How to cook jellied meat. How to prepare delicious jellied meat using a simple and inexpensive recipe. Cold ones are prepared

There is more than enough information on preparing cold porcelain. The methods differ in some small details, but in general, the basic principle of preparation is always the same. There are, of course, “exotic” options. I can't say how good they are. Instead, I want to present to your attention my version of preparing cold porcelain. This option has been tested in practice and, according to my personal assessments, has proven itself well.


- Starch - 1 cup*
- PVA glue - 1 cup*
- Lemon juice or vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
- Glycerin - 1 tbsp. spoon
- Vaseline - 1 tbsp. spoon

* - Cup volume is approximately 200 ml.

More details about the components:

I used cornstarch for preparation. But nothing bad will happen if you replace it with potato. This will not affect the quality in any way. The main difference is the color of the resulting mass. When using corn starch, the color will have a yellowish tint. With potato - gray. But, whatever the shade, paint is subsequently added to the mass to give the required color to the future finished product.

PVA glue:
The quality of the glue is the main criterion and guarantee of success when cooking cold porcelain.
I use regular PVA Super. You can buy it at any hardware store. From the very first time I used this glue, I got a mass of excellent quality. Therefore, I see no point in looking for something else.

Lemon juice:
Lemon juice and vinegar are preservatives. They serve to increase shelf life. After all, it is not always possible, and most often, it will never be possible to use the entire prepared volume.
Of course, I find it difficult to give exact expiration dates. Based on my practice, I can only say: I had a break in creativity for about 2 months. Unused cold porcelain did not lose its properties during this period.

When using lemon juice, sometimes the finished mixture may crumble a little. Therefore, it must be kneaded thoroughly before use.

Apple cider vinegar adds yellowness. It is better to use white grape vinegar. Please note: not to be confused with essence!

Vaseline is an additional component. If desired, you can easily replace it with Johnsons baby oil. I didn't feel a significant difference. But after trying the oil, I went back to Vaseline.

To prepare porcelain, it is advisable to have Teflon-coated utensils. Using enamel cookware will make your life very difficult. The mass sticks strongly to the walls. The mixing process becomes almost impossible. Therefore, in order to save effort and nerves, it is better to take care of this right away. Any frying pan with a Teflon coating will do, even the cheapest one.

Mix all the listed components and then, using a wooden spoon, as if rubbing, you knead the mass until it has a homogeneous consistency. The mass ready for cooking has the state of liquid sour cream.

After this, you can proceed directly to cooking. Fire is "very slow." So much so that even the smallest pan will not boil water. The mass is constantly stirred during cooking. The degree of readiness is determined by how the entire mass remains on the spoon. Cooking time is approximately 7-8 minutes.

After lubricating your hands with Vaseline or baby oil, transfer the mixture to a flat, hard surface, not forgetting to lubricate it too. I use tiles for the floor. Knead thoroughly for at least another 4-5 minutes.

Our porcelain is ready.
All that remains is to carefully wrap it in cling film. Additionally, you can pack it in a bag and leave it “until required.” I never sculpt from prepared mass on the same day.

The method I described is, in my opinion, quite simple. It is important to follow the recommendations, and everything will definitely work out.

As an example, I want to show one of the longest bouquets to make - a bouquet of lilacs. Made entirely of cold porcelain.

More on the topic:

I don’t want to exhaust myself with heavy hot food. However, you still need to eat the first courses. Therefore, so-called cold drinks become very popular in the summer, the recipes for which we will now consider. In general, as a rule, a cold soup is considered to be a chilled soup, the main component of which can be kefir, as well as sour cream, yogurt and all kinds of vegetables, boiled eggs and herbs. When preparing cold soup, you need to remember that it should sit in the refrigerator for about two hours. And to make our soup have a spicy taste, it wouldn’t hurt to add mustard to it.

Beetroot soup: what is it and what is it eaten with?

