from heavenly apples. Will need:

  • . ranetki (1.2 kg);
  • . granulated sugar (0.9 kg);
  • . walnuts (1.5 cups);
  • . cinnamon (teaspoon);
  • . lemon;
  • . water (glass),


  • . Prepare the apples: wash, sort, chop.
  • . Grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • . In a cooking container, prepare syrup from water, lemon juice, lemon zest and sugar.
  • . After the syrup has boiled a little, you can add apples, nuts and cinnamon to it.
  • . Cook paradise apple jam over low heat for fifteen minutes. Let cool and cook again. A total of three cooking cycles should take place.

According to this recipe, jam from paradise apples can also be cooked with the stem. It must be placed in jars while hot.

There are a lot of ways to prepare the delicacy. And although it takes quite a lot of time to prepare the dessert, heavenly apple jam is worth it.

Paradise apple jam is made from whole fruits - you can remove the stems before cooking, or you can leave them and then decorate cakes and pastries with cute little apples. This preparation will perfectly replenish your supplies for the winter, especially since it is no more difficult to make than any other. You will find the recipes and technology for preparing it from heavenly apples in our article. The only thing is to carefully select ripe, not wrinkled and not wormy fruits, sort them by color and size, and then proceed directly to the process, which, although it takes a lot of time, is quite simple.

Paradise apple jam: classic recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • a kilogram of heavenly apples;
  • 1.3, or a little more than a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of filtered water.

Sort and wash the fruits; the stems can be removed or left as is. Prick each apple with a toothpick or thick needle in several places. Then prepare syrup from the specified amount of water and sugar. In order for you to end up with delicious and perfect jam from paradise apples, the recipe (technology) involves cooking in several stages, so be patient. First you need to pour sugar syrup over the fruit and leave it to stand for a day. Then drain the liquid, boil, add back to the apples while hot and leave for another 24 hours. And only on the third day can you put the pan with all the contents on the stove and bring the jam to readiness. You can check it like this: take a drop of liquid, pour it onto a plate and observe. If it spreads, cook for some more time; if not, then feel free to pour the fragrant jam into jars, roll up the lids and store in a dark place until winter.

Paradise apple jam: a recipe for amber winter preparation

Although this cooking option is similar to the previous one in terms of the number of ingredients, the cooking technology itself is somewhat different. But it is she who will help you get delicious and very beautiful, amber jam from paradise apples. To prepare, take:

  • 1.5 kg of fruit;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of plain filtered water or apple juice.

Wash the apples, sort them, remove the stem. Prick it in several places with a match or toothpick, and then blanch (boil) in boiling water for several minutes. Remove the fruits with a slotted spoon and place them in cold water, in which they should soak for 24 hours. After the specified time, pour syrup cooked from the specified amount of sugar and water over the apples. By the way, it will be very tasty if you replace the water with apple juice: you can squeeze it yourself, or you can buy it ready-made. After the fruit in the syrup has cooled, place the pan on the stove and boil the jam for a quarter of an hour. The apples will become transparent and the color of the liquid will resemble amber. Now you know how to make paradise apple jam. The recipe for cooking it is no more complicated than any other preparation, and in winter you can use the most aromatic supply to decorate baked goods, and also simply as an excellent addition to tea.

An amber dessert made from paradise apples is one of our favorite delicacies. Tart miniature fruits with a wonderful aroma and soaked in sugar syrup allow you to enjoy them as a dessert and use them as a spectacular decoration for pastries and pies.

Recipe for jam from paradise apples with tails

The “Chinese” variety produces a delicious, aromatic and tasty delicacy, and if you don’t remove the tails, it will look impressive. Try one of the most accessible and famous recipes - miniature heavenly apples in clear syrup.


Servings: – + 120

  • Paradise apples 2 kg
  • Water ½ l
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Per serving

Calories: 47 kcal

Proteins: 0.04 g

Fats: 0.04 g

Carbohydrates: 11.48 g

4 hours 0 min. Video recipe Print

    We prepare the products. We wash the fruit well. Using scissors, shorten the ponytails by about a quarter. Then we pierce each fruit with a thick needle. You can make a couple of punctures. This condition is necessary so that the skin does not crack during cooking.

