Prepare ready-made French fries. French fries at home: recipes with photos

Imagine crispy fried potatoes with a tender center that children and adults love so much. We are ready to go to a cafe and order ourselves a portion or two, but is it really impossible to repeat the same recipe at home? According to statistics, 55% out of 100 do not know how to make real French fries at home. But we will teach you how to cook, because the most important thing is to know the secrets.

What do you think is most important for success at home? Oil for frying? Capacity? Or a potato variety? Probably the last option is true. The most important thing to ensure that you get identical golden sticks that won’t fall apart is to choose the right type of potato.


  • high level of starch content;
  • long shelf life;
  • smooth surface without “eyes”;
  • large root size;
  • absence of green spots;
  • do not darken after cleaning;
  • can withstand blows well.

Among all the huge variety of potatoes, there are only two varieties that are ideal for all criteria:

  • Anosta. This is a specially grown Dutch variety that is not good for anything more than fries and chips. Does not have a strong taste, very starchy. Its tubers are perfectly smooth and large. Grows in dry soil with moderate watering.
  • Lady Claire. It has a high level of starch and is slightly sweet. The white, smooth tubers are easy to peel and cut. It makes French fries very soft and literally melts in your mouth. Can be stored for up to six months.

Interesting to know! McDonald's uses Santana, Innovator and Russet Bourbon potato varieties. This elite “bread” has the right to be grown only by the Fam Frites company, which constantly checks the quality of not only the vegetable, but also the soil where it grows.

Easy deep fryer recipe

In fact, there are many nuances to such a simple air fryer recipe. If you simply cut up potatoes and put them in a kitchen utensil, you will probably end up with an inedible dish that vaguely resembles fries. Therefore, strictly follow our instructions:

  • you will need 2 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil.

What oil should I take? Choose refined one without a pronounced aroma. As for its origin, it can be corn, olive, sunflower or any other that you can afford.

Peel large or medium-sized tubers. Cut into bars of desired thickness and place on a towel to dry.

Turn on the deep fryer and pour 1 liter of fat into the fryer bowl. Wait until the indicator indicates readiness. Place dried potatoes in a mesh and place in oil. One serving will take from 4 to 6 minutes.

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Make sure that your mesh is not overloaded with potatoes. For 2 kg you will have about 8 servings.

Before serving, you need to let the excess fat drain off, and to do this, use disposable towels where you place the potatoes.

Add salt before serving to guests and family members.

Interesting! An unusual potato variety called “Northern Lights” is versatile and also suitable for deep-frying and frying. Its peculiarity is that when cut, the root crop has a dark purple core with light inclusions.

French fries at home in a frying pan

Cooking in a frying pan is a little more difficult than in a deep fryer. The whole difference is that in a kitchen unit the pieces are completely immersed in fat, but on a frying surface this effect is difficult to achieve. Problems also arise when the oil begins to foam or splash excessively. As a result, you end up with one-sided potato pieces that are overcooked on one side and left raw on the inside.

To avoid mistakes, read the correct recipe for cooking French fries at home in a frying pan. For two servings you will need:

  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 100 g olive oil.

Why should you choose olive oil? Firstly, because it releases less transgenic fats when fried, helping to make French fries lower in calories. And secondly, it has a lower boiling point, which means it will not foam as much.

Tip: to prevent the oil from splashing, the vegetable must be dried before frying so that no traces of moisture remain.

Another little secret to frying in a pan. Keep the finished sticks in water while peeling and slicing. And then leave in clean liquid for another 10 minutes. This will remove excess starch from the cut surface. And then dry it.

Pour oil into the pan and let it heat well. Prepare two servings. Place the first one in the frying pan so that all the straws are in one row. Wait 3 minutes and turn each piece over. Fry a little more and remove to a dry towel. Repeat with the second portion.

Interesting! The world's largest fast food restaurant has found a way to quickly and healthy peel potatoes. First, the tubers are doused with hot steam, due to which the skin softens, and then a thin layer is removed with brushes, leaving the most useful substances in the tubers.

French fries in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an indispensable and very convenient device. On the one hand, it is convenient because, like a deep fryer, it has a deep bowl in which you can heat fat and dip pieces of vegetables into it. But there are also difficulties. You may find that, unlike a deep fryer specifically designed for its purpose, the multicooker does not have the necessary deep mesh. And without it, you will have to work hard to fish out the potatoes without overcooking them.

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But we will tell you how to cope with difficulties and cook great French fries in a slow cooker!

