How to salt pork belly at home. Salting pork belly under pressure

Let's make a reservation right away, we are talking only about pork belly. Pork belly is the part of the carcass located on the sides of the abdominal region behind the shoulder blade. It consists of alternating layers of lard with thin layers of meat. Usually the brisket is smoked, marinated or salted.

We'll tell you how to quickly and deliciously pickle pork belly at home. You can salt it “dry” or in brine. At the market we choose a beautiful brisket. Meat for salting must undergo veterinary control (as evidenced by a seal from the slaughterhouse or a special certificate).

You can, of course, just salt the brisket with salt, it will turn out edible and probably even tasty, but it’s not too interesting, so it’s better to salt it with spices.

How to dry brine brisket?


  • pork belly;
  • ground black pepper;
  • ground hot red pepper (can be halved with paprika);
  • garlic;
  • coarse table salt.


It is most convenient to salt in parchment paper, but you can also use it in a rectangular container.

Mix ground black pepper, ground red pepper and salt in equal parts (you can add just a little ground cloves). Cut the peeled garlic across the clove into thin pieces.

On a piece of brisket we make cuts deep to the skin so that we get rectangular pieces measuring approximately 5x6-8 cm, place pieces of garlic into the cuts and generously add a mixture of salt and pepper. Don’t be afraid to add more salt than necessary; take as much as you need.

We wrap a piece of brisket sprinkled with salt and spices in paper or place it in a container (preferably an enamel tray, ceramic or glass container, but you can also salt it in a plastic container).

Place the package or container in the refrigerator on a shelf for 24 hours. Then for another 24 hours - into the freezer compartment. Cut the brisket into thin slices. You can simply serve this wonderful delicacy on a plate or make sandwiches with black bread and onion rings (with a glass or glass of vodka, or strong bitters... mmm... so as not to swallow your tongue!).

How to brine brisket?


  • pork belly;
  • water;
  • table salt;
  • peppercorns (allspice and black);
  • coriander, mustard, fennel and cumin seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carnation;
  • hot red pepper;
  • garlic.


Cut the brisket into rectangular pieces measuring approximately 5x6-8 cm.

We need just enough brine to fill the coated brisket pieces 1 finger higher in a tight container.

Approximate calculation per liter: 3-5 bay leaves, 8-12 peppercorns, 3-5 clove buds, 1-2 red peppers, 3-5 cloves of garlic, the rest is at your discretion (coriander seeds, fennel and cumin). You need enough salt so that a raw egg or potato floats.

Dissolve salt in the required volume of water, place dry spices, garlic and hot pepper in a container along with pieces of brisket. Water with salt boil, boil for 3-5 minutes and cool to a temperature of 60-40 degrees C. Fill the pieces of brisket with spices completely with brine and close the container (in this case we use a non-plastic container) with a lid, cool, and then place the container in cool place for 36-48 hours.

If you add strong light wine (Madeira, for example, or sherry) and ground spices (red and black pepper, coriander, barberry berries) to the brine, it will turn out even tastier.

This article will focus on pork belly. Pork belly is the part of the carcass that is located behind the shoulder blades on the sides of the abdominal region. It consists of alternating layers of thin layers of meat with lard. Most often, brisket is salted, marinated or smoked.

Next, we will tell you in more detail how to quickly and tasty salt pork belly at home. You can salt not only dry, but also in brine. They buy beautiful and appetizing brisket at the market. Meat that is planned to be salted must undergo veterinary control, this must be evidenced by a special certificate or stamp from the place of slaughter. Of course, you can salt the brisket with salt alone, and the result will be quite edible, and even tasty, but not very interesting, so it is recommended to salt it with spices.

How to properly dry brine brisket?


  • Pork belly;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Ground red hot pepper, preferably mixed with paprika;
  • Garlic;
  • Coarse table salt.


  1. It is recommended to salt in parchment paper, but a rectangular container will also work. Mix ground black pepper, ground red pepper, salt in equal parts, and cloves can be added if desired. Peeled garlic is cut into thin pieces across the clove.
  2. Deep cuts are made on a piece of brisket down to the skin so that rectangular pieces measuring about five by eight centimeters are obtained, pieces of garlic are placed in the cuts and covered generously with a mixture of salt and pepper. Don’t be afraid to add more salt than you should, the lard will absorb as much as it should and not a gram more.
  3. A piece of brisket sprinkled with spices and salt is placed in a container (ideally a ceramic, enamel or glass tray; a plastic container will also do) or wrapped in paper.
  4. The container or package is placed on a shelf in the refrigerator for the whole day. Then put it in the freezer for a day. The finished brisket is cut into thin slices. This wonderful delicacy can be used in making sandwiches with rye bread or simply served on plates.