    Now let's move on to preparing the syrup. Mix granulated sugar with filtered water and place on the stove. When it boils, let it cook for 1 minute.

    Add fruit to the syrup and press it with something heavy, for example, a plate, so that they are completely submerged in water. If the apples are not submerged in this way, then when the juice appears they will drown on their own.

    Bring to a boil and heat over low heat for about 30 minutes. Remove the future jam from the stove and leave to cool for 24 hours.

    A day later, having removed the load, we put it on the stove again. After waiting for it to boil, turn off the heat and cool for 5 hours. Let's repeat this procedure three times.

    After the last stage, the jam is rolled into sterile 800-gram jars. Turn the container upside down until it cools completely.

    Cooled canned food should be stored in a cool, dark place and is recommended to be consumed within a year.

    Recipe for making miniature apples with lemon

    The wonderful combination of fruits and citruses gives the jam a pleasant aroma. In addition to the fact that it turns out very tasty, it will contain many vitamins. The simplest recipe will be a bonus.

    Cooking time: 150 minutes

    Number of servings: 120

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​47 kcal;
    • proteins – 0.05 g;
    • fats – 0.04 g;
    • carbohydrates – 11.51 g.


    • apples of paradise – 2 kg;
    • sugar – 1.3 kg;
    • water – 0.5 l;
    • lemon – 120 g.

    Step-by-step preparation

    1. We thoroughly wash the apples and pierce them with a needle or toothpick. We cut the tails by a third so that about 2 cm remain, so they will look better. Place the prepared fruits in a bowl.
    2. Boil water and pour in fruit. Cover the workpiece with a lid and leave for 35 minutes. After this, strain the resulting liquid into a saucepan.
    3. Add sugar and boil golden syrup. We also put processed fruits here.
    4. Leave the future jam overnight. After the time has passed, pour the syrup without apples into another container, squeeze lemon juice and chopped zest into it. Repeat boiling.
    5. Add prepared fruits to sugar syrup with citrus. Keep on low heat for 20 minutes. After this, distribute the jam into processed jars. Sterilization is not necessary. Seal and wrap with a blanket until completely cool.

    Advice: When adding lemon or orange to jam, it is correct to remove the seeds, otherwise during boiling and storage a bitter taste will come out and the delicacy will become unfit for consumption.

    Recipe for making heavenly apples in a slow cooker

    A device such as a multicooker will help you easily and quickly prepare a homemade dessert from tiny shells for the winter. Due to the high content of nutrients, jam can be included in the diet even during breastfeeding. And the recipe is quite simple.

    Cooking time: 40 minutes

    Number of servings: 120

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​46.68 kcal;
    • proteins – 0.04 g;
    • fats – 0.04 g;
    • carbohydrates – 11.48 g.


    • apples of paradise – 2 kg;
    • water – 0.5 l;
    • sugar – 1.5 kg.

    Step-by-step preparation

    1. We select beautiful whole apples that are not damaged.
    2. Wash thoroughly and remove the stalks. Pierce with a needle or fork in several places.
    3. Boil water in a saucepan, putting the apples in it for a couple of seconds so that the skin becomes soft. After this, you need to quickly move the fruits into cold water and leave them for a few minutes. If the skin is initially thin, then this procedure can be skipped.
    4. Next, put the prepared apples into the slow cooker. It should be half filled with small fruits. Add sugar and lay out another layer of apples, and sand again on top. This is done so that the future dessert is well soaked.
    5. Simmer apples in a slow cooker for 40 minutes. The braising time depends on the hardness of the peel. It may take an hour and a half to fully cook.
    6. After preparing the delicacy, it should be rolled into pre-sterilized jars and left to cool in the room.

    Advice: In a slow cooker you can prepare paradise apple jam according to any recipe. Replace stewing with the “Baking” mode, adding another 5 minutes to the specified time.

    The taste of this dessert is much more pleasant and interesting than the apple jam we are used to. Due to the miniature size of the fruit, there is no need to chop the preparations and cut them into slices. This makes the job easier and at the same time gives an attractive appearance to winter sweets with small fruits in clear syrup. Making a dessert from shellfish is not difficult: you can watch a video or step-by-step photos, and you will do it no worse than Grandma Emma.

