Various borscht recipes. Without borscht, lunch is not lunch, or how to cook borscht with beets

Borsch (photo)

How to cook borscht, step-by-step recipe with photos.

Delicious Ukrainian borscht. How cook correct red borscht. Pictures of real borscht. Preparing the borscht dressing. Cook the broth for borscht. Secrets of cooking borscht. Borscht preparation technology.

Why did I write BORSCH in capital letters? Because the recipe that I will give here is the fruit of a lot of research and experimentation. I visited Ukraine a lot (in Ukraine), my friends’ grandmother often cooked real Ukrainian borscht (Ukrainian borscht). The taste is unforgettable. I had something to compare with. Time after time we cooked borscht and gradually developed a recipe classic Ukrainian borscht in our vision. It is clear that there are a huge number of recipes for Ukrainian borscht in Ukraine itself, let there be one more.

Rule No. 1. The most basic rule of any first course is water. This applies especially to borscht. We take water from a spring, if not, then we buy bottled water, if not, then we pour it from a filter.

As we write the recipe for the right borscht, we will reveal the rest of the cooking secrets delicious borscht.

What we need to prepare borscht:

  1. Water.
  2. Meat, beef brisket.
  3. Cabbage 1/6 medium head
  4. Beetroot 4-5 medium size.
  5. Carrots 2 pcs.
  6. Onion 2 pcs.
  7. Coriander 1/2 teaspoon.
  8. Pepper, salt to taste .
  9. Lemon 1/2
  10. Potatoes 2-3 pcs.
  11. Garlic 3 cloves.
  12. Tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons.

The meat must be fresh. I have frozen, but they froze it three days ago. They didn't calculate it.

Cook the broth for borscht. Fill the meat with water, throw in the onion, and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire. Cook for 2.5 hours until it gurgles a little. We constantly remove the foam.

We prepare the vegetables. We clean and wash. Cabbage for borscht finely chop.

Beets and carrots for dressing borscht three on a coarse grater.

Let's start preparing the dressing for borscht. Rule #2. For borscht dressing All vegetables should be fried together. They will be soaked in juice and then release juice and flavor to the broth. Fry carrots in sunflower oil.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Add to carrots borscht dressing. Fry.

Add garlic. Squeeze it into borscht dressing garlic press.

IN borscht dressing throw in 1/2 teaspoon of coriander.

Place the beets in the pan with the dressing. Let's stew. How to cook borscht so that it is red? Add beets to the dressing. and tomatoes.

Squeeze the lemon. (It’s clear that in Ukraine they don’t squeeze lemon; somewhere they use vinegar. We use lemon because small children eat borscht)

Simmer over low heat for one hour.

The photo shows that broth for borscht turned out transparent. This is because they did not forget to remove the foam.

If you notice that there is not enough liquid in the dressing, you can add a little broth.

Add tomato paste to the dressing and simmer for 10 minutes. Rule #3. If you have tasty tomatoes (in summer), then you need to add 4-5 pieces to the borscht dressing, the taste of the borscht will be more intense. Grate the tomatoes and discard the skins. We didn't have any tasty tomatoes.

The fourth secret is to remove the meat from the broth before adding the prepared dressing.

Salt and pepper the broth. Bring to a boil. Place the cabbage in the broth.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Place the potatoes in the broth borscht after the cabbage, cook for 30 minutes.

Add borscht dressing to the broth.

Throw in a couple of bay leaves. Cook for 10 minutes.

Cutting on a board meat for borscht into portioned pieces.

Add meat to borscht.

Rule No. 4: you can’t have too much borscht, cook a large pan.

Rule No. 5: Before serving, the borscht should sit for at least a few hours.

Delicious borscht ready.

Anyone who wants it can add sour cream to the borscht. Garlic-rubbed donuts are a must for borscht.

Any experienced cook knows how to cook borscht correctly. Each housewife has her own recipe for making borscht. One housewife stews vegetables before putting them in a pan, another uses unusual herbs and spices, and the third cooks borscht in chicken broth, which allows you to get delicious borscht with a “signature” twist. Young housewives sometimes do not know how to cook borscht correctly, which is why their husbands are deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the delicious taste and smell of this dish.

