Pomegranate bracelet salad recipe with pickled onions. Royal salad “Pomegranate Bracelet”: recipe with photo

The Pomegranate Bracelet salad is one of the favorites at holiday feasts in recent years. It can consist of different components, but its peculiarity is that it has the shape of a bracelet and is sprinkled with pomegranate seeds on top.

Pomegranate not only looks beautiful, it is very good for health. It cannot be called a favorite product of most people. This is due to the fact that it is not so easy to eat due to the seeds. In addition, there are quite sour varieties, which not everyone likes.

Pomegranate: composition, health benefits

The fruit has many beneficial properties. In addition to the grains themselves, the peels are used in traditional medicine recipes.

Pomegranate is more than 70% water. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains organic acids and fiber.


  • AT 5– increases the body’s resistance to stress, improves memory, stimulates brain function.
  • AT 6– is a main element in protein metabolism, removes excess cholesterol and cleanses the vascular system of plaques, prevents seizures.
  • AT 12– necessary for the functioning of the liver and hematopoietic organs. Fights fatigue and increases activity, improves sleep.
  • WITH– strengthens the body’s immune abilities, improves the removal of toxins, and is necessary for the heart.
  • E– inhibits the aging process, normalizes hormonal levels, activates the regenerative abilities of the epidermis, improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, calms the nervous system, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
  • R– has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.


  • Iron is the main element involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Maintaining normal levels of iron in the body helps prevent anemia. In addition, the element is necessary for the nervous system, digestive organs and immunity.
  • Potassium required by the kidneys and intestines, helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Calcium It is a building material for bone tissue and helps the body resist allergens. The mineral is involved in the removal of excess cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Magnesium important for the heart and endocrine system, supports reproductive function in men and women, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and helps prevent the development of allergies.
  • Sodium participates in maintaining water-salt balance. The mineral is needed to preserve neuromuscular connections.
  • Phosphorus takes part in metabolism, is part of bones and tooth enamel.

Benefits for the body

  1. Tannin, which is part of pomegranate seeds, has a healing effect for diarrhea.
  2. Active substances stop the division of cancer cells. Therefore, the product can be included in addition to the main treatment.
  3. Tannins help stop the development of tuberculosis, E. coli and dysentery.
  4. Pomegranate speeds up post-operative recovery.
  5. Regular use helps normalize blood pressure.
  6. The product removes various harmful substances from the body, including radionuclides.
  7. Fruit peel can cleanse the body of worms.
  8. Decoctions of skins are useful for ARVI.
  9. Pomegranate is indicated for the treatment of enterocolitis.
  10. An infusion of the peel helps get rid of stomatitis and bleeding gums.
  11. Pomegranate helps get rid of extra pounds. It stimulates metabolism, removes water and toxins from the body. In addition, the fruit allows you to get rid of hunger pangs and provides the body with a large amount of useful substances. This quality of pomegranate is very important, since most diets result in the body receiving not only fewer calories, but also vitamins and minerals.

Pomegranate seeds contain many useful substances, but many remember from childhood that they should not be eaten. In fact, bones should not be swallowed by children under 10 years of age, since the gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to fully digest them. For adults, swallowed bones do not pose any danger. In addition, they contain essential oils and fiber.

The benefits of fruit for the female body

Regular consumption of pomegranate helps women fight depression and ease the symptoms of menopause. Useful substances help prevent breast cancer. The fruit is useful for expectant mothers, as it provides not only her body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also contributes to the full development of the unborn child.

The benefits of fruit for the male body

Pomegranate is also useful for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. It increases potency and helps avoid problems with men's health even in old age.

Contraindications to the use of pomegranate

You should not eat pomegranate or drink its juice if you have high acidity of gastric juice and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is not indicated for people with acute gastric or duodenal ulcers. You will have to avoid pomegranate if you are allergic to it.

Despite all the benefits of the fruit, large consumption can lead to health problems. In case of overdose, dizziness, convulsions and hallucinations may occur.

