Introduce pancakes. A story about pancakes

Kozhina Lyudmila

On September 26, in our village, workers of the Cultural and Sports Complex held a competition “Without damn it Maslyona"

And the staff of our kindergarten took an active part in the competition; our task is to prepare different pancake dishes and present them in a stage performance. I present to your attention script for our performance.

Leading:Come here, honest people rosy pancakes

Hot, hot, out of the oven, all rosy and delicious

Dishes We have different ones, let's try them now

A song is being performed: Pancakes

1. We are ruddy pancakes.

How delicious they are!

Everyone in the world is in love

The mouth-watering pancakes!

2. With meat, butter, mushrooms,

With fruits and vegetables.

3. Five eggs, a glass of flour

Oil, cup, two hands.

Soda, salt and milk -

The mixer turns easily.

He spun and spun -

The pancake turned out thin.

4. Like sunshine dish,

Even on cloudy days

They give people a mood

They are excellent!

With very kind hands

Prepared pancakes.

And, of course, you yourself

You must try them!

5. With sour cream and caviar!

With jam, with honey and preserves,

With "condensed milk" - delicious!

6. With cottage cheese or cabbage,

With powdered sugar, delicious.

7. What are we up to? pancakes

Wonderfully delicious!

Well, of course, you yourself

You must try them!

They are with honey and jam,

Good with sour cream.

It's just pure pleasure

For the stomach and soul!

8. Today we have Gourmand!

A treat - this time!

Lunch is two!

Dancing right at the table!

Ditties are performed

1. Come, come in

For ruddy pancakes.

Today is Maslen week -

Be happy like us!

2. Fifth damn I devoured it,

My skirt burst.

I'll go sew up my skirt

To eat pancakes again.

3. Eat! Drink! Help yourself!

And have more fun!

Maslenitsa is at the gates!

Open your mouth wider!

4. We are on Oil Week

One hundred pancakes They probably ate it.

With honey, butter and jam.

Yummy! Lunch!

5. Pancake with jam, pancake with caviar!

With spring water!

The Sun Festival has come to us!

It feels so good!

6. Like during Shrovetide

On the tables pancakes were flying!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,

All blush, hot!

7. If you want to be healthy,

Eat it pancake with milk,

If you want to be cheerful -

That one with pickled cucumber!

8. I'm ready for Maslena

Eat 50 pancakes.

I'll eat them with some baked goods,

I'll try to lose weight.

9. Come Sunday

We ask everyone for forgiveness.

Our good aspirations

They inspire admiration.

We performed, I think, the best and prepared a lot of different delicious dishes and took 1st place in the competition.

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(phonogram sounds): “Hello, it’s news time in the kindergarten. Yesterday in the city of Chulym, Novosibirsk region, the “Smile” kindergarten was completed.

Life is like damn, haven’t you noticed?
I'm telling you exactly!
Pancake many realities
Both in dreams and in reality...

There are lives as damn simple
No fillings or decorations...
There are such lives in oil -
Not for all of us!

There are bad lives too,
There are thicker ones, fatter ones...
Our life is like a pancake
Only pancakes taste better!

A lonely pancake lies on a platter
And sadly awaits the interesting filling...
He was the only one left from the pile,
So miserable, thin and insipid...

He waits until the clumsy hand
Feel free to pour condensed milk or honey...
And then, as if on the sly,
Decide to eat it alone skillfully!

Well, in the meantime we went for a smoke break
All those who were sitting at the table today
There's a lonely pancake on the platter
So lonely in a pancake guise...

Baking pancakes is a great temptation,
Especially for those who are on a diet!
Such a delicious treat today
Housewives bake together at dawn!

Skillfully oiling the frying pan,
Pour in the dough with a huge ladle...
A pancake is being baked to go with vodka
With red caviar or something modest!

The mountain of pancakes grows in the kitchen decorously,
And it smells like delicious pancakes again...
There are definitely reasons for Maslenitsa,
So that the pancake treat becomes the basis!

How many pancakes to crush?
To become even more beautiful?
Maybe five, or maybe ten?
Will the scales at least weigh you later?

I suggest not to eat,
My advice now is to listen
It's worth trying a little
Everything they give you now!

Pancake with different fillings
Just put one in your mouth!
Take half a bite
Everything that the people honor!

Don't load the pancakes
Eat a little of everything...
Glory to Maslyan, walk!
May spring come soon!

Hurry to coat the pancake with butter
And eat the pancake deliciously, from the heart!
You're supposed to eat pancakes for a week
And listen to congratulations on Maslenitsa!

Today it's pancake to pancake face
We need to gobble it up quickly!
They are so tasty, rosy...
So very, very long-awaited!

Roll it up with an envelope or a corner,
But eat it quickly later!
Choose the filling yourself
Place pancake after pancake in your stomach!

If I ask you to name any first dish of Russian cuisine that comes to mind, which one will you name? I think most people will remember pancakes. What would it be like without them, dear ones?

Today I will tell you about how pancakes were fried in Russian antiquity, how “pancake recipes” were compiled, how pancakes were prepared. And, most importantly, how delicious they were eaten.

It seems, what culinary secret could there be in a simple piece of dough fried in a frying pan?
Such a question can only be asked by a naive (excuse me, but this is how it is) person who has never eaten, much less baked, Russian pancakes.

About pancakes

It is not known for certain when pancakes appeared in Russian cuisine. The only fact that remains is that our people definitely had pancakes on the menu back in pagan times, i.e. before the Baptism of Rus'. And how many years before this event the Slavic ancestors enjoyed pancakes - no one knows.

Perhaps it was precisely in those distant times that folk wisdom was born:

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

Which can be translated as: if you have pancakes on the table, eat in silence. Because there can never be too many pancakes.

After all, it was pancakes that became the main symbol of Russian Maslenitsa. Do you even know who Maslenitsa is? I'm not talking about a holiday, but about a folk epic. However, this has nothing to do with today’s post. I’ll be preparing material for Maslenitsa and will definitely tell you the whole “truth”. And about Santa Claus, and about Maslenitsa, and about the Snow Maiden. And then among the people (especially the small ones) the question constantly arises: Why is the Snow Maiden a granddaughter? And where did her parents go?

Pancakes were not just a must for Maslenitsa - they were the main dish. Especially starting from Maslenitsa Thursday.

However, our ancestors ate and baked pancakes not only for this joyful holiday. In the old days (as today) they commemorated a deceased relative with pancakes. A new person who had just come into this world was also greeted with pancakes - a woman in labor was always fed pancakes. And then the guests were treated to pancakes - happy first birthday. For luck. For good health. For long life.

We ate pancakes on simple days too. They ate and treated their guests. It was simply customary to invite dear guests to pancakes.

All this happened a long time ago.

It may well be that with such a pace of integration into Western values, our grandchildren will no longer even remember about pancakes. We have successfully forgotten almost everything from the centuries-old culinary and cultural tradition. Because cuisine is part of the culture of the people. And the part is significant.

Tell me, what kind of flour are pancakes made from?

I think you still know this.

What pancakes have you personally tried?

Wheat, buckwheat, millet, millet, barley, oat, pea? I can go on and on... Red, boyar, fast, rich, peasant and royal. These recipes can still be “obtained” from old cookery and simple art books.

What pancakes were considered the best in the old days? Buckwheat. Have you even tried them? I mean real buckwheat pancakes.

Why did our ancestors consider buckwheat pancakes to be the best? Because “rude and poorly educated” men and women distinguished “tasty” from “quick and easy” well. You can never bake such “puffy and loose” pancakes from wheat flour as you can from buckwheat flour. And plumpness for a pancake is like for an office worker - they are greeted by their clothes...

If the pancake is plump (not thick and sticky, but plump) - this means that the pancakes were definitely a success. And besides, buckwheat pancakes have a light, delicate sour taste.
Our ancestors very rarely ate pancakes with condensed milk, which was made according to GOST, and Nestlé chocolate spread, therefore the “exquisite sweet sourness” in the pancake taste was very much appreciated. I'll tell you why a little later.