How to properly brine brisket?

  • Pork belly;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Black or allspice peppercorns;
  • Mustard, fennel, cumin and coriander seeds;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • Hot red pepper;
  • Garlic.

Cooking process

  1. The brisket is carefully cut into rectangular pieces measuring approximately five by eight centimeters. You will need just enough brine to fill all the pieces of brisket one finger up in a tight container. Approximate calculation of ingredients for one liter of brine: five bay leaves, twelve peppercorns, five cloves, two red pepper pods, five cloves garlic, the rest is up to your taste, coriander seeds, fennel cumin and spices. There should be enough salt in the brine so that a raw egg or fresh potato floats to the surface.
  2. Salt is dissolved in the required amount of water, pieces of brisket, hot pepper, garlic, and dry spices are placed in a container. Water is boiled with salt for five minutes and cooled to a temperature of sixty degrees C. Pieces of brisket with spices are completely filled with brine and the container is closed with a lid; it is prohibited to use a plastic container.
  3. The container is sent to a cold place for forty-eight hours. If you add a light strong wine, for example, sherry or Madeira, and various ground spices, black and red pepper, barberry berries, and coriander to the brine, the result will be much tastier.

How to properly brine brisket under pressure?

A brisket weighing more than one kilogram is washed in running water and then blotted with a cotton napkin. In order to salt the brisket as tasty as possible, the cut is cut into equal pieces, each five centimeters thick. After this, the brisket is stuffed with thin cloves of garlic to your taste and rubbed with about fifty grams of coarse table salt, and a various mixture of herbs and spices.

You can try to choose a flavor bouquet of spices individually. For example, it may include:

  • Ten grams of freshly ground black pepper;
  • Crushed dried dill heads ten grams;
  • Coriander ten grams;
  • Nutmeg five grams.

Place a little seasoning and salt, three broken bay leaves, and one pinch of allspice peas on the bottom of an enamel pan. The brisket is lowered into the container, skin side down, covered with a wooden circle and pressed with a suitable press. For the first day, keep the pan away from direct sunlight at room temperature, then keep it in the refrigerator for five days until ready.

Tender pork belly in aromatic brine

A practical method of home canning is to cook salted pork belly in brine or in a wet way; it allows the product to be stored for a long time and not lose its taste.

  1. In this case, it is recommended to cut the brisket into small pieces and place it in a sterile glass jar, cover with peppercorns and garlic cloves.
  2. Next, the water is salted, the liquid is brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. The pork is poured with brine and the container is loosely covered. Keep in a dark and cool place for seven days until fully cooked, then put in the refrigerator for storage.

Traditionally brined brisket

Cooking tender pork belly

  1. First of all, prepare the brisket, remove all specks from it, and be sure to remove small bones. Next, make a cut along the brisket every three centimeters right down to the skin.
  2. Take garlic, peel it and cut it into thin slices. Prepare coarse salt.
  3. The brisket is carefully laid out on a clean piece of any material, and later the salted brisket is wrapped in it. Carefully cut the slits on the brisket, insert the garlic and add salt. Then the cut is carefully connected, and the next one is treated in the same way, and so all the steps are repeated until the last cut.
  4. Rub the outer sides of the brisket with salt, sprinkle generously on top and lay out cloves of garlic.
  5. For those who prefer it spicier, you can sprinkle ground black pepper into the cuts and on top of the brisket. It will be very tasty with pepper.
  6. Next, the salted brisket is wrapped in a piece of cloth and placed in the refrigerator for a day.
  7. After a day, the fabric is changed, and the brisket is salted and sent back to the refrigerator for a day.
  8. After this time, the brisket will be completely ready. It absorbed all the necessary amount of salt and garlic aroma. Brined brisket must be stored in the refrigerator.

Salted brisket is an excellent appetizer, which in appearance and incomparable taste is not inferior to popular meat delicacies. And below are described completely not troublesome, but undoubtedly the most delicious recipes for brisket in brine.