Take the prescription:

  • 1 kg potatoes;
  • 0.5 liters of sunflower oil.

We carry out standard preparatory procedures: we clean the tubers and clean them with thin straws. By the way, some types of food processors have a special attachment for cutting French fries. Dry the cut pieces.

On the multicooker panel, set the frying mode to maximum temperature. Pour in the vegetable fat and wait until it heats up for about 4 minutes.

Next, prepare the necessary tools. Take a large sieve that will fit into the multicooker bowl. If this is the case, you're in luck. It will replace the fryer grate. But if there is no sieve, it doesn’t matter. Let's use a slotted spoon - a large flat spoon with holes.

Let's start adding potatoes. Use small portions. So that the straws are free. 1 kg of potatoes yields an average of 4 servings.

After 3-4 minutes, start fishing out the toasted cubes. If you use a sieve, dip the potatoes into the fat along with it. If using a slotted spoon, carefully pick up the pieces with a spoon and place on a plate with a paper napkin.

Important! French fries should not be salted during cooking. Not at any stage. Just before serving.

Cooking in the oven without oil

This method is perhaps the most universal. It is low in calories and since no fat is used, it can be served to children without fear. And potatoes cooked in the oven are in no way inferior in taste to their friend from the deep fryer. To cook French fries in the oven without oil, take:

  • 0.5 kg;
  • baking paper;
  • salt in a salt shaker.

These simple recipe ingredients will help you create tender, crispy, and healthy fries. The most labor-intensive step is washing and cutting the tubers. If you get the hang of it quickly, proceed to dry the pieces on a cotton towel.

At this time, your oven is already heating up to 180°C. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Place the potatoes in one layer. Place in a roasting pan. Make sure it doesn't burn. You need to turn it over after 10 minutes. The average cooking time in the oven is 20-25 minutes.

Interesting to know! Most people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition complain that McDonald's fries are very high in calories precisely because of the poor quality of fat. But in fact, the type of oil used in restaurants is specially adapted for deep-frying and is far superior in quality to all those that we use at home.

Quick recipe in the microwave

This method is incredibly fast in preparation. You can get a crispy side dish in just 10 minutes, using a minimum of effort and ingredients. Another plus in favor of this method is that a minimal amount of vegetable oil is used, which means the dish will not be high in calories. To cook French fries at home in the microwave, take:

  • - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt for sprinkling.

Peel and cut each vegetable into long strips. Try to keep them all the same size, otherwise some will cook faster and others will remain raw.

Crispy, browned and well-done French fries can be prepared at home. The taste of the dish in the end will be no worse than in the most popular fast food cafes. Below are several successful recipes that will tell you how to make French fries at home.

To greatly simplify the process of preparing the dish under discussion, you should use a deep fryer. The ingredients you will need are: a lot of odorless vegetable oil, 600 g of potatoes, salt and any aromatic herbs to taste.

  1. Potato tubers are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into thin strips. Before frying, each slice must be placed in a colander and dried with a clean towel so that drops of liquid do not shoot into the fat.
  2. The oil is poured into a special device, and its temperature is set to 160 degrees.
  3. When the liquid is heated to the specified temperature, potato cubes can be immersed in it, using a special metal mesh. The oil around the potatoes should be actively boiling.
  4. To prevent the straws from sticking together, it is better to fry in miniature portions.
  5. The finished dish is laid out on a paper towel and salted.

The selected seasonings are poured exclusively onto the finished fried product, otherwise they will begin to burn strongly in the oil and ruin the whole process.

Cooking recipe in a frying pan

If the housewife does not have a deep fryer, then even without such a device it will be easy to prepare crispy potato wedges. You will need to use a regular frying pan and you need to prepare: 2 large potatoes, 350 ml of vegetable oil, table salt and ground pepper to taste.

  1. The tubers are washed, peeled and cut into cubes, the width of which is no more than 1 cm.
  2. Further The potatoes are soaked in ice water for several minutes, which will free them of excess starch. Then the slices are dried with a paper napkin.
  3. Vegetable oil is heated in a deep, thick-walled frying pan. Potatoes are immersed in it. The liquid should completely cover the vegetable.
  4. A small portion of the dish is fried for no more than 12 minutes.

French fries are sprinkled with salt, any spicy spices, pepper and served to the table.

Delicious side dish in a slow cooker

It’s even easier to prepare the dish under discussion using a slow cooker. For this you will need: 6 potato tubers, salt, 700 ml of high-quality sunflower oil.

