Chiffon sponge cake: step-by-step recipe with photos. Harry Baker sponge cake (Chiffon) Harry Baker's classic chiffon sponge cake

Hello, my dearest! Olya Athenskaya is in touch, as always, with another post at the request of workers. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never made chiffon cake until today. Of course, there were many similar biscuits, but never according to the original recipe and in the correct proportions.

I didn’t have any short-term plans to cook it, but the guest’s wishes, as they say, are the law. Well, since you are all my guests here, make yourself comfortable and feel at home. And I will show you how to prepare a real chiffon sponge cake with step-by-step photos.

Let's first figure out what this type of biscuit is and how it differs from.

Basics of chiffon sponge cake

Chiffon sponge cake is loved for its incredible lightness and airiness. In fact, this is what justifies its name, which refers to the light, airy fabric.

And this is achieved thanks to: a) adding vegetable oil; b) the presence of a large number of proteins, whipped into a very strong meringue.

It is due to the large amount of proteins and vegetable oil that the chiffon sponge cake turns out so airy, tender and moist that no it doesn't need impregnation.

Actually, these are the two main differences between chiffon and classic sponge cake.

History of chiffon sponge cake

This type of biscuit is the brainchild of an American insurance agent from Los Angeles, Harry Baker, who invented the recipe back in 1927 airy, light and porous sponge cake, thereby creating a small revolution in the American confectionery world.

Exactly 20 years no one could understand the secret of the success of this biscuit and find out the reliable recipe from Baker. For 20 long years, a man with the iconic surname Baker kept the recipe for his brainchild a secret, until he sold it to an American company in 1947 General Mills.

And just a year later, the original recipe for chiffon sponge cake became the property of the whole world when it was published in the magazine Better Homes and Gardens Magazine.

Then everyone learned that the secret to the success of this biscuit was adding vegetable oil. Until then, all cake biscuits were prepared with either butter or margarine.

As the company stated General Mills, chiffon sponge cake became the first new type of sponge cake in the previous 100 years.

Basic rules for chiffon sponge cake

The original recipe for chiffon sponge cake requires following certain rules to obtain 100% results at home.

Original recipe

For a mold with a diameter of 24-26 cm

The sponge cake rises very much when baking, so the height of your mold should be about 10 cm.

Required ingredients:

  • flour - 264 gr.
  • sugar - 300 gr.
  • baking powder - 3 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 125 gr.
  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.
  • cold water - 188 ml
  • vanilla extract - 2 tsp. ( order )
  • zest of 1 lemon - optional
  • egg whites, room temperature - 1 cup (7-8 pcs.)
  • *tartar - ½ tsp. (preferably) or a few drops of lemon juice

*Cream of tartar(cream of tartar) stabilizes meringue best. It makes meringue perfect. Can order on iHerb . Discount code - POR7412.

Step-by-step preparation:

For a mold with a diameter of 20 cm:

  • reduce all ingredients by half,
  • eggs take 2 yolks and 4 whites,
  • bake at 160º for 55 minutes.

You can choose the cream for the cake with chiffon sponge cake.

That's why I don't say goodbye for a long time.

Have a nice weekend!

Good luck, love and patience.

Chiffon sponge cake differs from regular sponge cake in that it is prepared in vegetable oil. Vegetable oil cannot be whipped like butter, so a larger amount of whipped whites is used here than yolks.

The sponge cake comes out very tender and soft, and unusually airy. Absolutely non-dry and aromatic, which allows it to be not only the basis of a cake, but also an independent cupcake for tea. Vegetable oil should be odorless or slightly sweet. I used rapeseed oil. It’s also good with nuts. Usually many different flavors are put into the biscuit, such as vanilla, citrus zest, spices, cocoa, chocolate, nuts.

I present to you Vanilla Lemon Chiffon Sponge Cake. This recipe shows the general technology, the only difference is the dry ingredients and the liquid, which can be water, juice or coffee.