Pomegranate bracelet cooking recipes

The classic version of the salad involves the use of chicken and vegetables. But due to the fact that every cook is inclined to experiment rather than follow the usual rules, a huge number of variations of the Pomegranate Bracelet have appeared. The use of pomegranate seeds as a finishing element remains unchanged.

The basis of the snack is chicken breast, vegetables and nuts.


  • Chicken breast – 0.4 kg.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Oil – 30 ml.
  • Mayonnaise – 120 gr.
  • Walnuts – 1 handful.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Cook beets, carrots and potatoes separately from each other.
  2. Peel the vegetables, grate them one by one, place them in separate containers and season with mayonnaise.
  3. Peel and cut the onion into cubes, fry in oil until soft.
  4. Boil the chicken in salted water with spices for 20 minutes after boiling.
  5. Break the chicken down into fibers.
  6. Peel the pomegranate and remove the seeds.
  7. Fry walnuts in a frying pan and chop with a knife.

Preparing the salad:

Place a glass in the center of the dish, around which you need to lay out the prepared ingredients in layers.

1st layer – potatoes.

2nd layer – carrots.

3rd layer – chicken meat.

4th layer – onion.

5th layer – beets.

6th layer – nuts.

7th layer – pomegranate seeds.

After this, you need to carefully remove the glass.

The appetizer, prepared with the addition of cheese, has a delicate taste. This ingredient goes well with others. The simplicity of this cooking method lies in the absence of the need to lay out the ingredients in layers.


  • Chicken meat – 0.3 kg.
  • Hard cheese – 0.3 kg.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Walnuts – 0.2 kg.
  • Mayonnaise – 0.15 kg.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Boil the poultry until tender. Disassemble into fibers.
  2. Fry the nuts in a frying pan and chop with a knife.
  3. Peel the pomegranate and remove the seeds.
  4. Grate the cheese.
  5. Chop the garlic and mix with mayonnaise.

Preparing the salad:

Combine all ingredients except the pomegranate with the dressing and place on a plate in the form of a ring. You can first place a glass and spread the mixture around it. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top.

And here you can see how delicious it is to bake chicken breast for salad.

Not all cooks love chicken; some prefer to cook dishes with meat, considering them more nutritious and suitable for “winter” feasts. The garnet bracelet may not work if the beef is too tough. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use tenderloin or pulp - the softest parts of beef. It can also be replaced with veal. Prunes give this appetizer a brighter taste.


  • Meat – 0.3 kg.
  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Prunes – 12 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 0.2 kg.
  • Vinegar (apple) – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Boil the meat until tender with the addition of salt, bay leaf and spices.
  2. Cut the cooled beef into small cubes.
  3. Boil beets, potatoes and carrots until tender in separate containers.
  4. Peel the cooled vegetables and grate them separately from each other.
  5. Pour boiling water over the prunes and leave until completely softened. Then chop it with a knife.
  6. Peel the pomegranate and remove the seeds.
  7. Chop the onion with a knife and pour in vinegar diluted with water (1/1 ratio). Must infuse for a quarter of an hour.

Preparing the salad:

The components are laid out in layers, each of which is coated with mayonnaise. To form the appetizer, you will need a large plate with a glass placed in the center.

1st layer – potatoes.

2nd layer – chopped prunes.

3rd layer – meat.

4th layer – onion.

5th layer – carrots.

6th layer – beets.

7th layer – pomegranate seeds.

After all the layers have been formed and the salad is sprinkled with pomegranates, the glass must be carefully removed and the middle must also be sprinkled with fruit grains.

Since everyone has their own taste preferences, not everyone may like beets. In this case, you don’t have to give up this delicious snack. It can be prepared without beets, replacing them with apples.


  • Beef – 0.3 kg.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Apples (sour) – 2 pcs.
  • Cheese – 0.2 kg.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 0.15 kg.
  • Walnuts – 1 handful.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Boil the meat and separate it into fibers.
  2. Boil potatoes and grate.
  3. Peel and grate the apples.
  4. Grate the cheese.
  5. Peel the pomegranate and remove the seeds.
  6. Fry the nuts in a frying pan and chop with a knife.
  7. Finely chop the onion and scald with boiling water.