Old pancake recipes and old secrets

For a real housewife, neither the first nor the second pancake will be lumpy. Because each housewife had her own pancake secrets, which were passed down from generation to generation. Some of these secrets simply ceased to be relevant (there is no Russian stove, for example), but some useful things remain.

The first secret is how to prepare the pancake dough.

Pancakes, as you know, are traditionally prepared from yeast dough. And in the old days, in addition to yeast, sour milk, egg whites and soda were used as a leavening agent.

All pancakes begin with mixing the dough. For many centuries, yeast has been diluted in warm milk or water, and then, gradually, flour is added to the milk (water) - half of all the flour that will be used to make pancakes.

You need to know that the pancakes will turn out plump and loose if you make the dough in water. But pancakes definitely taste better with milk. This is because milk improves the viscosity and elasticity of the dough, it speeds up the fermentation process (loosening) due to the fact that with alcoholic fermentation (which is organized by yeast), fermentation from the lactic acid fungus also occurs.

Previously, to prepare pancake dough they used not so much milk, but sour cream, cream, buttermilk, whey, etc.

And there was a rule of the “golden mean” - a mixture of milk and water. Then the pancakes will be both fluffy and tasty.

When I mention milk, I do not mean what is sold in the store today with the label “Milk”. I'm talking about homemade village milk. This is what makes “delicious” pancakes. And it also contains fermented milk fungus.

As I already said, you can use a variety of flours to make pancakes. And it doesn’t matter that the flour you need may not be in the store. Today, almost every home has a coffee grinder or its equivalent.

It turns out that to obtain the desired type of flour, all that is required is desire. If you make pancakes regularly (or maybe you will start doing so), it is better to have a separate coffee grinder for flour production.

Now the yeast. Here you need a true eye, i.e. experience. But, there is a universal, very old rule: for 4 cups of flour, 25-30 grams of working yeast. Workers - this means not old ones.

What if the “new” yeast suddenly turned out to be “old”? You never know the reasons. It’s late, it’s raining and snowing outside, or the salary has been “stabilized” again. In general, the situation is “Right now, I’ll drop everything and go.”

In this case, older yeast should be crushed (do not grind) and diluted with warm milk. For 25-30 grams of yeast you need a third of a glass of milk. Stir everything and make sure that there are no lumps in the milk mixture. If there are lumps (this happens with old yeast), then you cannot grind them - this is an entertaining, but tedious task. And even harmful. We simply strain our mixture through a strainer, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar to it, stir and leave the “old thing” for 10-15 minutes. If after fifteen minutes bubbles appear on the milk surface, the yeast is ready to live together with the dough.

As I wrote above, yeast is diluted in liquid (water or milk. I really don’t like the word liquid. I will write in water, and you decide what you dilute in), then add the amount of water required for the dough and gradually add flour . At the same time, constantly stirring everything well. The standard is to add one part of water to one part of flour, then the dough will turn out to be exactly the same consistency - like sour cream.

All these processes need to be carried out in a wooden (where can I get one) or enamel pan (or similar), which will allow the future dough to grow 2-3 times, without “let's go, let's go out”.

The pan with the dough should absolutely not be covered with a lid - the dough must breathe. We put it in a warm place. If the dough rises too quickly, you need to mix it and find it in central Russia - neither Yakutsk nor Sochi. That is, a moderately warm atmosphere so that the dough grows, but not at a breakneck speed.

As soon as the dough has reached the required condition (increased in volume by 2-3 times), I add the remaining flour and whites, yolks, sour cream, salt, etc. to it. according to the recipe.

And again we place it under a towel and in a warm place. And as soon as it raises its head for the second time, you can begin the actual process of preparing the pancakes themselves.

I would offer you to bake Russian pancakes in a Russian stove, but after such a business proposal you will simply send me to a traditionally Russian place. Therefore, I will not tempt fate and the road, and will go straight to the frying pan.

About twenty years ago, I would have said that the frying pan should be cast iron and pancake. Those. it should be made of cast iron and only pancakes should be fried in it. Today I will only tell you that the pan must be clean. And in order for the frying pan to become clean, you need to put it on fire, pour salt into it (to completely cover the bottom) and heat it. And then wipe with a dry cloth. And call the pan a pancake pan. Or repeat this cleansing process every time your soul craves pancakes.

There is an opinion that it is better to pour the dough into the frying pan from a wooden ladle. There are no words. But, you can pour it out of anyone. It is important that the portion fits into the scoop - without pouring into the pan or pouring from the scoop back into the dough. It’s like in a fairy tale - you can turn to the great Merlin only once. I won’t explain what happens if you pour the pancake twice or pour the dough back. Believe me, this is “not eating zeer gut.” Then all the pancakes will be very creative.

You need to cook pancakes with courage. It’s not for nothing that Maslenitsa was “a vigorous woman with rosy cheeks, a seductive smile on her lips and insidious eyes. And she didn’t laugh at all, but laughed.” I hope that my message is understood correctly - I’m talking about pancakes and courage. You need the mood - everything will be fine and everything will work out.

If it turns out that the dough is thicker than necessary, then it can be diluted with milk. This is done like this: you need to put a few spoons of dough in a separate bowl, stir it with warm milk, and only then combine this mixture with the main mass of the dough.

Before the dough gets into the pan, the surface of the pan must be greased with oil or unsalted lard. You can use half a potato placed on a fork as a shaving brush.

Ready-made pancakes are placed in a stack, having previously “rubbed” each side of the pancake with butter. It may not be creamy. And not pancakes... Because pancakes are definitely better than creamy ones.

This is where we come to an important question - what size were traditional Russian pancakes? Today, large pancakes are in fashion, the size of a large frying pan. And before, the most popular ones were the size of a saucer. Why? Because they were eaten completely differently. No, they rolled them up into an envelope and dipped them in sour cream or some kind of jam. Or in honey. But this is the final dessert procedure, which in distant blessed times had very little relation to the concept of “eating pancakes.” It’s more like they were playing with pancakes, just as Carlson was playing with Miss Bok and buns.

In order for you to believe me that it was different, I will turn to reputable and trusted sources.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Herrings with mustard sauce, sprat, sour cream, grainy caviar (3 rubles 40 kopecks per pound), fresh salmon and so on were crowded around the drinks in artistic disorder.

The pancakes were crispy, spongy, plump, like the shoulder of a merchant’s daughter...

Podtikin smiled pleasantly, hiccupped with delight and doused them with hot oil. Then, as if whetting his appetite and enjoying the anticipation, he slowly, deliberately, coated them with caviar. He poured sour cream on the places where the caviar did not get. All that was left now was to eat. Is not it? But, no!... Podtikin looked at the work of his hands and was not satisfied... After thinking a little, he put the fattest piece of salmon, sprat and sardine on the pancakes, then, sweating and panting, he rolled both pancakes into a tube, drank a glass of vodka with feeling, grunted, opened his mouth..."

Chekhov did not write about how to eat pancakes correctly. His hero died of apoplexy. I’ll be honest, while I was writing this, I myself almost died of apoplexy - the great master Anton Pavlovich, on such texts.

What did I lead to this passage? And I still have similar “passages”. And in none of them is it that Podtykin (or anyone else) dipped a rolled-up pancake (or an envelope) into low-fat store-bought sour cream, drank a cup of wonderful Lipton tea and... died again from apoplexy. And I would understand his great grief and disappointment. Who eats pancakes like that?

Have you caught the “truth of life with Russian pancakes”?

The most delicious pancake recipes

Imagine that I invite you over for Russian pancakes. You come at the designated time and sit down at the table. And on the table (among other things, which will be discussed below) there are stacks of 3-4 pancakes (not a big deal. I accept you with all my heart). Here are buckwheat, here are wheat, here are millet, and here are pea.

You take a pea pancake (for example) (I’m not scolding you. This is a pancake made from pea flour) and put it on your plate. Place three or four potato wedges in the very middle of this pancake. You know, like this - put potato wedges on a baking sheet, lightly powdered with salt and various tasty spices, spread with butter and simply bake until crispy.

