Potato cakes in a frying pan without oil. Kefir flatbreads with potatoes - in a frying pan

How to cook potato cakes with herbs and cheese in a frying pan? I'll look into it right now.

This is a great, easy to prepare, very filling and very tasty dish that will appeal to many of us. In addition, it is perfect as a snack, breakfast or dinner.

Ingredients for the dish, beneficial properties

Cheese is one of the healthiest and most delicious fermented milk products. There are several thousand varieties of this product in the world, the manufacturing process of which can differ dramatically from each other.

The concentration of nutrients in cheese is at least 10 times higher than in milk or even cottage cheese. This product contains all the essential nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Eating just 50 grams of cheese is equivalent to half a liter of milk.

A distinctive feature of most fermented milk products is the presence of partially fermented carbohydrates and proteins, which allows these nutrients to be much more easily absorbed by the human body.

Most cheeses contain the following substances: B vitamins, retinol, calciferol, pantothenic acid, zinc, selenium, iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, bromine and so on.

Cheese cannot be considered a low-calorie product. Even with a very low fat content, 100 grams of this product contain no less than 300 kilocalories. The vast majority of varieties are characterized by an energy content of about 400 – 500 kcal.

Cheese is a source of a significant amount of vitamins, which play a regulatory role in the activities of most organs of the human body. In addition, many biochemical metabolic reactions require the presence of such catalysts.

The proteins and amino acids contained in cheese are very beneficial for the human body. In addition, they are characterized by significant bioavailability and therefore can be absorbed without extra effort and used to satisfy plastic needs.

The benefits of potatoes are not as noticeable as cheese. Most of the dry mass of the root vegetable is formed by complex carbohydrates - starch, which is not very useful for the human body, since it is transformed into glucose and then into fat deposits.

However, there are some positive aspects to this product. The root vegetable contains such useful substances as: ascorbic acid, magnesium, potassium, iron, organic acids, and a significant amount of B vitamins.

Thanks to their high potassium content, potatoes are very beneficial for the heart muscle. Regular consumption of this vegetable can normalize the functional state of the myocardium, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Potatoes are very useful for high acidity of gastric juice. Due to the content of a significant amount of pectin, a thin film is formed on the walls of the organ, preventing the damaging effects of aggressive factors (hydrochloric acid).

Potato cakes with cheese and herbs - recipe No. 1

Of course, no one measured the total calorie content of the dish, although there is no problem calculating it. But given the composition, we can immediately say that it will be very up to par. Those who advocate ideal forms are advised to be more moderate with this pie. The following ingredients are needed for the dish:

Potatoes - 400 grams;
Cheese - from 100 to 200 grams (you can’t spoil the flatbread with cheese);
Heavy cream - 30 milliliters;
Dry yeast - 7 grams;
Premium flour - from 150 to 200 grams;
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
Salt, sugar, pepper, seasonings.

To begin with, it is recommended to start preparing the dough. Pour 100 milliliters of warm water into a regular glass and add 7 grams of dry yeast. The contents of the glass must be mixed until a homogeneous solution is obtained and placed in a warm place for 10 minutes.

We continue the process of preparing the dough. Place the sifted flour in a deep container. Add salt, sugar, and infused yeast. The dough will require one tablespoon of vegetable oil. All ingredients need to be mixed, preferably with your hands, and the dough should be allowed to “rise” a little, for about 30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, it’s time to start making mashed potatoes. The above quantity of root vegetables must be peeled and boiled. The heat treatment time is about half an hour. It is important not to forget to salt the water. The greens need to be finely chopped. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. From the dough you need to form two approximately identical cakes.

After making sure that the potatoes are ready, you need to cool them a little and turn them into puree, either by hand or using a food processor. You need to pour cream into the finished puree for color and fullness of taste. It would be a good idea to lightly pepper the puree. The taste will only benefit from this.

Time to assemble the cake. Place mashed potatoes on the rolled out dough and sprinkle with half the grated cheese. Place a second flatbread on top, pinning their ends together.

You should start baking potato cakes in a frying pan only when it is warmed up and in a small amount of vegetable oil. You need to fry on both sides until you obtain a relatively uniform golden brown crust.

On one side, while the flatbread is still hot, pour the remaining half of the cheese and decorate with chopped herbs. It is recommended to serve while still hot, after cutting into portions.

The cuisines of different nations of the world have their own. They are prepared with different fillings: with cheese, with herbs, and with potatoes, among other things. The most interesting recipes for making flatbreads are presented in our article.

