Recipes for making curd cream. How to make curd cream for sponge cake Cream with cottage cheese and sour cream

The advantage of this fermented milk product over others is its high protein content. And in confectionery, cottage cheese is used as the main ingredient for making creams for cakes.

There are all sorts of creams made from this fermented milk product that have been invented: from the simplest to the most complex. However, professional chefs divide them into 2 categories: custard and raw. They have almost identical composition, but completely different preparation technology.


This cream is suitable for cakes, pastries, eclairs and even served as dessert. Simply add chopped fruit and serve in a bowl.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • powder – 400 g;
  • fatty butter – 50 g;
  • cottage cheese 9% - 260 g;
  • vanillin – 1 tsp.

Time spent cooking: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 323 kcal.

Cooking technology:

  1. At medium mixer speed, beat cottage cheese, butter and vanilla until smooth;
  2. Pre-sieve the powdered sugar and, using a teaspoon, gradually add it to the curd mass;
  3. Beat again in the mixer until smooth and homogeneous.

Cream for sponge cake

The cream is also suitable for filling muffins, eclairs and cupcakes.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • butter – 1 pack;
  • fine crystalline sugar – 170 g;
  • cinnamon with vanilla optional;
  • granular cottage cheese – 400 g.

Time spent cooking: 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 365 kcal.

Cooking technology:

Curd and creamy

Snow-white cream, prepared on the basis of cream, is ideal for layering soft cakes.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • gelatin (powder) – 10 g;
  • distilled water – 50 ml;
  • fine crystalline sugar – 80 g;
  • cream – 300 ml.

Time spent cooking: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 160 kcal.

Cooking technology:

Curd and sour cream

As a rule, cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% is used for this cream.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • vanillin packaging;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.

Time spent cooking: 10 minutes.

Calorie content: 168 kcal.

Cooking technology:

Curd and yoghurt

Making cream based on cottage cheese and yogurt is not a complicated science. Requires a minimum of time and ingredients.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • heavy cream – 400 ml;
  • cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • yogurt without fruit additives – 200 ml;
  • fine crystalline sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Time spent cooking: 25 minutes.

Calorie content: 147 kcal.

Cooking technology:

  1. At medium mixer speed, beat cottage cheese, vanilla and yogurt;
  2. Beat cream mixed with sugar until stiff foam in a separate bowl;
  3. Combine the 2 masses and stir until a homogeneous, smooth consistency is obtained.

With condensed milk

Despite the fact that condensed milk was invented in the West, it is extremely popular in Russia. It’s impossible to count how many varieties of creams can be made from condensed milk. For example, with condensed milk and cottage cheese it is ideal for eclairs.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • granular cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • condensed milk – 0.5 cans;
  • powder – 100 g.

Time spent on preparation: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 222 kcal.

Cooking technology:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese;
  2. Beat the butter together with the powder until fluffy;
  3. Continuing whipping, pour in a spoonful of condensed milk;
  4. At the end, add the cottage cheese in parts, stirring constantly until a homogeneous smooth cream is obtained.

Curd cheese cream

It is mainly used for cupcakes and cakes made with sour cream. The main secret: very fatty soft butter and cold cheese.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • “Philadelphia” – 340 g;
  • butter, softened butter – 120 g;
  • powder – 100 g;
  • vanilla essence – 2 tsp.

Time spent on preparation: 10 minutes.

Calorie content: 272 kcal.

Cooking technology:

  1. Beat the butter and powder for 5 minutes until fluffy;
  2. Add vanilla extract and cheese;
  3. Beat for another 5 minutes.

Recipes for cakes with curd cream

You won't be satisfied with just cream! Therefore, let’s move on to recipes for cakes that are layered with curd cream.


Recipe Ingredients:

  • flour – 400 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • milk – 450 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • butter – 30 g + 120 g for filling;
  • powder – 0.5 cups;
  • fresh berries – 200 g;
  • granular cottage cheese – 300 g.

Time spent cooking: 2 hours.

Calorie content: 232 kcal.