And for potatoes - two or three pieces of homemade pickled herring. You decorate all this, quite easily, or as your heart desires, with mustard sauce, top with a few slices of pickled onions or pickled garlic, sprinkle with herbs and roll the pancake into such a beautiful appetizing tube. Take a glass and... God be with you... Yes, this is not vodka at all. Why is it necessary to have vodka? This is an anise tincture. Very, very tasty. According to a very old Russian recipe. It was probably invented specifically for pancakes. She's just so sweet...

OK then. Would you like a cold one with sparkling bubbles of champagne? Who said you can't drink champagne with pancakes? These are merchant-style pancakes. Why, in merchant's terms, is it with tea? This is in the morning with tea. Or when you already feel like a pensioner? Why did you suddenly want tea? It seems like the morning is long over...

If you want, I’ll let you try (and not drink at all, but just try) homemade cherry wine. Who told you that good wine is made only from grapes? If the French knew what kind of wine I make from cherries, they would have cut down their vineyards long ago. That’s why I’m hiding the recipe - I feel sorry for both the vineyards and France. They don’t make helicopter carriers anymore; except for the French themselves, only the Russians “weakly” eat frog legs. There is only one wine left. Am I Genghis Khan to destroy an entire country? So will you try the wine?

Maybe we can change the pancake? Let's take a wheat pancake and a little chicken liver on top of the pancake. It was stewed in cream, with sweet vegetables, bell pepper, ginger, and aromatic herbs. For the liver - very thin, crackers, crushed and, again, crushed with herbs, then a leaf of crispy green salad. Or two leaves? And three or four cubes (or five) of fleshy sweet tomato. And a couple of slices of sweet and sour apple. Are you sure you won't drink anything but tea?

And for tea I again (as it happened) had plump buckwheat pancakes. We don’t dip the pancake in store-bought sour cream, or, let’s say, in jam made from potato starch with sugar, but generously spread it with whipped, tender and aromatic cream, sprinkle with hot, crushed with vanilla and mint, sweet hazelnuts, sprinkled with dark grated chocolate, lay out a few juicy, simply honey raspberries, hide all this “A Thousand and One Nights” under a layer of whipped cream, roll the pancake into a beautiful, terribly appetizing tube...

Yes, that's a lot of calories. A woman simply has to talk about how she is fighting for her figure. But there is a time to scatter stones, and there is a time to harvest. Maybe this is why people love Maslenitsa so much? She doesn't laugh - she laughs. Delicious, reckless, insidious, irresistible.

I will not describe further the possible options for “how to eat pancakes correctly.” It seems to me that even a person without gastric juice has already understood everything. Pancake is like the fundamental basis of a great holiday at the table. Put another filling in it (any one to suit your taste) - and you will have new delicious happiness.

It so happened historically that first real pancakes disappeared, then people naturally forgot how to eat them. And you need to eat deliciously, without fuss and haste. And you need to think about something good. Because pancakes are not just food. Hamburgers are such a fast food.

And pancakes are such a delicious open source happiness. The basis of taste. They themselves are a miracle. And if you also know how to turn a miracle into a plump fairy tale, like “the shoulder of a merchant’s daughter,” and wrap it in a tube... Or in an envelope?

May the desire to have such a fairy tale and appetite always be with you!

Who doesn't like to eat delicious pancakes? Oh, there are few such people! Everyone likes pancakes with a variety of fillings and variations. This is a traditional element of Russian cuisine, just like Maslenitsa - a holiday that cannot be imagined without pancakes.

But not everyone likes to cook them. Of course, this is explained by the fact that housewives, especially beginners, may experience difficulty baking pancakes. It takes practice, and you also need to know the tricks that will help you make your pancakes signature. Read and remember!

Tricks for making delicious pancakes

  1. The liquid should be added hot to the pancake batter to increase the stickiness of the flour.
  2. To make them tasty and beautiful, let the sifted flour sit for a little while, don’t use it right away.
  3. Salt and sugar should be added exactly according to the recipe. Over-salted dough does not ferment well and the pancake turns out pale. Excess sugar makes the dough hard.
  4. If pancake flour is diluted in salted water, there will be no lumps in the batter.
  5. The frying pan for frying pancakes should first be sprinkled with salt, then wiped with a napkin and only after that, oil and dough should be poured in.
  6. Comfortable fry pancakes in two frying pans, and also have a third, which should be placed on the lowest heat. You need to put pancakes in it and grease with heated butter. It is advisable to turn the stack over from time to time, then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first one will not have time to cool down! Brilliant solution.
  7. If the pancake breaks when turning over, you need to add flour and an egg to the dough.
  8. To heat the pancakes, the stack should be covered with foil and placed in an oven preheated to 140 degrees on the upper level; the pancakes will warm up in 10–15 minutes.
  9. Very often it is not possible to eat all the baked pancakes at once. And the next day they are no longer so tasty and fresh...

    In order to give freshness to yesterday's pancakes, you need to sprinkle each pancake on one side (the inside) with a little sugar, fold it in four, place it on a lightly greased baking sheet or covered with baking paper and put it in the oven, preheated to maximum, for 4-5 minutes. Make sure the pancakes don't burn. The result is crispy, caramel pancakes on your table! Be sure to try it.

Maslenitsa. Russian pancakes
3rd page of the section

About Russian pancakes,
Maslenitsa and Russian customs.
Basics of pancake science.

About pancakes

PANCAKES. Damn - spoiled from mlin (from the verb chalk), that is, a product made from flour. In Russian cuisine, a dish is prepared from liquid yeast dough, specially aged to the point of maximum formation of carbon dioxide in it, which gives the dough a special thinness and speed of preparation. Pancakes of different types, different consistencies and made from different flours are known among almost all peoples, from the British to the Uzbeks. This dish received the greatest development among the Slavic peoples, where it has only a specific - yeast variety. (In Western Europe and Central Asia, pancakes are prepared mainly from unleavened dough of various compositions.) Pancakes made from sour dough were brought to Rus' by the Varangians in the 9th century.

Russian pancakes are known from wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat flour and their various combinations, in different proportions.
The best proportion of flour: 2.5 cups wheat, 1 cup buckwheat.
Regular: 4 cups wheat flour.
The ratio of liquid (water + milk) and flour in pancakes: in equal parts by volume (for 3 cups of flour - 3 cups of liquid), yeast - 10-15 g for each cup of flour.
In addition, after the dough is ready - before baking the pancakes - a small amount of butter is added to improve the taste (20-25 g per 3 cups of flour), as well as hot milk or cream and the beaten whites of one or two eggs.
If you add 1-2 tbsp to the dough. spoons of vegetable oil, the pan will not have to be greased before each pancake, and the pancakes will not stick to the pan.

The cooking procedure is as follows:
1. Preparing the dough.
2. Kneading the dough (flour, yeast, water, butter, sugar, salt) and resting it, approach.
3. After the test, introduce additives (cream, protein).
4. Baking pancakes.

Pancakes are baking only on previously cleaned with salt and oil and heated black (cast iron) frying pans (without handles). Before baking each pancake, grease the frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil using half an onion placed on a fork. While the pancake is baking on one side, the other, after being covered with film, is also greased with oil using an “onion brush”.

Baking occurs on both sides of the pancake for 2 minutes.

There are varieties of PANCAKES WITH FILLING (a kind of pancakes with filling):

1) A pasty food product (cottage cheese, minced meat or fish) is applied in a thin layer to the upper (not yet fried) surface of the baked pancake and, after turning, it is quickly baked onto the pancake (if the minced meat is used raw, after turning it over, it must be thoroughly fried until it is completely cooked and the formation of a beautiful crispy crust).

2) A product thinly cut into pieces or strips (for example, salted fish) is placed on a hot frying pan and filled with pancake batter; Then the pancake is baked as usual.

3) Half of the dough intended for the pancake is poured into the frying pan in a very thin layer, after slightly baking the bottom side (so that the filling does not “sink” in the batter to the bottom), the desired products are laid out on the pancake and the dough is thinly poured on top again; When the bottom side is ready, turn the pancake over and fry until done. It turns out something similar to a fried pie.

