Recipe for making blueberry wine at home. Simple recipes for making blueberry wine at home How to make blueberry wine at home

Homemade blueberry wine is an excellent drink, with a very delicate and at the same time tart taste with subtle berry notes. Homemade blueberry wine is of high quality with a rich bouquet, rich dark color, moderately sweet and slightly reminiscent in taste. If blueberries are combined with red and white currants when preparing, you can get a drink that tastes like a classic Cahors.

Benefits of blueberry wine

A glass of blueberry wine after a tiring day at work will help you relax and set yourself up for a pleasant evening. Along with the undeniable mild taste, blueberry wine also has most of the beneficial properties. Making blueberry wine at home allows you to preserve most of the vitamins present in the perishable fresh berry.

Drinking this drink within reasonable limits will help strengthen your strength and prevent the development of many diseases. Blueberries can be called a real storehouse of vitamins and essential microelements. The antioxidants it contains rejuvenate and cleanse the body of toxins.

In folk medicine, blueberries are used to treat diseases of the kidneys, intestines, skin and diabetes. Adding various medicinal plants to homemade wine during the preparation process helps to end up with a real medicinal drink used for medical purposes.

Required Ingredients

Craftsmen prepare real blueberry wine at home using fresh berries. In areas where the blueberry harvest is impressive, you can prepare the raw materials yourself - the collection process is quite pleasant and uncomplicated, but quite long. It is recommended to cook with a large amount of blueberries - at least 4-6 kilograms, and the berries should be ripe, but not overripe.

Despite their watery consistency, blueberries crushed into a homogeneous mass produce little juice, so a small amount of water is added to the concentrate.

To avoid too sour taste, sugar is added during cooking. Thus, a standard set of products for making wine consists of 3 ingredients: blueberries, sugar and water.

Traditional recipe

Contrary to the apparent complexity, the classic recipe for making blueberry wine at home is simple. It consists of several stages:

Blueberry wine with honey

The recipe at home has undergone changes over the years, new interesting ingredients appear in it. Adding honey to blueberry wine gives the drink sweetness and a soft, unusual taste. To prepare you will need:

The preparation process is similar to the classic recipe, it differs only in that at the stage of creating the syrup, honey is also added to warm boiled water. Do not forget that all equipment must be sterile, this will help avoid the entry of bacteria.

Making wine with sourdough

In order for blueberry wine to ferment at home with 100% probability, it is recommended to add wine yeast or starter to the raw material. You can prepare sourdough with your own hands like this:

  1. Prepare a handful of grapes or raisins, rinse well.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the berries.
  3. Pour the mixture with 2 glasses of warm water and leave in a warm place for several days.

The standard cooking recipe remains the same, but at the first stage, ready-made yeast or settled starter is added to the blueberry mass.

Homemade blueberry wine is of excellent quality and can be stored for up to 3 years. The best way to preserve the taste of blueberry wine is to pour the drink into oak barrels and leave it in a cool, dark place, but in the absence of such containers, you can store the wine in glass bottles.

Blueberries make excellent homemade wines, much like grape wines. But blueberries ferment poorly; even the slightest mistake in preparation can ruin everything. Therefore, I advise you to strictly follow the technology and take care of sterility. Pathogenic microorganisms should not enter the wort.

Only fresh, ripe berries that have been picked for no longer than 24 hours are suitable for winemaking. It is desirable that the fruits are juicy. First, you need to sort out the berries, removing those that are too small, rotten, moldy or overripe. Then wash the blueberries and let the water drain.

I usually don't recommend washing berries to leave wild yeast on the skin, but with blueberries you have to do it or else there will be an off-flavor in the wine. We will replace the washed off wild yeast with plain yeast, raisins (if we are confident in its quality) or store-bought wine yeast. The last option is the best, but at home, sourdough is most often used, which is prepared 3-5 days before adding the wort.

Before starting, all containers used must be thoroughly washed (preferably with boiling water) and wiped dry. There should be no foreign odors. It is allowed to work with wort only with clean hands, so as not to infect it with third-party fungi and bacteria.


  • blueberries – 4 kg;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • raisins – 100 grams (or wine yeast).

