How to cook rice with sausage. Rice baked with sausage

The most precious find of Korean archaeologists who conducted excavations near the small village of Sorori was not gold or silver, but 59 grains of ordinary rice. More precisely, extraordinary, because radiocarbon analysis showed that they are 15 thousand years old! It was previously believed that rice was “only” 12 thousand years old, and China was considered its place of origin.

From the history of rice

China, India, Thailand - it was in these countries that rice began to be cultivated. Favorable conditions for this arose when the great glaciers melted - the end of the Ice Age, and vast areas in these countries were covered with swamps, that is, favorable conditions were created for the cultivation of rice. It is still grown in fields flooded with water.

Today, for three quarters of the population of our planet, rice is one of the staple foods. However, in China, Japan, India, Indonesia and other “rice-eating” countries, rice is more than just food, it is a gift from the gods. It became an integral part of their civilization, and the respectful attitude towards rice continues to this day.

In Europe, the spread of rice is attributed to Alexander the Great, who brought it from India after his conquest (350 BC), but archaeologists have discovered rice in excavated settlements dating back to the 7th century BC. It was brought to Alexandria along with spices and sold in markets as an overseas curiosity.

Rice became truly widespread in the Mediterranean thanks to the Arabs. In Italy, it began to be cultivated in the 14th-15th centuries, and already in the 16th century, Milan was surrounded by rice fields. Italy remains the largest supplier of rice in Europe today. True, only about 50 varieties are grown here, while in the Philippines, for example, more than 10 thousand have been discovered.

Rice appeared in Russia only during the time of Peter I, and it was then called “Saracenic millet” (the Arabs were called Saracens in the old days). Rice received its modern name from the German Reis only at the end of the 19th century.

Useful properties of rice

Rice contains a whole complex of complex carbohydrates - the main source of energy for our body, and in terms of the amount of B vitamins it is generally considered a record holder. These vitamins not only keep our nervous system in working order and protect us from stress, but are also responsible for stable metabolism and (attention, women!) our beauty.

Interesting fact: in China and Southeast Asia, the disease beriberi was widespread, and mainly among rich people, who died a painful death. Studies have shown that they ate hulled rice, while the poor ate brown rice and suffered virtually no beriberi. It turned out that the rice shell contains many B vitamins, especially thiamine (B1), the deficiency of which causes beriberi. Changing the nutritional system made it possible to get rid of this disease.

In addition, rice contains vitamins E and PP, as well as the necessary minerals calcium, potassium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Potassium is extremely important, necessary for normal heart function.

Rice has a unique feature: it removes excess salt from the body along with liquid, so it is an ideal product for those suffering from kidney disease, excess weight or edema. This is why rice is always included in sports nutrition.

Unlike wheat, rice is gluten-free; thus, it becomes a complete replacement for bread and other wheat products for those who are allergic to gluten.

Rice has a coating effect on the walls of the stomach, which is very useful for gastritis and exacerbations of ulcers, and its strengthening effect will help with indigestion.

Types of rice

Currently, a huge variety of rice varieties are cultivated in the world. Let's get to know some of them.


This rice is peeled only from the outer inedible husk, but the bran shell is left behind, giving the rice a brownish color. This variety is the healthiest and richer in fiber, minerals and vitamins than white rice. It has a stronger flavor and a slightly different texture. This type of rice will require more water and cooking time than white rice (about 40 minutes).

This variety with white polished grains is perhaps the most popular.

This flavorful rice has a slight nutty undertone. It is more expensive than regular long grain. Most often used for preparing Indian dishes.

It is also called "Thai fragrant rice." It is slightly more aromatic than basmati. In both varieties, the rice grains are fluffy and slightly sticky when finished. Great for curries and oriental dishes.


As the name suggests, this variety is mainly used for making risotto. It has short, plump grains, and when they are poured with hot broth and stirred all the time, starch and fiber are released from them, due to which risotto acquires the necessary consistency and creamy texture. There are also trade names vialone and carnaroli. This type of rice grains absorbs five times more water than their own weight.

The grains are small, reminiscent of risotto rice. Designed specifically for paella - a classic dish of Spanish cuisine.

During the cooking process, the grains stick together, which makes this type of rice ideal for creamy desserts.


There are two known varieties of it - Nanjing and Thai, which is used for a wonderful dessert - black rice pudding. It has a slightly herbal texture, ideal for salads and any oriental dishes.

Grown in Southern France, in the Camarque region, hence the name. It has a strong nutty aroma and is used in salads or as a side dish.

In fact, it is not rice at all, but water grass, which was previously very expensive due to the fact that it was only collected by hand. Wild rice is now farmed, but it has retained its image as a rare variety. It is often sold mixed with white rice, which looks very impressive when cooked. Used for side dishes and rice salads.