For baking, finely chopped ready-made products are usually used: fried onions, fried carrots, hard-boiled eggs, pre-boiled and fried mushrooms - fresh and dried, salted or other prepared fish (can be from canned food), cottage cheese mashed until smooth (can be with various additives) , as well as a wide variety of pates. It all depends on the taste and imagination of the cook and the products at hand.

Pancakes are eaten freshly baked.
Usually, after making pancakes, they are simply flavored with butter (the butter is first left in a warm place so that it softens well or even “flows” a little), or butter, thoroughly shaken with a salted raw egg or yolk, or sour cream (to which you can add chopped herbs, spices according to your taste). taste).
Or they eat pancakes with salted (smoked) fish, herring, and caviar.
Sometimes butter and hard-boiled eggs are added to pancakes, cottage cheese (including with various additives) or other mixtures are used.
Pancakes are served as bread and with some first courses (depending on taste).

Serving pancakes in Russian style.

Traditional Russian additions to pancakes.

Pancakes are served not only with vodka, but also with tea.

PANCAKE PIE. A pie made exclusively from ready-made wheat pancakes, layered one on top of the other with a filling between them made of eggs, fish, and onions. The edges of the pancake pie are coated with a batter consisting of half and half flour with a beaten egg. It is baked (or rather, baked and heated, since all the components are already prepared, cooked) in a greased form for 5-10 minutes over high heat in the oven. The most appropriate height of the pancake pie is 10 cm.

For many recipes for pancakes, pancakes and crepe pies, see the following pages in this section.

* * * * *

Perhaps no other dish of Russian cuisine can be compared in its popularity among people with pancakes.

It would seem that what’s special about them is ordinary baked dough. And what people don’t know pancakes? But only those who have never tried can argue this way. real Russian pancakes, did not inhale their intoxicating aroma.

It is difficult to say when pancakes first appeared on our table, but it is reliably known that they were ritual dish even among the pagan Slavic peoples.

A. I. Kuprin gave a very figurative description of the pancake as a ritual dish:
“The pancake is round, like a real generous sun. The pancake is red and hot, like a hot, all-warming sun, the pancake is poured with vegetable oil - this is a memory of the sacrifices made to powerful stone idols.
The pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children.”

In the old days, a pancake accompanied a person throughout his life - from birth (a woman in labor was fed a pancake) until death (an obligatory dish during funeral rites).

Russian people have a variety of beliefs and traditions associated with pancakes. But first of all, pancakes, as we have already said, are a mandatory treat for Maslenitsa, which have become, as it were, a necessary attribute of the spring holiday. Many proverbs and sayings and refrains remind us of this: “Like during Pancake Week, pancakes flew to the ceiling,” “It’s not buttery without a pancake,” etc.

And remember from Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin”:

They kept life peaceful
Habits of the dear old man:
At their Shrovetide
There were Russian pancakes.

Maslenitsa is perhaps the most joyful of the holidays of the East Slavic calendar. According to legend, Maslenitsa was born in the North, her father was Frost. One day, during the harshest and saddest time of the year, a man noticed her hiding behind huge snowdrifts and called on her to help people, warm and cheer them up.

And Maslenitsa came, but not as that fragile girl who was hiding in the forest, but as a healthy, vigorous woman with fat, rosy cheeks, cunning eyes, not with a smile on her lips, but with laughter. She made the man forget about winter, warmed up the frozen blood in his veins, grabbed his hands and started dancing with him until he fainted.

The Russian people called Maslenitsa cheerful, wide, riotous, honest, thirty brothers sister, forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers daughter, etc.

We do not undertake to explain what these thirty brothers and forty grandmothers are, but the fact that Maslenitsa really was a riotous holiday was reflected, for example, in literature.

Here is a ruddy and fat goddess for you,
Gluttony and drinking and fighting are the heroine of all,
Roams around cities, towns, hamlets...

The holiday lasted a week, and each day had its own name:
Monday was called a meeting,
Tuesday - let's play,
Wednesday - delicacy,
Thursday - a turning point or revelry,
Friday - mother-in-law's evenings,
Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings,
Sunday - a farewell, a kiss, a day of forgiveness.

On Thursday the “wide Maslenitsa” began.

It was celebrated very noisily. In these days there was no sin: until you hiccup, drink until you're too thirsty, sing until you're fed up, dance until you drop.

Each housewife tried to treat her household and guests to the fullest. And the main dish was pancakes.

For gourmet meals, that is, on the Wednesday of “Shrovetide Week,” mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law and their wives “to pancakes.” This custom was especially observed in relation to young, recently married people. This is probably where the expression “to your mother-in-law for pancakes” came from. Usually on this day, “for the pleasure of my beloved son-in-law,” all the local relatives gathered for a walk.

But on Friday, at the mother-in-law's supper, the son-in-law treated his mother-in-law and father-in-law to pancakes. True, the “treat” was very unique. According to custom, sons-in-law and daughters invited their elders to teach them wisdom, and such an invitation was considered a great honor for parents; all neighbors and relatives usually knew about it. The son-in-law’s disdain for this tradition was very difficult to experience, condemned and created eternal enmity between him and his mother-in-law.

The curious thing was that the invited mother-in-law was obliged to send all the pancake belongings to the young couple’s house in the evening: a tagan, frying pans, a ladle and even a tub in which the dough for pancakes was placed. The father-in-law sent flour and a tub of cow butter.

Pancakes were usually baked from yeast dough. A variety of flours were taken: buckwheat, wheat, millet, barley and even pea.

Today we usually use wheat flour, but truly Russian pancakes are made from buckwheat. Many modern housewives, unfortunately, do not even have a basic understanding of these pancakes. It's a pity! Believe me, they are worth taking their place of honor on our table again. Wheat pancakes do not have the plumpness and looseness that buckwheat flour gives. In addition, buckwheat pancakes have a very pleasant, slightly sour taste.

Baking pancakes, as they say, is a simple matter. And yet, some of the advice we want to give, I think, will not harm even experienced housewives. Moreover, we gleaned these tips from various old cookbooks, which at one time were popular and trusted by contemporaries.

So, so that neither the first nor the second pancake is “lumpy”, you need to remember the basic rules and techniques for kneading the dough. As we have already said, pancakes are most often prepared from yeast dough. True, along with yeast, sometimes sour milk, soda and egg whites can be used as a leavening agent.

First, knead the dough. In the old days, when the first dough for pancakes was made, certain rituals were observed, and in general it was considered a sacrament and was done in secret from family members and especially strangers.

Some housewives went out in the evening to prepare dough for the river, lake or well. Others cooked it in their snow yard in the light of the moon. At the same time they wailed:

Month, you, month,
your golden horns,
look out the window
blow on the dough.

Well, maybe someone will be attracted to this method of preparing dough. We don’t know how it tastes, but the romance of these pancakes is guaranteed.

About cooking Russian pancakes

Usually, yeast is diluted in warm water (milk), and then, gradually adding flour to the water (milk), the dough is kneaded. For the dough, take half of all the flour that will be used for pancakes.

Remember that they are most loose and plump when the dough is mixed with water. But pancakes taste better with milk. Milk improves the viscosity and plasticity of the dough, enhances the process of loosening it, since, along with alcoholic fermentation caused by yeast, it provides lactic acid (in addition to fresh milk, kefir, buttermilk, sour cream, cream, whey and other dairy products can be used for kneading dough). Taking all this into account, we advise you to choose the “golden mean” and mix the dough with a mixture of water and milk.

As we have already said, you can use different flours for pancakes. If you were unable to buy the necessary flour in the store, we recommend preparing it at home. To do this, the corresponding grains need to be finely ground in a regular electric coffee grinder. It is better if you have a separate coffee grinder specifically for this purpose.

The amount of yeast depends on the type of flour. So, for dough made from buckwheat flour you need to take more of them than for dough made from wheat. But in any case, you can’t go wrong if you add 25 - 30 g of yeast to 4 cups of flour. True, this ratio is only true for fresh yeast. It also happens that yeast sits and lies in the freezer unnecessarily, and when its time finally comes, it is already old and the dough does not fit well.