The biscuit is baked in a mold where only the bottom is lined with baking paper; neither the bottom nor the walls should be greased with oil. During baking, the sponge cake rises 2-2.5 times and the dough seems to climb up the walls of the mold, and then the middle of the sponge cake does not fall in (everyone is familiar with this problem). It should be cooled “upside down” in 4 glasses for at least 1 hour. This biscuit can also be stored in the refrigerator without losing its qualities, wrapped in paper. The recipe is designed for a 22 cm diameter mold. Have a good time everyone and look forward to your feedback!

I grew up eating traditional biscuits. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour, bake. These biscuits are tall, fluffy and dry, they definitely need to be soaked.

I missed the moment when confectionery science suddenly stepped forward. This happened quite recently, in the last 5-6 years. Completely different biscuits appeared. They are initially soft and do not need to be soaked. Many of them are baked in thin layers at once, because they are so tender that they cannot be cut. Almond biscuits, Japanese biscuits, cigarette biscuits, custard biscuits, dacquoise... And the good old thick biscuit, which is cut into cakes, has been transformed into a chiffon biscuit.

When I first saw the recipe, I was completely dumbfounded. Vegetable oil? Cold water???? But a respected colleague recommended this biscuit to me, and I decided to take a risk.

GREAT BISCUIT! Soft, tender, moist without any impregnation, you can even feel some kind of nuttiness in it. You want to eat it even just like that. without any cream, it's so good. I highly recommend forgetting all the retro biscuit recipes and making only this one now.

100 g sugar

8 g baking powder

a pinch of salt

120 ml cold water

1 packet vanilla sugar

5 egg yolks

1/2 cup vegetable oil (rapeseed)

5 egg whites

100 g sugar

Beat the whites with 100 g of sugar until they have a tail consistency, at medium speed. Add sugar in three steps: the first - when foam appears on the whites. The second - when all the trees become foam and the third - when the foam turns white.

What is the consistency of the “tail”? Scientifically, this is called “soft peaks,” but it seems to me that the “tail” is more intelligible. This is when you have a puppy-like tail hanging from your corolla and you can wave it. When you wave your tail, it doesn't fall off. If the tail falls off, then beat further.

This is the most widely used consistency of meringue, that is, egg whites whipped with sugar. This meringue mixes well with other ingredients and gives a good rise to the dough.

Beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar into a fluffy foam. Add vegetable oil, add water little by little. Mix the dry ingredients, add to the liquid ingredients and mix with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Turn off the mixer and carefully, in two or three additions, manually add the whites with a spatula.

Place in two 20cm molds, cover with foil and bake for about 30 minutes at 170C and another 5-10 minutes without foil. The biscuit is ready when it springs back when pressed. You can bake one biscuit and cut it. It will take about an hour to bake.

Before cutting, the biscuit must be cooled thoroughly, preferably overnight. Then it will not be so tiny and elastic.

Like all sponge cakes, chiffon sponge cake freezes well. Wrap it in cling film or a bag, and it will keep frozen for about three months. To defrost, you need to keep it at room temperature for 3-4 hours, and it will be as if it was just baked. I mean, like well-seasoned after baking :-)) That is, elastic and not crumbly.

I suggest making the most delicate of all sponge cakes - chiffon sponge cake, it’s not called that for nothing. This sponge cake always turns out, the main thing is to beat the ingredients well and not to be lazy. There are many recipes for this biscuit online, I have my own recipe. I used 3 regular eggs and one very small one to prepare it, so you can adjust the number of eggs. I also adjusted the sugar to my taste and didn’t overuse flour; I think it’s better not to add it than to add it.

We will need the following products:

First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the whites to peaks with citric acid and a spoonful of sugar.

Beat the yolks separately with some sugar and warm water. When the yolks are well beaten and have increased by 5 times, add vegetable oil in parts, continuing to beat all the time. The mixture whips easily and the yolks immediately become fluffy and dense.

Mix dry ingredients separately - flour, remaining sugar, baking powder, vanillin. Be sure to sift everything.

Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the beaten yolks. Stir in one direction only, with a spatula from bottom to top.

Then add some of the proteins to the yolk-flour mixture, not all at once. Once the first part is mixed, you can fold in the rest of the whites. Again, only with a spatula and only in one direction, from bottom to top.