Blueberry wine recipe

1. Mash the washed berries until smooth and place in a container with a wide neck.

2. Add raisins (sourdough or yeast) and 300 grams of sugar, mix well. Tie the neck with gauze or cover with a cloth, then transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C. Once a day, stir the berry mass with a clean hand or a wooden stick, knocking down the “cap” on the surface of the pulp and peel.

3. After 3-4 days, when signs of fermentation appear (foam, hissing, sour smell), squeeze the wort through cheesecloth. Pour the liquid part into a fermentation container (fill to a maximum of 75% of the volume), pour the pulp with ordinary water at room temperature, leave for 15-20 minutes, then squeeze out again through cheesecloth. Mix the resulting liquid with fermented juice. The squeezes can be thrown away; they are no longer needed.

4. Add 300 grams of sugar to the wort, place a water seal on the container (a medical glove with a small hole in one of the fingers) and transfer to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

The simplest water seal

5. After 5 days, add the last portion of sugar (300 grams). To do this, drain 0.5 liters of fermenting juice, dilute sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back, and then install a water seal.

6. After 25-50 days, fermentation will end: the water seal will stop producing bubbles, the blueberry wine will lighten, and sediment will appear at the bottom. It's time to drain the wine from the sediment through a thin tube into another clean container, without touching the sediment at the bottom.

If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment the water seal is installed, to prevent bitterness from appearing, the wine must be drained from the sediment, then left to ferment at the same temperature.

Taste the fermented drink. If desired, add more sugar for sweetness or fix with alcohol (vodka) 2-15% of the volume. Fortified wine stores better, but is not as aromatic and has a harsher taste.

Fill storage containers to the top (it is advisable that the wine does not come into contact with oxygen) and close tightly. If sugar was added, it is better to keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days in case of re-fermentation.

7. Transfer the drink to a dark, cool (5-16°C) place, leave for at least 2-3 months to mature, and then store at this temperature.

Once every 20-25 days, when a layer of sediment of 2-5 cm appears, filter the wine by pouring it through a straw into another container, leaving the sediment at the bottom of the old one. Blueberry wine is ready when sediment no longer appears.

Blueberry wine aged 6 months

8. The drink can be poured into bottles or left in the same container.

Shelf life – up to 3 years. Strength – 10-12%. The yield according to the recipe is 3-4 liters.

Even the most inexperienced winemakers know that it is much easier to make a wine drink from some varieties of wild berries than from homemade fruits.

It is considered a manifestation of special skill if you know (and most importantly, you can) how to make blueberry wine at home correctly, and, importantly, tasty. After all, even a minor mistake can ruin the entire cooking process, so it is important to know all the intricacies of this complex procedure.

So, let's figure out together how the recipe for blueberry wine at home differs from the recipes for wine drinks made from other berries and fruits.

Blueberry wine recipe at home: key technology points

The main feature that determines how to make blueberry wine is that there are practically no necessary bacteria on the surface of these berries. Of course, some insignificant part of the microorganisms that cause fermentation is present here, but in very small quantities.

In this regard, a logical question arises - is it possible to make wine from blueberries? Of course you can, you just need to know how to do it correctly. The blueberry wine recipe requires attentiveness and a certain amount of accuracy from the winemaker. Therefore, there is no need to rush; it is better to study everything thoroughly beforehand.

Blueberry wine is made at home using additional wine yeast or a specially prepared starter.

Only in this case can we say that the result will be successful and you will get high-quality blueberry wine. The best recipes that we have selected for you include not only classic wines, but also vodka liqueurs. In the case of the second, as you understand, yeast is not used.

Blueberry wine is made at home, taking into account another feature of the recipe - the pulp is removed at the preparatory stage.

This is due, first of all, to the lack of a sufficient number of bacteria on the surface of the berries. That is why this drink is sometimes called “blueberry wine in its own juice.”

By the way, some sources suggest that homemade blueberry wine, if the pulp is not removed immediately, will have an unpleasant aftertaste. Whether this is true or not, we will not say, but it is a fact that blueberry cake is practically useless for the fermentation process.

Despite all the apparent complexity at first glance, even a not very experienced winemaker can make blueberry wine at home. The main thing in this matter is not to violate the production technology and strictly follow the recipe for preparing blueberry wine at home.

Homemade blueberry wine recipe


  • Blueberries – 4 kg;
  • Purified water – 2 l;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Raisins – 100 g.

