The most delicious cream for cupcakes. Cupcakes with cream on top

Step-by-step recipes for amazing cupcake cream: classic and creamy meringue, butter, cream cheese, curd and sour cream, chocolate ganache and lemon curd

2018-04-24 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

37 gr.


49 gr.

533 kcal.

Option 1: Quick recipe for cupcake cream (butter)

The cake frosting can be prepared in minutes. How? Let's beat high-quality butter well with sifted powdered sugar to get the once most popular cream for sponge and waffle cakes.


  • 105 grams of butter;
  • 4 full spoons (tablespoons) of powdered sugar.

How to quickly prepare cake cream

Leave high-quality butter on the table a couple of hours before creating the cream for natural thawing.

Transfer the soft butter into a narrow, dry container. Whisk quickly until fluffy, which will take a couple of minutes.

Now, in batches (half a tablespoon at a time), gradually add powdered sugar.

As soon as the falling asleep process is completed, beat the cupcake cream for approximately 11-13 minutes.

Before decorating the resulting mixture, it is recommended to cool it slightly in the refrigerator.

The quality of the oil for this cream is more important than ever. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer and composition. As for the powdered sugar, try to make it as fine as possible, or even better, buy it ready-made.

Option 2: Classic recipe for cupcake cream (meringue)

If for most classic cakes they use only one cream intended specifically for this dessert, then with cupcakes the opposite is true. You can decorate such pastries with literally anything you can get your hands on. What exactly? Let's look at the most popular types of cupcake creams now.


  • two large egg whites;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • 40 grams of water;
  • salt for proteins.

Step-by-step recipe for cupcake cream

Break large eggs in the middle with a knife. Carefully pour the egg whites into a completely dry bowl. Use the yolks for another dish.

Set the whites aside, covering them with a saucer to prevent dust from falling inside. After this, pour white sugar into a saucepan.

Enter the planned volume of purified water. Brew the syrup over low heat. The total cooking time is up to 7 minutes.

Turn off the stove. Pour a handful of salt into the whites. Beat with whisks (mixer speed - medium) until stable.

Having obtained the required consistency, be sure to pour the slightly cooled syrup in a thin stream.

Continue interrupting at the same speed for a few more (2-3) minutes. If the cupcake cream will not be used immediately, store in the refrigerator. However, it is not recommended to store meringue for a long time.

To make the process of creating amazingly smooth cream easier, transfer it to a food processor. Then your hands will be free, so you can beat the egg whites and prepare the syrup at the same time.

Option 3: Cupcake cream (butter meringue)

Meringue can be made more stable and “durable”. To do this, you will need to add fresh butter to the recipe. It is better to take it from well-known manufacturers with a fat content of 82%.


  • three proteins;
  • a pack of fresh butter;
  • 89 grams of sugar;
  • salt in proteins;
  • vanilla for aroma.

How to cook

First break the eggshells. Separate the whites. Leave at room temperature for a while.

Pour the warm whites into a bowl. Immediately add white sugar. Place in a water bath (the bowl should not touch the water!).

Continue whisking these ingredients until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Continue the process until the mass becomes strong and glossy.

Add soft butter one spoon at a time, distributing it completely among the egg mixture.

After beating is complete, add vanilla. Mix everything with a spatula one last time.

If desired, you can add food coloring to this cupcake cream. This is especially true if you are preparing baked goods for a children's party. In addition, it is better to deposit the cream using a cooking bag with a suitable attachment. Moreover, it perfectly holds its given shape.

Option 4: Cupcake cream (cream cheese)

The following cream, based on cream and soft cheese, does not undergo thermal effects. Therefore, be especially attentive to the quality of these ingredients and their expiration date.


  • 99 grams of heavy (33%) cream;
  • 65 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 395 grams of cream cheese;
  • vanilla.

Step by step recipe

Pour the cooled cream into a bowl (dry). Using the beaters of a food processor or mixer, beat the ingredients until stiff peaks form.