It is known that beetroot soup or, as it is also called, beet soup, is one of the varieties of cold soups. It is not difficult to guess that the main ingredient of this soup is beets. It also includes such components as vegetables and herbs. Very often they like to dilute this soup with kvass or yogurt. Kefir or yogurt will also work. Here, of course, it’s a matter of everyone’s taste.

Let's take a closer look at how cold meats are prepared, the recipes for which we will now study.

Today you can prepare cold meats with amazing composition. The recipes consist of a wide variety of ingredients. But many still prefer the usual beetroot cakes. Come on, let's try to cook it.

Everyone's favorite beetroot soup recipe

For it we will need: several beets, 1 carrot, a couple of potatoes, as well as onions, garlic, herbs, and sour cream.

Prepare as follows: until tender, grate coarsely. To it we add a few cloves of garlic, passed through a press. Potatoes, finely chopped, must be boiled in beet broth until tender. Onions, in turn, are fried in butter. Now add beets, carrots and onions to the broth, salt everything to taste. The mixture must be brought to a boil, then simmer a little more over low heat. That's it, our beetroot soup is ready. Cool and eat for your health. Our dish is usually served with sour cream; you can sprinkle various herbs on top. Bon appetit on these hot days.

Mushroom cooler

Let's prepare a very tasty mushroom cold soup. The recipe is as follows.

Let's take mushrooms, about 100 grams of any meat, a few eggs and cucumbers. Of course, you can’t do without sour cream and herbs.

Cooking process

Pour boiling water over the mushrooms and let them sit for a while. Then cool them, add about two liters of water and cook until tender. Then the mushrooms must be removed and cut into medium-sized pieces.

We also cook the meat in another bowl until tender, cool and cut into cubes. The time has come for cucumbers, we also chop them. All chopped ingredients must be mixed well and left for 30 minutes, after salting. Eggs, as you may have guessed, also need to be boiled and chopped. Add eggs to the existing mixture, as well as the one we got at the very beginning. You can also add spices, salt and herbs here. This is how cold meats are prepared, the recipes for which, as we see, are quite simple. And it turns out very tasty, most importantly, don’t forget to cool the cold soup at the very end.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: appetizer
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings:6-8

Products for simple meat jellied meat

To get a delicious, aromatic and meaty jellied meat, you need to prepare:

      • pork legs - 2 pieces;
      • beef leg (lower part with hoof) - 1 piece;
      • pork and beef lips - 2 pieces each;
      • small knuckle;
      • half a soup chicken.

These are the meat ingredients for a simple recipe. Legs and lips cost mere pennies, shanks are a little more expensive, and chicken is much cheaper than choice meat.


Rinse all products well with running water and dry a little. Place in a large saucepan. It is better if it is large in volume, but shallow so that all the meat fits tightly along the bottom of the container, otherwise it will be difficult to determine the amount of water.

Place between the meat several bay leaves, peppercorns, a medium-sized onion - unpeeled, along with golden husks and a couple of carrots cut lengthwise (pre-peeled). Pour water, always cold, over the entire contents so that it covers the meat by a quarter of the height. Add salt and put on high heat.

Before boiling, be sure to remove the foam, and as soon as it boils, immediately reduce the heat to the lowest setting. Close the lid and leave to simmer. Monitor periodically to prevent boiling. The broth should barely simmer. If necessary, you can open the lid of the pan. Such languor should occur for at least 6-7 hours.

Determining the degree of readiness is very simple. After about 6 hours of cooking, remove the legs or shanks with a slotted spoon. If the meat falls off voluntarily and very easily, it means the process is nearing completion. Now it’s time to determine how close the end is. To do this, try to throw the remaining bones from the legs back on the slotted spoon. If the small components easily crumble and separate from the joints, everything is ready.