First stage: Preparatory

  • Before making blueberry wine, we need to sort the berries. We give preference to ripe and juicy fruits that have no damage or signs of spoilage.
  • Now we do what distinguishes the recipe for making homemade blueberry wine from any other - we thoroughly wash our berries.
  • We need to separate the blueberry juice (which will become the wine) from the cake. To do this, we use gauze folded in several layers, or use a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into a clean container, add unwashed raisins and 300 grams of granulated sugar. Cover the top of the neck with gauze and place in a dark place at room temperature for 3 or 4 days, while stirring the mass daily with a wooden spoon.

Second stage: Wort fermentation

  • When you notice that the liquid has begun to ferment, that is, gas is released and a sour smell appears, this means that it is time to filter it and move it to a fermentation container. For this we use gauze.
  • Pour our juice into a disinfected container, add water at room temperature and 300 grams of sugar. We put a glove on the neck with a small hole made in it (using a needle), or we install a water seal. Place the container in a dark place at room temperature.
  • After 5 days, we take out our container, drain a small amount of liquid from it, mix the remaining sugar into the drained fermented juice and pour it back. We return everything to its place and leave it for a month or two.

Third stage: Final

  • Now begins the final stage of our instructions on how to make blueberry wine. We remove our glove or water seal (depending on what you used) and use a clean hose to separate the new wine from the sediment.
  • At this stage, you can adjust the taste and degree of the wine drink that the blueberry wine will have at the end of preparation. Dry does not require adding sugar, but if you want semi-sweet or sweet, then adjust the sweetness to your taste.

You can also add alcohol to wine in an amount of 2-15% (but not more) of the total volume. This drink will be stored longer, but its taste will no longer be as delicate as “fluff”. Vodka will give the wine not only strength, but also “hardness” in taste.

  • Close the container tightly if you have not added sugar. If you have sweetened it, you need to keep it with a water seal or a glove for another week, because fermentation may begin again.

  • Transfer to a dark and cool place for 3 months.
  • Once a month we carry out the procedure of separating the wine from the sediment. When it no longer forms, the wine drink can be considered ready.

Homemade blueberry wine, the recipe for which is presented above, can be prepared not with raisins, but with wine yeast. In addition, you can use homemade raisin starter: it is not difficult to prepare, but it is better to do it in advance (a few days before you add it to the wort).

For information on the amount of yeast required for fermentation, see the packaging, and for starter culture, based on 4 kg of fresh berries, you need to take 0.5 liters.

Depending on how you prepare your homemade blueberry wine, its shelf life will depend. On average, the shelf life of homemade blueberry wine ranges from one to three years.

Blueberry Forte (Sunberry) Wine Recipe

There is a common misconception that the so-called blueberry forte is a relative of the common blueberry. In fact, this is not entirely true. Sunberry, which is the name given to this variety of berries, belongs to the nightshade genus.

Although they are similar to blueberries, they have little in common with them and have better taste and greater health benefits. Let's find out how to make blueberry forte and apple wine!


Blueberries - 1 kg;

Apples - 1 kg;

Water - 1 l;

Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Making homemade blueberry wine

  • Wash the berries thoroughly and extract juice from them in a way convenient for you.
  • Chop the apples; you can use a grater or blender for this.
  • We combine our ingredients in a container, add two teaspoons of sugar there, cover with gauze and leave for 4 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  • After this, separate the cake from the liquid. Mix the juice with water and sugar, pour the resulting solution into the fermentation container and place a water seal or glove on the neck. Place in a dark, cool place for two and a half months.
  • Then we separate the sediment, this is done using a hose. Pour the wine into a storage container and place in a cool, dark place.

This blueberry wine, the recipe for which you just read, is quite simple and quick to make. The beneficial properties of sunberry, however, do not disappear, so this drink can also be used as a medicine, the main thing is not to abuse it.

Blueberry wine with vodka is a common tincture. This drink is prepared very quickly and becomes an excellent guest on any holiday table. To prepare it, you can use not only fresh fruits, but also frozen ones.


  • Blueberries – 350 g;
  • Vodka (40% alcohol) – 0.5 l.