Then add (can be done in several batches) sifted powdered sugar.

Continuing to beat, carefully pour in the creamy (soft) cheese. Mix the cupcake cream until completely smooth.

Before serving, be sure to cool for an hour, placing the sweet dressing on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

In order not to spoil the structure of the cream, we recommend paying attention to whipping the cream. If you do this for too long, they will release oil, which is unacceptable. Therefore, follow the process, even when you do it not by hand, but in a food processor.

Option 5: Cupcake cream (chocolate ganache)

A classic for dessert creams - chocolate ganache. It is quite simple to make, but gives an unforgettable taste. This is especially true for those with a sweet tooth who cannot imagine a day without chocolate.


  • 200 grams of milk chocolate;
  • 70 grams of cream (33%).

How to cook

Break a bar of milk (pure, without additional ingredients) chocolate with your hands.

Pour the cream into a metal container and bring to a boil over low heat.

Then remove the bowl from the heat and add small chocolate pieces inside. Leave them to melt.

Now put the mixture in a water bath. Take a whisk. Stir until you obtain a glossy, homogeneous consistency.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool completely and stabilize the structure of the cupcake cream.

The ratio of chocolate to cream may vary. For example, if you are making a sweet dressing from the black variety, you will need two parts chocolate and one part cream. But for white tiles the volume of the latter will need to be doubled.

Option 6: Cupcake cream (Kurd)

Kurd is often served as a separate dessert. But if you bring it to a denser consistency, it is quite acceptable to decorate any cupcakes with it. But it’s up to you to decide which fruit will be the main ingredient. We present a lemon version.


  • two medium lemons;
  • 99 grams of sugar;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 31 grams of butter.

Step by step recipe

Wash both lemons with a sponge in warm water. Remove the zest from one fruit.

Place small shavings into a bowl. Add sugar, distributing food evenly among each other.

Then squeeze the sour juice from both lemons. Pour it into the zest with sugar.

In addition, beat the chilled eggs with a regular fork. Add the foam mixture to the rest of the ingredients.

Let the future cupcake cream brew. After 29-30 minutes, strain the contents of the bowl. Pour into a small saucepan.

Boil at minimum temperature until relatively thick. Transfer the lemon curd into a glass container and cool on the refrigerator shelf.

In addition to the mentioned lemons (this is the most popular fruit for Kurds), it is quite acceptable to use other citrus fruits (grapefruit or orange) and berries (cherries, blueberries or currants).

Option 7: Cream for cupcakes (curd and sour cream)

Finally, we left a very simple and accessible to absolutely every housewife recipe for curd and sour cream, to create which you will need two more products, in addition to full-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.


  • 199 grams of cottage cheese (fat);
  • 95 grams of sour cream;
  • 95 grams of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla.

How to cook

Place cold fat cottage cheese in a bowl. Turn on the mixer. Beat on medium speed until creamy.

Pour in sour cream. Continuing the simple culinary process, gradually add powdered sugar. It is better to sift it first.

At the end, add spicy aromatic vanilla. Leave the simple cream on the refrigerator shelf to stabilize.

Since this cream is not heat-treated at any stage, be sure to use only fresh ingredients. And store the products themselves, decorated with a curd and sour cream mixture, for no more than a day.

Cooking time: 25 minutes
Number of servings: 20
Proteins per 100 g: 3.2
Fats per 100 g: 0
Carbohydrates per 100 g: 70

Cream is a paste-like thick product used for preparing and decorating cakes, pastries, muffins and other dessert dishes.

Creams can be prepared either with or without heat treatment. The cupcake cream is whipped with special care, manually or using blenders or mixers.

Airy protein, buttery-creamy, custard, light fruit, yoghurt - you can’t list them all. It is the various creams that give the cupcakes a refined look, special taste and aroma.

In this article we will look at several easy and quick to prepare creams. Each of them is able to satisfy even the most sophisticated gastronomic needs.