There are many recipes for borscht, but we will tell you how to properly cook traditional borscht. Using this recipe as a basis, you can give free rein to your imagination, which will allow you to cook borscht with a new taste every time. Beetroot gives borscht its rich, bright red color. This vegetable is present in all borscht recipes. Borscht is cooked in meat or chicken broth, and on fasting days mushrooms are added to the borscht, as a result of which this dish acquires a new amazing taste. If you decide to cook beef broth, then be patient - it cooks for about two hours. During this time, a lot of water can boil away, so this process should be controlled and water should be added periodically, but not cold, but boiling water, so that the broth does not lose its taste and color. 30-40 minutes before readiness, add bay leaf, 5-6 black peppercorns and 3-4 allspice to the broth. If you missed the moment of removing the foam at the beginning of cooking, then strain the finished broth through a sieve until it becomes transparent.

Classic borscht recipe

  • While the broth is cooking, you can prepare vegetables - onions, carrots, beets. They need to be cut into strips, the onion can simply be chopped and fried in vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  • 10 minutes before readiness, add tomato paste or grated tomatoes from which the skin has previously been removed.
  • Place the potatoes, cut into cubes, into the pan with the broth, and when they are half ready, add shredded cabbage.
  • After 5-10 minutes, add the stewed vegetables from the frying pan and cook for another ten minutes. At the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and herbs.

Let the borscht brew for half an hour, and then pour it into plates and treat it to your loved ones. You have already learned how to cook borscht correctly, now learn how to serve it correctly. Place a piece of meat on each plate, and if you cooked the broth on the ribs, separate the meat from the bones. Traditionally, borscht is served with sour cream, and regular bread can be replaced with unsweetened buns soaked in garlic sauce.

How to properly cook borscht with beans

If many people prepare borscht lean, that is, without meat broth, then they always try to put beans in the borscht. It is with the help of beans in borscht that you can create a rich and complete taste in the absence of meat. Traditionally, in many Ukrainian villages, borscht is cooked in a strong meat broth with the addition of a large amount of beans.


  • Beef brisket (quarter kilogram);
  • Potatoes (4-5 pieces);
  • Two glasses of beans;
  • Beetroot (2 pcs.);
  • Medium-sized carrots (one piece);
  • Onions (1 pc.);
  • White cabbage (300 g);
  • Red bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • Tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • Vinegar (2 tablespoons).

Cooking sequence:

In the evening, soak the washed beans in cold water to soften. The next day, cook the beans in plenty of water for an hour and a half until tender.

Cook broth from beef brisket over low heat. When it is half cooked, add shredded cabbage to the broth.

After the broth with cabbage boils, add potatoes cut into small pieces.

In a deep frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the chopped or coarsely grated beets (depending on your taste and personal preference). Pour lightly fried beets with a small amount of water, add tomato paste and vinegar and simmer under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

Separately, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil. It is recommended to cut the onion into small cubes, and carrots - depending on the type of chopping the beets; if the beets were cut into strips, then cut the carrots in the same way, and if the beets were grated, then grate the carrots.

Five minutes before the potatoes are ready, add pre-boiled beans, finely chopped bell peppers, as well as onions, carrots and stewed beets to the broth. At the same stage, add salt, pepper and your favorite spices to the borscht. As a rule, these are bay leaves (2 pcs.), allspice peas (3-4 pcs.) and dried herbs.

Boil the borscht after the next boil under a closed lid for 5-7 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let it brew for about a quarter of an hour. This is the sequence of how to properly cook borscht with beets.

As stated above, serve borscht with sour cream, sprinkled with finely chopped fresh herbs, a slice of bread and a few cloves of garlic.

How to cook red borscht correctly

Sometimes even following the instructions described above does not fully guarantee that your borscht will turn out a rich red color. This happens because some nuances were not observed.

It is believed that in order for borscht to be a beautiful red color, the vegetables for it should not be grated, but cut into strips or small cubes.