  1. The potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into miniature cubes.
  2. Vegetable slices are soaked in salted water for about 20 minutes.
  3. The potatoes are cooked in the same liquid for about 12 minutes.
  4. The water is drained and the vegetable cubes are dried on a paper towel.
  5. In the “Baking” mode, the oil is heated thoroughly in the multicooker bowl.
  6. Place potatoes in boiling liquid and fry until light golden brown.

The dish is served with ketchup or any sauce based on tomato paste.

French fries in the microwave

This french fries recipe is suitable for those who do not like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. All that remains is to choose the appropriate sauce, and the dish (no worse than in a cafe) can be served for lunch. It is prepared from the following products: 650 g potatoes, 4 tbsp. refined olive oil, fine salt, hot seasonings.

  1. After peeling the potatoes, they are cut into thin cubes. Slices that are too thick will not cook well in the microwave.
  2. The chopped vegetable is placed in a shallow container suitable for use in the device in question, sprinkled with salt and any selected seasonings. For example, Ground paprika goes well with treats.
  3. The dish is cooked in 2.5 minutes at maximum microwave power. Then the potato blocks are turned over and the device is turned on for the same time.

The treat is served hot.

How to cook in an air fryer at home?

It’s interesting that almost all devices that make a housewife’s life easier are perfect for making homemade French fries. This is not only a microwave and a slow cooker, but also an air fryer. Thrifty cooks will especially like the fact that this recipe does not require the use of a huge amount of vegetable oil. In addition to 5 potato tubers, the following will be used: 3 tbsp. l. refined olive oil and a pinch of salt. How to cook French fries in an air fryer is described below.

  1. The potatoes are peeled, washed, dried with a towel and cut into long longitudinal slices.
  2. The resulting straw is thoroughly mixed with salted olive oil. This should be done immediately before frying. It is best to oil small portions of potatoes, which will go into the air fryer in the next second. Otherwise, the vegetable will eventually release juice in the bowl and wash away the important oil film from the surface of the cubes.
  3. The potato strips are placed on the middle rack of the air fryer.
  4. The dish is prepared at high fan speed. The temperature should be 260 degrees.
  5. After 12 minutes, the vegetable blocks are turned over to the other side and “fried” again for the same amount of time.

French fries are an excellent side dish for any meat dish.

From a finished semi-finished product

Today in any supermarket you can easily find a semi-finished product - frozen potato blocks for cooking in boiling oil. Using such a product, you can prepare your favorite dish in record time. For this you will need: a bag of frozen potatoes, 400 ml of vegetable oil, fine salt to taste.

  1. The first step is to completely defrost the semi-finished product. There should be no moisture left on the potato wedges, otherwise the oil will start to sizzle and splatter.
  2. To properly defrost ready-made French fries, place the bag in warm water for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Next, the vegetable slices are laid out on a paper towel so that the latter absorbs all the moisture.
  4. All that remains is to prepare the dish in any convenient way - place it in hot oil in a deep fryer or a regular frying pan.
  5. When the slices become golden on all sides, they are laid out on a paper napkin to remove excess fat and salted.

It’s especially delicious to eat homemade fries with a variety of hot sauces.

Diet recipe

Surprisingly, even such a fatty and high-calorie side dish at first glance can turn out to be quite dietary. In this case, the potatoes will need to be cooked in the oven without adding oil. In addition to 8 pieces of vegetables, the following will be used: 2 chicken egg whites, 1 tbsp. table salt, a pinch of ground black and red pepper, a large spoon of Italian herbs.

  1. The tubers are washed, peeled, cut into cubes, each of which is dried with paper napkins. You can use a special device for chopping potatoes or just a sharp knife.
  2. The whites are thoroughly beaten, salted, and mixed with seasonings.
  3. The spicy egg mixture is poured over the potatoes. After thorough mixing, the cubes are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  4. The dish is prepared in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for about half an hour.

To avoid sticking, the potato slices should not touch each other.

Almost not a single day of our life goes by without the so-called “second” bread. And if it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with fried, boiled or mashed potatoes, then French fries at home are considered a delicacy that is difficult to refuse. Most often, in order not to bother with cooking, we prefer to enjoy French fries in some cozy establishment or buy a semi-finished product - frozen French fries in bags. All thoughts about the harmfulness and calorie content of this product recede into the background when remembering a delicious crispy dish with a golden fried crust and a soft, tender center.