Preparing the salad:

This recipe assumes that the components will be stacked on top of each other and each coated with mayonnaise. The appetizer is formed on a flat serving plate around a glass placed in the middle.

1st layer – beef.

2nd layer – apples.

3rd layer – cheese.

4th layer – onion.

5th layer – potatoes.

6th layer – nuts.

7th layer – pomegranate seeds.

The original taste of this appetizer will make many take a fresh look at the popular salad. Eggs will make it more tender, and smoked poultry meat will be more juicy and piquant.


  • Smoked chicken – 0.4 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Beets – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 0.22 kg.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Break the chicken into fibers.
  2. Boil vegetables in different pans until tender, peel and grate separately from each other.
  3. Boil the eggs, peel and chop with a knife.
  4. Remove the seeds from the pomegranate.
  5. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in a frying pan with some oil until it becomes soft.

Preparing the salad:

You need to lay out the ingredients in layers on a large dish, around the glass. The shape should be a bracelet. Each layer is coated with mayonnaise. Spicy lovers can mix it with crushed garlic. Potatoes can be salted.

1st layer – potatoes.

2nd layer – beets.

3rd layer – carrots.

4th layer – chicken meat.

5th layer – onion.

Layer 6 – eggs.
7th layer – pomegranate seeds.

Lovers of light snacks can prepare a Pomegranate bracelet without meat and mayonnaise. At the same time, the taste of the dish will not disappoint.


  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Cheese (soft) – 0.15 kg.
  • Pomegranate – 1 pc.
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Boil the beets, peel and grate.
  2. The seeds are removed from the grenade.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Pass the garlic through a press.

Preparing the salad:

Place the ingredients in a container, add sour cream and juice, mix well. Form a bracelet on a flat dish and decorate with pomegranate seeds on top.

Pomegranate bracelet salad video recipe


  • Red beets 3 pcs.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Walnuts 10 pcs.
  • Chicken (smoked or boiled) 300 gr.
  • Pomegranate 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise

Pomegranate is a fruit, the use of which in salads is not only a decoration, but also a source of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. There are a lot of recipes for making the famous Pomegranate bracelet, so you can prepare a new dish every time. It is important to remember that the vegetables and meat used for it should not be overcooked, then the snack will be the most healthy.

Writer Alexander Kuprin wrote his story “The Garnet Bracelet” back in 1910. It tells about unhappy unrequited love. The decorated salad resembles a wonderful decoration that the main character Vera Nikolaevna Sheina received as a gift from a secret admirer.

This original dish was especially popular in the 80s of the 20th century; now it is prepared less often. But if you want to surprise your family or guests, make a “Garnet Bracelet” and your loved ones will be delighted.

Today there are many variations of the recipe. First, we will describe in detail the classic recipe with a photo, then a more satisfying version of the salad, and then briefly possible “variations on the theme” and ideas on how else you can diversify the dish.

Traditional step-by-step recipe for Pomegranate Bracelet salad

Ingredients Quantity
Chicken (you can boil it yourself or buy smoked breast) - 300 g
3 pcs.
Carrot - 2 pcs.
Beet - 2 pcs.
Onion - 1 small
Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
Peeled seeds of 2 pomegranates - For decoration
Shelled walnuts - 1 tbsp.
Garlic - 1-2 cloves
Mayonnaise - taste
Sunflower oil - for frying meat and onions
Salt pepper - taste
Cooking time: 180 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 198 Kcal

Stages of preparing the Pomegranate Bracelet salad according to the recipe with photo:

Layer order:

Now we decorate our salad with the seeds of two pomegranates (we leave a few seeds for the inside of the ring). Next, carefully remove the glass and decorate our “Pomegranate Bracelet” with the remaining seeds.

You don’t have to decorate the inside with pomegranate. In the photo you can see how the dish will look with different designs. The choice is yours!

Place the finished salad in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

You can use dill sprigs for serving.

Once the layers are soaked, you can serve to your guests!

This salad really looks bright on the table, adding solemnity to the feast. Moreover, this is a good alternative to the traditional “Herring under a fur coat” (sometimes it is called “meat fur coat”).