Banana cream

This cupcake cream couldn't be easier to make.

Required Products:

  • one 200 gram pack of butter;
  • three medium ripe bananas;
  • half a can of condensed milk.


Soften, cut into pieces and beat with a mixer. Peel the bananas, cut them, add them to the oil and beat again. Pour into the resulting mass and stir thoroughly.

Butter cream with condensed milk

This is an equally easy recipe for making such a delicacy as cupcake cream. You can sprinkle coconut or chocolate chips on top of the product.


  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 300 grams of condensed milk;
  • vanilla sugar - half a pack;
  • liqueur - 3 tablespoons.


Beat the butter until smooth, while pouring in the condensed milk. Add liqueur and vanillin to the mixture and beat again.

If you want the cream to be chocolate, add a few tablespoons of cocoa to the mixture.



  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • a small spoon of vanillin.


Grind the sugar together with the eggs, add flour, mix. Pour cold milk into the mixture, then put it on the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk or spoon. Remove from heat, add vanillin and stir. If the cake cream will be used later, pour it from the pan into a porcelain container and lightly sprinkle with sugar to prevent a crust from forming.

Nut cream


  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 50 grams of flour;
  • 2 cups nuts;
  • a large spoon of cognac.


To prepare nuts, first grind sugar with yolks, flour and cognac. Pour milk into the mixture and bring it to a boil. Finely chop the nuts and then chop thoroughly. Pour the ground nuts into the prepared mixture and beat until fluffy.

Sour cream


  • 1 cup 20% sour cream;
  • 0.5 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 10 grams of gelatin.


Pour the sour cream into the pan, add powdered sugar, and a pinch of vanillin if desired. Place the pan with sour cream in a container of cold water, whisk the sour cream until it doubles in volume. After this, pour warm diluted gelatin into the sour cream mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Coffee cream


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • one large spoon of ground coffee;
  • half a glass of water.


Boil water, pour it over coffee, cool. Then pass the coffee broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, combine with milk and sugar, and bring to a boil. Beat the egg with a fork, add to the coffee mixture, boil until thick, and cool. Pour the cooled mixture in small portions into the softened butter, whisking constantly with a spoon. The finished cream should double in volume.

Whatever cream recipe you choose, rest assured that everyone who tries your baked goods will appreciate its rich taste and appearance.

Cupcake Recipes

Decorating cupcakes on top: recipes for cupcake cream with step-by-step photos and videos, as well as options for decorating and decorating small confectionery products.

15 minutes

400 kcal

4/5 (6)

Beautifully decorated cupcakes will be a great addition to your tea party. And if you put them in a beautiful package, you will get an original gift for a sweet tooth of any age. This wonderful delicacy will delight both adults and children.
And here the main question arises: how to decorate cupcakes at home and make a suitable cream that will not drip and fall off?
I offer you several simple recipes with a photo of the cream for decorating cupcakes on top. As well as design options.

Vanilla cream cream


Butter cream with cheese


  • 200 g butter;
  • 250 g cream cheese;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife;
  • 220-250 g of powdered sugar.

Any soft cream cheese (mascarpone, Philadelphia and others), as well as fatty, coarse-grained cottage cheese, are suitable for the cream.

Quantity: one portion.
Kitchen appliances and accessories: whipping container, mixer.
Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.

Cooking sequence

For the perfect combination, cook or use kitchen assistants and make.

Protein cream


  • 250 g sugar;
  • 3 squirrels;
  • 3 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1/4 tsp. citric acid.

Cooking time: approximately 25 minutes.
Kitchen appliances and accessories: whipping container, mixer, small bowl.
Quantity: one portion.

Cooking sequence

  1. Pour sugar into a small metal bowl and moisten it with water.

  2. Place on low heat and cook until the first large bubbles appear, but without turning yellow.

  3. Beat the egg whites at high mixer speed until light foam forms. Add acid and continue whisking. From this, the mass will begin to increase and become denser.