But maybe it’s still worth trying to make French fries at home? This option has much more advantages. The first and most important advantage, perhaps, is that a dish prepared at home is much healthier than purchased fast food. All ingredients are fresh, processed and prepared with your own hands or under your careful guidance, but again in front of your eyes. The second plus is, without a doubt, the material side of the issue. Making French fries at home is significantly cheaper than purchasing them. Moreover, you can cook it as much as you like. In a word, your household will be satisfied and happy if you one day announce to them your decision to cook French fries at home.

The classic recipe for making French fries at home is quite simple. To prepare it, you do not need to have special skills or super culinary skills, but you just need to have high-quality products available. The main ingredient - potatoes - must be mature, not too large, without damage or defects. You should not use vegetables for cooking that contain a lot of starch, as well as young potatoes that do not yet have the required density and pronounced taste. And, of course, immediately get rid of the green tubers. They contain the toxic substance solanine.

Vegetable oil, salt and spices - that's all you need to make French fries at home. You just need to cut the potatoes into long pieces and fry them in vegetable oil in batches. Moreover, preference in this case should be given to refined deodorized oil. Which one? The choice is yours. Now let’s take a closer look at some of the recipes. After all, as you know, there are simply no two identical recipes in the world; each one has its own little secret. And who, if not us, is always ready and happy to share with you even the most secret secrets.

French fries “For the whole family”

1 kg potatoes,
200 ml vegetable oil,
salt, spices, herbs - to taste and desire.

Select medium-sized potatoes, wash them thoroughly and peel them. Cut the finished tubers into cubes approximately 1x1 cm in size. By the way, potatoes can be cut with a curly knife. It will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. Place the cut pieces on a paper towel and blot them, removing excess moisture. What is it for? The answer is simple: so that when they are immersed in oil, it does not shoot out and burn you. Next, take a deep frying pan, saucepan or just a saucepan, heat the oil and, in portions, so that the oil covers the potatoes, fry the cubes over medium heat, stirring so that they do not burn and brown on all sides. To determine that the oil in the container you have chosen for cooking has warmed up to the desired temperature, carefully lower one potato block into it. If it floats up, surrounded by oil bubbles, then you can add the rest.
Remove the fried potatoes using a slotted spoon, place them on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess oil, and prepare the next batch. Transfer the finished potatoes to another dish, sprinkle them with your favorite spices or chopped herbs and serve. The French fries also need to be salted already prepared, just before serving.

French fries "Crispy pleasure"

8 medium potatoes,
200 ml vegetable oil,
200 g wheat flour,
3 pinches of salt.

The principle of preparing crispy potatoes is almost the same as in the previous recipe. You also select and prepare potato tubers for cooking, cut them into neat cubes or strips of the size you need. But then take a deep bowl, pour flour mixed with salt into it, dip the chopped potatoes into this mixture and mix them with flour, thus breading each slice. In a saucepan or any other deep container convenient for cooking, heat the oil and place potato pieces breaded in flour and salt into it in small portions so that they float freely in the oil without sticking together and preventing each other from acquiring an appetizing golden color. Gently stir the potatoes while frying using a spatula, being careful not to damage the slices. Place the cooked pieces on a paper towel, let the excess fat drip off and transfer to another dish. Serve crispy French fries prepared according to this recipe with any sauce, for example, white, garlic or mustard. It will not only complement the dish, but also add piquancy to it.

French fries “Tender”, cooked in the oven

8 medium size potatoes,
3 egg whites,
salt, paprika - to taste.

Using the same technology, prepare the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Take a deep bowl, beat the egg whites and salt in it, add the prepared potato pieces and mix so that each piece is completely covered with the protein mixture. Preheat the oven to 200-220ºС. Take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment paper, spread the potatoes evenly over its surface and sprinkle paprika on top. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake the potato slices for 40 minutes, gently stirring them from time to time with a spatula, until golden brown. Alternatively, instead of paprika, you can use garlic oil, prepared as follows: mix 2 crushed cloves of garlic with oil, add spices as desired, pour this mixture over the potatoes laid out on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Don't forget to add salt to taste when you cook your fries. Garlic oil will give the dish a tantalizing, appetizing aroma, and you simply won’t be able to tear yourself away from the potatoes themselves.