Cooking technology:


A cake prepared according to this recipe will become the main delicacy of a children's party, and with the addition of fruit you will get not only a tasty, but also a colorful filling.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • eggs – 6 pcs;
  • vanillin;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • curd paste – 800 g;
  • fine crystalline sugar – 300 g;
  • butter – 400 g;
  • powdered sugar – 60 g.

Time spent cooking: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 272 kcal.

Cooking technology:

Three-layer chocolate cake made from shortcrust pastry with curd cream

It is not baked, but gelatin is added to the curd cream. Therefore, before serving, the dessert must harden in the refrigerator.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • chocolate cookies – 125 g;
  • butter – 60 g (pre-melt);
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • gelatin powder - 1 tbsp. l;
  • distilled water – ¼ cup;
  • powder – 100 g;
  • cottage cheese – 375 g;
  • milk – 110 ml;
  • melted white, milk and dark chocolate – 60 g of each type;
  • cream - 200 ml.

Preparation and hardening time: 1 hour + 3 hours.

Calorie content: 305 kcal.

Cake making process:

There are the simplest recipes for making a cake. But only this one shows all the effectiveness of the delicacy.

On a note

The main secret of the perfect cream is high-quality and fresh ingredients. Especially when it comes to fermented milk products.

  • if sour cream is present in the recipe, then the maximum fat content of the product should be 33%. A product that is too fatty will not make the layer tasty, since fat can “clog” the entire taste;
  • Any cream must begin by grinding the cottage cheese. The product should not contain even small lumps.

Bon appetit!

The next video is another recipe for making simple curd cream for a cake.

Today we’ll look at an amazingly delicious cream, which has many flavor variations, but its base remains the same - cottage cheese.

made with sour cream, cream, yogurt, butter and even brewed with milk. It can also serve as a separate dessert, decorated with nuts, chocolate or fruit.

Honestly, when I tried it, I simply fell in love with its very pleasant and non-greasy taste. It seemed to me that its preparation required a lot of products and some complex actions, but it turned out that none of this was true.

But it was the moment when my sister made a cake with this cream for my nephew’s first birthday that captivated me. Well, if she managed to prepare such a cream with a one-year-old baby in her arms, then it means that it is quite affordable. Let's start looking at the recipes.

  • So, to make curd cream you need only three products:
  • cottage cheese,

liquid milk component and sugar.

If you are for a healthy diet or count calories, then you can take cottage cheese with 0% fat and low-calorie yogurt, and you will still get cream!

Those who like it sweeter can add condensed milk to it, some add candied fruits and dried fruits, others like the taste of crushed nuts. All additives are up to your taste and imagination, but the basis remains the same.

This cream is prepared with and without gelatin. Gelatin allows the mass to become denser and hold its shape well; it is usually used for decoration.

For a layer, a cream of medium consistency is enough.

By the way, I either take homemade cottage cheese or make it from kefir (in a water bath). But you can take any fat content purchased in a pack and, most often, it comes without lumps and has a uniform consistency.

Per 100 grams of cream it turned out to be approximately 342 kcal, based on the calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese 71 kcal, yogurt 31 kcal, sugar 4 spoons - 240 kcal. Conclusion, if you want fewer calories, reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe.

This recipe can be called classic because it comes without any additives. And, by the way, take all food from the refrigerator. Warm cream should not be whipped at all, otherwise you will end up with butter and buttermilk instead of cream. And the cottage cheese does not release water while it is in the refrigerator.


  • Pack of cottage cheese
  • A glass of cream from 30%
  • A glass of powdered sugar, less if possible


  1. The cottage cheese should be without moisture and without lumps. If you have homemade cottage cheese, then grind it through a sieve.
  2. The entire cooking process will take you about three minutes.
  3. Pour powdered sugar and cream into the cottage cheese and mix everything.
  4. If you need a thicker cream, then you can not use all the cream.
  5. Remember that it is better to start using the mixer at minimum speed, gradually increasing it.

By mixing this cream with fruits or berries, you can get a separate cake, without any baking cake at all, because the cream holds its shape well in the refrigerator.