This is not a separate type of rice, but a way of processing it, which increases the quality characteristics of rice. Unhusked rice is first soaked in water and then treated with hot steam under pressure. As a result, the grains become translucent, with an amber-yellowish tint, which disappears during cooking, and the rice acquires its usual white color.

Steamed rice has a number of advantages: thanks to steaming, up to 80% of the vitamins and minerals contained in the bran shell are transferred to the rice grains, and the rice grains themselves never stick together. The rice turns out fluffy and no less tasty even when the dish is reheated.

Even the most common varieties of rice can be used to create incredibly tasty dishes, which is especially typical for Chinese, Japanese and South Asian cuisine. Prepare according to the Chinese recipe, and you will see that it is not only very tasty, but also a very filling dish.

This delicious dish is one of the varieties of “dirty rice”. That's not why they called the rice that way, because it's unwashed. And for the fact that this dish originated in New Orleans. New Orleans, in addition to rice with an indecent name, also gave the world “dirty music” - jazz. This is elderberry and uncle in one bottle, that is, in New Orleans. As you can see, America is not only hamburgers, but also very interesting national cuisines. In this case, Cajun cuisine from Louisiana.

An interesting nation, the Cajuns. Firstly, the team. Secondly, self-proclaimed. Third, French-speaking in English-speaking America. Fourthly, together with Australians, Spaniards, Irish, Scots, Jews and, of course, Russians (sorry, politically correct - Russian-speaking), the Cajuns are on the list of the coolest nations in the world. And accordingly, their kitchen (like ours) is cool. And the rice is cool.

To prepare rice with smoked sausage you will need:

long rice - 2 tbsp.
chicken broth – 5 tbsp.
Refined sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.
smoked pork sausage – 500 g
garlic - 1 tooth.
onion – 1 pc.
celery stalk – 1 pc.
bell pepper – 1 pc.
cayenne pepper – 0.25 tsp.
parsley - 0.25 tbsp.
salt - to taste
ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook rice with smoked sausage.

1. Rinse the rice. (Classic - in seven waters.) Pour chicken broth (4 tbsp.), Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer the rice (the water will disappear) in about seven minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for another seven minutes. Turn off the gas, but do not open the lid for 20 minutes.
2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cut the smoked sausage into 1 cm thick circles. Fry it on both sides. My dad once said: “The best fish is fried sausage.” Have tastes changed?
3. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press. Peel the onion and celery. Cut them into cubes. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut off the tail. Cut the pepper into cubes. Fry the garlic, pepper, onion and celery along with the sausage, stirring, for about five minutes. Salt and pepper. Pour the mixture with 1 tbsp. chicken broth, sprinkle with cayenne pepper. Cook with the lid open until the broth has evaporated slightly.
4. Mix rice and sausage. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and stir again. Check for salt and pepper.

Rice with sausage recipe with step-by-step preparation.
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Recipe difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 1 hour
  • Number of servings: 4 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 220 kilocalories

A simple step-by-step recipe for homemade rice and sausage. It is easy to prepare at home in under 1 hour. The dish contains only 220 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Rice 1 stack.
  • Krakow sausage 100 g.
  • Onions 0.5 pcs.
  • Tomato 3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil 2 tbsp. spoon

Step by step recipe

  1. Rice with sausage is a very simple, homemade dish that won’t particularly surprise guests, but it’s just right for a quick home-cooked lunch or dinner with the family. Cooking rice with sausage is quite simple, and the result will appeal to many, as it is simple and satisfying. This recipe is not final; it can be supplemented with a variety of products and ingredients, thereby making its taste even more rich. So, first we will boil the rice. You can choose any type of rice that suits your taste. In order to boil the rice as quickly as possible and not have much trouble with this process, I recommend soaking it first. To do this, pour the rice into a separate container and fill it with clean water. Mix the cereal a little and set it aside for fifteen to twenty minutes; you can soak it for a longer time or even overnight. In this case, you will spend very little time boiling this component. After the rice has been soaked in water for a long time, drain the liquid and place the cereal in a saucepan. Fill it with water again (not a very large amount) and place it on the stove. Immediately lightly salt the contents of the pan and pour about half a tablespoon of vegetable oil into it. Mix everything and cook over medium heat, without covering tightly with a lid. When the contents boil (make sure that the rice does not foam and run away), reduce the heat and cook the cereal until tender. If you like your rice al dente, do not cook the product a little.
  2. When the rice reaches the stage of readiness you want, turn off the heat under the pan and, if necessary, drain the excess liquid (using a colander). It happens that the rice is ready and there is practically no water left in it, then there is no need to drain anything, just place the cereal in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  3. While the rice is cooking, you can prepare other ingredients, such as onions and sausage. So, peel the onions and cut them into small, thin pieces. If the onion is large, then half will be enough. Place the chopped vegetable in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until transparent over low heat. Before frying, add a little salt and, if desired, pepper the product.
  4. We peel the sausage from the film and cut it into fairly large pieces, maybe into circles. When the onion is fried, add the sausage to it. Fry in the same way until golden brown.
  5. Wash several ripe tomatoes well and cut into large pieces. Don't forget to cut off the attachment point of the fruit. If you wish, you can first pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skin. After putting the tomatoes in the frying pan, add a little salt to the contents. Fry all the ingredients over low heat, cover with a lid.
  6. When the tomatoes become soft, transfer the boiled rice to the pan. Mix all the ingredients and cook over very low heat for a few more minutes. If the mass in the frying pan is a little dry, you can add a little boiled water, broth or tomato juice.
  7. Rice with sausage is ready! If desired, you can sprinkle everything with chopped fresh herbs.
  8. This dish should be served hot. Bon appetit!