There are different ways to “revive” old yeast. Here's one of them.
The yeast should be finely ground (but not ground) and diluted with warm milk (a third of a glass of milk for 25 - 30 g of yeast), making sure that after stirring there are no lumps left. If the lumps do not dissolve, and this often happens with old yeast, then you should not grind them. It is better to strain the solution through a strainer. Then you need to add 1 - 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar to the milk-yeast solution and, after stirring the mixture, leave it for 10 - 15 minutes. If bubbles appear on the surface, it means the yeast is ready for further work with them.

Fresh yeast is also pre-diluted in water or milk. Then add the amount of liquid required for the dough and gradually, constantly stirring with a spatula, add flour. The consistency of the dough should be liquid, like sour cream. Usually put one part flour to one part liquid.

The dough should be kneaded in a wooden or enamel bowl, the size of which must be chosen taking into account the fact that the volume of the dough increases by 2 - 3 times.

When the dough is kneaded, the pan with it is covered with a towel and placed in a warm place. Under no circumstances cover the bowl with the dough with a tight lid - the dough must “breathe”. If the dough rises too quickly, it should be stirred and moved to a cooler place.

But the dough has increased 2-3 times. Add the remaining flour and ingredients indicated in the recipe (egg yolks, salt, sour cream, butter, etc.) to the pan. The dough is thoroughly mixed and placed in a warm place again. After the dough has risen a second time, it is ready for baking pancakes.

Of course, it is best to bake pancakes in a Russian oven, well heated with small, dry birch firewood. Uniform heat, like an invisible wizard, dots the dough with numerous holes, browns it, and makes it especially attractive. And what a spirit there is in the kitchen when pancakes are baking! And I no longer have the patience to wait for the first pancake.

This is how A.P. Chekhov described this moment in the story “On Mortality”:
"His eyes (i.e. Podtykina) they were covered with oil, their face contorted with voluptuousness...
- Well, can it take so long? - he winced, turning to his wife. - Hurry up, Katya!
But finally the cook appeared with pancakes... Semyon Petrovich, risking burning his fingers, grabbed the top two, hottest pancakes and deliciously plopped them on his plate.”

Modern housewives successfully bake pancakes on gas and electric stoves.

It is better to choose cast iron frying pans. Their size should be small, since Russian pancakes are baked the size of a saucer. In the old days, as we have already said, special pans for pancakes were sold. They consisted of several small frying pans welded together. It is important that the pans are absolutely clean. To do this, they are placed on fire, the bottom is sprinkled with salt, calcined, and then wiped with a dry, clean cloth. After preparing the pan in this way, the pancakes do not burn and easily fall away from the bottom.

If you have a special pan for pancakes, then once you have prepared it, try not to wash it again. Otherwise, each time before baking pancakes you will have to heat the pan again.

It is better to pour the dough onto it using a wooden ladle, but you can use any other ladle, as long as it holds a portion of dough for one pancake.

If the dough is too thick, it needs to be diluted with warm milk. They do it this way: put a few spoons of dough into a bowl, stir it with milk and only then combine it with the main mass.

Before pouring the dough onto a hot frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil or unsalted lard. As a shaving brush, you can use half a potato or a clean cloth wrapped around a fork. When the pancake is browned, reddened on one side (the bottom), and covered with holes on the other, it should be turned over with a spatula.

The finished pancakes are placed in a stack, greasing each one with butter or melted butter, and placed in a warm place to keep warm. For this purpose, there is a special pancake maker - a large ceramic dish with a hemispherical lid. But it’s better to eat pancakes “hot from the heat,” that is, immediately after they are baked.

FROM THE HISTORY. In Rus', almost until the middle of the 19th century, black, red and other fish caviar were considered food for the poorest peasants, and only fish meat was valued. Even richer peasants did not eat caviar. Do you remember in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” the famous scene with huge fish bowls and a small portion of “overseas” eggplant caviar? In fact, in those days, anyone who dared to serve fish caviar on the royal banquet table would not have suffered his head for such an insult, although in his daily diet Ivan the Terrible was simple to the point of asceticism. But in the middle of the 19th century, incl. Through the efforts of the then medical nutritionists, caviar began to become fashionable in all levels of society at once, and long convoys with barrels of previously waste salted black and red caviar reached Russian cities.
More often, snack pancake cakes are sandwiched with salted red fish. But if nowadays you have fish roe on hand in sufficient quantities, you can layer a snack pancake cake with it. It will be delicious too.
Cm. .

Original serving of caviar on a platter for pancakes.

By the way, do you know what pancakes are eaten with and how?

This is a whole science. In order to understand its basics, let us again remember Chekhov:
“Around the drinks, herrings with mustard sauce, sprat, sour cream, grainy caviar (3 rubles 40 kopecks per pound), fresh salmon, etc. were crowded in an artistic order... The pancakes were crispy, spongy, plump, like the shoulder of a merchant’s daughter.. Podtykin smiled pleasantly, hiccupped with delight and poured hot oil over them. Then, as if whetting his appetite and enjoying the anticipation, he slowly, deliberately, coated them with caviar. He poured sour cream on the places where the caviar did not get... Now all that remained was to eat, wasn’t it? But No! vodka, grunted, opened his mouth..."

Of course, from the modern point of view on rational nutrition, eating this way will only harm your health. Maybe that’s why Chekhov’s hero “suffered an apoplexy” (the modern name is “stroke”).

And yet, pancakes must be eaten with relish, otherwise you will not understand all the charm of this wonderful dish. And further. You can’t eat pancakes hastily, in between. They require special treatment and respect. It is better to cook them on Sundays or holidays, when all the household members are gathered. It’s more difficult to bake real pancakes on a weekday given our eternal lack of time, because it will take more than one hour.

And why not revive the good old traditions and invite relatives and friends especially for pancakes? We are confident that this day will be memorable for both guests and hosts.

The recipes given on different pages of the section will tell you which pancakes to bake. "Maslenitsa. Russian pancakes"– they contain the most typical pancake recipes for Russian cuisine. To become a knowledgeable blind baker, read all the pages of this section in order. In general, Russian cuisine knows hundreds of different pancakes: rich, fast, red, peasant, royal, boyar, etc.


Maslenitsa was preceded by the so-called “pockmarked” and “solid” weeks. The week of Church Maslenitsa is called cheese (meat-favoring) week, when it was allowed to eat dairy or fast food: you cannot eat meat, but you can eat cheese, butter, eggs, milk, sour cream. Maslenitsa began with the “Maslenitsa Grandfathers”. The pagans believed that along with warmth, herbs and birds, the souls of the dead returned to the earth to help them, and therefore the first pancake was usually placed on the “spirit” window - for the souls of ancestors: “At Maslenitsa, the first pancake is for the repose of the soul.”

Sometimes the first pancake was given to the poor so that they would remember all the departed. On Farewell Sunday we also went to cemeteries and left pancakes on the graves. By the way, pancakes appeared earlier than leavened bread. All sorts of pancakes were baked for Maslenitsa: rye, oat, with potatoes, cottage cheese and hemp. They were eaten with butter, sour cream, and honey. The holiday required abundance: cheese, butter, milk, sour cream, pancakes should not leave the table.

Since pagan times, we have preserved the custom of baking pancakes on Maslenitsa. Once upon a time it was sacrificial bread, a gift to the god Veles and other pagan gods. This symbol of the sun was used to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. The Orthodox Church, unable to overcome this tradition, was forced to legalize Maslenitsa week before the start of Lent.

What recipes for your favorite food have not been invented in different parts of the world! For example, the Germans and French have long preferred thin pancakes rolled into rolls with various fillings. The British also experimented a lot with pancake dough, and they came up with the idea of ​​adding local ale and malt flour to it.

The Mexicans expanded the pancake family with their famous tortillas, which were filled with beans or meat with tomato sauce. And Americans especially liked thick pancakes, more like pancakes, with maple syrup or bacon.