French fries with spices in breadcrumbs “Large Portion”

2 kg potatoes,
100 g vegetable oil,
100 g breadcrumbs.
2 tsp. paprika,
2 tsp. ground cumin,
1 pinch of red ground pepper,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the washed, dried and peeled potatoes into cubes. Although why, in fact, in small blocks? Cut it however you like: into strips, neat slices, using all kinds of devices for this - knives with grooved edges or vegetable cutters. The shape you give the potatoes will have absolutely no effect on the taste of the finished dish, but can make it much more interesting and original in terms of appearance. Place the prepared potato pieces, dried with napkins, in a deep bowl, sprinkle them with oil and stir so that the oil evenly covers each piece. In another bowl, prepare the dry mixture: mix breadcrumbs, ground red and black pepper, paprika, ground cumin. Dip the potatoes in this aromatic, spicy mixture, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake in an oven preheated to 200ºC for about 30 minutes, remembering to turn the potato slices from time to time so that they are baked evenly on all sides. Please note: the potatoes have become golden, which means remove them from the oven, place them on a dish, salt, season with fresh chopped herbs, and serve as a side dish or as a separate independent dish, in this case preparing some sauce for the fries.

French fries cooked in lard, spices and "Country" sauce

Where does such a strange combination come from, you ask, French fries and suddenly - “Rustic”. In the village, there’s definitely no time for French fries, but the very combination of two original Russian products, potatoes and lard, this unique aroma during cooking takes you back to the village, to grandma, to her ordinary fried potatoes in lard, the tastier of which was nothing. in the world.

6 potatoes,
150-200 g lard,
3 cloves of garlic,
a mixture of ground peppers - to taste.
For the sauce:
50 g mayonnaise,
50 g ketchup.

Cut the lard into large cubes and send it to the frying pan to render. Cut the potatoes into equal-sized cubes, matchsticks or strips. Moreover, the same size really plays an important role when preparing French fries at home. The same size of all pieces allows them to fry evenly and at almost the same time. When the lard is completely rendered, add the potato pieces to the frying pan. It's better to do this in small portions. Fry until golden brown, then place the finished potato pieces on paper napkins, let the excess fat leave, salt and season them with spices while they are hot, and prepare the sauce. To do this, pour mayonnaise and ketchup into the saucepan, squeeze the garlic into them through a press and mix everything so that the mass is homogeneous.

If you have a deep fryer at home, the cooking process is simplified. If not, try experimenting and making French fries at home, such as in a slow cooker or microwave. We have a couple of such options.

French fries in a multicooker “Home-style”

1 kg potatoes,
1 liter of vegetable oil,
salt - to taste,
spices, herbs, sauce for the finished dish - also to taste.

First cut the selected, washed and peeled potatoes into 1 cm thick slices, and then cut them into sticks of the same thickness. Immerse the cut pieces in cold, almost icy water for 10 minutes. Then remove from the water, place on a clean towel in an even layer and blot on top with another towel. Let the potatoes dry and set the “Baking” mode for 1 hour. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and, while it is not too hot, add a portion of potatoes and fry for 8 minutes. Of course, it will be more convenient to fry in a special wire basket, dipping it with the potatoes into the oil, but if you don’t have one, just fry the potatoes in a bowl and remove the finished ones with a slotted spoon. Fry with the lid open, remembering to stir so that the potatoes do not overcook. Place the cooked potatoes on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Then drop in a new portion. When all the potatoes are fried, reheat the oil and fry the potatoes a second time, but this time lower them into the oil for no more than 2 minutes. Place the potatoes again on paper towels and, when the excess oil is gone, transfer them to a wide dish, add salt, sprinkle with spices and finely chopped herbs if desired, and serve the sauce with the finished dish.

French fries in the microwave

1 kg potatoes,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1 clove of garlic,
salt, spices - to taste.

Pierce the potatoes, cut into cubes and dried with napkins, with a toothpick, each slice without exception. Place in a bowl, pour in vegetable oil, add salt, pepper, chopped garlic clove and mix everything. Place the finished mixture in a baking sleeve, tie tightly at the sides, make punctures at the top to allow steam to escape and bake in the microwave at full power for 10-15 minutes.

And so that you don’t waste your precious time looking for a sauce recipe, we’ve included a couple of recipes for simply amazing sauces.

Recipe No. 1: Take 200 ml of yogurt, add a little chopped garlic, dill, lemon juice, just a little vegetable oil and grated fresh cucumber. Stir and place in the refrigerator while the fries cook.

Recipe No. 2: take 50 g of soft cheese and 200 ml of cream. Mash the cheese in a small amount of cream, dilute 10 g of starch in the remaining cream. Place the cheese mixture over low heat and, gradually pouring in the cream mixed with starch, bring the mixture until thick. Remove from heat, add dry basil, dill, salt and spices to taste.