The color of borscht directly depends on the color of the beets from which it is cooked. Cut the beets and take a closer look at their color. The beets should have an even dark color. If the beets have white veins, the borscht will later turn out pinkish or completely orange. In addition, this will also affect its taste.

Beets for borscht should not be fried, but rather stewed, so that they do not lose color later when added to the broth. Be careful not to overdo it with stewing. Experienced chefs recommend stewing beets for no more than 10 minutes.

In fact, the recipe for making borscht is not that complicated. It is enough to put a little soul and the warmth of your heart into it, and then you will get a truly soulful, delicious borscht. Bon appetit!

Delicious borscht is prepared with meat broth. To speed up the process (after all, we are trying to cook quick borscht), we will take meat that will cook quickly. It can be chicken or young pork; beef and veal need to be cooked longer. Cut the pork belly into pieces that can easily fit into the saucepan and add water. Let's prepare the remaining components we need. It is known that cabbage is the basis of borscht. Young cabbage will also cook quickly. Let's chop it up.

We will cook the meat for about half an hour in salted water. Remove the foam that will form during cooking. After half an hour (we count from the boiling point of the water), add the potatoes and cabbage and set to simmer on low heat with the lid on.

The taste of borscht largely depends on the dressing. Let's start preparing it. Cut the young beets into strips, grate the carrots, and chop the onion into half rings.

Simmer the vegetables for 15 minutes in a frying pan in a small amount of water or broth. When the water has evaporated, add vegetable oil and lightly fry the contents of the pan.

Then add tomato paste (you can replace it with sauce, increasing its quantity) and keep it on the fire for another 3-4 minutes.

Add the dressing to the borscht, cook for 15 minutes. At the end, add bay leaf, pepper and herbs. The borscht is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

As you know, the birthplace of borscht is Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia. But it is prepared not only there, it is also a favorite first course in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria and Moldova.

It is prepared from a large amount of vegetables and meat. In some versions, mushrooms and beans are also added. But the main product that characterizes it is, of course, beets. It is this that makes its color red, rich and gives the broth its characteristic sweetish taste.

In different regions of Russia, and especially Ukraine, it is prepared differently. Therefore, a lot of recipes for its preparation have already accumulated. And this suggests that this first course is very respected, and for many it is generally the most delicious and favorite of the first courses.

I want to bring to your attention Ukrainian and Russian recipes today. So that those who love it can cook it as often as possible without repeating it!

My grandmother, when she cooked this tasty and aromatic dish, always said: “To cook delicious borscht, you need to walk around it!” I was still small then, and did not quite understand the meaning of this statement. Now I’ve been cooking everything myself for a long time, and I know exactly what this expression means.

In order for everything to turn out tasty and correctly, you first need desire and time! Nothing worthwhile will come of either without one or the other. Therefore, stock up on them, as well as the necessary products, and we will prepare the most delicious first course of its kind.

And the first one we will have is the recipe that is prepared most often - this is a classic one!

A classic recipe is one that is prepared in the traditional way. Today we will look at various options that may be quite surprising for you, but it’s still worth starting with the classics.

My grandmother and mother prepared this dish this way, and now I cook it too.

We will need:

  • beef on the bone (you can add a little pork) - 600 g
  • cabbage - 250-300 gr
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • parsley or parsnip root - 50 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • beets - 2 medium pieces
  • tomato - 1 pc. or tomato paste
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • lemon - 1/3 part (or vinegar 3% - tablespoon)
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • dried herbs - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • fresh dill, parsley, green onions, garlic - for sprinkling
  • sour cream for serving


1. To prepare a delicious rich broth, you must take meat on the bone. If the bone is brain-shaped, it will be simply wonderful. You can also add a sugar pit. The difference is that the marrow ossicles contain the brain, while the sugar ossicles contain cartilage and connective tissue.

Both give a wonderful fat and make the dish especially tasty.

The meat is used depending on which one you like best. It turns out very tasty from beef and pork. So, for example, you can take a beef marrow bone, a piece of beef meat and add pork ribs. The taste will be simply divine.