But you also need to immediately evaluate the stickiness of the broth, so that you don’t have to digest it later, add gelatin, but just be sure that the jellied meat will harden properly. Run two fingers over the slotted spoon that has just come out of the broth and press them together. If on the third attempt (when the liquid on the fingers has cooled) the fingers stick to one another, there is no doubt that the finished jellied meat will be dense.

Of course, the time is approximate; it may take seven or eight hours until it’s ready. You just need to start checking no earlier than six hours later.


When everything is ready, you can begin the process of disassembling the meat. Remove all contents from the broth into a large, but shallow container - this will help it cool faster. Catch the onions, peppers and bay leaves using the same slotted spoon.

Prepare forms for jellied meat. These can be containers, enamel bowls or just plates. It is better to disassemble the meat using two forks and a knife, since this must be done before everything has cooled down and stuck together. Since all the meat products have been boiled so that everything has separated from each other, it is easy to see where the meat is, where the bones are, where the veins are.

Immediately select all the meat pieces and disassemble them into small ones. Separate the meat from the lips (and there is plenty of it there) from the skin. Immediately place everything evenly in the molds.

Add a piece of carrot cooked in broth, a few thin slices of garlic and a couple of sprigs of parsley to each container with meat. And pour hot broth. The broth must be poured carefully, without quickly knocking over the ladle, so that the meat does not fall apart. Otherwise, it may turn out that in the place where the liquid was poured there will be no meat at all, but in another place it will be to the top.

With such a spill, the liquid jellied meat will not be so hot that it cannot be put in the refrigerator. Therefore, next you just need to set the molds in the cold and leave them there overnight, or for 10 hours.

Now the jellied meat is ready. The longest part was sorting out the meat. There was no need to chop, cut or carry out other manipulations. Everything is simple and effortless. And little money was spent.

This dish can be prepared without specific events, but simply for dinner, for the weekend, in a word, as you wish.

Recipe for jellied meat in a pressure cooker

A pressure cooker, regular or electric, can be a good help. The cooking process will take no more than 4 hours. But it requires a little less meat products, since its volume does not exceed 5-7 liters.

The easiest way to prepare jellied meat in this way is from a small shank, to which you add a pork leg, a pair of lips and a pair of ears for stickiness. All this will give a good fat for the viscosity of the broth, and there is enough meat in the shank and lips.

If the pressure cooker is electric, then it usually has a “jelly” mode. You can just use it. But in practice this time is not enough. If there is a lot of meat in the bowl, and a little more water, then you should manually adjust the cooking time to one and a half to two hours. If you want there to be more jelly in the finished jellied meat, then you need to pour in more water. In this case, the time must be increased to three hours.

If the pressure cooker is a regular one, for the stove, then do everything as always. Place an open pan over high heat, wait until foam forms, and remove it. Then close the lid tightly, and as soon as the steam valve whistles, turn it down to minimum. Cook for 3-4 hours.

This difference occurs because in an electric pressure cooker the valve is tighter, almost no steam comes out, the pressure is higher, which means it will be ready faster. A simple pressure cooker does not have such a tight valve; it is more mobile and the pressure inside is lower.

If you have such an assistant in the kitchen, then the jellied meat will not cause any trouble at all, except for parsing the meat.

You can also cook a completely budget-friendly version of jellied meat. Legs, ears, lips, tails - all this will provide excellent viscosity and richness. You can pick out a good amount of meat from the lips, and soft films and joints will complement the meat component in quantity.

You can also make it from a pig's head. True, it will have to be cut, but since this is not an easy task, it is better to do it directly from the seller. You need to cook it the same way as regular jellied meat. There is a lot of meat in it, so the finished jelly will be filled with meat.

And a couple more tricks. The first concerns the spill of jellied meat. Instead of molds and bowls, you can use plastic bottles. Wrap them tightly with lids, and cut off the top of the side to make it look like a boat. This is where you pour the jellied meat. When it hardens, all that remains is to cut the plastic lengthwise to remove it from the jellied meat, like a casing. This form of the finished dish is very convenient to serve: you can cut it like sausage.