When preparing French fries at home, do not use vegetable oil twice. And remember that frequent consumption of French fries is undesirable, but treating yourself to them from time to time is not at all prohibited!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Good day, dear housewives! Are you trying to learn how to make French fries at home? In this case, get ready to learn culinary secrets, because only proper preparation of the delicacy will allow you to enjoy crispy French fries. If you take into account many culinary secrets, even using a home recipe you can make French fries like McDonald's. Pay attention to the fact that the calorie content of one serving is about 300 kilocalories, because you cannot prepare the dish without oil at all. The only thing you can do is reduce the amount of vegetable oil you use.

What type of potato is preferable to choose?

Please note: the type of french fries must be suitable. It is advisable to choose fruits with a high starch content. You can choose the most suitable variety for preparing the fried delicacy.

  1. Anosta. This variety is only suitable for frying.
  2. Lady Claire. The variety is soft and has a high starch content. The taste turns out to be slightly sweet. Lady Claire can be safely used to make fries.
  3. Hope. This variety is of average quality and pleasant taste, so it is actively used in home cooking.
  4. Saturn. This potato variety has a high starch content and a firm structure. Potatoes are ideal for frying.

When planning to make fries at home, you can choose the most suitable variety and try to cook it correctly from the very beginning. In this case, the benefits and harms will be better assessed than in regular fast food establishments and you will be able to add less vegetable oil to prevent excess fat.

Initially, you may find it easier to figure out how to cook frozen French fries if you buy them ahead of time. When choosing the option of preparing a homemade dish based on frozen fries, you can be sure that the manufacturer has already selected the appropriate variety and cut it correctly.

Now you need to learn how to fry fries. In addition, you can use different frying methods.

Deep frying

First of all, potatoes can be cooked in the deep fryer. It is advisable to use only fresh fryer for cooking potatoes, reducing the amount of salt.

Use only high-quality oil, keeping in mind that it will be more beneficial. Plus, you can even use olive oil.

In this case, the oil should still be several times more than the main ingredient. When cooking deep-fried potatoes, focus on a temperature of 180 degrees. In order for the dish to be tasty, potatoes should only be placed in hot oil.

In fact, you can make fries even without an air fryer. However, other cooking methods also deserve special attention.

Cooking fried potatoes in the oven

You can cook the fries in the oven. Rest assured: the finished potatoes will taste not like baked, but fried.

  1. Initially preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Take a baking sheet and line it with parchment paper.
  3. Now peel the potatoes, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Cut the potatoes into strips.
  4. Season the chopped tubers with salt and pepper.
  5. In a bowl, beat the egg white with salt. Dredge the pieces thoroughly in the egg mixture.
  6. Place potatoes on a heated baking sheet. Sprinkle it with sesame seeds.
  7. Cook the potatoes until golden brown.

With this cooking method you can reduce the amount of oil used.

Features of cooking in a multicooker

You can cook French fries in a slow cooker, but in this case you also need to cook the potatoes in oil. So, use 450 grams of frozen fries and 1.5 liters of vegetable oil.

Initially, you must pour oil into the multicooker container and turn on the desired program and wait until it starts boiling. Now put the cut potatoes in a special container and set it. Cook the potatoes until golden brown and crispy.

The finished dish can be salted and peppered to give it a special taste.

Is it possible to cook fries in a frying pan?

So, fries can even be cooked in a frying pan. Use 6 large potatoes to make a couple of servings.

  1. Washed and peeled potatoes should be cut into long strips.
  2. Pour water into the pan and add potatoes. This will prevent the appearance of a starchy taste.
  3. Use napkins to dry the potato straws.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it until small bubbles appear. Now add the potatoes and fry them. It is advisable to stir regularly. Please note: using a frying pan lid is highly undesirable. To ensure that the potatoes cook evenly, keep the heat on medium.
  5. Use a slotted spoon to remove the potatoes into a colander. Using paper napkins you can remove excess fat.

Now you can serve fries to your household.

Microwave cooking

Cooking fries in the microwave is quick and easy. It is not surprising that this cooking method is one of the most common. In addition, potato slices just need to be sprinkled with oil.

You can use pre-cooked potatoes or use fresh potatoes as long as you are willing to cut them properly. It is best to use a special container for the microwave, as it will be possible to load potatoes into it.