Salting brisket in brine at home


  • pork belly – 1.3 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • table salt – 275 g;
  • allspice and black pepper (peas) – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • coriander grains, mustard and caraway seeds - 10 g each;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 leaves;
  • cloves – 3-4 buds;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.


Cut the brisket into large rectangular pieces. Mix dry spices, finely chopped garlic, hot pepper and place in a container with the brisket.

Prepare the brine. Dissolve salt in water. Boil for 3-5 minutes and cool slightly. Cover the spiced pieces with brine and close the container tightly with a lid, cool, and then refrigerate the container for at least 48 hours.

Salted brisket in brine with garlic - homemade recipe


  • brisket - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt (coarse) – 275 g;
  • black peppercorns - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 leaves;
  • (spicy) – 125 g;
  • head of garlic;
  • – 3-4 handfuls.


Cut the brisket into fairly large slices about 25 cm long. Boil water in a saucepan, add bay leaves, husks, salt, adjika and peppercorns. Place pieces of brisket into boiling brine and cook them for 15 minutes, after which remove the dish from the heat and wrap in something warm, such as a blanket. Let the brisket salt in a warm place for 15 hours, then dry the slices with a linen napkin and rub with pureed garlic. Let the preparation stand in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours and only then can you taste it.

How to brine brisket?



Cut the lard into large chunks and place them in a three-liter jar, alternating with spices and chopped garlic.

Boil water, dissolve salt in it and fill the contents of the jar with this brine. After about 24 hours, you need to wipe the lard with a linen napkin, cool it a little and you can try it. You can rub the slices with freshly ground pepper mixture and leave them in the freezer, wrapped in a sheet of parchment.

How to deliciously brine BREAST with and without brine:

Salted brisket is a favorite delicacy of many people. Especially if you take and eat a delicious slice of lard with a slot with a crust of black bread and green onions with a hundred grams of alcohol. This is, of course, a digression from the main topic. After all, next we’ll look at how you can cook pork brisket yourself at home in different ways.

There are all kinds of this product on the market, but they are much more expensive than fresh pork. Therefore, housewives prefer to salt such meat with layers of lard themselves. And each has its own unique recipe.

Homemade pork brisket: secrets of product selection and salting

Pork is often used for salting. Because this lard with a slit is considered one of the softest, most tender, and delicious. When you choose pork, pay attention to its quality. Fresh brisket will not have any off flavors. The lard will be white, without a yellowish tint, and the layers of meat will have a delicate pinkish tint. The meat lines of a good quality brisket alternate with the fat lines at the same distance. To the touch, such a product has a homogeneous structure without separation or lumps (especially in places where there is a fatty layer). Do not take lard or meat that is too soft - there may be a lot of water in it.

Tips for choosing a meat product and salting it:

Try to choose lard with a slot from sellers who have already been verified for honesty, and even better, take such a product directly from people who breed animals.

When buying a product, pay attention not only to the meat product, but also to the quality of the skin. Choose brisket without damaging the skin.

If the seller does not mind, you can check the quality of his goods by piercing them with a sharp knife. If the object enters without obstruction, then the brisket is of good quality.

Don’t forget to smell the product, if the aroma is pleasant, then take it, don’t hesitate.

To salt lard with a slot, use coarse rock salt. Fine salt is not capable of salting the deep layers of the brisket, and iodized salt, and even worse, burns the upper layers of the product, thereby increasing the temperature inside the fat, which threatens the rapid deterioration of the brisket.

Before salting, and in general before preparing the product, be sure to remove a small layer of lard and scrape the skin with a knife. After this, wash the brisket under the tap, wipe with paper napkins, and dry.

For pickling, use only enamel, glass, stainless steel, and plastic containers. Aluminum pans and containers that tend to oxidize are not suitable.

How to brine brisket with garlic - useful tips, recipe

Those who love meat will not refuse such a delicacy, because the product has a lot of calories. And to restore your strength, just eat a few pieces of lard with a slit and you will be full of strength again. There are several ways to salt brisket, and we will study them further. After reading them, it will be easy for you to prepare the delicacy yourself with a suitable option.