  4. Without stopping, we take a bowl of syrup and begin to introduce it into the whites in a thin stream.

  5. Beat until stable, dense waves flow through the cream and the whites have cooled.

  6. If you need colored cream, now is the time to divide it into the required number of parts and add dye.

  7. All. You can take a pastry bag and decorate the cupcakes.

Video recipe for protein cream

Watch the video on how to properly prepare stable protein cream. Each step of the recipe is shown very well here.

Custard protein cream with butter


  • 3 squirrels;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 1/4 tsp. citric acid;
  • 180 g butter;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Cooking time: 20-25 minutes.
Kitchen appliances and accessories: whipping container, mixer, whisk, saucepan.
Quantity: one portion.

Cooking sequence

Custard cream


  • 1 egg;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
Kitchen appliances and accessories: mixer, whisk, pan.
Quantity: one portion.

Cooking sequence

Try decorating with this cream.

Chocolate buttercream


  • 3 yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. without a hill of starch;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 180 g butter;
  • 150 g sugar.

Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
Kitchen appliances and accessories: mixer, whisk, pan.
Quantity: one portion.

Cooking sequence

  1. In a saucepan or saucepan, grind the yolks with sugar and starch until white. It is better to take corn starch, it is considered more gentle.

  2. Pour in milk, stir and place on the stove over low heat.

  3. Stirring constantly with a whisk, cook the mixture until thickened.

  4. Remove from the stove and cool completely.

  5. Beat the butter until light and creamy.

  6. After breaking the chocolate into pieces, melt it in a small bowl, placing it in the microwave or in a steam bath. Let the chocolate cool a little.

  7. Turn the mixer on to medium speed and begin adding the custard mixture into the butter. We do this 1-2 tbsp. l. and after each addition, beat well.
  8. Once you have a thick, fluffy and homogeneous cream, slowly pour chocolate into it. If you wish, you can add 20-30 g of cognac.

  9. Beat until smooth and homogeneous.

Chocolate cream is great for decorating many cupcakes, including “Chocolate Cupcakes.”

Video recipe for chocolate buttercream

For detailed technology for preparing this cream, watch the video. There are also some very interesting ideas for decorating cupcakes.

Cupcake decoration options

Decorating is always a fascinating, but also slightly exciting process. I want to come up with something original. I will try to help you a little in this matter, but for the rest everything will depend on your imagination.

The easiest option is to use a pastry bag to squeeze out spirals or curls, both plain and multi-colored, on top of the cupcakes. Small confectionery beads will look beautiful on them.

After practicing, you can decorate the cupcakes by planting roses or other flowers from the tinted cream.

Cupcakes look interesting if you cover them with cream or lay it out in the shape of a cloud, and decorate it with fruits or put various edible figures on top.

Unusually decorated cupcakes will be a fun decoration for the holiday table for little ones with a sweet tooth. Any small sweets will come in handy here. These can be multi-colored dragees, chewing marmalade, small candies, straws, and so on.

A very easy way to decorate children's cupcakes is to put a good ghost on top. To do this, squeeze white cream in the form of a cloud onto the cupcake and make eyes out of chocolate dragees, in the middle of which we place a small dot of cream. Or vice versa, give the chocolate cream ghost white eyes with dark pupils. You can even make such ghosts cross-eyed.

You can also simply make a snake by squeezing out a coiled body from the cream and adding beady eyes.

A little troublesome, but a spider that sits on a white or green cream pillow looks very interesting on the cupcakes. A round chocolate candy will serve as his body, and instead of eyes there will be small beads or drops of cream. For the paws, you will need a straw that needs to be broken into small identical pieces. Two pieces of straw are fastened at right angles with chocolate and inserted into the cream around the candy.

The legs sticking out of the cream, made from straws or thin and long candies, and shod in boots fashioned from chocolate fondant, look quite unusual.

By experimenting and imagining further, you can make each cupcake interesting and unique in its own way, which will pleasantly surprise all your guests.
Write comments with feedback. And don't forget to add photos of your little works of art and share your cupcake designs.