The second trick is about storage. The fact is that jellied meat is stored for very little time, this is an insidious dish in terms of its shelf life: it may not give the impression of being spoiled either in appearance or in smell, but it may already be so. Therefore, if after three days everything is not eaten, then the remaining jellied meat can be cut into large pieces and frozen. Eating it raw, of course, won’t work later, but you can use it for cooking soups as much as you like.

In this master class I will tell you in detail how I make my cold porcelain. This master class will be of interest not only to those who want to make their first flower, but do not dare to make cold porcelain themselves, but also to those who have been sculpting for a long time and professionally, because as a result of the usual recipe I have modified, the clay obtained is almost like Thai modern or fleur (a comparison will be given below).

In the title photo you can see what we need for this (exactly this). The main thing in this set is, of course, glue. It must be with a plasticizer, otherwise nothing will work. Initially, I made clay from the same glue, only in a red jar with D2 plasticizer, but the clay turned out to be viscous, dried quickly, and did not roll out well. I decided to change the glue to this one in a white jar, it has a D1 plasticizer.

This glue is sold in construction stores such as Megastroy, Leroy Merlin. Trust me, it's worth looking...

Regarding starch: I haven’t tried using potato starch, I don’t know, corn starch is better, as it gives whiteness and velvety.

Regarding the cream: I haven’t found a better one than Nivea cream in a blue jar. It contains everything for good clay: Vaseline oil, wax, paraffin, glycerin (use only this).

Regarding Jonsos oil: if you don’t have it, you can replace it with petroleum jelly (sold at the pharmacy), but Jonsos also contains coconut oil, it is a softener, gives the mass tenderness, softness, velvety - almost like baby’s bottoms :)

I haven’t tried using lemon juice instead of citric acid; it seems to me that liquid is not needed here.

Let's begin! I will write in great detail so that you don’t make my mistakes and everything works out for you.

1. Pour 100 ml of glue into the first glass.

2. Pour the same amount of starch into the second glass (hit the glass on the table so that it settles and, if necessary, add more starch so that there is an even amount). Then take a teaspoon and add 3 more small heaped spoons. It should look like this:

3. It is also important what you cook the mass in. You need a container with a thick bottom and a good non-stick coating so that the mass gradually warms up. I once cooked it in a thin frying pan with a glossy non-stick coating (it didn’t work), the only time I threw it in a bucket. Another point: there should be no dust or lint on the frying pan and spatula, so wipe with a damp cloth and then with a waffle towel or paper napkin, otherwise it will all be in your snow-white porcelain.

4. Pour glue into the frying pan, then Nivea cream, oil, citric acid. Proportions in the picture.

You need a full teaspoon of oil (a little spilled out when I took the photo).

5. We put the frying pan on low heat and at this moment we don’t go anywhere and don’t get distracted. Using a wooden spatula, mix vigorously and smoothly until the cream is completely dissolved.

6. When the pan becomes warm, but not hot, the first bubbles appear, then pour in half a glass of starch and stir vigorously, then the second part and stir without stopping.

7. You need to stir in a circular motion, as if collecting the mass into a lump. An important point: when to remove from the pan? You can either undercook or overcook. I do this: when a lump has formed, as in the last photo, I press it against the frying pan with a spatula and lift it; if it falls freely, remove it immediately; if it sticks, it’s too early.

8. Prepare a clean, smooth surface for kneading in advance. Sprinkle a little starch and lay out the lump. Let it cool down.

At this time, wash the frying pan and everything that was with glue. The glue can be quickly washed off with a simple detergent and hot water. After this, wipe your hands with a damp cloth and a dry waffle towel (otherwise everything will remain in porcelain), powder your hands with starch and begin to intensively knead the mass. The mass should be warm, not hot, otherwise there will be a paste. I don’t knead on the board, but do it in my hands - I knead it like plasticine, stretch it, crush it, and so on. If it sticks to your hands, lightly powder the mixture and continue for 5 minutes. The mass should turn out to be plastic (not torn), soft, velvety, snow-white.