The listed ingredients make 6-8 servings of salad.

You can watch all the stages of preparing this royal salad in the video:

Beef version of Pomegranate Bracelet


  • Beef or veal – 300 g;
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • 2 carrots;
  • Beetroot – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 small onion;
  • Peeled seeds of 2 pomegranates for decoration;
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • We use mayonnaise as a dressing;
  • Vegetable oil (to fry the onions);
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Step by step stages of salad preparation:

  1. The meat is boiled for 1.5 hours;
  2. At the same time, boil the vegetables: potatoes, carrots and beets. Next, cut the salad ingredients into cubes;
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil;
  4. The sequence of layers will be as follows: first potatoes, then a layer of beef, onions, then carrots and beets in turn;
  5. All ingredients are coated with sauce - in this case mayonnaise;
  6. As in the original recipe, the salad is decorated with pomegranate seeds.

The salad prepared in this way turns out to be more satisfying and “masculine”.

We present to you another video in which the salad is prepared with chicken, but without eggs and mushrooms. It will turn out very tasty and juicy!

Salad variations and little culinary tricks

  1. Try preparing the meat differently: for example, you can salt and pepper the chicken and leave it to marinate for an hour, and then just fry it, and fry the onion in the same oil;
  2. Instead of meat, you can boil and cut into cubes veal heart or liver;
  3. If you are on a diet, mayonnaise can be replaced with natural yogurt or mixed halfway with sour cream;
  4. If you don't like pomegranate seeds, you can try replacing the pomegranate with lingonberries;
  5. There is a salad option with fish. In this case, the following ingredients are used: canned fish (for example, tuna) or lightly salted red fish; apples (preferably sour ones, such as Semerenki); chicken eggs, grated with cheese; onion; Mayonnaise and sour cream are mixed for dressing. The layers are laid in the following sequence: fish, half of the cheese-egg mixture, onions, apples, the rest of the cheese and egg. Each layer is also coated with dressing, and at the end the salad is decorated with pomegranate;
  6. If you are a vegetarian, then the meat can be replaced with coarsely grated hard cheese. You can add a crushed clove of garlic to it and make a layer of pickled cucumbers;
  7. The salad turns out to be very light if you use boiled beef tongue as a meat ingredient. Vegetables can be baked in the oven in foil. Peeled pine nuts are added to the beets. Finely chopped onion should be scalded in boiling water (after this procedure it becomes soft and not bitter). The layers in this version will be the following: potatoes, onions, carrots, tongue, egg, cheese, beets with nuts. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. The laid salad is traditionally decorated with pomegranate seeds and, if desired, fresh herbs.

For example, the seeds themselves perfectly cleanse the intestines. Pomegranate is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure; Due to its high iron content, it also normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Pomegranate contains a huge amount of vitamins, diabetics can eat it, and pomegranate juice cleanses blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques.

No matter how much the classic pomegranate bracelet salad without beets is modernized, no matter what ingredients are used to decorate it, it is the classic that remains to this day the most successful, tasty and refined. Classic pomegranate bracelet salad with beef surpasses all appetizers that can be seen on the holiday table.

Chicken meat gives the appetizer tenderness, lightness and sophistication. This is how we are used to seeing the dish. After all, in addition to taste, the pomegranate bracelet salad is a classic one - bright, beautiful and aromatic.

You will need:

  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 300 gr. chicken meat;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1/4 tsp. salt.

Pomegranate bracelet salad - classic recipe:

  1. Boil carrots, beets and potatoes, then cool and peel. Then grind on a grater.
  2. Boil the eggs and place in cold water. Once cooled, peel and grate.
  3. Peel the onion, chop it and fry in a frying pan with added oil until golden brown.
  4. Boil the chicken meat, then cool and cut into pieces.
  5. It is advisable to fry the nuts a little in a hot and dry frying pan, and then chop them with a simple rolling pin.
  6. Peel the garlic and pass through a press, mix with mayonnaise.
  7. Place a glass in the center of the plate, around which to form salad layers, each of which must be coated with garlic-mayonnaise sauce.
  8. Place potatoes on the bottom of the plate.
  9. Next, distribute the carrots and nuts.
  10. In the next step, add chicken and onions.
  11. Next, scatter the eggs and beets evenly.
  12. Peel the pomegranate from the thick skin and carefully remove the grains, decorate the dish with them
  13. Remove the glass from the finished product and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Tip: to make the dish less calorie, you can replace fried onions with fresh ones.