Today there are so many different creams known that it can make your head spin if you know all the types used for decoration.

In order not to get confused, I decided to bring to your attention the simplest and easiest to prepare sweet creams that can be used by everyone to make the treat with the help of decoration even more appetizing.

There is even diet and vegetarian cream for cupcakes, so no one will certainly be left without their favorite treat and beautiful decoration for baked goods.

It’s worth adding chocolate, yoghurt, and cheese cream to the variety, but it’s hard to imagine that a few years ago there was only custard, butter and protein.

Despite the fact that the protein cream for cupcakes, on top of which the treat is decorated, has long given way in popularity to new products, many housewives still like it, as it is easy to prepare and has no calories.

Decorating with cream is very convenient, because it can hold its shape for a long time. Look at the photo how beautiful the dessert turns out if you use thick buttercream as a decoration, and preparing it at home is as easy as shelling pears.

Below I offer interesting recipes for different types of cream for cupcakes, which should definitely be in your repertoire of healthy quick dishes.

Protein cream

To prepare protein cream, you should stock up: 250 gr. sah. powder and 3 pcs. chickens eggs

Main stages of preparation:

  1. The main task is to carefully separate the whites; for this you should make sure that there is no yolk in the mass. The container where you will beat them must be clean and dry. Make sure it is not oily.
  2. First 2 min. When whipping, I use low speed so that the components are thoroughly mixed, only then do I pour the powder into the future protein cream. This time the recipe calls for sah alone. powder, and therefore it is not worth taking risks and using any type of sugar, since you will spoil the protein cream, and then its particles will crunch unpleasantly on your teeth.
  3. Beat the egg white cream until the mixture thickens. This is easy to check if, when turning the dishes over, the protein cream does not spread or fall out.

That's all, but I also have other recipes for creams in my arsenal that can be placed in the middle of the baked goods or on top of it as a decoration.

bird's milk

This recipe calls for using the mixture immediately after it is made. The cream hardens very quickly. Sometimes even a couple of minutes will be enough for this.

I recommend using it as a layer, and therefore first put “Bird's Milk” in the cold for 10 minutes, and only then start using it as a decoration.

Ingredients for preparation: 250 gr. sah. powders; 4 things. chickens eggs; 4.5 tsp citric acid; 1.5 tbsp. gelatin; 150 ml of warm water, boil it first.

Cooking process:

  1. Soak the gelatin in warm water for 15 minutes to swell, but at this time beat the egg whites. Sah. powder and lime. The acid must be mixed and then added to the egg whites while beating.
  2. During this time, the gelatin will swell, so place it in a water bath and melt, stirring.
  3. Without stopping whisking, add gelatin into the mixture. Then beat everything again for 5 minutes.

As I already noted, the mass hardens quickly, so make a layer or apply a beautiful decoration to the cupcakes without delaying this process.


An amazing cream recipe for delicious tender cupcakes. True, I will already mention here that it is more labor-intensive than other recipes, but following my instructions, even novice cooks can cope.

As a result, the cupcake cream turns out to be plastic and suitable for decoration, and the taste is amazing.

You need to take: 250 gr. sah. powders; 3 pcs. chickens eggs (whites); 100 ml of warm water, boil it first, ½ pack. vanillin; just a little bit of salt.

Making the cream is very simple:

  1. I proceed as the previous recipes indicate, namely, I separate the whites very carefully, add salt and beat until foamy.
  2. I pour the powder into a saucepan, vanilla powder and cook the syrup, stirring until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  3. I work with the mixer again, when I beat a mass of egg whites and gradually pour a stream of syrup into it. This must be done with extreme caution, because one awkward movement and the whites will settle and curl up. The temperature of the syrup is really high.
  4. I do not stop the beating process until the mass has cooled down. This will take up to 10 minutes.
  5. When you need to give the cream a tint, I add a coloring agent. This unique decoration will definitely delight your children.