2. The meat should be washed, put in a pan and filled with water. How to cook meat - there are two options. I will describe both of them, and you choose which one you like more.

  • Option 1. Pour water over the meat so that it is only slightly covered, and let it cook. Foam will appear throughout the boiling process and will need to be skimmed off constantly. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam and wait 3-4 minutes. Then we take out the meat and pour out the water.

The pan will need to be rinsed to remove any meat deposits; you can also rinse the meat. Then place the meat back in the pan and fill it with 2.5 liters of water. You will get 3 liters of finished soup. This makes about 6 good quality servings.

  • Option 2. Pour water over the meat, 2.5 liters at once. Place a saucepan with water and meat on the fire. During boiling, foam will appear and will need to be skimmed off constantly. As soon as the water boils, throw a pinch of salt into a pan of water; all the foam will float up, and it will be easier to remove it.

The transparency of the finished broth depends on how carefully you remove the foam. Therefore, this stage cannot be ignored. It is very important for both the taste and color of the future dish.

And I want to note that the second option is more preferable. In this case, we do not pour out the healthy broth. But you will have to stand by the pan while foam forms for some time.

If you missed the moment, and the foam has already transformed into flakes, and the broth has been boiling for at least 10 minutes, then there is no need to pour out the broth. Just strain it through cheesecloth.

3. As soon as the water with the meat boils (in both cases), the heat will need to be reduced to a minimum and the meat should be cooked until fully cooked. I cook until the meat begins to completely come off the bone.

Throughout the entire time, it is necessary that the broth boils quite a bit, just gurgles slightly. Active vigorous boiling will make the broth cloudy and tasteless.

4. As soon as the meat is ready, you need to remove it from the pan and strain the broth so that there are no small bones left in it.

5. Then cut the meat into pieces and place it back into the broth, bring it to a boil and you can slowly add all the other ingredients.

6. While we were cooking the meat, we can cut and prepare all the vegetables.

7. Cut the onion into cubes or thin half rings.

Grate the carrots and parsley or parsnip root on a Korean carrot grater or cut into thin strips.

8. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the onion in it. As soon as the onion begins to brown slightly, pour half a glass of boiled water into the frying pan and simmer the onion until the water evaporates. The onion will become translucent and you won't be able to find it in the soup.

9. Add carrots and parsnip or parsley root, fry them with onions for 3-4 minutes, if you grate them. Or a little longer if cut into strips. In both cases, the carrots should become slightly limp.

10. Add sugar and flour, mix. The flour will give off a slight nutty smell when fried, and the sugar will slightly caramelize the carrots.

However, sugar can also be added to beets.

Add a piece of butter. If you have ghee, then it is best to sauté vegetables in it. But if not, then just add a piece of butter, the soup will have a very pleasant aroma and taste.

You can also add dried herbs - dill, parsley. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave for a while.

11. Cut the cabbage into thin strips. Cut it thinner, so it will taste better and also cook faster. After all, you know that vegetables should not be cooked for too long to avoid loss of vitamins.

Do not try to cut the potatoes right away so that they do not darken. Clean it and put it in water, when the time comes to put it in the broth, we’ll cut it.

Chop the garlic. To do this, crush it with the back of a knife on the board. And then chop finely. Chop the greens as finely as possible.

Don't throw away the long garlic stick. It can come in handy if someone suddenly has a runny nose. If you set this stick on fire, extinguish the fire, and inhale the smoke that comes from the stick first with one or the other nostril, then the runny nose will go away. And if you do this several times a day, you can even cure it.

12. Beets can be prepared using one of four options, which I will offer you a little later. It must either be boiled, fried, baked, or cut fresh (details below, in a special chapter).

I decided to cut the beets into thin strips. You need to squeeze lemon juice on it (you can pour vinegar on it) and fry it in the remaining oil.

Add tomato paste or tomato sauce. Or you can add a fresh tomato; to do this, make a cross-shaped cut on it, pour boiling water over it for 4-5 minutes, remove the skin and cut it into small cubes.