Khychiny stuffed with potatoes

In the Caucasus, one of the national dishes of the Karachais and Balkars is Khychin. These are thin flatbreads made from wheat flour filled with cheese and herbs, meat or potatoes. They need to be rolled out as thin as possible and fried in a dry frying pan.

Before you start kneading the dough for khychin, you need to prepare the filling, namely, boil peeled potatoes (2 pcs.) on the stove. When it is ready, you need to bring it to the consistency of puree and cool. After this, add pickled cheese (200 g), garlic (2 cloves) and herbs (optional) to the potatoes.

The dough for khychin is mixed from kefir (250 ml), flour (2.5 tbsp.) and salt (1 tsp.). After it stops sticking to your hands, identical balls are formed from it and left to “rest” on the table for 15 minutes. Then each ball must be flattened with your hand, the filling (about the size of a ball) should be placed inside, the edges should be pinched upward and the cake should be turned over with the seam down. Now you need to roll it out and then fry it in a hot frying pan. After this, each flatbread with potatoes and cheese is greased with butter and stacked on top of the previous one. Serve instead of bread.

Tatar flatbreads with potatoes in a frying pan

Kystyby is traditional. Externally, it is a thin flatbread made from unleavened dough, which is served folded in half and filled with mashed potatoes. Ready-made flatbreads with potatoes turn out very satisfying.

To prepare the filling, boil the potatoes until tender. Then it needs to be mashed into puree with milk and butter. Wrap the finished puree in a warm blanket so that it does not cool down while the cakes are frying.

Prepare unleavened dough from flour (2 ½ tbsp.), water (200 ml) and salt. Let it “rest” for 15 minutes, after which you can start rolling out the cakes. To do this, pinch off small balls (50 g each) one by one from a common piece of dough and roll them out thinly. Fry each flatbread on both sides in a hot frying pan. Cook all the tortillas in the same way, brushing each one with butter and stacking them.

Place a thick layer of mashed potatoes on half of the finished tortilla and cover with the other half. Drizzle butter on top.

with potatoes: recipe with photos

In India, flatbreads are prepared as follows:

  1. Knead the dough from flour (3 tbsp.), water (1 ¼ tbsp.) and salt. If necessary, you can add water or flour to achieve the desired dough consistency. Once kneaded, set it aside until the filling is ready.
  2. Boil potatoes (2 pieces) until tender. Cool slightly, then add fried onions, coriander and cumin (¼ teaspoon each), salt to taste.
  3. Form a flat cake. First, divide the dough into 12 parts. Roll each piece into a ball, then flatten it in your hands. Place some potatoes (about the size of a tennis ball) in the center of the flatbread and cover it with dough on all sides. You should end up with a dough ball with filling inside. Roll it out with a rolling pin into a flat cake with a diameter of 15 cm.
  4. Fry the flatbread in a dry frying pan for 30 seconds on each side.

Flatbread stuffed with potatoes and ham

Everyone loves fried pies, even though they are completely unhealthy. As an alternative, we offer a recipe for flatbreads with potatoes, which are fried not in oil, but in a dry frying pan. The dough for them is prepared from kefir (1 tbsp), soda, salt, sugar (½ teaspoon each) and flour (as much as you need). No need to add eggs. Form the dough into balls and set them aside to rest for 15 minutes.

For the filling, you need to boil the potatoes, mash them, add ham and 2 raw eggs. Knead everything thoroughly and roll into dough-sized balls. Next you need to make the flatbread in a manner similar to the formation of khychin. The flatbreads with ham are fried in a dry frying pan and then greased with butter.

The flatbreads with potatoes are very filling. You can take them with you to work as a snack or give them to your child at school.

Lefse (Norwegian potato cakes)

Delicious flatbreads can be prepared with potatoes not only as a filling, but also as one of the dough ingredients. Rolling them out is quite difficult. Potatoes make the dough too sticky, so you need to constantly sprinkle flour under the rolling pin.

Thin potato cakes are prepared in Norway, and they are called lefse. To prepare them you will need cold boiled potatoes (400 g), flour (200) and salt (1 teaspoon). Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients. Depending on the type of potato, you may need more flour (about 50 g). Divide the dough into 8 parts. Roll each ball one by one into thin flat cakes and fry in a dry frying pan. When “air pockets” form on the cake, it’s time to turn it over to the other side. You need to roll out the next flatbread only after the previous one is fried. Otherwise they will all stick to the table.