Chocolate cream

You can decorate the cupcakes with chocolate cream. The recipe requires a minimum set of ingredients:

100 gr. sl. warm butter and melted chocolate; 150 gr. sah. powders.

You need to use only high-quality products. To get a delicate color, take milk chocolate, dark and rich – bitter black.

Preparing cream for cupcakes is very simple, but first you should clarify that the chocolate should be at such a temperature that it does not melt the butter, and also successfully mixes with other components, because cold ones will separate from them.

Cooking process:

  1. I beat the butter until it becomes fluffy, only then add the sugar. powder and still work with the mixer for 7 minutes.
  2. I add chocolate to the mixture little by little in a thin stream. I finish whipping when all the ingredients are combined together; there should be no gaps in the cream.

Classic: vanilla cream

Take to make sweet cupcake decorations:

4.5 tbsp. sah. powders; 50 ml milk (low-fat); vanilla pod; 250 gr. sl. butter (softened).

Proceed like this:

  1. Sl. I beat the butter at high speed for a couple of minutes, add the sugar. powder and set it to medium power. Having filled in half the amount of sugar. powder, pour in milk and add a vanilla pod.
  2. I add the rest of the sugar. powder and beat until fluffy.

The cream should be placed in a bag or syringe immediately after preparation to apply decorations to the baked goods.

Cream based cream

The recipe is very simple, take: 2 tbsp. vanillin and 1.5 tbsp. chilled heavy cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Freeze the container in which you plan to cook the mixture in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  2. I whip the cream until it becomes thick, then add a spoonful of vanilla, then another. I continue to beat until it reaches a thick consistency. That's all.


The taste of the cream is not sweet to the point of cloying, as some characterize the creamy composition. It includes: proteins, salt, sugar. powder, sl. oil.

Preparation is not easy, but the finished mass will be suitable for any decoration purpose. To make the filling even more interesting in taste, you can add chocolate, citruses and nuts to the cream.

Of course, everything needs to be chopped in advance. The cream is very tasty, and also holds its shape perfectly.

Components: 3 pcs. chickens egg whites; 150 gr. sl. oils; 250 gr. sah. powders; ¼ tbsp. water; ½ tbsp. vanilla extracts; pinch lim. acids.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the egg whites into the bowl; it must be dry and always clean.
  2. I pour the powder into a saucepan, add water and cook the syrup, stirring until the ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. I beat the whites. I fall asleep. acid and beat until thick.
  4. I continue to beat, but add syrup in a thin stream. You need to beat until the mixture cools down, this can take even half an hour.
  5. Mix the cooled mixture with slurry. oil, wait until it settles. Beat again until smooth.

If it doesn’t work, then put the mixture in the cold for 10 minutes and repeat the procedure again. Only then do I add vanilla extract and mix everything again.


I know many recipes for creams made from different types of chocolate and cream, but this one is the most interesting to prepare and delicious.

It costs to add different additives to change the taste, but the cream is seriously incomparable and has a solid army of fans among sweet tooths.

The components needed are: 250 gr. chocolate with 70% cocoa; 300 gr. cream 30% fat and 50 gr. honey, you can replace it with 40 g. molasses.

Cream ganache will become stable, and therefore decorating cupcakes with it will be a pleasure. It's easy to do:

  1. I bring the cream and honey to a boil.
  2. Pour in the crushed chocolate until it dissolves.
  3. I leave the cream in the refrigerator until it is completely frozen.

Pastries “Boston Cream Pie” with cream inside

The recipes are very varied and here is one of them, which is based on the method of preparing the famous Boston Cream Pie cake in the United States of America.

It should be noted that the cream will not spread over the delicate dough, and to emphasize the delicacy of the delicacy, it is worth seasoning it with a light honey glaze.

The recipes for each component of the cupcakes are presented below, they are not difficult to make.