13. And so, the broth is ready, the meat is removed from the bone, chopped and sent back to the broth. Let's continue cooking.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is what kind of cabbage we use. If it is autumn cabbage, then it is most likely tough. Nowadays they grow some special hard varieties that can be stored for a long time, but the leaves of such cabbage are hard and even difficult to ferment.

If the cabbage is spring, early, then its leaves are thin and tender.

So in the first case, add the cabbage to the broth and cook it for 15 minutes. Then add potatoes.

14. If the cabbage is early, with tender thin leaves, then add potatoes and cabbage at the same time. Potatoes can be cut into small strips or cubes.

Along with adding vegetables, you will need to add salt to the broth. We didn't do this before because the salt could draw all the juice out of the meat, and the meat would turn out tough and tasteless.

In general, it is believed that in order to get tasty meat, you need to salt it at the end of cooking. And if we want to get a tasty broth, then we need to salt it at the beginning of cooking.

Therefore, there is debate on this matter: when is it better to add salt? I usually salt exactly as I described, that is, when I add vegetables to the broth.

15. Cook for 15 minutes, then add carrots, onions and white roots, and let it boil. Cook for 5 minutes.

16. Add beetroot dressing, chopped garlic and bay leaf. Cook for 5 minutes, add ground black pepper to taste and cook for another 2 minutes.

17. Turn off the heat, add fresh herbs and cover tightly with a lid.

18. Leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

19. Then pour it into plates, sprinkle with fresh dill and season with sour cream.

20. Eat with pleasure!

Delicious homemade recipe for real Ukrainian borscht

In Ukraine, this is the main first course and it is prepared according to many different recipes. Every housewife has her own little secrets and tricks for preparing it. And everyone ends up with such a rich dish that you don’t have to eat anything else at all.

Of course, we can’t cover all the recipes in one article. Therefore, in the future I will continue to look for interesting recipes and try to cook according to them. And then I will share them with you, maybe you will like something too!

Now I’ll tell you how you can cook beets in one of four ways.

Delicious recipe for borscht in a slow cooker for preparing for the winter in jars

Today we have already looked at many different recipes where we prepared our favorite dish with all types of meat, and even fish. Did you know that you can prepare it for the winter by wrapping it in a jar.

It’s very convenient, I cooked it during the season, when all the vegetables from my garden were saturated with warmth and sun, and hid it all in a jar. In winter, open it, add it to the meat broth and the dish is ready.

And to make cooking quicker, let's see how to cook the product in a slow cooker.

It's that simple! I like this idea, what do you think about it?

How to cook borscht with beets so that it is red

Of course, everyone wants to cook a dish with a rich, bright color. But not everyone succeeds. How to cook it so that it always turns out beautiful, dark red or burgundy?

The first thing you need is to choose ripe, burgundy beets. If the beets are red, then the borscht naturally will not turn out a rich burgundy color, but will appear faded.

It is also necessary to properly prepare and lay beets, and as I said above, there are four ways to do this.

1. Cut the beets into thin strips and simmer them in a small amount of oil or fat with tomato and vinegar. For a three-liter pan and about 1 - 2 beets, it is enough to add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar or 1 tablespoon of 3%. Tomato paste also contains acid, and it will also help keep the beets dark and the broth bright and beautiful.

2. Beets can be peeled and boiled whole; vinegar should be added to the water during cooking. When the beets are ready, cool them and cut into strips. Add it 10 minutes before the end of cooking along with sautéed vegetables.

3. Beets can be boiled in their skins, then peeled and grated. Sprinkle with the juice of 1/2 - 1/3 lemon and add to the soup along with sautéed vegetables 10 minutes before readiness.

4. Beets can be baked in the oven or microwave. Then also grate, sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar and then add to the pan, also 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

I usually use the second or third method. So, in my opinion, the taste of the finished dish is more delicious, and the color is more saturated and bright.

However, there is another way to prepare beets that may be useful for our recipes. Unfortunately, I don’t always use it, but it’s simply necessary to write about it.