Place the finished tortillas with potatoes in a stack and cover with a damp towel until they become soft. From the specified amount of ingredients you get 8 potato cakes.

Finnish potato pancakes Perunarieska

Another option for making potato cakes, this time Finnish. This is not only a very tasty alternative to bread, but also one of the ways to recycle stale (yesterday's) puree. Potato cakes are prepared from a dough that contains flour (2 tbsp), cold mashed potatoes (2 tbsp), eggs (2 pcs.) and salt.

The dough obtained as a result of kneading must be divided into 4 parts. Flatten each ball of dough with your hands into a flat cake no more than 5 mm thick. Then prick each of them with a fork and place in the oven preheated to 250 degrees for 15 minutes. Wrap the finished flatbreads in a clean towel until they become soft and can be served immediately with butter.

Flatbread with potatoes and cheese (khichina), cooked in a frying pan, will repeatedly delight you with its taste. My family and I love this recipe. Because making these flatbreads with potatoes and cheese is very simple, and the ingredients for this recipe are most likely found in everyone’s refrigerator. You can experiment with the filling, it can be different. Today we will prepare flatbreads with potatoes and cheese - one of the most delicious fillings. The flatbreads are so delicious that you have to be careful, you can eat them with your fingers!


For the test:

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • a teaspoon of soda and salt.

For filling:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • cheese - 200 grams;
  • greenery.

Flatbread with potatoes. Step by step recipe

  1. Stir soda in a glass of kefir, pour it into a bowl, add flour and salt, knead the dough and beat it well on the table. This will help us make the dough more elastic; it will not tear when rolling.
  2. Wrap the dough in cling film and hide in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
  3. For the boiled potato filling, prepare mashed potatoes, beat or grind the potatoes until smooth. Grate the cheese, finely chop the herbs, mix everything.
  4. Divide the dough into pieces, form each piece into a flat cake with your hands, and lay out the filling. Please note that there should be as much filling as there is dough.
  5. Pinch the edges of the cake and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5-7 mm. Pierce in several places with a fork.
  6. Heat a frying pan and fry each flatbread on both sides for 4-5 minutes.

Place hot flatbreads with potatoes and cheese or other filling one on top of the other, spreading each one with butter. This easy-to-prepare and delicious dish will delight both adults and children! We are with “Very tasty” wishes you a bon appetit! And be sure to try cooking

The classic dough for khychins is kneaded with kefir. It is used to form flat cakes with filling inside; most often they use cheese and potatoes or minced meat with herbs. It is believed that the thinner the khychins are rolled, the tastier they are. The flatbreads must be baked in a dry frying pan, without any fat. The finished products are placed in a high stack and immediately generously flavored with good butter - the result is delicious khychin, soft and tender, they do not dry out for a long time and remain hot.

For the filling, they usually take an equal amount of boiled potatoes and cheese; feta cheese or Adyghe cheese are best; you can use salted cottage cheese with chopped dill. The flatbreads must be baked in a dry frying pan, preferably cast iron; it warms up better and bakes evenly. The dish is always served hot, the cheese and potato khychins instantly disappear from the table - very tasty and satisfying!

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 12 pieces


for test

  • kefir – 300 ml
  • wheat flour – 400 g (+50-100 g)
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • butter – 80 g for greasing

For filling

  • boiled potatoes “in their jackets” – 500 g
  • Adyghe cheese – 300 g
  • salt – 1-2 chips.
  • dill and parsley – 10 g each


    First of all, you need to knead the dough for khychin - the traditional one is prepared with kefir, without adding eggs. No kefir? Take sour milk, ayran or tan; almost any available fermented milk product will do; the higher the fat content, the tastier the dough will be. In order for the soda to quench better, do not forget to take the kefir out of the refrigerator in advance, then it will warm up to room temperature, the lactic acid bacteria will be activated and the reaction will be more intense. So, in a bowl I combined kefir, salt and soda.

    Then gradually introduced the sifted flour. I kneaded first with a whisk (or spoon), at first the dough will seem liquid and very sticky.

    As soon as all the flour has been added, knead the dough thoroughly with your hands. The longer the kneading, the more elastic the dough will be. Do not rush to add more flour, unless you add just a little, otherwise the khychins will turn out hard. After 5-7 minutes of kneading, the dough will become elastic and soft, not stiff, and will slightly stick to your hands. We beat it on the table, form a bun and leave it under a towel “to rest” for 30 minutes - during this time the dough will reach its proper condition (leave it on the table or in a bowl, but do not put it in the refrigerator!).