Today, according to the recipes provided by me, you will prepare pilaf with sausage or sausages, as you wish.
The first recipe I offer involves cooking this dish in a frying pan. So,

Chicken pilaf with sausage in a frying pan

  1. Chicken thighs - 4 small or 2 large. (half a kilo).
  2. Rice cereal - 2 cups.
  3. Onions - 1 pc.
  4. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  5. Vegetable oil - half a glass.
  6. Sausage (boiled or smoked) - 300 gr.
  7. Bacon - 200 gr.
  8. Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  9. Spices for pilaf - 1 tsp.
  10. Salt - to taste.

Cut the semi-finished products needed for cooking according to the photograph. The garlic also needs to be chopped. Wash the rice, leave small legs whole, and divide large ones in half.

Sprinkle the chicken with some of the spices and salt. Leave to marinate for half an hour.

In a cast iron skillet in hot oil, fry the bacon for 5 minutes, then add the sausage and vegetables with garlic. Fry for another 10 minutes. After the time is up, place the frying in a separate bowl, pour a little oil into the frying pan and fry the chicken on both sides until the color of the meat changes to white and a red crust forms.

Once you have achieved the desired result, return the frying to the pan.

Season with salt and spices, add rice and pour boiling water 1 cm above the contents of the pan. Bring to a boil and the liquid evaporates so that the cereal appears on the surface. Reduce the flame to low and simmer in a tightly closed container for 30 minutes until the moisture is completely absorbed by the cereal.

Do not rush to remove the lid immediately; let the food brew for 10 minutes. Then mix and place into plates.
This recipe does not require the use of any sausage, you can also use bratwurst.

Bon appetit!

The following recipe will tell you how to cook such a dish in a slow cooker. Of the two I offer, one recipe does not require pre-frying the zirvak.

Rice with sausage in a slow cooker

Boiled sausage (with fat) - 250-300 gr.
Onion - 1 pc.
Carrots - 1 piece (large).
Rice cereal - 1.5 cup.
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cup.
Seasonings - 1 tsp.
Salt - to taste.
Red bell pepper - 1 pc.
Dry tomato - 0.5 tsp.

Cut all semi-finished products into cubes, except carrots, which need to be chopped into thin strips. Fans of graters can pass the vegetable through the large cells of the grater.

To give the desired golden color, add dry tomato or paprika.

Having poured water 1.5 cm above the level of the contents of the bowl, close the device, set the “pilaf” or “stew” mode for 1 hour. Wait for the device signal.

When you hear the bell, stir the pilaf and place it on plates. Don't forget the salads!

Bon appetit!

The second recipe, which is present in this article, offers you pre-frying of the vegetable base (zirvak). The same amount of products as in the previous recipe is processed in the same way as before for pilaf. But in this case, pour the Oil into the bowl of the unit in the “frying” or “baking” mode and fry the sausage with vegetables for 10 minutes.

After frying, add rice grains and salt with spices, pour water 1 cm above the surface of the rice and, having set the “pilaf” or “stew” function, wait for the multicooker signal. That's the whole secret of preparing this dish!
After the call, follow the same steps as in the previous recipe.

Trust me - it's delicious. I tried it myself and was not disappointed. You can also use sausages or small sausages instead of sausage. It won't change the taste.
Tip: If you want food with the taste of pilaf, do not skimp on cumin. You can add a little more of it than in a packet of pilaf seasonings! Zira will not spoil the taste or aroma of your food.

The calorie content of this dish is 138 Kcal per 100 grams of finished product.

Bon appetit!

And at the end of the article, one video recipe: Pilaf with Krakow sausage!