The most interesting thing is that in many European countries pancakes were treated not only as a delicacy, but also as a kind of entertainment. According to medieval tradition, on Sinful Tuesday (the last day before the start of Lent for Catholics), funny races were organized, the goal of which was to reach the finish line, tossing pancakes in frying pans as they went (those who dropped the pancake were eliminated from the game). This tradition is still alive today. In addition, in England, competitions are held annually in high-speed pancake tossing - while standing still and holding a frying pan at arm's length. The winner of this competition, Ralf Laue from Leipzig, set a world record in 1997 by tossing a pancake as many as 416 times in two minutes!

But in Rus', the overseas tradition of running around with pancakes was not destined to take root. And what kind of jogging could we be talking about: having tasted real Russian lace pancakes with appetizers and washed them down with hot sbiten, he could hardly get up from the table. Perhaps, in no other country in the world were pancakes treated with such respect as in Rus'. And not just with respect, but with real reverence, turning them into a symbol of the popularly beloved holiday of Maslenitsa. Moreover, according to the old saying, the more pancakes you can eat during Shrovetide Week, the more successful and profitable the year will be.

..."Please humbly have a bite," said the hostess. Chichikov looked around and saw that on the table there were already mushrooms, pies, skorodumki, shanishkas, pryaglas, pancakes, flatbreads with all sorts of toppings: topping with onions, topping with poppy seeds, topping with cottage cheese, topping with skimmed eggs, and who knows what... .

... "And the pancakes?" - said the hostess. In response to this, Chichikov rolled three pancakes together and, dipping them in melted butter, put them in his mouth, and wiped his lips and hands with a napkin. Having repeated this three times, he asked the hostess to order the britzka to be laid for him. Nastasya Petrovna immediately sent Fetinya, ordering at the same time to bring more hot pancakes.
“Your pancakes are very tasty, mother,” said Chichikov, starting to eat the hot ones. "
N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Cooking pancakes has been and remains a sacred sacrament. They used the first dough to tell fortunes; the recipe was kept secret; they went out to the bank of the river or to the well to knead it, casting spells invoking the month. “Looking at a woman baking pancakes, you might think that she is summoning spirits or extracting the philosopher’s stone from dough,” admired Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who dubbed baking pancakes nothing less than a sacred rite with its own traditions, joys and sufferings.

The first pancakes were laid out on the windowsill for wanderers and beggars passing by. In Moscow, until the 18th century, Maslenitsa festivities took place on the Moscow River and Neglinnaya, from the Sretensky Gate to the Trinity Gate, and later were moved to the Maiden Field, where booths were held with the famous “grandfather”. And as a memory of these holidays, on Saturday of the first week of Lent, pancakes were baked again, but already Lenten, and this custom itself was called “tuzhilka for Maslenitsa.”

The most common Russian pancakes are pure buckwheat or mixed with wheat flour. As a rule, pancakes are prepared from yeast dough, but sometimes the yeast is replaced with soda or the dough is kneaded with sour milk (like sourdough), mixing in beaten egg whites, which loosen the dough well.

The pancake dough is placed 2 - 5 hours before baking. To do this, pour warm milk or water into a jar (preferably a wooden one), add yeast diluted with water, part of the entire amount of flour, knead the batter and let it rise in a warm place under a napkin. Mix the yolks separated from the whites, dissolved butter, sugar, salt into the risen dough, gradually add the remaining flour, dilute it again with milk or water until the consistency of sour cream, let it rise again, and for the last, third time, add the remaining whites and begin to bake pancakes.

Liquids and products gradually introduced into the dough must be thoroughly kneaded, avoiding the formation of lumps and ensuring that the dough has the consistency of sour cream throughout the entire cooking process.

We should not forget that pancakes cooked with milk, although tastier, are not as fluffy as pancakes with water (somewhat “sticky”), and therefore it is advisable to put the dough on milk diluted with water or add water to the dough that has risen the last time. The finished dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, but 2 hours before baking you need to put it in a warm place or warm water. For 15 - 20 regular size pancakes, 3 cups of flour and 2 cups of liquid are required, and for pancakes - 2 cups of flour and 3 cups of liquid.

Pancakes are baked on the stove or in the oven in cast iron or iron frying pans, and their cleanliness is one of the conditions for successful baking.

The frying pan (only cast iron!) is washed well, calcined, slightly cooled so that the oil does not burn, greased with fat (preferably refined sunflower oil), sprinkled with coarse salt, wiped with a paper napkin, washed again in hot water, heated again, repeating this procedure three times . After the last calcination, they do not wash, but only wipe.

When preparing pancakes, pre-heat the frying pan well, grease it with sunflower or melted butter, pour the dough into it and bake the pancakes. Pans intended for baking pancakes are no longer used for anything. After cooking pancakes, these pans are not washed with water, but only wiped dry with paper and left until the next pancake baking.

Previously, pancakes were baked in a Russian oven, which is why they still say “bake” pancakes, not “fry”.

When the pancake is ready on one side, sprinkle it with oil, turn it over and bake again (you don’t have to turn it over). To obtain soft pancakes, butter is added to the dough, and for drier ones, yolks and buckwheat flour are added.

Various products are also added to pancakes - baked goods. The best of them are eggs, onions and smelt. The eggs for baking are finely chopped, the onions are fried until reddish in color and rubbed through a sieve (the green ones are only chopped), and the smelt is boiled in salted water and dried. Raw, boiled or lightly salted fish is cut into thin slices. These bakes are placed in the middle of the pan and filled with dough.

The finished pancakes are placed in a stack on a dish, each one is greased with butter and, covered with a napkin, served hot. Serve separately butter, sour cream, pressed caviar, lightly salted or salted fish. Before serving, the butter is dissolved to the thickness of cream, whipped in the cold until foamy, and the caviar is ground with olive oil, vinegar and chopped onions are added to it.

Add whipped cream to hard and sticky pancakes, and sour cream and whipped egg whites to unleavened ones (1 cup sour cream, 4 - 6 egg whites per 1 kg of flour). If the dough becomes sour, add cold water, stir in flour and let the dough rise again.

Pancakes are one of the most ancient products of Russian cuisine, dating back to before the 9th century. in pagan times. The word "pancake" is a corruption of "mlyn" from the verb "to grind." "Melin", or "mlyn", means a product made from chalked, i.e. flour product. This is perhaps the most economical flour dish, which requires a minimum of flour with a maximum of liquid (water, milk), since very thin dough is used for pancakes. Yeast increases the volume of this dough even more. The use of soda for pancakes, which is found in some places today, was borrowed from the West relatively recently and is unusual for Russian cuisine.

In the old days, in France they tried to declare pancakes a national French dish. But are there any agricultural peoples in the world who do not know how to bake pancakes? So they laughed at this French claim, and that’s all! Later, the “patriots” who wanted to declare pancakes a purely Russian dish were laughed at in Russia. Pancakes are a very ancient dish, invented long before the advent of modern peoples. And much earlier than the wheel was invented.

There are many ways to prepare pancakes. And every nation has its own characteristics of pancakes. Besides, as many home cooks as there are, there are so many varieties of pancakes.

Russian pancakes have a very special consistency: they are soft, loose, spongy, fluffy, light and at the same time seemingly translucent, with a clearly visible pattern of numerous pores. Such pancakes, like a sponge, absorb melted butter and sour cream, making them juicy, glossy and tasty.

There are several types of pancakes, differing mainly in the raw materials used for them (flour, water or milk, butter, eggs), but the cooking technology for all types is basically the same.

Preparing pancake dough

The pancake dough is kneaded 5-6 hours before baking - using the sponge method. This means that at first only part of the flour is dissolved in water or milk with yeast, and then, when the dough is suitable, the rest of the flour, salt, sugar, butter is added; all this is sometimes also scalded with milk (choux pancakes), and then beaten egg whites and cream are mixed in, after which the dough should still rise and only then is it used for baking.