We wrap it in a plastic bag, letting out the air, and put it in any opaque container away from the battery. By the way, I don’t lubricate the bag with cream, since the mass does not stick (the cream gives the mass shine and plasticity). Stores perfectly. After a month it does not lose its properties. Let's compare purchased clay and mine.

Let's compare plasticity, transparency, color.

Personally, my conclusions and feelings:

Cold porcelain is no worse than store-bought Thai clay - it is just as soft, flexible, even more velvety and whiter, takes paint well, does not shrink, and tolerates moisture well.

But there is one But: after 10-12 hours of hardening, you can correct the shape of the product, but after two days this is no longer possible.

What do the Thais add to their clay to maintain plasticity? Maybe someone knows?

I present my work, made entirely from porcelain of my own production.

This concludes my first master class in my life, so, my dears, do not judge me harshly, please.

Ask questions, I will answer everyone with great desire!

I wish everyone inspiration, more free time for creativity, smiles and good mood!

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Winter is ahead. This means jellied meat will appear on the tables - one of the best winter meat snacks. Delicious amber-transparent with the taste of a strong broth - jelly is considered a national Russian dish. And every family, every housewife has their own secret recipes for jellied meat: some prefer thick meaty jellied meat, others like transparent jellied meat with bright accents of carrots and herbs, while the main thing in jellied meat is fresh sugar bone or shanks! Preparing jellied meat will require patience from the cook, but the result is worth it. We will learn how to cook jellied meat correctly, how long to cook jellied meat, what meat to choose for it and how to prepare a transparent, aromatic jelly.

How to cook jellied meat correctly

The golden rule is that jellied meat should harden without adding gelatin and agar-agar. If you follow simple rules: choose the right meat and bones and fill them with the right amount of water and cook for the required time, then your jellied meat will harden on its own. And, if you cook the jellied meat correctly, the broth will remain clear and appetizing!

How to choose meat for jellied meat

In the old days, jellied meat was cooked from those parts of beef or pork carcasses for which there was no other use: legs, heads, tails. However, now we have the opportunity to put any meat in jellied meat, but do not forget that it is the bony-cartilaginous component that is responsible for the hardening of jellied meat. So, in order to properly cook jellied meat, follow the rules:

  • for the taste of jellied meat:
    • choose the meat that you like best: pork (pork knuckle), beef (beef edge), rabbit, turkey, chicken (old roosters are especially good), and the meat of wild animals will give the jellied meat a unique taste;
    • the meat and legs must be fresh, in which case you will get a flavorful broth, and therefore a delicious jellied meat;
    • Before pouring, you can add finely chopped garlic to the cooked meat, pepper, mix well and only then put it into molds.
  • for freezing jellied meat:
    • There shouldn’t be a lot of meat in the jellied meat recipe - follow the proportions: for one part of the legs, take about two parts of the rest of the meat;
    • In order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, it is necessary to use legs, shanks or tails; veins, cartilage, skin, and skin also contribute to the solidification of the broth;
    • the water should cover the food by about two centimeters;
    • cook the jellied meat for at least 6 hours.
  • for the beauty of jellied meat:
    • jellied beef or lamb legs will be more transparent than jellied pork shanks;
    • drain the first water;
    • do not let it boil intensely;
    • skim off foam;
    • Before pouring into molds, strain the broth through 4 - 6 layers of gauze.

How to cook clear jellied meat

Before preparing jellied meat, legs, tails, etc. should be soaked, this will allow you to cook a more transparent broth, because soaking will remove blood clots and other small particles that can turn into rags. So, rinse the meat, scrape the legs, singe them if necessary, and rinse them too. The prepared products should be filled with cold water and left. Drain the water periodically. Usually it is enough to change it 2-3 times to stop blushing. Before preparing jellied meat, the water in which the meat and legs were soaked must be drained.