If you come across some unusual little apples, be sure to hurry and buy them. This variety of apples is called “Paradise”. And it’s not just like that! Transparent jam with tails is made from heavenly apples and is simply delicious!

Yes, yes, you heard right - jam is made from whole fruits, directly with the stalks (tails). After all, this detail is the so-called “calling card” of this famous delicacy.

The “Paradise” apples themselves have a rather tart taste (not for everyone), and they are stored for a short period of time, no more than 2 months, after which they begin to lose their taste. But their jam turns out to be unusually tasty and beautiful, with a transparent amber tint.

Note to the housewife: If you want to make amber jam from whole fruits, you should follow certain cooking secrets: clear jam is cooked in short bursts over 3 days. Otherwise, you will just end up with “apple porridge” with tails.

Transparent paradise apple jam with tails


  • “Paradise” apples (without rot or wormholes) – 1 kg;
  • White crystalline sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Water – 400 ml.

Step-by-step description of preparation:

  1. Wash the apples thoroughly, removing leaves and receptacles if necessary. Then prick each fruit in several places using a toothpick.
  2. Dip the chopped apples into boiling water for a few seconds, then immediately remove them and place them in a bowl of cold water.
  3. Next, start preparing the sugar syrup. To do this, you should add the amount of sugar indicated in the list of ingredients in hot water (400 ml) and bring the resulting liquid to a boil. After 3 minutes of simmering, remove syrup from heat and cool slightly (syrup should remain warm).
  4. Remove the apples from the water and place them in a wide bowl intended for making jam. Then pour warm syrup over them and leave until the syrup has cooled completely;
  5. Next, put the basin on the fire, bring its contents to a boil and cook for no more than 10 minutes at a low boil;
  6. A day later, add sliced ​​lemon to the apples and put the bowl back on the fire. Bring the contents to a boil, set aside for 10 minutes and remove the basin from the stove. Remember, you can’t stir the jam! Just shake lightly. Otherwise, you risk damaging the integrity of the fruit;
  7. The next day, repeat all the above cooking steps. After this, you will only need to carefully package the beautiful amber jam into a pre-prepared container and seal it tightly.

If you think that it is quite difficult to cook exquisite amber jam from heavenly apples entirely in syrup for the winter, you are deeply mistaken. Using the video recipe below, you can easily prepare it yourself. So, don’t hesitate – be sure to prepare it! Your household will be delighted!

Whole small apple jam with cinnamon

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Small apples “Paradise” - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Apple juice – 1 tbsp.;
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp if in powder, 1 tsp if in whole sticks;
  • Oranges – 2 pcs.

Step-by-step description of preparation:

  1. Making jam from small apples is very convenient because the fruits do not require special processing or preparation. They do not need to be peeled and cored and then cut into slices. Everything is extremely simple - you just need to select good apples (without damage, wormholes or rot), wash them thoroughly, dry them and prick them in several places with a toothpick or skewer. Then the chopped fruit is dipped in boiling water for 2-3 seconds and immediately transferred to a bowl filled with cold water.
  2. Cut the washed oranges and zest into slices, pour in apple juice and boil until soft. Then add granulated sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After the sugar has dissolved, dip the prepared apples into the orange syrup, bring to a boil and after 10-12 minutes remove from the heat. Leave it overnight.
  4. The next day, put the future jam back on the stove, boil (always over low heat) and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat again and leave to steep overnight.
  5. At the last stage of preparation, after a day, cinnamon is added to the apples, the mass is lightly mixed by lightly shaking the container and boiled again at a low boil for 10 minutes.
  6. Place the finished jam in sterile jars, roll it up and turn it upside down, leave until cooled. Store in a basement or storage room.

To ensure that the delicacy is transparent, the jam from paradise apples with tails should be cooked only over low heat. Since intense boiling helps to change the characteristic amber shade into a darker one. And besides, the taste of the jam is lost due to intense boiling and becomes caramel-sticky (like burnt sugar).