The amount and type of flour used for the dough and for the second filling varies. In addition, the number of times the dough rises sometimes changes - the consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream. To do this, the ratio of liquid and flour in the dough should be approximately the same: the volume of liquid should correspond to the volume of flour. At the same time, the concept of “liquid” in pancake dough includes water (or milk), melted butter, eggs, cream, and diluted yeast. The best, tested ratios: 4-5 cups of flour to 4-5 cups of “liquid”. True, since flour can be of different types (buckwheat, wheat) and of different dryness, and since it can be mixed in different proportions (one-third, one-half, two-thirds), then in each specific case there are slight deviations in one direction or another, but these deviations never exceed a tenth or even a twelfth of the total volume of products taken.

When preparing the dough, you need to pay attention to the following three factors: firstly, the yeast must be fresh and in sufficient, but not excessive quantities; secondly, the dough at all stages (when dissolving the dough, adding flour, milk, eggs, etc.) must be beaten and rubbed very thoroughly (there should not be a single lump in it); thirdly, scalding the dough (if required by the recipe) should not be done with hot and not completely boiled milk, but only with milk brought almost to a boil, and then slightly cooled, but not less than 45 grams. C. If the dough is not scalded with hot milk, then before baking, a protein-cream mixture is carefully added to the dough, to obtain which a little cream is whipped and the whipped whites are added to them (but not vice versa!). This mixture is added to increase the fluffiness, tenderness and sponginess of pancakes.

Preparing utensils for baking pancakes

Real pancakes can only be baked in small black cast iron frying pans. These pans should never be washed with water. They are cleaned like this: put on fire, pour in a little vegetable oil, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse salt and let it heat up thoroughly, and then cool slightly. The still hot frying pan is quickly but thoroughly wiped with a clean rag or paper napkins to remove all carbon deposits, then sprinkled with dry salt again, wiped again, and finally, when the salt is removed, wiped again with a soft, dry cloth. If the cloth remains clean, then the pan is well prepared. If the frying pan is not cleaned thoroughly enough, then the first pancake will fail (hence the expression “the first pancake is lumpy”). In this case, you need to pour oil into the pan again, add salt and clean it again. Otherwise, you can ruin all the other pancakes.

Baking pancakes

The baking process is outwardly simple: the finished dough is taken carefully, without letting it fall, with large wooden spoons or ladles and poured onto hot, oiled frying pans. In this case, the amount of dough taken each time should be such that it can spread in a thin, even layer throughout the pan. This skill comes with practice. In addition, the amount of oil with which the frying pan is greased also matters. If there is not enough oil, the pancake will burn; if there is too much oil, it will be thick and uneven, since excess oil will prevent the dough from spreading over the pan in an even layer.

To get an even layer of oil that is the same for all pancakes, do not pour it into the pan, but lubricate it before baking each pancake. You can grease the pan with a feather previously immersed in oil. But the feather is inconvenient because it needs to be changed often: it quickly wears out and breaks down. In addition, the oil is too absorbed into the feather and does not lie in a completely even layer on the pan. Therefore, it is better to grease the pan with oil with half an onion (or a raw peeled potato), cut crosswise and pricked on a fork. Using the smooth, cut surface of the onion, dipping it in oil poured into a saucer, grease the frying pan like a “brush.” If the surface of the onion gradually browns too much, you can replace it.

When the pan is preheated, properly greased and a sufficient amount of batter is poured onto it, the pancake does not bake for long. As soon as it starts to rise and brown, you can grease it with oil on top using the same onion and immediately turn it over to the other side, otherwise the pancake can dry out.

NOTE. If you add 1-2 tbsp to the pancake dough. spoons of vegetable oil, you will only need to grease the pan with oil for the first pancake, and for subsequent baked pancakes it is not necessary to grease the pan.

Types of pancakes

Pancakes are distinguished and named according to the type of flour or cereal that is used to make them: rye, buckwheat, buckwheat-wheat, wheat, millet, semolina. Thus, the very base of the pancakes can be varied. But this is not enough. Excellent technology, for example, custard pancakes. In addition, different ways of eating them add variety to the assortment of pancakes. One of them is widely known - this is the custom of eating ready-made pancakes with fatty or spicy additives, either dipping them in butter or sour cream, or wrapping salted fish (herring, chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon) or caviar in them. Another method used less frequently is adding seasonings to pancakes at the time of baking. Classic seasonings include onions, hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and dried smelt. Baking is done like this: pour chopped onions and hard-boiled eggs into the middle of the frying pan and fill them with dough; you can do it differently - an almost baked pancake, without removing it from the frying pan, is spread on top with a thin layer of cottage cheese, wiped with a raw egg, and then, having coated it with butter, quickly turn it over to the other side, pressing it to the heated surface of the frying pan (this is called “frying in the heat” ).

One of the varieties of pancakes (not pies!) should also be considered the so-called pancake pies, i.e. several pancakes, stacked one on top of the other and interspersed with various fillings, most often minced meat, overcooked with onions, with chopped hard-boiled eggs. Such stacks of pancakes are greased on the sides with a mixture of eggs, flour and milk so that the minced meat does not fall out, and lightly fried in the oven.

Buckwheat cakes.

Buckwheat pancakes on water

Ingredients :
- 4 cups buckwheat flour,
- 1 glass of cold water,
- 3.5 glasses of hot water,
- 25 g yeast,
- 1 teaspoon of sugar,
- 1 teaspoon salt,
- 0.5 cups sunflower oil (for frying).


Dilute cold water with the same volume of flour and brew this dough with hot water, stir, cool, add yeast, let rise.
Add the rest of the flour, sugar, salt, let rise and bake the pancakes.

Buckwheat pancakes with milk

Ingredients :
- 4 cups buckwheat flour,
- 4.5-5 glasses of milk,
- 25 g yeast,
- 2 eggs,
- 25 g butter,
- 1 teaspoon salt,
- 1 teaspoon of sugar,
- 0.5 cups sunflower oil.


Mix two-thirds of the milk portion prepared according to the recipe, yeast, flour, butter, yolks, and let rise.
Add salt, sugar, boil with the rest of the milk, beat, add the beaten egg whites, let rise a second time and bake immediately.

Buckwheat-wheat pancakes

Ingredients :
- 3.5 cups buckwheat flour,
- 1.5 cups wheat flour,
- 2.5 glasses of warm water,
- 2 glasses of boiling milk,
- 25 g yeast,
- 25 g butter,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 teaspoon of sugar,
- 1 teaspoon salt,
- 0.5 cups of melted butter.


Dissolve yeast in water, add all the wheat flour and an equal amount of buckwheat flour, and let rise.
Add the remaining buckwheat flour and let rise again.
Brew the dough with hot milk, cool, add sugar, salt, butter, let rise and then bake.

Buckwheat-wheat pancakes (half)

Ingredients :
- 2 cups buckwheat flour,
- 2 cups wheat flour,
- 4 glasses of milk,
- 25 g yeast,
- 50 g butter,
- 2 teaspoons of sugar,
- 1 teaspoon salt,
- 5 eggs,
- 0.5 cups sunflower or ghee.


Dilute buckwheat flour in 1 glass of cold milk and brew with 2 glasses of hot milk, cool.
Add the yeast and let the dough rise in a warm place.
Beat the dough, add salt, wheat flour, butter, yolks mashed with sugar, remaining milk, beaten whites, let rise and then put into the oven.


Rinse the millet 5-7 times in boiling water, add water, cook a thin paste, boil the millet well, and cool. (The volume of the slurry should be 1 liter).
Add wheat flour and yeast to the slurry and let rise. Then add buckwheat flour, sugar, salt, stir, let rise.
Scald the dough with hot water, dilute it to the consistency of sour cream and 15 minutes after that, start baking pancakes.