Drizzle the potatoes with a little oil, salt and sprinkle with spices. Bake for about ten minutes or a little less, depending on the state of its readiness. It is advisable to cook at the highest possible microwave power.

How to cook in an air fryer

Cooking fries in an air fryer follows classic principles. You can use fresh or frozen potatoes, cut into slices.

The air fryer is preheated. The potatoes are placed in a steamer, sprinkled with oil and salt. At the very beginning, the potatoes are cooked for about 10 minutes at 250 degrees at the highest possible speed, after which they are turned over and cooked in the same way.

Feeding features

Homemade French fries are considered more dietary than the classic dish in establishments and at McDonald's. Plus, you can prepare the sauce based on your preferences. You can use tomato, cheese or mustard sauce. It is advisable to use additional spices for making fries.

For example, nutmeg and white pepper, fresh herbs are suitable. If you know what to serve French fries with, your family will appreciate your culinary skills.

Knowing how to cook French fries for your household, you can be sure that a homemade dish will be more tasty and healthy. Subscribe to my blog and you will learn how to cook even forbidden favorite dishes with the greatest possible benefit.

In order for French fries to turn out tasty and crispy, they must be cooked exclusively at a temperature of at least 180 °C. That is, slices thrown into heated oil should immediately sizzle and float to the surface.

The classic method of cooking in a frying pan

This is the kind of crispy potato that is served in fast foods, for example, in the same McDonald's.


  • 7 medium sized potatoes;
  • 300 g vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut into long pieces. Dry the bars with napkins. This condition is mandatory, otherwise the potatoes will not turn out crispy.

Pour all the vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. Turn on the stove and wait until the oil heats up well over medium heat.

Place a small portion of potato wedges in a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Remove the finished fries from the pan with a slotted spoon, wait until the oil drains and place in a bowl.

Place the next portion of cubes into the pan. Lightly add salt to the finished potatoes in a bowl and pepper if desired.

How to cook French fries in the oven without oil


  • 5 potatoes;
  • salt, Provençal herbs.

Wash the potatoes, cut into cubes no more than 50 mm thick and dry thoroughly with napkins. Sprinkle the potatoes with Provençal herbs. The spices should eventually end up on each block.

Line a large baking tray with baking paper. Place the seasoned potato wedges in a single layer on the paper. The potatoes should be positioned so that the slices do not touch each other.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 °C and place a baking sheet in it. Bake the fries for 10-15 minutes. Place it on a towel with a slotted spoon, transfer to a plate and add salt.

Delicious French fries with cheese


  • 4 large potatoes;
  • 150 g cheese;
  • spices for potatoes;
  • 1/3 standard bottle of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bunch of greens.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Dry the cubes and sprinkle them with spices and salt. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry portions of potatoes until golden brown.

Remove each fried portion using a slotted spoon and place on a separate sheet of foil. Finely chop the greens and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Sprinkle each serving with herbs and cheese and wrap tightly in foil. Place portions of potatoes in foil on a baking sheet. Place the dish in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes. Ready-made potatoes will be served hot with mayonnaise, mustard or ketchup.

French fries “Fantasy” with meat and vegetables: step-by-step recipe


  • 1 chicken leg;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 cucumber and 1 bell pepper each;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 100 g vinegar 9%;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • a little dill, mayonnaise.

Peel and cut the onion into half rings and place it in a bowl. Mix vinegar with water and also pour into a bowl. Add bay leaf and place the washed leg into the marinade.

Marinate the meat for at least 5-6 hours. Place the marinated leg on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the baking sheet with the leg in it and bake the meat for 40-60 minutes.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, dry and fry in heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Remove the bars with a slotted spoon and transfer to a plate.

Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into thin slices and coat with mayonnaise. Finely chop the dill. Place the vegetables on a plate with the potatoes and sprinkle with a little pepper and then dill. Place the baked leg on a plate and serve the dish.

Homemade French fries with squirrels step by step


  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 pinches of paprika;
  • ½ tsp each of salt and any vegetable oil;
  • 2 pinches of pepper mixture.

Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into oblong cubes. Dry the potatoes with napkins or on a waffle towel.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer into a strong foam. While beating, add spices and salt.

Dip a small portion of potatoes into the egg whites and mix thoroughly. Ultimately, each block should be covered with egg mixture on all sides. Do the same with the remaining potatoes.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with vegetable oil. Place the white-wrapped potatoes on a baking sheet so that the slices do not touch each other.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and place a baking sheet in it. Bake French fries in egg whites for 9-11 minutes.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and remove the parchment paper. Spread the potatoes again in an even layer and lightly drizzle with vegetable oil. Place the pan in the oven and bake the potatoes for about 10 minutes more. until crispy crust forms.