Some housewives, for greater transparency of the jellied meat, recommend draining the first water, which means: bring the food to a boil and drain the water, rinse the legs and meat again, pour in cold water again, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and simmer over low heat.

Be sure to skim off any foam throughout the cooking time. To ensure that the jellied meat is transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensely. If you don't follow these rules, you will end up with cloudy jellied meat.

How much water to pour into jellied meat

An important rule that is often not included in jellied meat recipes is that meat and shanks are poured only with cold water and there should not be too much or too little of it! This is a very important point in preparing jellied meat. During the cooking process, water is no longer added, so initially pour the required amount of water into the pan. Different housewives give different ways to determine the amount of water for jellied meat, remember the simplest one: the water should be about two centimeters above the level of the meat.

How long to cook jellied meat

Recipes for jellied meat clearly say: jellied meat takes a long time to cook! Meat and bones should simmer over low heat, gradually imparting flavor and aroma to the broth. This is the only way you can properly prepare delicious jellied meat - aromatic, rich and perfectly frozen. So, pour cold water over the clean products, bring everything to a boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat to such an extent that your broth gurgles quietly. Don't forget to skim off any foam or grease if you like. It is also recommended to cook jellied meat without a lid.

Important! Cooking time for jellied meat is at least 6-8 hours!

What to put in jellied meat

  • onion, peeled from the first layer of husk - two hours before the end of cooking the jellied meat;
  • carrots - an hour before the end of cooking the jellied meat;
  • peppercorns - half an hour before the end of cooking the jellied meat;
  • bay leaf - half an hour before the end of cooking the jellied meat.
It is also better to add greens, which will give the dish not only taste, but also a pleasant appearance, 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. If you want the taste of fresh herbs to be felt in the dish, then add the herbs when you pour the jellied meat into the molds.

How much salt to put in jellied meat

How to salt jellied meat depends on your taste. General recommendations advise salting the jelly no earlier than an hour before it is ready. Many people salt jellied meat after it has been cooked. Moreover, you need to add more salt than you are used to. The broth should become quite salty; some may even find it too salty. This is what will allow it to become a perfectly salt-balanced dish when frozen. Undersalted jellied meat will be tasteless and bland.

How to check if jellied meat is ready

After the cooking time has passed, housewives recommend checking whether the jellied meat has hardened in this way: scoop up a little broth, cool slightly and wet your fingers with it; if your fingers stick together when squeezed, then the broth is strong enough and the jellied meat can be considered ready for pouring.

How to disassemble and pour jellied meat

When the jellied meat is cooked, let it stand for about 20 minutes and proceed to disassembly: separate the meat from the bones and cartilage. The meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones and separated from the cartilage and skin. The meat is cut or separated into small pieces with your fingers. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jellied meat will be denser. By the way, some housewives recommend adding finely chopped garlic to the meat, pepper, mix well and only then put it into molds. To decorate the jellied meat, you can cut out circles or stars from the carrots that were boiled in the jellied meat; you can also lay out leaves of fresh herbs and olives cut in half. Prepared meat and vegetables should be poured with strained broth. You can stir, or you can leave the meat and jelly in layers.

Freezing of jellied meat

First, the jellied meat is cooled at room temperature. After this you can put it in the refrigerator. Jellied meat cannot be frozen; it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will also lose its taste.

What to serve jellied meat with

Jellied meat is usually served at the festive table with vodka with horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar or beets with horseradish.

Simple jellied meat recipes

Now that you know how to cook jellied meat correctly, how long to cook jellied meat, how to prepare transparent, tasty jellied meat, it’s time to try to do it in practice. Simple jellied meat recipes have been selected for you.