I saw that some housewives do not grease the cakes with it, but cut the cake and mix it with cream in a bowl, then cover the mold with film, put the resulting mass there and put it in the refrigerator for the gelatin to swell. In two hours you will get a very unusual and tasty dessert that keeps its shape as in the photo. Believe me, your household will appreciate it.

But you can also decorate and soak the cakes with it. By the way, it is also suitable for filling tubes.


  • 900 g cottage cheese
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 250 ml milk
  • 200 g butter
  • 9 tbsp. Sahara
  • Vanillin


  1. Add 150 ml of milk to the cottage cheese and mix everything with a blender.
  2. We will need the rest of the milk when soaking the gelatin, which is what we do - for 20 grams of gelatin we take 100 ml of milk.
    Mix the curd mass with vanilla and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves in the wet cottage cheese.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in the microwave or in a water bath.
  4. Add dissolved gelatin to the whipped mass and continue mixing with a mixer or kitchen machine for about three minutes.
    Then we take the butter, which is easily mixed with a spoon, and add it to the whipped mixture.
  5. You don’t have to add oil, but it will make the cream more airy, light and delicate.
  6. If you don’t need the mass to sit on the cake, then you can take 10 grams of gelatin rather than 20 grams.

You need to start working with it right away, before all the gelatin has taken over.

Sour cream is a very affordable product, so it is most often used in the preparation of baked goods and creams. But try adding cottage cheese to regular sour cream, and you will see how much more unusual and tastier the cream has become. You will also need less sour cream, which will reduce the calorie content of the cake.


  • 500 g sour cream
  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 300 g granulated sugar


  1. Beat cold sour cream until smooth.
  2. Add sugar or powdered sugar and mix first at low mixer speed, and then increase it.
  3. When the consistency of the sour cream becomes thicker, mix it with cottage cheese, which has previously been rubbed through a sieve a couple of times to saturate it with oxygen and crush the lumps.
  4. At first, the cream may be difficult to mix until the curd is saturated with sour cream.
  5. And then we will increase the speed and continue mixing for another two minutes.

The combination of berries, cottage cheese and cream in the recipe gives the cream such a magical taste that it is very difficult to resist immediately emptying the mold. In addition to being a stand-alone dessert, the recipe for curd cream with raspberries is perfect for soft biscuits, pancakes, muffins and other products.


  • Cream 25-30% – 400 g
  • Cottage cheese – 200 gr
  • Raspberries – 200 gr
  • Sugar – 100-150 gr
  • Vanilla – 15 gr. (2 sachets)
  • Gelatin – 10 g
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

Preparation of curd-raspberry cream:

  1. Pour the cream into the mixer bowl and add lemon juice. Beat on low speed for about 1 minute. Then, increasing the speed to maximum, continue beating for about 4-5 minutes. It is important not to overdo the process, otherwise the fluffy mass (stubborn peaks) risks turning into oil.
  2. In a separate container, lightly beat the raspberries with sugar.
  3. Combine the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve with raspberries, add vanilla, beat until smooth.
  4. Add whipped cream to the curd-raspberry mixture and mix gently, using folding movements.
  5. Pour 3-4 tbsp gelatin. water, wait for it to “swell”. Place the bowl in a water bath, heat it, then pour into the cream in a thin stream. Mix everything again, then put the cream in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
  6. The berries in the composition can be replaced with jam, but then it is recommended to reduce the amount of sugar. If you subtract gelatin from the recipe, you get a delicious filling for eclairs. Read more:

A good alternative to sour cream: the recipe will perfectly cope with the functions of filling and decoration. By the way, the preparation of curd cream is based on two methods: to make the mass fluffy and homogeneous, the curd must be rubbed through a fine sieve or whipped in a blender.