Pickled beets for delicious borscht

In the old days, my grandmother always fermented beets; I was still very little then, but I remember it. Having already matured and started cooking, I asked my mother how my grandmother did it, and my mother gave me the recipe. She also said that pickled beets were used not only for first courses, but also vinaigrettes and other salads and appetizers were prepared with it.

Borscht with pickled beets turns out to be completely special and has a very pleasant taste. And fermenting it is easy and simple.

  1. Take as many beets as you want to ferment, peel them and cut them in any of the known ways. It all depends on how you are going to use it in the future.
  2. Place the beets in the jar quite tightly, leaving, however, space for the brine, which should cover the beets by 5-6 cm.
  3. Prepare the brine. To prepare it, boil water and add salt to it at the rate of 0.5 liters of water - 25 grams of salt (less than a tablespoon). Let the brine cool completely and pour it over the beets.
  4. Place pressure and place a deep plate under the jar.
  5. Leave the beets to ferment. The fermentation time may vary. Minimum 5 days, maximum 12 days.
  6. During fermentation, foam will form, which will need to be skimmed off. Excess juice will also leak out, which will also be formed during the fermentation process.
  7. It is believed that the fermentation process is complete when foam stops being released. This depends on the ambient temperature.
  8. When the foam stops releasing, the jar can be placed in the refrigerator. And use it as needed.

I hope that today’s selection will be interesting for you and the material useful. And you can cook the kind of borscht you want!

After all, as it turns out, you can cook it from any meat, as well as poultry and even fish! In addition to the traditional cabbage, carrots and beets, you can add beans or mushrooms. Today we did not touch upon them with our attention, but if you want to add mushrooms, you can safely do so.

Dried mushrooms must first be boiled and then added along with cabbage. Add fresh mushrooms before adding vegetables, bring to a boil and skim off the foam, and then add all the ingredients in accordance with the recipe.

It should also be remembered that potatoes are always placed in the broth either before the cabbage, if it is fresh from spring, or after, if it is firm from autumn. It is better not to use potatoes with sauerkraut, or add cabbage only after the potatoes are cooked.

Beets with vinegar and tomato paste should also be added only after the potatoes are cooked, otherwise they will turn out tough and tasteless.

As for the rest, everything seems clear and understandable! I wish that the borscht cooked by you always turns out thick, rich, aromatic and tasty. And also so that it is always bright and beautiful!

Bon appetit!

How can you imagine lunch without rich, juicy, aromatic borscht? It combines only the healthiest and most delicious products.

We will tell you how to cook borscht.

You will need:

  • water - 3 l;
  • one carrot;
  • beef meat - 0.7 kg;
  • three potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • one beet;
  • spices: bay leaf, ground pepper, parsley, basil, salt;
  • tomato sauce - 25 g;
  • one onion;
  • two cloves of garlic.

A classic borscht recipe requires step-by-step steps:

  1. It is best to take beef on the bone. It needs to be rinsed under the tap, placed on the bottom of the pan and filled with water on top.
  2. Immediately pour in 10 grams of salt so that the broth boils faster.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, set the heat to minimum and then cook the meat for an hour, skimming the gray foamy mass from the surface of the broth.
  4. At this time, process all vegetables by peeling and washing them.
  5. We free the cabbage from old leaves and chop a fresh white head of cabbage.
  6. As soon as the meat has become soft, remove it from the pan, remove the bone, and cut the flesh into pieces.
  7. We put them back into the broth.
  8. As soon as the soup boils again, add cabbage to the meat.
  9. After 5 minutes, throw in the potato cubes.
  10. Sprinkle pepper and more salt to taste.
  11. Finely chop the beets and sauté in a frying pan in oil.
  12. After 10 minutes, add tomato sauce to it.
  13. After a minute, transfer the contents of the frying pan into the soup being prepared.
  14. Chop the carrots and onions with a knife and fry until golden brown.
  15. Place the roast into the broth liquid.
  16. Next, throw in the finely chopped garlic.
  17. As soon as the borscht is ready, throw in fresh herbs and the remaining spices.
  18. Turn off the gas and let the dish sit for half an hour.

How to cook borscht in a slow cooker?