  • After the dough has risen, before baking, it is good to add a little butter to it for taste (20-25 g per 3 cups of flour).
  • Yeast for pancakes must be fresh. It is important that there are as many of them as needed, but not in excess.
  • Pancake dough must be thoroughly kneaded at all stages: lumps in it are completely unacceptable.
  • Do not scald the dough (if the pancake recipe requires it) with very hot, completely boiled milk. just bring it almost to a boil and cool slightly to 45 degrees.
  • If you don’t need to scald the dough, before baking the pancakes, carefully add the protein-cream mixture to the dough: beat the cream a little and then add the whipped whites (the other way around!). This mixture will make the pancakes loose, tender, and spongy.
  • It is best to grease the pan in which pancakes are baked like this: put half an onion or potato on a fork. Dip it in vegetable oil and grease the pan.
  • Usually the pancake is fried on both sides in 2 minutes.
  • Be sure to sift the flour before kneading the dough. This way it is purified and enriched with oxygen necessary for fermentation.
  • Do not overdo it with salt and sugar: add exactly according to the recipe. Over-salted dough does not ferment well, and the pancake turns out pale. Excess sugar makes the dough hard.
  • Egg whites should not be beaten in an aluminum bowl - they will darken.
  • To prevent the cream from curdling when whipping, whip it first and then add sugar.
  • Before whipping the egg whites, wipe the inner walls of the bowl with lemon - the egg whites will beat more easily and the mixture will be fluffy. To make the foam stable, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Egg whites will whip more easily if they are fresh and chilled. Eggs can be placed on ice for a few minutes or in cold water for 1 hour.
  • Yeast can also be prepared at home. Dilute 1 cup flour with 1 cup warm water. Leave for 5-6 hours. Then pour in a glass of beer or mineral water and place in a warm place for a while. The yeast is ready, you can add it to the dough, it will turn out unusually fluffy.
  • If pancake flour is diluted in salted water, there will be no lumps.
  • Yeast can be stored longer if you put it in a glass jar and cover it with vegetable oil.
  • Milk easily absorbs odors. Therefore, do not keep it near salted fish, cheese, pickles and other odorous foods.
  • First sprinkle the pan for frying pancakes with salt, wipe it with a cloth and only then pour in the oil and dough.
  • If bubbles form in the middle of the pancake, the dough has not fermented: place it in warm water for some more time.
  • If the pancake tears when you flip it, add flour and egg.
  • It is convenient to fry pancakes in 2 frying pans while the third one is on low heat. Place pancakes in it and grease with heated butter. The stack can be turned over from time to time, then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first one will not have time to cool down.
  • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

    You know that pancakes have been alive for more than a thousand years, from what is called the ancient Slavic ab ovo... They were born before Russian history, they survived it all from the beginning to the last page, which is, without a doubt, invented just like the samovar, with Russian brains... In anthropology they should occupy the same respectable place as a three-planted fern or a stone knife; if we still don’t have any scientific work regarding pancakes, this is simply explained by the fact that eating pancakes is much easier than racking your brains over them...

    Times give way and little by little ancient customs, clothes, songs disappear in Rus'; much has already disappeared and has only historical interest, and yet such nonsense as pancakes occupies the same strong and familiar place in the modern Russian repertoire as it did 1000 years ago. There is no end in sight for them in the future...

    Taking into account the venerable age of pancakes and their extraordinary, centuries-tested durability in the fight against innovation, it’s a shame to think that these delicious circles of dough serve only the narrow purposes of cooking and well-being... It’s a shame both for the age and for the exemplary, purely Spartan durability.. Really, a kitchen and a belly are not worth thousands of years.

    As for me, I’m almost sure that the long-talking old pancakes, in addition to cooking and gluttony, have other ultimate goals... In addition to the heavy, difficult-to-digest dough, something higher, symbolic, perhaps, is hidden in them. even prophetic... But what exactly?

    I don’t know and I won’t know. This constituted and constitutes a deep, impenetrable female secret, which is as difficult to get to as making a bear laugh... Yes, pancakes, their meaning and purpose are a woman’s secret, a secret that a man is unlikely to find out soon. Write an operetta!

    Since prehistoric times, Russian women have sacredly guarded this secret, passing it on from generation to generation only through their daughters and granddaughters. If, God forbid, even one man recognizes her, then something terrible will happen that even women cannot imagine. Neither your wife, nor your sister, nor your daughter... not a single woman will tell you this secret, no matter how dear you are to her, no matter how low she has fallen. It is impossible to buy or exchange a secret. His woman will not utter it either in the heat of passion or in delirium. In a word, this is the only secret that has managed for 1000 years not to wake up through such a fine sieve as the fair half!..

    How are pancakes made? It is unknown... Only the distant future will know about this, but we, without reasoning and without asking, must eat what is served to us... This is a secret!

    You will say that men also bake pancakes... Yes, but men's pancakes are not pancakes. From their nostrils they breathe cold, their teeth give the impression of rubber galoshes, and their taste lags far behind women's... The cooks must retreat and admit defeat...

    Baking pancakes is an exclusively female affair... Chefs should have long ago understood that this is not a simple pouring of batter over hot frying pans, but a sacred rite, a whole complex system with its own beliefs, traditions, language, prejudices, joys, sufferings... Yes, suffering... If Nekrasov said that the Russian woman suffered, then pancakes are partly to blame...

    I don’t know what the process of baking pancakes is, but the mystery and solemnity with which the woman surrounded this sacred rite are somewhat familiar to me... There is a lot of mystical, fantastic and even spiritualistic here... Looking at a woman baking pancakes, you might think that she summons spirits or extracts the philosopher's stone from dough...

    Firstly, not a single woman, no matter how developed she may be, will ever start baking pancakes on or before the 13th, on Monday or before Monday. Pancakes are a no go these days. Many smart women, in order to get around this, start baking pancakes long before Maslenitsa, so the household gets the opportunity to eat pancakes on Maslenitsa Monday and the 13th.

    Secondly, on the eve of pancakes, the hostess always mysteriously whispers something to the cook. They whisper and look at each other with eyes as if they were composing a love letter... After whispering, they usually send the kitchen boy Egorka to the shop to buy yeast... The housewife then looks at the yeast brought for a long time, smells it and, no matter how ideal it is, will certainly say:

    This yeast is no good. Go, bad boy, tell them to give you something better...

    The boy runs and brings new yeast... A large skull jar is taken and filled with water, in which the yeast and a little flour bloom... When the yeast has blossomed, the lady and the cook turn pale, cover the jar with an old tablecloth and put it in a warm place.

    Make sure you don’t oversleep, Matryona...” the lady whispers. - And make sure your jar stays warm all the time!

    This is followed by a restless, tedious night. Both, the cook and the lady, suffer from insomnia, but if they sleep, they rave and have terrible dreams... How happy you men are that you don’t bake pancakes!

    Before the gloomy morning has time to set in outside the window, the lady, barefoot, disheveled and in only a nightgown, runs into the kitchen.

    Well? Well, how? - she bombards Matryona with questions. - A? Answer!

    And Matryona is already standing at the jar and pouring buckwheat flour into it...

    Thirdly, women strictly ensure that no stranger or male household member enters the kitchen while pancakes are being baked... Cooks do not even allow firefighters in at this time. You can’t go in, look, or ask... If someone looks into the skull jar and says: “What good dough!”, then at least pour it out - the pancakes will fail! What women say while baking pancakes, what spells they cast, is unknown.

    Exactly half an hour before the moment when the dough is poured into the frying pans, the red-faced and already tortured cook pours some hot water or warm milk into the jar. The lady stands right there, wants to say something, but under the influence of sacred horror she cannot say it. And at this time, the household members, waiting for pancakes, walk around the rooms and, looking at the face of the housewife running every now and then into the kitchen, think that they will give birth in the kitchen, or at least get married.

    But finally, the first frying pan sizzles, followed by another, a third... The first three pancakes are waste paper that Egorka can eat... but the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. are placed on a plate, covered with a napkin and carried to the dining room to those who have long been thirsty and hungry. The hostess herself is carrying it, red, radiant, proud... One might think that she is not carrying pancakes in her arms, but her firstborn.

    Well, how do you explain this triumphant look? By evening, the lady and the cook can neither stand nor sit from fatigue. They look pained... Just a little more, it seems, and they will tell you to live long...

    This is the external side of the sacred rite. If pancakes were intended exclusively for base gluttony, then, you must agree, then neither this mystery, nor the described night, nor suffering would be incomprehensible... Obviously, there is something, and this “something” is carefully hidden.

    Looking at the ladies, one should still conclude that in the future the pancakes will have to solve some great, world-wide problem.

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