  • Cottage cheese – 400 gr
  • Sour cream – 200 gr
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Gelatin – 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanilla – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Fruit (optional)

How to prepare curd cream:

  1. Soak gelatin in warm water, stir with a spoon until completely dissolved.
  2. In a mixer bowl, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Beat until smooth. All grains of cottage cheese should be crushed.
  3. Combine the gelatin mass with the curd. Mix well.
  4. Place the finished curd cream in the refrigerator for an hour, then use it in making cakes or other delicacies.
  5. After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture may seem slightly liquid, but there is no need to worry: thanks to the gelatin in the composition, the cream will thicken and hold its shape perfectly. This recipe for curd cream tastes like the filling for the Bird's Milk cake.

If you don’t want to make a sponge cake, an elegant and less high-calorie option is to serve curd cream with fruit, distributing it portionwise among bowls or glasses. For a richer taste, you need to place some of the chopped fruit on the bottom of the mold, pour cream on top, then another layer of fruit, and the last layer of cream. Place the glasses in the refrigerator until hardened.

Secrets of delicious cream

If you prepare curd cream for a cake at home, you need to follow some rules:

  • to ensure uniformity, before mixing the cottage cheese with the other ingredients, it must be rubbed through a sieve;
  • beat the curd cream only with a blender or mixer, since using a whisk may not achieve the required consistency and airiness;
  • the oil included in the cream cannot be replaced with anything else;
  • The cream is placed in the refrigerator for some time (2-3 hours).

As a child, my children refused cakes with fat. The store shelves did not offer a special variety of sweets, so we had to look for suitable recipes in thick, brightly illustrated books about tasty and healthy food. Curd cream for cake has become my lifesaver. Very tasty, unusually tender and airy, the kids loved it so much! They ate half of the cream mixture at the cooking stage. It is advisable to purchase homemade cottage cheese from trusted sellers. A fat content of 7-9 percent would be ideal. It is better not to take curd mass from the store; the taste of the cream will lose its attractiveness. To prepare such a tempting delicacy you will need no more than 15 minutes. The cream is perfect for any cake or pancake. Can be served as a separate dish in a bowl with the addition of slices of banana, kiwi, apple or orange. Even if you are on a diet, this product will not add calories to you, but will provide the body with a portion of easily digestible calcium.
- 200 milliliters of 33% fat cream,
- 300 grams of fresh homemade cottage cheese,
- ¾ cup refined granulated sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Before using, cool the cream in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, or better yet, overnight. If you are limited in time, use the freezer. Beat cooled fresh cream with sugar until it dissolves.

Place the cottage cheese in a deep container, add a few tablespoons of snow-white whipped cream and grind until a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained.

Add the mixture to the whipped cream mixture and beat with a mixer at medium speed. You should get a snow-white, light, homogeneous mixture.

If desired, you can add vanillin for flavor. Depending on your taste, you can add a little cinnamon. There are many options for improving the taste of the most delicious of sweet desserts, the choice is yours. Use the treat as a layer for cakes, a filler for buns or sweet shortbread nuts. Serve dessert with added fruit for breakfast or afternoon snack. Perfect for evening tea. Set the table. Bon appetit and good mood!

It also turns out to be very interesting

If you like to bake at home, you must have a large number of different recipes for biscuits, soaks, creams, ganaches, etc. Today we decided to add a few more creams based on cottage cheese to your collection. They are all incredibly airy, tender and simply incredibly tasty!

Be sure to save each option for yourself, because they are all different and suitable for many desserts. Some recipes are so delicious and versatile that they can be served as a full-fledged dessert. The curd cream is moderately sweet and very light, so it definitely won’t be cloying.

General cooking principles

To make the cream as smooth and homogeneous as possible, the cottage cheese must be passed through a sieve. This can be done using a spatula, spatula or spoon. After this treatment, the cottage cheese will become crumbly, as all the large breasts will dissolve.

You can also turn the product into the correct texture using a blender. You can use a bowl with knives, or you can use an immersion blender. In both cases, the cottage cheese will turn into a cream of ideal consistency, which is a pleasure to work with.

Recipe for butter curd cream for sponge cake

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

This cream is very easy to prepare, but at the same time has a pompous taste. It's definitely worth a try!

How to cook:

Tip: if your cottage cheese is too dry, you can add a little rich sour cream to the cream.