A multicooker is a necessary device if you want to cook delicious food quickly and easily.

Grocery list:

  • beets - 0.1 kg;
  • beef - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • carrots - 0.1 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 0.1 kg;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • five black peppercorns;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • fresh cabbage - 0.2 kg;
  • two bay leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. In a slow cooker, meat is cooked along with all the vegetables, so choose boneless beef.
  2. We clean the meat from the film in running water and chop it into portions.
  3. We remove the top leaves of the cabbage head and chop it with a knife.
  4. Cut the peeled potatoes into small slices.
  5. We pass the beets through a grater and repeat this procedure with the peeled carrots.
  6. Chop the onions.
  7. Heat the multicooker with poured vegetable oil in the “Frying” mode and lay out the onion pieces.
  8. Fry until golden brown for three minutes.
  9. Continue cooking with the chopped carrots for another three minutes with the lid open.
  10. Add beets and lemon juice.
  11. After two minutes, add tomato paste and saute everything together for 4 minutes.
  12. We move the multicooker to neutral position and place pieces of meat on top.
  13. Add potatoes, chop cabbage, pour water.
  14. Add all the necessary seasonings, including salt.
  15. Set the “Soup” program in the kitchen appliances menu, time – 50 minutes.
  16. As soon as the dish is cooked, add a spoonful of sour cream or chop the herbs. Bon appetit!

In Ukrainian

Required ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • two onions;
  • pork meat (ribs) - 0.7 kg;
  • two tomatoes;
  • one garlic clove;
  • a piece of lard;
  • two carrots;
  • salt to taste;
  • one beet;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • three potatoes;
  • two bows;
  • tomato sauce - 50 g;
  • greenery.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Place the washed meat in a pan, fill it with water and wait until it boils.
  2. Don't forget to remove the foam from time to time.
  3. Place peeled whole onions and carrots into boiling liquid.
  4. Cook until the pork is tender—about 2 hours.
  5. After this, add salt and remove the vegetables from the broth.
  6. Place the finished meat on a cutting board, remove the bones, and chop the flesh into large pieces.
  7. Strain the broth and pour into another bowl.
  8. Peel and cut the vegetables according to the standard pattern.
  9. Add chopped potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  10. Add shredded white cabbage.
  11. After 5 minutes you need to start frying.
  12. Cut the peeled and washed beets into strips.
  13. Chop the onion into cubes.
  14. Remove the core and cap from the bell pepper and chop into strips.
  15. Wash the tomatoes, put them first in boiling water and then in cold water, remove the thin skin and put them through a blender.
  16. Chop fresh parsley.
  17. Add all the ingredients one by one to a hot frying pan with oil - first the beets, then the onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes with tomato sauce.
  18. Fry for 10 minutes and then simmer for 12 minutes with the addition of broth and salt under the lid.
  19. Pour the contents of the pan into the soup pot. Wait until it boils and then cook for another 5 minutes.
  20. After this, add herbs, seasonings, salt to taste and crushed garlic.
  21. Wait for the dish to steep for 15 minutes and enjoy the extraordinary taste and aroma of Ukrainian borscht.

Siberian borscht with meatballs and beans

The dish cooks much faster, but the taste only gets better.

You will need:

  • minced pork - 0.5 kg;
  • one fork of cabbage;
  • one bell pepper;
  • five potatoes;
  • tomato sauce - 45 g;
  • canned beans - 0.4 kg;
  • one beet;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • one onion;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • oil for frying;
  • greens as desired;
  • beef bones for broth.

Cooking option:

  1. First-class borscht requires a tasty broth.
  2. To do this, lower the bones into the water, add a bay leaf, salt and place on the stove.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, the bones can be removed.
  4. Make meatballs from the minced meat; you can buy ready-made meatballs.
  5. Place them in the broth along with beet strips.
  6. Next add the potato cubes.
  7. For frying, chop the onion and carrots.
  8. Saute pieces of sweet pepper, carrots and onions in a frying pan for 15 minutes.
  9. Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press and chop the cabbage with a chopping knife.
  10. As soon as the contents of the pan are cooked, pour it into the borscht.
  11. Next add canned beans and a lot of garlic.
  12. After 10 minutes, chop the greens.
  13. The finished, aromatic and rich borscht can be poured into plates.