Classic pomegranate bracelet salad with chicken

Chicken meat is incredibly tender. And if we are talking about the smoked version, then the dish with its addition becomes aromatic and acquires a unique taste.

You will need:

  • 1 beet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 300 gr. smoked chicken fillet;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise.

Classic pomegranate bracelet salad with chicken:

  1. Peel the garlic, chop it using a press and mix the resulting mass with mayonnaise.
  2. Boil all the vegetables, cool, peel, and grate.
  3. Boil the eggs until the yolk is firm, cool, peel and finely chop.
  4. Chop the nuts with a knife.
  5. Cut the chicken meat as finely as possible.
  6. Peel the onion, chop and fry in a hot frying pan.
  7. To form the dish, you need a flat but very wide plate, in the center of which we place a glass, greased in advance with oil.
  8. The salad involves laying it out in layers, treating each layer without exception with garlic-mayonnaise dressing.
  9. Pomegranate bracelet salad classic recipe layers: potatoes, beets, carrots, nuts, chicken, onions, eggs, beets.
  10. After completing the formation of layers, remove the glass and sprinkle the resulting dish generously with pomegranate seeds.

Important! To ensure that the salad turns out rich and not bland, it is recommended to add a little salt and pepper to all layers.

You can also try cooking, the preparation of which will not take much of your time.

Pomegranate bracelet salad – classic recipe with beef

Beef is an unusual dish. But it is this type of fried meat that perfectly complements the classic pomegranate bracelet salad with beef, making it more rich and nutritious.

You will need:

  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 beets;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 gr. beef;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 1 pomegranate;
  • 30 gr. onion greens;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise.

Pomegranate bracelet salad with beef - classic recipe:

  1. Wash and boil the vegetables, then cool and peel. Then grate it.
  2. Wash the beef, cut into thin strips and fry.
  3. Chop walnuts with a rolling pin and mix with beets and a small amount of mayonnaise.
  4. Wash and chop the onion.
  5. The plate for this dish should not only be bright and festive, but also wide. Place a glass in the very center, around which to form layers, coating each with sauce.
  6. Layers in order: potatoes, carrots, beef, onions, nuts, beets.
  7. Garnish the salad with pomegranate seeds and carefully pull out the glass.

Classic pomegranate bracelet salad

Chicken, which is used in most recipes, may not always be available. And it’s simply not to everyone’s taste. The ideal solution is to replace the fillet with pork, which is no less tender, but more filling.

You will need:

  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 gr. pork;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 pomegranate.

Pomegranate bracelet salad - classic recipe with meat:

  1. Boil the pork in salted water, cool and chop finely.
  2. Wash the beets and bake in their skins. It is necessary to grind the root vegetable using a grater.
  3. Potatoes and carrots need to be boiled, cooled, peeled and chopped in the same way as beets.
  4. Boil the eggs, cool and peel. Then chop finely with a knife.
  5. Crush the nuts in a mortar.
  6. As in other recipes, place a glass in the center of the dish and place layers of lettuce around the limiter, brushing each with sauce.
  7. Arrange the layers in the following order: potatoes, meat, carrots, nuts, eggs, beets.
  8. All that remains is to decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds and remove the glass from the center.
  9. Before serving, it is recommended to leave the dish in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.

The classic pomegranate bracelet salad recipe without beets brings together all the ingredients that together create an amazing culinary creation. The appetizer will be a bright decoration for any celebration. Guests are always very happy when a dish appears on the table and therefore the garnet bracelet does not stay there for a long time.

Pomegranate bracelet salad without beets is an incredibly beautiful, tasty and festive dish. It will always be a highlight on the table. A bright salad shimmering with all shades of red. At the same time, its taste is very rich and varied. Guests are always in boundless delight or deep envy.