    We will prepare the filling for the khychins with cheese and potatoes. I boiled the potatoes in advance until fully cooked “in their uniforms,” peeled the tubers, and then chopped them on a fine grater. I combined the potatoes with Adyghe cheese - it can also be grated or mashed with a fork until it becomes small grains. To make the filling tastier and more aromatic, I added some finely chopped greens. Add salt and pepper to taste, stir until smooth. As a result, you should get a lot of filling - the same volume as the dough.

    I kneaded the ripened dough with my hands again, sprinkling the work surface with a small amount of flour. I divided it into 12 equal pieces (it’s more convenient to use a scale; the approximate weight of a portion is 58-60 g). I rolled the dough into balls.

    The filling was also roughly divided into 12 approximately equal parts. I kneaded the dough into flat cakes - they should not be too large in size, but only so that the dough could freely encircle the filling on all sides. Place one cheese and potato ball on top of the tortillas.

    Then lift the edges of the dough, gathering it at the top. We pinch the top and press the dough with our hands over the filling, trying to remove air from the cake, flattening the cake.

    Additionally, you can go over the top with a rolling pin so that the thickness is minimal, about 3-4 mm. You need to work carefully so that the dough does not tear. If air bubbles form, you can pierce them with a thick needle or toothpick.

    All that remains is to fry the khychin in a frying pan. I placed the thin flat cakes on a hot and always dry frying pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until delicious scorch marks appear on the barrels.

    If during the baking process the cakes puff up greatly and become round, like balls, then you did everything right. The heat should be moderate so that the dough has time to bake.

    I stacked hot khychin with cheese and potatoes on top of each other, brushing them with butter. To prevent them from drying out and to remain soft longer, it is better to cover the top with a lid or a deep bowl.

This is how thin and soft the khychins with potatoes and Adyghe cheese turned out. If desired, the stack can be cut crosswise to make it easier to eat. Be sure to serve hot. Bon appetit!

Potato cakes in a frying pan are a quick and tasty recipe for a snack. Potato-based baked goods have many advantages, since you can serve them as regular bread products for first courses or supplement them with delicious filling and create an unusual snack. Tomato or cream sauces will be a pleasant addition to the dish. Potato cakes can be prepared both for a picnic and for a regular meal with family.

To prepare the flatbread, you need to prepare yeast-free potato dough; it is prepared from boiled potatoes, flour, eggs and spices. You can also add chopped herbs. You can use the leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday as boiled potatoes. This is one way to recycle stale mashed potatoes. The flatbread can be rolled out either thin or fluffy. The finished flatbread can be filled with vegetables, minced meat, and mushrooms.

In Finland, similar flatbreads are prepared in the oven, but before baking, each flatbread is pricked with a fork and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Traditionally served with cream cheese.


  • Potatoes 600 g;
  • Wheat flour 200 g;
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.;
  • Salt 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper 0.25 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp.

How to make mashed potato pancakes in a frying pan

Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into medium cubes for faster cooking, and rinse under water to remove starch from the root vegetable. Add water and potatoes to the pan, then add salt and cook until the potatoes are completely softened for 10-15 minutes after boiling.

As soon as the potatoes are well softened, drain the broth. Mash the boiled potato pieces using a potato masher. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Cool the prepared puree to room temperature.

Add one raw egg to the puree mixture, then beat or mix thoroughly with a spatula.

Add a little more than half of the sifted wheat flour to the potato mixture. You can add it in stages so that you do not form unnecessary flour lumps. Mix immediately with a spoon or spatula.

Add ground pepper, salt, vegetable oil. You can flavor the potato dough with different herbs, according to your desire. It can be dried or fresh dill, or parsley. Stir spices into potato mixture.

The dough is quite soft and sticks to your hands. Pour the other half of the flour onto the board. Use a spatula to place the ball of dough onto the flour layer. Mix lightly. Cut into 8-10 pieces and work with each separately.

Roll out with a rocker, dusting the countertop with flour. Make it small in diameter, about 10-15 cm, so that it is convenient to transfer to the frying pan, since the mashed potato dough is very tender.

Heat the frying pan on fire. If desired, the tortillas can be fried with or without oil, which is what we will do. Fry in a hot dry frying pan until golden brown on both sides.

Potato cakes in a frying pan are ready. Delicious to eat warm or cold. Serve and enjoy your meal!