Quick snack to go with beer: fries in the microwave


  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 300-500 g vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into cubes. Pour cold water into the bowl with the cubes and place it in the refrigerator for 7 minutes. Remove the potatoes from the water and dry thoroughly with napkins.

Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the device. Turn on the “Baking” mode. Wait about 2 minutes for the oil to heat up and place the chopped potatoes in the bowl.

Fry the potatoes for about 7 minutes. with the lid open. Place the golden bars on a paper towel with a slotted spoon to remove excess fat.

Microwave French fries recipe


  • 2-3 even medium-sized potatoes;
  • 200-300 g vegetable oil;
  • a little flour;
  • salt, pepper, dried herbs.

Peel the potatoes, cut into even pieces, and dry. Sprinkle the cubes with a small amount of flour so that the oil does not splatter when frying in the microwave.

Pour vegetable oil into a porcelain or glass plate. Salt it, pepper it and add dried herbs. Place the potatoes in the oil and mix everything well.

Place the plate in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. depending on the power of the device. Serve the dish immediately - hot.

Delicious whole french fries


  • 1 kg of small potatoes;
  • 500 ml vegetable oil;
  • 10 g rosemary;
  • a little salt and herbs.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, rinse them again and dry with a towel.

Pour oil into the deep fryer and add rosemary to it. Heat the oil well, wait one minute and remove the rosemary.

Throw a portion of potatoes into the oil and fry for 7-10 minutes. Do the same with other portions. Place the finished potatoes on a towel to remove fat. Sprinkle the potatoes with herbs, salt and serve.

Spiced fries in spiced breadcrumbs


  • 2 kg of potatoes;
  • 100 g each of vegetable oil and breadcrumbs;
  • 2 tsp each of ground cumin and paprika;
  • 1 pinch of red pepper;
  • salt, black pepper to taste.

Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes, slices or circles. Dry the potatoes, place them in a deep bowl, sprinkle with vegetable oil and stir.

In a separate bowl, mix breadcrumbs, peppers and spices. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Coat the potatoes with spices and place them on a baking sheet so that the bars do not touch each other. Preheat the oven to 200°C and place a baking sheet with potatoes in it for 30 minutes.

During baking, turn the slices several times so that they are fried on all sides. As soon as a golden crust appears on the potatoes, remove them from the oven, add salt, season with finely chopped herbs and serve.

Country fries with garlic and lard


  • 6 potatoes;
  • 150 g lard;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g each of mayonnaise and ketchup.

Cut the lard into large cubes, put it in a frying pan and put it on the stove to heat. While the lard is frying, peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into cubes.

After the lard has rendered, put the dried potatoes in a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Use a slotted spoon to place the finished french fries on a napkin, wait until the fat is absorbed, add salt and season with spices.

To prepare the sauce, mix mayonnaise and ketchup. Crush the garlic, add it to the dressing and mix everything thoroughly. Divide the fries into plates and top with sauce.

German fries

Under the golden crust, French fries prepared according to this recipe will remain soft and tender.


  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • vegetable oil, salt.

Cut the potatoes into even long pieces 0.7 cm thick. Place the potatoes in a small saucepan. Fill it with water and place the pan on the stove.

Bring the potatoes to a boil and cook for exactly 1 minute. Place the potatoes in a colander to drain the water. Place a colander with potatoes in a cold water tap for a couple of minutes. This is necessary in order to stop cooking the cubes at their own temperature.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it. Fry the potato wedges until golden brown as usual.

Recipe for French fries in cream cheese sauce


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ground pepper;
  • 1 tbsp white wine;
  • 175 g hard cheese;
  • 50 g nutmeg;
  • 1 tbsp cream:
  • ground pepper.

Cut the potatoes into strips, wash and dry. Fry the cubes in a deep frying pan until golden brown.

Remove the potatoes from the pan and place them on a towel. Heat the cream over low heat, without bringing to a boil. While the milk is heating, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Add cheese to milk. Chop the garlic very finely. Add ground pepper, nutmeg, and garlic to the sauce. Mix everything well.

Pour the wine into the sauce and mix everything again. Boil the dressing for three minutes. Place the potatoes in portions on plates. Serve the sauce in a separate bowl.