For the dough you will need:

150 mo of milk; 180 gr. sl. chilled oils; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 13/4 tbsp. flour; 250 gr. Sahara; one and a half tsp. baking powder; no more than a pinch of vanilla sugar.
For cream take: 3 tsp corn starch; 30 gr. sl. oils; 50 gr. Sahara; a glass of cream with 33% fat content; 3 pcs. chickens egg yolks; 1 pack vanillin.
For the glaze you need: one hundred gram chocolate bar; 50 gr. honey; 100 ml fresh milk; half pack vanillin.

Cooking technology:

  1. First I make the filling. To do this, I boil the cream and beat the chickens. eggs, sugar, add vanillin. Having received the foam, I add starch. While stirring the mixture, add cream. I add sl. to the cream. butter and cook on the stove until thick, but do not let the mixture boil. I put it in the refrigerator, after cooling it to room temperature.
  2. I'm doing the test. Add all the dry ingredients to the bowl, pieces of sl. oils I grind everything with a blender, add eggs, but separately. I mix everything well one by one. Pour in the milk and stir until the mixture is homogeneous. Pour the prepared dough into molds and bake for 15 minutes. in the oven at 180 degrees.
  3. I let the cupcakes cool, and then cut out the pulp in the center. I put the cream inside and close it with the cut off top.
  4. I prepare the glaze by mixing all the ingredients and heating them until completely melted. Cool and cover the cupcakes. In about 30 minutes the glaze will harden thoroughly and you can eat the treat for tea.

Here are all the recipes for creams that I have collected to prepare myself. On the blog you will find many other equally useful and interesting recipes for baking and decorating.

My video recipe

For delicious muffins, a properly prepared base will not be enough. You need to take care of a delicate sweet cream to decorate them. There are many successful recipes known. How to prepare different versions of cream for cupcakes is described below.


  • 300 g high fat butter;
  • 1 full glass of full fat milk;
  • 80 g beet sugar and 20 g vanilla;
  • 2 eggs.


  1. Leave the butter at room temperature until softened.
  2. Grind the contents of raw eggs with beet sugar.
  3. Bring milk to a boil in a small saucepan. Add the sweet egg mixture to it.
  4. Cook the mixture over low heat with constant stirring. Cool. Transfer the oil into it.
  5. Beat the cream thoroughly. During the process, its amount should increase approximately 2 times.
  6. At the end add vanilla sugar and uncooked condensed milk. Repeat beating until mixture is smooth.

The resulting amount of custard for cupcakes is enough to decorate a serving of dessert for a large company.

Based on sour cream


  • 450 g fat sour cream;
  • 150 g beet sugar and 10 g vanilla;
  • 200 g medium fat cottage cheese.


  1. Place sour cream in a deep bowl. Add two types of sugar to it.
  2. First, mix the ingredients with a wide spoon. Then beat them with a mixer or blender. Sweet grains should completely dissolve in sour cream.
  3. Mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese, passing through a fine sieve.
  4. Whisk the ingredients together until smooth.

Place the prepared sour cream and cottage cheese in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Protein cooking option


  • 4 large egg whites;
  • 220 g beet sugar, 10 g vanilla and 60 g special gelling;
  • 100 ml boiled cold water;
  • salt on the tip of a teaspoon.


  1. Pour beet and gelling sugar into a small saucepan. This component is sold either in the spice department of large supermarkets or in special confectionery stores.
  2. Pour water into the container. Send it to a small fire. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil. During the process, constantly stir the base for the future cream with a wooden spatula.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites, adding a pinch of salt. After 4 - 4.5 minutes, add vanilla sugar. Continue beating until stiff peaks appear.
  4. When the syrup has boiled for 8 minutes, slowly, carefully and in a very thin stream pour it into the whites. Do not stop whipping.
  5. Continue processing the cream with a mixer or blender for another 7 minutes. During this time, the temperature of the mass should drop to room temperature.

Immediately after this, you can stop working with the kitchen assistant and use the cream for its intended purpose.