Curd cream with chocolate and coffee for sponge cake

Chocolate is often combined with coffee. These two components create incredible taste and aroma. If you mix them with cottage cheese and grease the cake with the resulting cream, you can get a great result.

How much time - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 182 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour cold cream into a deep bowl, add half the sugar.
  2. Beat with a whisk or mixer until stiff peaks form and the sugar crystals dissolve.
  3. Prepare gelatin as directed on the package and let it swell.
  4. Next, transfer it to a stove or water bath (depending on the type of container in which it swelled).
  5. Dissolve it again into a liquid consistency.
  6. Place the cottage cheese in a sieve and grind it using a spatula or spoon.
  7. Mix with sugar and grind until the crystals dissolve. You can beat with a whisk or blender.
  8. Add vanilla sugar, pour in coffee and combine.
  9. Mix cottage cheese with cream and gelatin.
  10. Grate the chocolate or buy the chips straight away.
  11. Add to the prepared cream, mix and can be used for its intended purpose.

Tip: You can break the chocolate bar into cubes and then grind it in a blender.

Curd cream for sponge cake with sour cream

Another simple homemade cream recipe. Just two main ingredients and you're done!

How long is it - 20 minutes?

What is the calorie content - 143 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place a colander on a bowl and place two layers of gauze in it.
  2. Pour in the sour cream, put it in the refrigerator, and let it steep.
  3. Let sit until the whey drips out.
  4. Pour the cottage cheese into a sieve and grind it with a spatula to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Mix with sour cream and add vanilla powder in parts, whisking until fluffy.

Tip: if the sour cream is still very liquid in the end, you can thicken it with gelatin. Dilute it as indicated on the package, then let it swell and then heat it in a water bath. Add to sour cream and use it further for its intended purpose.

Simple recipe with gelatin

For lovers of denser textures, we will offer the following cream. It, like everything else, is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, but with the addition of gelatin.

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 181 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour gelatin into a bowl and add water to it.
  2. Wait until it completely dissolves.
  3. At this time, pass the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of large lumps.
  4. Add half the sugar and mix thoroughly.
  5. Dilute gelatin in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil.
  6. Pour the cream into a bowl, beat it with the remaining sugar until stiff peaks form.
  7. Pour gelatin into the cottage cheese in a thin stream, stirring.
  8. Add cream to it, mixing everything thoroughly with a spatula.

Tip: in order for the cream to whip well, you need to choose fat – from 30% and above.

Cooking with milk

Just three ingredients, twenty minutes of work - and you have your birthday cake cream ready. Try it, you will definitely like it!

How long is it - 4 hours and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 191 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into a sieve and pass it through with a spatula or spoon. It is better to do this twice so that the consistency is as tender as possible. You can also grind the cottage cheese with an immersion blender to immediately get the desired texture.
  2. Pour a can of condensed milk into the resulting mass and beat with a mixer or blender until smooth.
  3. Add milk and beat everything again until smooth.
  4. Cover the cream with film or transfer it to an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator for four hours.

Tip: if you add baked milk, the cream will taste better.

Fragrant citrus cream for sponge cake

Let all citrus lovers keep this recipe for themselves. You can use it to prepare a chic cream with notes of lemon and orange based on cottage cheese.

How much time - 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 154 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into a sieve and grind with a spatula or spoon. You can bring it to a creamy state using a blender.
  2. Mix sugar with vanilla, add to cottage cheese and beat with a whisk for several minutes.
  3. Place the nuts in a dry frying pan and heat them until golden brown.
  4. Pour into a bowl and cool, then finely chop with a sharp knife.
  5. Add to cottage cheese and mix.
  6. Wash the lemon and orange, cut off the zest with a special grater.
  7. Mix both zests and add to the cottage cheese, combining well.
  8. Beat the cream to stable peaks using a whisk.
  9. Peel the lemon and orange, cut off the peel along with the white film.
  10. Mill the pulp, transfer to a blender and grind.
  11. Mix with cream and curd mass.
  12. Stir until smooth and ready to use.