The result is not a thick fluffy dough at all, it flows. Pour it into a mold whose bottom is lined with baking paper. There is no need to grease the mold. Rotate the form with the dough several times around its axis so that it is distributed evenly. Bake in preheated to 180 degrees. oven for 45 - 50 minutes. Do not open the oven for the first half hour. I cover the bottom of the mold with foil and it doesn’t burn and the dough doesn’t leak out of the mold. After half an hour, the temperature can be reduced to 160-170 degrees. I have an electric oven; for a gas oven the temperature will always be higher. If the top burns, cover it with foil. Check readiness with a splinter. If it is dry, then the biscuit is ready.

Remove the finished biscuit and cool in the pan.

To prevent it from settling, I turn it, along with the mold, onto the glasses and cool it completely in this position. Then, running a knife along the edges of the mold, I remove the biscuit.

Of course, you need to let the sponge cake mature at least overnight, but I never have time for this and I bake the cake right away. The sponge cake is suitable for tea drinking already in this form, but you can make a wonderful, delicate cake by cutting it and layering it with any cream.

Not many housewives know what chiffon sponge cake is, but this delicacy is not only very tasty, but also very easy to prepare. To get a beautiful and juicy cake, you must correctly perform all stages of preparing the dessert. Then the finished cake can be served to the table, even for a big family holiday. In this article we will tell you all the nuances of preparing chiffon sponge cake, provide step-by-step recipes with photos, according to which the housewife can prepare this dessert herself.

Chiffon sponge cake - what kind of dessert?

The recipe for this delicacy was invented about 90 years ago, it happened in America, and after the dessert was tried by confectioners, it began to appear frequently on sale. Initially, the creator of the recipe did not reveal it to anyone, but twenty years later the man sold the biscuit recipe. Thanks to this, today we can try this dessert at home, making it with our own hands. The sponge cake itself has a fairly light texture, but at the same time the dessert is very tender and moist. This dessert absolutely does not need additional soaking with syrups or a large amount of cream.

Traditional version of chiffon sponge cake


  • chicken egg whites – 4 pieces;
  • cow's milk – 85 ml;
  • chicken egg yolks – 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 115 grams;
  • white baking flour – 165 grams;
  • baking powder for dough - about 1.5 spoons;
  • vegetable oil – 75 ml;
  • vanillin - one pack;
  • fresh lemon zest - to taste.


To make such a chiffon sponge cake, you can use the recipe with the photo step by step for 7 eggs, then the amount of ingredients is doubled. In our case, only four whites and two yolks are used, this will be enough to get a beautiful and fairly tall sponge cake.

To prepare the dough, you should prepare chicken eggs in advance; they are left at room temperature for a couple of hours. The whites are separated from the yolks and placed in the refrigerator, since the whites whip better when cold, while the yolks, on the contrary, should be whipped warm.

Combination of ingredients:

Add the required amount of granulated sugar to the bowl where the yolks are. 85 milliliters of cow's milk and 75 milliliters of vegetable oil are also poured there. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed and flour is added to it, which was previously mixed with baking powder. In this part of the dough, immediately add the grated zest of fresh lemon, as well as a little vanilla powder.

Beating egg whites:

Next, you can deal with the proteins that have cooled sufficiently in the refrigerator. Add a pinch of salt to them and beat the whites with a mixer until a thick foam is obtained. Once the product is well beaten, you can add the remaining half of the granulated sugar and beat again until the sugar crystals dissolve.

The last step in preparing the dough is adding the whipped egg whites to the bulk of the dough. It is important to do this with careful movements so that the fluffy whites do not settle, otherwise the dough will not be sufficiently saturated with oxygen.

Baking a biscuit in the oven:

Next, we begin the baking process; you can bake the chiffon sponge cake according to the recipe with the photo step by step in a slow cooker. In general, it is better to use a special baking dish, which is greased with vegetable oil.

The dough is poured into an already prepared form, then using a spatula the upper part of the future cake is leveled and sent to the oven.

In 35-45 minutes we will get a very tender and tasty dessert, which you can lightly coat with cream and enjoy its taste.