This vegetable has a special aroma that cannot be confused with anything else. Garlic also has an antimicrobial and even antibacterial effect. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it at least in small quantities so as not to get sick. And brisket with garlic is a unique duet, indispensable in winter, when the body loses strength not only to preserve the immune system, but also to heat itself.

Fresh brisket – 650 g

Spices for pork meat - 3 g

Garlic – 13 g

Salt - 175 g


After you use a knife to clear the product of various debris that may have accumulated during transportation of meat to market, etc., make small punctures in the brisket with a knife, so that you can then stuff it with spices and garlic.

Peel each clove of garlic, then separate each clove into small cloves.

Now, first add a little salt and spices to the indentations that you made with a knife in the pork, then put in the garlic.

Rub the entire brisket with salt and spices.

Place it in a bowl and sprinkle more salt on all sides.

Cover with a lid, leave on the table for about 9-11 hours, and then just put it in a cold place.

After a day, the brisket can be taken out of the dish and wrapped in a clean towel, and then placed again in a cold place. After twenty-four hours the product is ready for use. Store lard in the freezer to extend its shelf life.

Pork belly in brine - the most delicious recipe:

Although many people say that fat makes you fat, brisket still has beneficial properties and a few pieces that you eat throughout the day will not affect your weight in any way. Also, lard contains vitamins A, E, D, F, fatty acids, selenium, lecithin - necessary for human health. In order for this complex of useful substances to be preserved as much as possible, you will need to learn the art of salting the product with your own hands.

Fresh brisket - 950 g

Bay leaf - 3 g

Egg - 1 pc.

Water – 950 ml

Black pepper - 7 pcs. peas

Allspice - 9 pcs. peas

Hot pepper - 1 pc.

Garlic – 10 g

Cloves - 4 pcs.

Coriander (seeds) – 2 g

Mustard (seeds) – 1 g

Fennel (seeds) – 0.5 g

Cumin - 0.5 g

Salt - 125 g


Divide the finished product into approximately even parts, 6 by 8 cm in size. And place them in an enamel pan.

Take bottled water and pour it into another pan (enamel, stainless steel, etc.).

Place the egg in a container of water. Pour into the pan and stir until the raw egg floats to the surface. Now you can get the egg.

Add all ingredients except brisket to brine.

Place on the stove, cook until it boils and for six minutes after, but over low heat.

Let the brine cool to 45-50 degrees, only then pour it over the divided brisket. The lard must be completely filled with the solution so that it does not protrude to the surface of the water.

Cover the finished mixture with a lid and refrigerate for 48 hours.

IMPORTANT: Do not store the brisket in brine for a long time; after salting, it is better to place it on a plate in the refrigerator.

Hot option for salting brisket in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker, then you can also try this option for salting the product:

Fresh brisket - 975 g

Water – 975 ml

Salt - 125 g

Sugar - 35 g

Black pepper - 9 pcs. peas

Bay leaf - 3 g

Onion peel - 5 g

Garlic – 4 g


Rinse the onion skins in a colander. Soak and leave for a while, let the dirt leave it.

Line the multicooker bowl with bay leaf, and then cover it with clean husks.

Bring the water to a boil, dissolve all the salt and sugar in the liquid.

Now you can pour the brine prepared on the stove into the slow cooker.

Place the brisket, divided into 6 by 8 cm pieces, into the multicooker bowl.

Set the appliance to extinguishing mode (40 minutes). When the process is finished, do not open the multicooker for three hours.

After time has passed, take the product. Rub each piece with garlic and pepper. Then place the brisket in the freezer for an hour or two. Taste after freezing.

Brisket prepared this way will be ready in two days.

Pork brisket - 1 kg

Salt - 85 g

Ground pepper (black) - 14 g

Pepper (red) ground - 4 g

Garlic - 6 g


Start with lard. Prepare it for salting, cut it into equal parts 7 by 8 or 5 by 7.

Mix the spices. Using a knife, make punctures in the brisket so that you can place the garlic, cut into slices.

Soak the pork pieces well in salt, pour spices and garlic into the cuts.

Now pour salt into the bottom of the enamel pan. Place the brisket there and sprinkle it with salt - do not skimp.

Cover with a lid and let it sit warm for several hours (about five hours).

Then send it into the cold. After 40 hours, you can try the aromatic brisket with or without bread, herbs, as you are used to.