Making blueberry wine at home

  • Wash the berries thoroughly under running water and place in a colander.
  • When all the water has drained, place them in a container and pour in the alcohol-containing liquid that you decide to use.
  • Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. During this time, the container must be shaken 4 times.
  • We filter the resulting tincture using gauze folded in several layers and store it in a cool place in bottles with tightly closed lids.

Blueberry wine is much easier to prepare and filter at home if the berries are not crushed. Therefore, try to damage them as little as possible when washing.

Sweet blueberry wine


  • Blueberries – 1.5 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 250 g;
  • Purified water – 250 ml;
  • Vodka (40% alcohol) – 1 l.

How to make sweet homemade blueberry wine with vodka

  • We wash the berries and place them in a colander.
  • Place all our ingredients in a container and mix them.
  • We keep our tincture in a warm place for 1 month, while shaking the container twice a week.
  • We use gauze folded in several layers to filter our drink.
  • Pour into bottles, close the lid tightly and store in a cool, dark place.

Blueberry wine according to this recipe turns out to be more like a liqueur; it has a lower strength (compared to regular fortified wine) and a very pleasant sweet taste.

Homemade wines are made mainly from grapes, but wild berries also make tasty and aromatic drinks. Many winemakers prefer to use blueberries as a wine material, despite the fact that the berry does not ferment well. The recipe for blueberry wine is not so complicated, so anyone can repeat it at home if they wish. If you study all the intricacies of the process, the alcohol will ultimately turn out incredibly tasty.

Cooking technology: subtleties and nuances

To get homemade blueberry wine, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • To make drinks, we use exclusively fresh blueberries, which should preferably be picked no earlier than 24 hours in advance. Blueberries must be sorted: twigs, debris, and spoiled berries are removed.
  • Winemakers know that berries and fruits contain living microorganisms that actively participate in fermentation. That is why they try not to wash the ingredients for drinks made from other berries and fruits. Blueberries are a little more complicated. It is unknown how unwashed berries will behave during fermentation, so winemakers recommend thoroughly rinsing all berries before starting the process.
  • When preparing blueberry wine at home, it is important to maintain sterility so that bacteria do not get into the drink. It is advisable for winemakers to use disposable medical gloves. They will protect the wine from harmful bacteria, and the skin of your hands will not turn blueberry.
  • In some recipes for homemade wine from berries, you first need to wait until the pulp has fermented and only then squeeze the juice out of it, but with blueberries the situation is a little different. Professionals advise obtaining juice from the berries immediately, for which the blueberries are first mashed with a wooden mallet and then passed through cheesecloth. In this case, you will get less juice, but in this way you can minimize the risk of difficulties with fermentation.
  • The optimal proportion of water and blueberry juice: 2 liters per 1 kg of berries.
  • To make fermentation more active, some winemakers add ammonia to the wine starter container (0.4 ml of ammonia per liter of wort).
  • Wine can be made not only from fresh berries, but also from blueberry jam. This is the easiest recipe for making homemade blueberry wine.

Traditional recipe

How to make blueberry wine at home: a lengthy but fairly simple recipe.


  • 2 kg of pure blueberries;
  • Liter of water;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Wine yeast - 2 grams (you can use 50 ml of wine yeast instead).

Homemade blueberry wine, recipe:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse, and keep in a water bath for a while to get more juice. Grind the blueberries with a blender, squeeze out the juice using several layers of gauze.
  2. Pour boiled, not hot water into the blueberry juice.
  3. Add 300 grams of granulated sugar and wine yeast to the juice (dilute them as indicated on the package).
  4. Rinse the glass bottle thoroughly, let it dry, pour in blueberry juice and sugar. Put a rubber glove on top, first piercing a hole in one finger with a thin needle. Some people prefer to use a water seal.
  5. The juice will ferment for a week. Then, using a rubber tube, pour some liquid into a small container, dilute the remaining sugar, and pour it back into the bottle.
  6. The room where the wine will be prepared must be warm (not lower than +20 and not higher than +25C).

On a note! If you want to make blueberry wine, you need to have a fair amount of patience. Homemade blueberry drink ferments for a long time, about 6 weeks. It may happen that the process is delayed. In this case, the liquid is carefully poured into another bottle to complete the process.