Moscow recipe with meat, sausages and smoked meats

You will need:

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • one carrot;
  • tomato paste - 65 g;
  • smoked meats - 100 g;
  • a couple of sausages;
  • one onion;
  • beets - 0.3 kg;
  • melted butter - 30 g;
  • white cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • herbs, salt, spices - to taste;
  • sour cream - 40 gr;
  • apple cider vinegar - 20 gr.

How to cook delicious borscht with beets:

  1. Place the meat and bones in a pan of water and cook until it is tender.
  2. Prepare all vegetables according to the standard procedure.
  3. Fry the beet strips in a frying pan with melted butter along with chopped onions and carrots.
  4. Add a little sugar, broth and 10 grams of vinegar and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. When the beef is cooked and the broth is simmering, add the shredded cabbage to the pan.
  6. After 10 minutes, add the dressing and cook over low heat.
  7. Add chopped smoked meats, bulk ingredients and herbs.
  8. Wait for it to boil and turn it off.
  9. Pour the steaming soup into bowls and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Boyar style borscht with beef, pork and chicken

Required ingredients:

  • sugar - 10 g;
  • beef meat - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken meat - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • two carrots;
  • pork - 0.2 kg;
  • two onions;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • lard - 70 g;
  • a few black peppercorns;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • one beet;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vinegar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill the meat on the bones with water and cook for 3 hours on low heat.
  2. From time to time it is necessary to remove gray foam and fat from the surface.
  3. Make a fry of carrots and onions, adding a spoonful of broth at the end.
  4. In another frying pan, simmer the beet strips with vinegar, tomato paste, sugar and broth.
  5. Once all the meats are cooked, remove them from the pan and cut into pieces.
  6. Strain the broth and put the meat back.
  7. Cut the bacon into cubes, press the garlic in a press.
  8. We take clay pots and put all the prepared ingredients for borscht into them.
  9. Fill all this splendor with broth, add spices, and add salt.
  10. Close the pots in the oven for half an hour.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht with sauerkraut

If you like dishes with sourness, be sure to make borscht with sauerkraut for lunch.

Grocery list:

  • one carrot;
  • meat broth - 2 l;
  • potatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • sauerkraut - 0.2 kg;
  • Bay leaf;
  • one onion;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • beets - 250 gr.

Cooking secrets:

  1. Take any meat of your choice and cook the broth.
  2. Fry onion pieces with carrots in vegetable oil.
  3. The cabbage needs to be slightly squeezed out of its juice.
  4. Place cabbage in the pan with the sautéed vegetables.
  5. Grate the beets.
  6. Make small cubes from potatoes.
  7. Place the grated beets in a frying pan and simmer all the vegetables covered for 10 minutes.
  8. Send the potato cubes into the broth to cook.
  9. After 15 minutes, send the frying to the borscht.
  10. Add spices and salt.
  11. To complete the color and taste, you can add garlic, sour cream and herbs to the finished borscht. Bon appetit!

Borscht for the winter in jars

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time cooking, you can make borscht in advance and roll it into jars. And in winter, just cook the broth and add the contents of the jars to it - and an amazing dinner is ready.

List of ingredients:

  • onion - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • beets - 0.8 kg;
  • vinegar - 45 ml;
  • cabbage - 0.8 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • carrots - 0.5 l;
  • water - 0.1 l;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 56 gr.

Cooking option:

  1. Pass the peeled beets through a food processor.
  2. Do the same with carrots.
  3. Finely chop the cabbage with a knife.
  4. Chop the tomatoes and chop the onions.
  5. Place all the products in a saucepan, pour in water, oil, sugar and salt.
  6. Cook everything together for 20 minutes, then pour vinegar and fill sterilized jars with the resulting borscht and roll up.
  7. In total you should get about three liters of soup.
  8. In winter, cook broth with meat, cut potatoes and add dressing from jars.