Chiffon sponge cake – with chocolate and coffee


  • granulated sugar – 225 grams;
  • chicken egg whites – 5-8 pieces (depending on size);
  • wheat flour – 215 grams;
  • table soda – 1/4 spoon;
  • chicken egg yolks – 5 pieces;
  • baking powder for baking - 2 spoons;
  • cocoa powder – 65 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 115 ml;
  • instant bitter coffee – 1 large spoon;
  • drinking water – 165 ml.


To prepare a chiffon sponge cake according to the recipe with photos step by step for 5 eggs, you need to start preparing the dough. To do this, as usual, they start by preparing the whites and yolks of chicken eggs. The whites must be separated and placed in the refrigerator, and the yolks must be left warm for twenty minutes.

Preparing the ingredients for the dough:

Next, the housewife must take the required amount of clean water, heat the liquid, and then pour cocoa powder and instant coffee into it. The mass is mixed until it becomes as homogeneous as possible, after which the solution is allowed to cool.

Take warm whites, add half of the granulated sugar from the mass indicated in the recipe. The mixture is thoroughly mashed with a fork, but not whipped. A little salt is added to the yolks, vegetable oil is poured in, and the resulting composition is added to the chocolate-coffee drink.

Combination of ingredients:

When the yolk mixture is combined with coffee, you can start preparing the whites. To do this, remove them from the refrigerator, and then add granulated sugar to the whites. The resulting mass is whipped until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

The last step is to carefully stir the flour into the chocolate and coffee mixture. Once the dough is smooth and homogeneous, you can add the egg whites. In this case, the fluffy protein mass is introduced only with the help of a wooden spatula, mixing the dough from bottom to top.

Biscuit baking process:

When the chocolate chiffon sponge cake according to the specified recipe with photo is prepared step by step for baking, you can put the pan in the oven and leave it there for forty minutes. The finished delicacy is cut into small pieces and then served with tea. If desired, such a cake can be used to prepare cakes and pastries with cream and impregnation.

Chiffon sponge cake – with orange zest and glaze

Biscuit ingredients:

  • white flour – 230 grams;
  • ripe orange – 3 pieces;
  • citric acid – 6 grams;
  • baking powder - pack;
  • vegetable oil – 155 ml;
  • coarse salt - a pinch;
  • granulated sugar – 235 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces.


  • dark chocolate without additives – 95 grams;
  • butter – 35 grams.


You can make an orange chiffon sponge cake using this recipe with photos step by step at home. To do this, it is enough to prepare the dough correctly. First of all, chicken eggs are prepared, the whites are separated from the yolks, and the whites are immediately put in the refrigerator for 35 minutes to cool. While the whites are cooling, you can start preparing the yolks; to do this, pour all the granulated sugar into them and beat everything thoroughly, but not until foam is obtained; it is better to do this not with a mixer, but with a fork.

Preparation of ingredients:

As soon as the yolks are ready, first add the zest from the oranges, and then the orange itself, but from the citrus we only need the pulp, processed into puree through a blender. As experienced confectioners say, it is better not to use the pulp at all, but just squeeze the juice out of the citrus and add it to the dough, it will turn out just as tasty.

Beating egg whites and yolks:

Now you can take a separate bowl, place baking white flour in it, add granulated sugar and baking powder there. It is worth adding the required amount of vanilla powder to the flour. Once both parts of the dough are prepared, mix them together until smooth. In a separate bowl, beat the whites of chicken eggs; citric acid is first added to them. Thus, the product will whip faster and better. Now the whites are added to the prepared dough with orange juice, while mixing the mass carefully with a spatula. If you stir the mixture with a spoon, the dough will become less airy and tender.

The process of baking a biscuit in the oven:

The finished dough is transferred to a special baking dish and then placed in a preheated oven. The baking process lasts about half an hour at a temperature of 170 degrees. Once the biscuit is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly. After cooling, the chiffon sponge cake according to this recipe with step-by-step photos and video can be cut into two equal parts, and then coated with boiled condensed milk or decorated with whipped cream.

This type of cake makes excellent cakes and pastries; there is no need to soak it in syrups, so working with a chiffon sponge cake is much easier than with a regular one, although it may take a little more time and ingredients to prepare. As a decoration, you can make glaze by melting chocolate with butter and pouring the dessert on top.