  1. When fermentation stops, the wine is passed through a filter and then poured into a clean container with a lid. The settling of the drink can last from 3 to 12 months. Throughout this time, once every 3-4 weeks, the wine is drained from the sediment.
  2. When the alcohol has cleared, pour it into bottles and close with corks or caps. It is better to store wine in a cool place, avoiding drafts. Shelf life: three years.

Wine recipe with raisins

Another recipe for making blueberry wine at home without yeast.


  • 4 kg of berries;
  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • Raisins (120 grams);
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.

How to make blueberry wine, first stage

  1. It is very important to carefully sort the berries, choosing juicy, ripe blueberries without damage.
  2. The berries should be washed well under running water.
  3. Crush the blueberries and then squeeze out the juice using gauze or a sieve. Some people use a juicer.
  4. Pour the juice into a clean bottle, sprinkle with unwashed raisins, add sugar (a little more than a glass).
  5. Place gauze, folded several times, on the neck of the container and secure. Place the bottle for 3-4 days in a dark place at room temperature. The contents of the bottle should be stirred regularly with a wooden stick/spoon.


  1. The first signs of fermentation should appear: a characteristic smell, bubbles on the surface. Then the liquid should be filtered and poured into another bottle.
  2. Pour water into the wort, add 300 grams of sugar, shake the contents of the bottle until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pull on a glove or install a water seal and let it wander in a dark, warm room.
  3. After 5-6 days, pour some liquid out of the bottle, dilute the remaining sugar in it, and pour it back. Fermentation will continue for 1-2 months.

Final stage

  1. Then the young blueberry wine is drained from the sediment, filtered, and poured into a clean container.
  2. The container, tightly closed with a lid, is placed in a room without sunlight for 2.5-3 months.
  3. The wine should be carefully drained once a month to get rid of sediment particles. After the time has passed, all that remains is to bottle the delicious homemade wine and send it to a cool place for further storage.

Note: How many blueberries do you need to make 30 liters of wine? Typically, for 30 liters of alcohol, 30 kg of berries are taken.

Wild berry honey wine

This recipe produces an aromatic sweet or semi-sweet wine with a strength of about 12 degrees, which can be consumed in its natural form or used as a basis for making mulled wine.

What you will need:

  • One and a half kilograms of blueberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 200 ml flower honey (linden honey can be used);
  • 2.5 grams of wine yeast (or 60 ml of wine starter).

How to make blueberry wine with honey:

  1. Sort and wash the berries, crush them, pour two glasses of boiled water (not hot) into the pulp. Pass the pulp through a sieve to extract the juice.
  2. Pour the remaining water into the saucepan, add honey and sugar, and simmer over low heat.
  3. Add diluted yeast and the resulting syrup to the berry juice, which must first be cooled.
  4. Pour the liquid into a glass bottle with a water seal and leave to ferment in a dark place. At the end of the process, the young wine is filtered so as not to touch the sediment at the bottom, poured into a new container, closed with a lid and left for several more months.
  5. Drain the clarified wine from the sediment, filter and bottle.

Homemade fortified wine

You can make fortified blueberry wine at home using a fairly simple recipe.


  • One and a half kilograms of wild berries;
  • A glass of granulated sugar;
  • Clean water (glass);
  • A liter of good quality vodka with a strength of 40%.


  1. Sort the blueberries thoroughly and rinse under the tap.
  2. Pour the berries into a glass bottle, add sugar, water and vodka. Mix everything thoroughly and cover tightly with a lid.

On a note! You can pour homemade alcohol with alcohol, the wine will be even stronger.

  1. Place in a warm place for 4 weeks. Shake the contents of the bottle from time to time.
  2. After a month, filter the drink, bottle it, and close it tightly. Store fortified blueberry wine in the refrigerator or basement.

On a note! Homemade wine made according to this recipe resembles a vodka infusion or fortified liqueur. You can add raspberries or black currants to blueberries.

Blueberry forte

Blueberry forte is also called “sunberry” or “sunny berry”. Used for making jams, preserves and wine.

Recipe for blueberry wine:

Unripe berries are crushed with a mallet, sugar is added (1 tsp per 1 kg of berry pulp), and left to ferment for 3-4 days. Then add water (for 1 liter of wort you will need 10 liters of clean water), add sugar (the same amount of sugar is taken for 1 kg of pulp). The future wine is placed under a water seal so that it begins to ferment. A few months after the process is completed, the wine is filtered and bottled.