How to cook with condensed milk

If you want a simple, but very tasty and rich cream, go for it. We suggest you prepare it from condensed milk and cottage cheese.

How much time - 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 299 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into a blender, add sour cream and grind everything into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Next, pour in the condensed milk and beat everything with a blender again.
  3. First remove the oil, uncover it and let it come to room temperature.
  4. Add it to the resulting mass, beat until fluffy.

Tip: for flavor, you can add a couple of drops of rum, cognac or brandy to the cream.

To make the cream truly unusual, think about additives in advance. You can use coconut flakes, chopped chocolate, dried fruits, candied fruits, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, etc.

If the cream turns out to be too liquid, and you understand that it will leak out of the cake or, even worse, turn the biscuits into mush, you need to fix it. Dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package and let it swell. Next, the resulting liquid must be mixed into the cream.

For aroma, you can add not only artificial flavors to the cream. This could be a small amount (two drops) of alcohol, spices or citrus zest. For spices, use fresh vanilla bean, fresh cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, etc.

Curd cream is used when preparing sponge cake, honey cake, profiteroles, eclairs, croquembouche, or as a separate dessert with the addition of berries, fruits, nuts and honey. The curd cream has a delicate airy consistency.

The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste, replaced with natural fructose or compensated with sweet dried fruits or berries, reducing the calorie content.

To make homemade cottage cheese cream, take cream cheese, ready-made cheese curds or paste-like cottage cheese. You can work with simple cottage cheese, but then you need to beat the cottage cheese into a homogeneous paste without lumps, using an immersion blender.

Cottage cheese cream

Delicate cream is suitable for eclairs and profiteroles. The dessert consists of only four components.

Cooking time – 20-30 minutes.


  • 150 gr. curd paste or cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml heavy cream;
  • vanillin;
  • powdered sugar.


  1. Place the curd mixture into a bowl. Mash with a fork.
  2. Gradually add powdered sugar. Adjust the sweetness of the mass to your taste.
  3. Add cream and vanilla to the curd mixture. Beat the cream until it has a homogeneous, dense structure. Do not beat for too long, otherwise it may get mixed into the butter and separate.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Curd and sour cream

Many homemade cake recipes include sour cream filling. By diluting sour cream with delicate cottage cheese, you get an airy and delicate taste. The cream can be used in making sponge cakes, pastries or served with berries and chocolate chips.

It will take 1 hour and 20 minutes to prepare the curd and sour cream.


  • 500 gr. fat sour cream;
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • vanilla to taste.


  1. Cool the sour cream in the refrigerator and squeeze through cheesecloth. Beat lightly with a blender.
  2. Beat the sugar into powdered sugar. Add the powder to the sour cream and beat for a few seconds at low speed. Gradually increase intensity and beat for 5 minutes.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender. Add cottage cheese to sour cream, beat for 2 minutes at low speed. Add vanilla to taste and beat the cream at high speed for 3 minutes.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator to steep for 1 hour.


  • 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 400 gr. heavy cream;
  • 100 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk;
  • sugar to taste;
  • vanilla to taste.


  1. Place the dark chocolate in the freezer for 10 minutes. Grate part of the chocolate on a fine grater to decorate the dessert, break the second part and place in a water bath.
  2. Add milk to chocolate, mix thoroughly.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and knead in a bowl with a fork until smooth.
  4. Cool the cream and whip it into a thick foam.
  5. Mix cream with cottage cheese. Divide the resulting curd cream into two parts.
  6. Mix one part of the cottage cheese with chocolate, the second with vanilla.
  7. Place chocolate and vanilla cream in bowls in random order. You can leave the dessert in layers or stir with a long wooden stick for a marbled effect.
  8. Place the bowls in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  9. Before serving, decorate the dessert with chocolate chips.

Curd-cranberry cream

To prepare an original layer for a sponge cake, you can diversify the taste of the curd cream with sweet and sour cranberries. The mousse turns out beautiful, soft pink in color and incredibly tender. The cream can be used as a layer for a cake or served as a separate dessert for the holidays.