Oh, these holidays! And no matter how much joy and fun they bring, for every housewife this is a whole test. Prepare everything, have time, clean and cook. You can’t expect help from men; everything falls on women’s shoulders. Moreover, every housewife constantly competes, sometimes even with herself, in preparing new, tasty and original dishes.

The Pomegranate Bracelet salad will always come to the rescue; by preparing it without beets, you can save a lot of time, and the taste will only benefit. Beets are a very healthy vegetable, but it so happens that not everyone can appreciate it and when inviting people to visit, you need to take this into account.

When setting the table, place the Pomegranate Bracelet salad in the brightest place. So, under the rays of light, each pomegranate seed shimmers and sparkles like a scattering of precious stones.

How to make a pomegranate bracelet salad without beets - 15 varieties

The biggest and most anticipated holiday in the whole world. Everything around shines with a variety of colors. Let the flowers and the festive table sparkle.


  • Potatoes - 300 g
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Grilled chicken breast - 400 g
  • Hard cheese - 250 g
  • Eggs - 5 pcs
  • Nuts - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Spices


Boil potatoes and eggs in advance.

Cut the grilled chicken as desired.

Three cheese, potatoes and eggs on a coarse grater.

Grind the nuts in a mortar or according to your own method.

Forming. We lay out the salad in the shape of a bracelet, spreading the layers with mayonnaise. The first layer is potatoes, then comes chicken, cheese, nuts and eggs. Place the pomegranate seeds tightly on top of the salad over the entire surface.

Do you urgently need something special for your holiday table? Prepare a bright and tasty salad. Guests will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Potatoes - 300 g
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Korean carrots - 300 g
  • Dutch cheese - 200 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g
  • Garlic - 2-3 teeth.
  • Walnut - 50 g
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Seasonings


Boil potatoes and chicken fillet in advance.

Chop the champignons and fry until nutty.

We separate the chicken fillet into fibers with our hands. Or cube mode.

Three large potatoes.

Finely chop the onion.

Chop the garlic and add it to mayonnaise.

Finely three cheese.

Crush the nuts with a rolling pin or in a mortar.

We collect the salad. Place a glass in the center. Place the potatoes in a circle first. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Next are onions, chicken, Korean carrots, mushrooms, nuts, cheese. Coat the top with mayonnaise and decorate with pomegranate seeds over the entire surface.

In the cold winter time, you crave hearty and nutritious salads. Products for cooking are all in season.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1-2 pcs
  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs
  • Canned peas. - 1 b
  • Sunflower oil - 50 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g


Boil eggs and potatoes in advance.

Cut the chicken fillet and fry in oil with spices. Cool and cut into strips.

Three large potatoes. Eggs - at your discretion.

Form a salad on a wide platter with a glass. First a layer of potatoes, then peas, fillet and eggs. Coat the top and layers with mayonnaise. Decorate everything with a thick layer of pomegranate over the entire surface.

You can add rich flavor with smoked chicken. And the aroma will become more piquant.


  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 2-3 pcs.
  • Eggs - 7-8 pcs
  • Smoked breast - 1 piece
  • Onion - 3 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g


We prepare the components. Boil eggs and potatoes. Peel the onion, chop and marinate in sugar and vinegar.

Cut the breast into cubes.

Form a ring on a wide chicken platter. Coat with mayonnaise. Top with pickled onions and grated potatoes. Coat with mayonnaise. Top with crushed eggs, mayonnaise and cover with a thick layer of pomegranate seeds over the entire surface.

Multi-colored salad inside under a pomegranate blanket. Surprise your guests!


  • Red and green bell peppers - 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Corn cons. - 1 b
  • Egg - 5 pcs
  • Olives - 100 g
  • Olive oil - 50 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g


Prepare a wide dish for the salad.

Boil the eggs and cool.

Boil and fry the fillet.

Chop all the ingredients to the size of corn, season with oil, mix and place on a bracelet-shaped dish. Coat the entire outer surface with mayonnaise and spread the peeled pomegranate tightly over the entire surface.