Note: The combination of several types of berries will diversify the taste, making it deeper and richer. Try making wine from red currants and blueberries; the taste of the drink will definitely surprise and delight you.

Blueberry wine is one of the few alcoholic drinks that has a rich, recognizable taste and a beautiful dark red-violet color. In many countries it is valued even more than grape wine, because in addition to its excellent taste characteristics, it has healing properties. The berry contains a large amount of iron, which is completely absorbed by the body, as well as such important micro- and macroelements as phosphorus, sulfur, chromium, zinc, succinic and malic acid, as well as a huge number of other valuable substances.

Features of the technology

Making blueberry wine is quite difficult, because this berry does not ferment well and the slightest violation of technology will lead to spoilage of the product. To get a tasty drink you need:

  • Use only freshly picked berries; their maximum shelf life should not exceed 24 hours. With longer storage, acetic fermentation begins in blueberries, which makes further wine preparation impossible.
  • Be sure to thoroughly wash the berries, which is a significant difference from the classic method of preparing a berry alcoholic drink. The fact is that the blueberry peel contains a minimal amount of wild yeast, which is not enough to start fermentation. And bacteria and dirt on it will lead to spoilage of the wort even at the fermentation stage. If unwashed blueberries do ferment, the final product will have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.
  • To start full active fermentation, it is better to use special store-bought wine yeast, raisin or berry starter, and dry unwashed raisins.
  • Blueberry pulp does not have any effect on fermentation, which is why experienced winemakers recommend using only juice.
  • It is recommended to wear gloves when handling the fruits, as their juice very quickly turns the skin blue-violet.

When making blueberry wine at home, it is important to constantly monitor the ideal cleanliness of the containers and tools used. Foreign fungi and bacteria that get into the wort provoke its souring and further fermentation becomes impossible.

Step-by-step preparation of blueberry wine

We offer a simple recipe for homemade blueberry wine, using high-quality raisins as a source of yeast. For the drink you will need:

  • 4 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g raisins.

To begin with, the crop is sorted, all damaged and spoiled fruits are thrown away, and whole ones are thoroughly washed with water. Also, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary containers and tools. After all the preparatory work you should:

  • Squeeze the juice from the fruits by kneading them with your hands or a wooden pestle, and then squeezing them through several layers of gauze. The resulting cake is immediately thrown away.
  • Pour the resulting juice into a clean container, add unwashed raisins, 300 g of sugar. Cover the container with gauze and place it in a dark place at room temperature. Here it should stay for 3-4 days.
  • On the fifth day, after active fermentation begins, filter the wort through several layers of gauze. Active fermentation can be determined by the appearance of a characteristic beer smell, foam and bubbles.
  • Pour the wort into a pre-disinfected suley (a special container for fermentation with a narrow neck), add water at room temperature, 300 g of refined sugar. Put a water seal or a medical glove on the neck and place it in a warm, dark place.
  • On the fifth day, add the rest of the sugar, for which a small amount of wort is drained and refined sugar is dissolved in it. Afterwards, the liquid is again poured into a common container and placed under a water seal until fermentation is complete.
  • After fermentation is complete, remove the young wine from the sediment. To do this, use a thin tube, with which the liquid is carefully poured into a clean container. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the end of the tube does not come into contact with the sediment!
  • We taste the resulting drink and, if desired, add sugar or alcohol. If sugar is added, it is advisable to leave the container under a water seal for several more weeks, but in a cool room. When adding alcohol, you need to remember that its volume should not exceed 15% of the total amount of wine.
  • Send the young drink for maturation, for which it is tightly sealed and moved to the basement for at least 3 months. If sediment appears, the wine must be immediately poured into another container. Prolonged contact with sediment will give the drink a bitter taste!

If desired, you can add natural linden or flower honey to blueberry wine. This will give the drink a more refined taste and make the aroma delicate with light floral notes. To create such a drink you will need 1.5 kg of berries, 2 liters of water, 1.2 kg of refined sugar, 200 g of honey, 60 ml of wine starter. Juice is squeezed out of blueberries, and syrup is prepared from sugar, honey and water. All ingredients are mixed, poured into suleya and placed under a water seal. After fermentation is complete, the drink should be infused in the basement for another 3-6 months.