Question: " How to brine brisket?" - is becoming more and more popular over time, because delicious homemade brisket is a favorite delicacy of many gourmets around the world. Pickling it deliciously at home is very simple, you just need to know what ingredients are needed for this, as well as the optimal time for pickling. Unlike store-bought brisket, homemade salted brisket is much tastier and healthier, especially if you choose the right lard for salting. In addition, such a dish, prepared with your own hands, can please you and your family at any time, and is also suitable for adding a delicious dish to the holiday table. In our article we will look at several recipes for brining brisket, and also tell you how to choose the right lard so that the result is not just tasty, but also healthy.

Most often, pork breast is used for salting. It is softer, tasty and aromatic. But you need to choose it correctly so that stale goods do not spoil the impression of such a delicacy. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the color of the meat: it should have a soft pink tint, or, in extreme cases, dark pink. Lard should be white, without yellowness. The veins of meat should alternate with the veins of lard at approximately the same distance. The consistency of the brisket should be firm, but not too hard. If the product has a too soft texture, then it is better to refrain from such a purchase. The fat layer should be homogeneous, in no case in lumps or stratified, as in this case there is too much liquid in it.

Well, below we will provide several recipes with which you can deliciously brine brisket, as well as additional video material.

How to brine brisket?

Let's look at ways to deliciously brine brisket at home and please your family. Everyone, without exception, likes delicious salted brisket. In addition, there are many recipes, following the instructions of which you can properly pickle the product, choosing the most suitable method for you.

With garlic

Salted with garlic, soft, juicy and aromatic pork belly, cooked at home, will leave you with only the most pleasant impressions and will also amaze you with its exquisite taste. It's very easy to prepare. For this we need the following ingredients:

    garlic: to taste;

    salt: to taste;

    spices: to taste;

    fresh pork belly.

To begin, we take the brisket in one hand, a knife in the other, and begin to clean it of various debris, scraping it off with a knife. There is no need to wash the product, as you can wash off most of the fat and the taste will suffer significantly from this.

Next, you need to peel the garlic, divide it into cloves, which, in turn, need to be cut into several parts. On the brisket prepared for brining, make small holes that need to be sprinkled with salt, then put slices of garlic in there. After this, the entire piece of brisket should be generously rubbed with salt and a mixture of your favorite spices. Now take a small piece of cloth in which to wrap a piece of brisket. Leave it to sit at room temperature for about 10 hours, then put the brisket in the refrigerator for at least a day.

After 24 hours, remove the brisket from the refrigerator and transfer it to another piece of cloth, wrapping it and putting it all in the refrigerator, just like the first time. After another day, the delicious pork belly is ready to eat. Best stored in the freezer.

Hot salting method

To hot brine the brisket yourself, we will need the following list of ingredients::

    water: 1.5 liters;

    salt: 1 tbsp;

    allspice: 15 peas;

    adjika: 6 g;

    bay leaf: 3 pcs.;

    garlic: 3 cloves;

    pork belly.

Before salting the brisket, you need to rinse it thoroughly, then dry it and cut it into slices convenient for you. After this, fill the pan with water and bring it to a boil, then add all the ingredients there one by one, except for the brisket. When the water boils a little, you can add pork to the boiling water. Cook it in boiling water for no more than five minutes, after which you should remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and let the dish sit overnight.

After this, remove the brisket from the brine, rub it with garlic if you wish, and then wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

After this time, delicious homemade salted brisket will be ready to eat.

In brine Salting the brisket in brine allows you to store the finished product for quite a long time.

    garlic: to taste;

    In addition, the dish comes out very soft, aromatic and amazing in taste. Try brining your own pork breast using this recipe and your family will be delighted! In order to deliciously pickle lard, you will need:

    black peppercorns: to taste;

pork belly; We start by clearing the brisket of all debris using a knife.. You can also rinse the lard with cold water.

Then we cut the breast into convenient pieces and send it to pre-sterilized jars. Top with garlic cloves and allspice. Now prepare the brine

: bring water to a boil, add salt and spices as desired, turn off the heat and wait for the brine to cool. Then we pour it into the brisket in jars, cover them with lids (but not very tightly) and send them to the pantry to steep. Delicious salted brisket will be ready in about a week. After this, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Using our recommendations, you can always salt the brisket yourself at home, delighting your family and guests.