Quite simple to prepare, but impressive salad. Even a man can cook.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 1-2 teeth
  • Walnuts, cleaned - 0.5 tbsp
  • Mayonnaise - 150-200 g
  • Spices


Boil and cut the chicken fillet.

We also cook potatoes, carrots and eggs. Then three or crumble.

Chop the onion and fry in a frying pan.

Mash the nuts in a mortar or rolling pin.

Place a glass in the center of the salad bowl and begin shaping.

Place potatoes on the very bottom, then carrots, nuts, chicken, onions and eggs. Coat the layers and surface with mayonnaise. We decorate tightly with pomegranate seeds so that there is no space left between the grains.

In hot summer weather, a fresh and original salad will be a pleasant surprise on the table.


  • Corn cons. - 1 b
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Tomato - 2 pcs
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Salad mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Spices


Boil the eggs in advance.

Prepare chicken fillet to your taste.

Cut all components into strips if possible.

We form the salad with or without a glass.

Place eggs at the very bottom, then corn, chicken, cucumber, and tomato. Coat the layers and top of the salad with mayonnaise. Decorate tightly with peeled pomegranate over the entire surface.

Just half an hour and a fantastic salad for guests and family is ready! Well, isn't it a miracle!


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Smoked chicken - 300 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Nuts - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  • Mayonnaise - 70 g


Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and grate.

Boil the eggs hard, peel and chop.

We don’t cook the carrots, we grate them raw.

Chop and fry the onion.

Cut the chicken into cubes.

Three apples last so as not to darken.

Assemble the salad on a platter, layering all the layers with mayonnaise, around a glass placed in the center.

Lubricate the surface of the salad with mayonnaise and cover the entire surface with pomegranate seeds.

You can add chic and sparkle to your holiday table by preparing our next recipe. The salad will be the first to go to the general delight of the guests.


  • Potatoes - 300 g
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Ham - 350 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Seasonings


Boil eggs and potatoes in their jackets. Cool and grate.

Cut the ham into strips.

Peel the pomegranate seeds.

Grate the cheese.

Collect on a wide salad bowl around a glass, greasing the layers with mayonnaise.

The first layer is grated potatoes, then ham, cheese and eggs.

Take out the glass, cover with mayonnaise and pomegranate seeds.

Do you want the garnet to have a brighter red hue and the gaps between the grains not to be noticeable? Before covering the salad, mix mayonnaise with 1 teaspoon of tomato paste; it will turn out a delicate red color.

A more affordable version of your favorite salad. The taste, however, only benefits. Try it yourself.


  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Smoked wings - 0.5 kg
  • Eggs - 5 pcs
  • Nuts - 100 g
  • Processed cheese - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g


Pour chopped onion with hot water with the addition of citric acid for 40 minutes.

Remove the smoked meat from the wings.

Boil vegetables, eggs and cut into cubes.

We chop nuts in any way.

Cleaning pomegranate seeds.

Three cheeses.

Assemble the salad, coating the layers with mayonnaise. We start with onions, then chicken, potatoes, carrots, cheese, nuts, eggs and pomegranate seeds all over the surface.

How to prepare a festive dinner during Lent? Be sure to write down our Lenten recipe for a delicious salad.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Champignons - 500 g
  • Peas cons. - 1 ban
  • Marinated eggplants - 300 g
  • Lenten mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Spices


Cleaning the pomegranate.

Boil and grate the vegetables.

Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry until nutty.

Chop the eggplants into cubes.

We form a salad under the bracelet, coating the layers with mayonnaise. Half a potato, then eggplant, the other half of potatoes, carrots, mushrooms. Cover everything with a final layer of mayonnaise and tightly spread pomegranate seeds.

To ensure that mushrooms retain their flavor when cooking, choose unopened mushrooms and do not wash them, but simply peel or wipe them.

One of the fastest and easiest to prepare recipes for this salad.


  • Chicken, smoked breast - 1 piece
  • Pomegranate - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Eggs - 7 pcs
  • Onion - 3 pcs
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Mayonnaise to taste


Pickle the onion. Cut into cubes, add vinegar and marinate for 20 minutes.