A simple recipe for cupcake cream


  • 2 standard cans of uncooked condensed milk;
  • 420 g butter (high fat content);
  • 2 small spoons of high-quality cocoa powder.


  1. Boil condensed milk in advance. Only in this case will it be possible to obtain the desired consistency of the product.
  2. Cover the cans of condensed milk completely with water in a thick-walled saucepan. Leave to simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.
  3. Cool the dairy product.
  4. Soften the butter. Mix it with darkened condensed milk in a common bowl.
  5. Using a mixer, mix the ingredients until a homogeneous thick cream is obtained.
  6. Lastly, add all the cocoa powder. Repeat mixing.

This simple cupcake frosting recipe can be slightly improved by adding any chopped nuts.

Cooking with chocolate


  • 120 g butter;
  • half a kilo of powdered sugar;
  • 10 ml vanilla extract;
  • 0.25 small spoons of table salt;
  • a bar of quality dark chocolate.


  1. To make chocolate cupcake cream, the first step is to melt the chocolate bar in the microwave or in a water bath. To speed up the process, you should first break it into small pieces.
  2. Add softened butter and half the powder to the chocolate. Process the mixture with a mixer for 3 – 3.5 minutes at medium speed.
  3. Add salt. Pour in vanilla extract.
  4. Mix the mixture with a spoon.
  5. Continue beating the cream, gradually adding powdered sugar. You may not have to add all the dry product. It all depends on how thick the cream is planned to be.

Use the mixture to decorate cupcakes without pre-cooling.

Cream for decorating cupcakes on top that holds its shape


  • 100 g butter;
  • 70 g uncooked condensed milk;
  • 1.5 bars of white chocolate.


  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the chilled butter until clear.
  3. Pour condensed milk into the butter. Repeat beating.
  4. Combine the resulting homogeneous butter mixture with white chocolate. Mix the mixture well with a spoon and beat for half a minute.

Before further use, such cream for decorating the tops of cupcakes must be refrigerated for 15 minutes.

From the cream


  • 2 full glasses of heavy cream;
  • 1 glass of thick fat sour cream (you can use a homemade component);
  • 1 glass of fat milk;
  • 1 cup powdered sugar.


  1. Remove all food from the refrigerator in advance. They should be at the same room temperature.
  2. Pour all the cream into a bowl suitable for a steam bath. Add sour cream.
  3. Send to the stove. Heat the mixture slightly and start pouring milk into it little by little. Stir the ingredients constantly during the process.
  4. You should get a perfectly homogeneous, smooth mixture without lumps.
  5. Wrap the container in a towel and put it in a warm place without drafts. Don't shake!
  6. After 5 - 7 hours the mixture will become denser.
  7. Place a wire rack on the pan. Place a container with future cream on it.
  8. Heat the mixture until the whey begins to separate.
  9. Remove container from water bath. Wrap in a towel for another 8 – 9 hours.
  10. Place the contents of the container on cheesecloth. Hang over a bowl.

The finished cream cheese cream remains to be mixed with powdered sugar. It's perfect for any cupcake recipe.

Vanilla flavored


  • 300 g creamy soft cheese;
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 150 g softened butter;
  • half a vanilla pod and 3 drops of vanilla essence.


  1. Place vanilla and essence into blender bowl. Send all the powdered sugar and softened butter there. Beat the mixture until fluffy.
  2. Add soft cream cheese to the mixture. At this stage, if desired, you can use any fruit/berry puree in the amount of 120 g.
  3. Repeat beating. The cream should become homogeneous with a pleasant bright vanilla aroma.

Cool the mixture and use it to decorate the cupcakes.

How to decorate cupcakes with cream

To decorate the cupcakes beautifully with the prepared cream, you need to use a pastry bag. Any of its attachments will do.

If you don’t have a professional pastry bag on hand, you can replace the device with a regular thick bag with the tip cut off. You can also use it to spread the cream onto the cupcakes in fancy curls.