Recipe Triple jellied meat or jellied meat made from three types of meat

1 beef shank
2 pork shanks
1 whole chicken
2 carrots
2 onions
2 parsley roots
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp black pepper
3-4 bay leaves
3 cloves garlic

Rinse the meat in cold water and soak overnight. Drain the water. Pour clean cold water over the meat and place over medium heat. Before boiling, skim off the foam and remove it regularly as it appears. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook over low heat at a barely noticeable boil for 8 hours. Do not cover the jellied meat with a lid. If the meat is fatty, remove the fat every hour. After 2-3 hours of cooking, throw peeled carrots, parsley root, and onions into a pan with jellied meat. An hour before the end of cooking the jellied meat, add black and fragrant peppercorns and bay leaves into the broth. After 8 hours of cooking, remove the meat for disassembly, remove and discard the vegetables, add salt to the broth. Break the meat into small pieces and place in the pan. Pour in the strained broth and let cool at room temperature. To harden, place the jellied meat in the refrigerator.

Beef leg jellied recipe

2.2 kg beef leg
3 tablespoons salt
black peppercorns
Bay leaf

Rinse the bottom part of the beef leg, pour boiling water over it and let it boil. Drain the water and rinse again. Pour cold water over the meat and bones again. In this case, the water should completely cover the meat. Bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as the broth boils, skim off the foam, reduce the heat and cook for about 6 hours. Until the meat easily separates from the bone. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf. Remove the finished meat from the broth and separate from the bones. Strain the broth through a sieve, as small bones may be caught. Finely chop the meat, and if there is cartilage and skins boiled to a soft state. Place the cut meat evenly in trays or bowls. On top of the meat, you can add 2-3 slices of boiled carrots to each tray for beauty, as well as a little finely chopped garlic for flavor. Pour in the strained broth, distributing it evenly across all trays. Place trays of jellied meat in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe for Jellied pork feet

1 kg pork feet
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Wash and scrape the pork legs, singe them and remove the hooves. Soak for 3-4 hours. Fill the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on high heat, bring to a boil. Drain the water and add new water, bring to a boil again, skim off the foam, and cook over low heat. Cook for about 8 hours. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, add peeled carrots and onions in their peels. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. Separate the meat from bones and cartilage and chop finely. Place into molds. Strain the broth and pour the meat into the molds. Cool at room temperature, then refrigerate for several hours until set.

Jellied meat recipe in a slow cooker

2 pork feet
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 onion
½ head of garlic

Wash the legs, clean and soak for 2-3 hours. Chop the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts). Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt into the multicooker bowl, fill with water to the maximum. Set to simmer mode, the longer the better, it is convenient to leave the multicooker overnight. When the jellied meat is cooked, remove the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces. Add garlic cloves crushed with a knife to the broth. They will sit while we prepare the meat. Taste and add salt if necessary. Place the meat in the molds, filling them half or two-thirds full. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then put in the refrigerator to harden.

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Smoked fish. Delicious. Fragrant. Melts in your mouth. All you need to smoke fish at home or on a fishing trip is a smokehouse and a fire. Let's figure out how to cook smoked fish at home. Let's find out how to smoke fish, what kind of wood...
Delicious aromatic hot crayfish - a delicious delicacy. Imagine a mountain of bright red crayfish, from which fragrant, fragrant steam rises. Did you feel your appetite being stimulated? Let's learn how to cook delicious crayfish, how...
At home, you can salt the caviar of any fish, as long as it is freshly caught. Home-salted caviar is especially good when paired with rye bread. Sandwiches with it will be an excellent addition to your menu. Let's find out how to properly...
Okroshka is the most popular summer dish. Filled with fragrant cool kvass, seasoned with sour cream, sprinkled with chopped aromatic herbs - just what you need in the heat. You shouldn’t immediately pour in the products cut for okroshka, try this...
The long-awaited opening of the 2013 autumn hunting season is approaching. Any hunter will confirm that the opening of a hunt is always a holiday: the first dawn, the elastic whistle of duck wings, the first trophy captured. And then the smell of the fire and cooking...