Finely chop the brisket.

Boil potatoes and eggs and chop.

We form the salad in the shape of a bracelet.

The first layer is breast, mayonnaise. 2nd - potatoes, mayonnaise. 3rd - eggs, mayonnaise. 4th - pickled onions, mayonnaise. And spread the pomegranate tightly over the entire surface.

A hearty, nutritious recipe especially for real men. Pomegranate bracelet with fried meat.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh pork - 400 g
  • Korean carrots - 200 g
  • Egg - 5 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Oil - 100 g
  • Spices


Cut the pork into thin strips and fry with spices until completely cooked.

We cut the potatoes like fries and fry them too, only separately.

Boil and chop the eggs.

We form the salad from the still hot ingredients, this way it will soak in better.

First, lay out the fried potatoes in the shape of a circle and grease with mayonnaise.

Then meat, carrots and eggs, lubricating the layers. And beautifully decorate with pomegranate seeds over the entire surface.

Do you like lighter, fresher salads? Surprise everyone with our recipe.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • Pickled onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Green apple - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Spices


Boil and grate potatoes and eggs.

We use raw carrots, three finely.

Boil the breast and cut it or separate it into fibers.

Three large cheeses and green apples.

Gather the salad around the glass. And lay the salad, coating the layers with mayonnaise. Chicken, pickled onions, potatoes, carrots, apple, eggs and cheese. We take out the jar and tightly lay the pomegranate seeds over the entire surface.

For a special dinner - a special salad! A tasty and elegant decoration for the table.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1-2 pcs
  • Chicken breast - 1 piece
  • White beans - 1 b
  • Marinated mushrooms - 100 g
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g


Boil and disassemble the breast.

We also boil the vegetables and chop them coarsely.

Clean the pomegranate seeds.

Chop the mushrooms as desired.

We collect the salad in a salad bowl, around a glass. We start with potatoes, carrots, chicken, beans and mushrooms. Coat the layers with mayonnaise. We remove the glass. Place the pomegranate seeds tightly.

To carefully remove the glass without disturbing the center, grease the glass with sunflower oil before forming the salad.

Wash the vegetables for the salad (potatoes, carrots and beets) thoroughly, put everything in separate pans, cover with cold water, add about half a teaspoon of salt to each vegetable and boil until tender.

Cooking time for vegetables will depend on their size. Potatoes after boiling water will be ready in 25-30 minutes, carrots - 20-25 minutes, and beets (and we will need large ones) in 50-55 minutes over low heat. Do not cut off the tail of the beets and immediately fill them with cold water after cooking. Beets need to be cooled immediately, so change the cold water more often to cool the vegetable faster.

For eggs, boil water, salt it and carefully lower the eggs. When the water boils again, cook for 9 minutes. After the designated time, drain the hot water and fill it with cold, or even better, ice. Cool the eggs well.

When all the vegetables have cooled, remove the skins from them and grate them on a coarse grater. Do the same with eggs - peel and grate.

Boil the chicken breast in salted water until tender (25-30 minutes), cool and cut into strips or cubes.

Grind the walnuts, but not into dust, but into coarse crumbs. You can wrap the nuts in a towel and beat them well with a rolling pin. Alternatively, you can chop it with a knife. If you use a blender, then a few short presses of the button will be enough.

Fry the onion (small cubes) for the salad in vegetable oil. The color should be golden and the onion itself should be soft. It is advisable to transfer the onions into a small sieve to remove any remaining vegetable oil and thus prevent excess fat from getting into the salad.

Place a glass in the center of a large plate. Place all ingredients around the glass. The larger the dish, the wider the glass should be. The height of the salad depends on the size of the plate and glass.

The first layer is pieces of chicken fillet, salt and pepper to taste, a mayonnaise mesh.

The second layer is carrots, salt, pepper, nuts and mayonnaise. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise and spices to your taste.

The third layer is potatoes, salt, pepper and mayonnaise.

The fourth layer is part of the beets, salt and pepper.

Fifth layer – onions, nuts, mayonnaise.

The sixth layer is eggs with salt, pepper and mayonnaise.