White bread cake recipe. How to make a black bread cake

  • sour cream - 200 g,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp,
  • walnuts, for sprinkling the cake,
  • corn flakes for decorating the bottom of the dessert.

Recipe on the topic: what to cook from bread - Cake with sour cream - preparation:

To prepare the cake according to the recipe proposed in this master class, you can also use a slightly stale roll or white bread, in which case the cake turns out even more delicious.

Lightly heat the milk and mix with sugar and beaten eggs, set aside, prepare the sliced ​​​​pieces of bread. We cut everything into small squares, by the way, you can cut off the crusts from the bun, but you can also leave them, they will add their own zest to the taste of the cake. Mix the resulting pieces of bread with the prepared milk-egg mixture and leave to soak.

While the bread is soaking, mix the apricots and apples cut into slices, add 20 g of butter and 1 tbsp. sugar, put on fire and lightly steam in its own juice, after boiling for two to three minutes.

Next, mix the two prepared mixtures of ingredients and place them in a frying pan or mold lined with baking paper or film, level the entire mass and rub a small amount of butter on top. Bake in the preheated oven until done, then cool the cake and break into small random pieces.

In a spacious container we put the sour cream, which is obtained by mixing thick, fatty sour cream with sugar, put the pieces of cake there and again leave for soaking.

Prepare the walnuts. Grind them in a food processor if you want to grind them into flour, or crush them with a wooden masher for puree, so that small pieces remain. By the way, you can use other types of nuts, for example, peanuts, almonds, cashews. Or you can mix several varieties and make a nut mix. In any case, we are sure you will prepare this recipe more than once, so experiment with nuts every time.

On the prepared dish we place a layer of corn flakes, which will be the basis of the cake and will give it some crunch and its own delicious taste. Then, lay out the pieces of cake soaked in cream in a heap.

Sprinkle everything generously with prepared walnuts and leave in the refrigerator for an hour, then serve the bread cake with sour cream and nuts to the table.

Now you know what you can make from bread, tasty and simple! This is an excellent treat for both guests and family members for evening tea. Both will be delighted and will praise your culinary skills for a long time! And be sure to write down the recipe in your culinary “piggy bank.” Bon appetit!

Black bread cake. Photo by Guido Caen.

Delicious coarse hearth bread makes a great cake. If the bread has become stale, you can use a coffee grinder to turn the oven-dried pieces into black breadcrumbs, which are perfect for making sponge cakes.
You will need:

8 tbsp. spoons of black breadcrumbs,

8 eggs, 8 tbsp. spoons of sugar,

1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and vanilla,

500g cherry jam for greasing the crust,

To make cream:

250ml cream, 250g sweet curd cheese and 10g vanilla sugar,

For decoration - 250 ml cream, 10 g vanilla sugar, 16 cherries and some almonds.

To prepare the sponge cake, whisk together the eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and breadcrumbs in a large dish. Some people beat in a steam bath, believing that this way the biscuits are whipped faster and better. Someone uses a blender. The main thing is that the mass is well beaten. It must be quickly placed in a hot oven, heated to 180 degrees, in a deep form filled 3/4 full, as the sponge cake will still rise. The mold must first be lined with parchment paper, greased.

Typically, sponge cakes are baked for 10-15 minutes, given their small thickness. However, if you decide to bake the whole mass at once and then cut it into three parts, it will take more time. It's very easy to check for readiness. You need to pierce the cake with a thin stick all the way through. If the stick remains dry, then the biscuit is ready.

The cream is very easy to prepare. The cream is whipped with vanilla and sugar, then sweet cheese is gradually added to it.

The first cake layer is coated with cherry jam and covered with a second cake layer, which, in turn, is coated with cream and covered with a third cake layer. In this form, the cake is placed in the refrigerator overnight for soaking.

Before serving, whip the cream with vanilla and coat the entire cake with it. Using a teaspoon or fork (who has any imagination) we apply the relief to the surface, then decorate with cherries and nuts. Our cake is ready!
Black bread cake

We will tell you today an amazing recipe for a sweet pie that does not require baking. This is a delicious, airy, light cake made from rye bread, it is very easy to prepare and extremely tasty. A black bread cake is perfect for a festive sweet table; no one will guess what it is made of. So, to prepare this dessert we will need:

Borodinsky or any other rye bread 400 grams
Curd mass or regular cottage cheese 300 grams
Sugar 2 tablespoons
Cinnamon 1 table. spoon
Apricot or any other thick jam 6 tablespoons
If instead of curd mass you took simple cottage cheese, then mix it with powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Mix well, you can even use a mixer to obtain a homogeneous sweet mass.

The bread needs to be cut into pieces and all the crumb should be separated from the crusts, crumbling it as finely as possible. If you leave the bread in the open air for a couple of hours beforehand, it will dry out and crumble better. Then, put the crumbs in a frying pan, add half the sugar and cinnamon and heat over the fire for about 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. Then the crumbs need to be cooled.

We divide the bread crumbs into three parts, two identical, and the third a little smaller, and we divide the curd mass into two parts, and proceed to assembling the cake.

Place the first part of the crumbs in the cake pan, and half the curd mass on top, then lay out a small layer of jam, then another layer of crumbs, cottage cheese and jam, and sprinkle the remaining crumbs on top. Before serving, the cake should be in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours to soak, you can leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Black bread cake

I learned this recipe 40 years ago, and since then it has rightfully become one of our family’s favorites.

This black bread cake is simply irresistible; it is so easy to prepare.

For the test you need:

6 eggs
150 g granulated sugar,
1 tbsp potato flour,
¾ cup ground rye crackers,
Spices - to taste, my set:
Cloves, cinnamon, vanillin, lemon zest
To prepare rye crackers, we specially bought Moscow rye bread, dried it, cut it into crackers, dried it completely in the oven and then ground it in a meat grinder.

The yolks are thoroughly ground with granulated sugar, spices, starch and crackers are added, everything is thoroughly mixed.

The whites are whipped separately and gradually carefully added to the rest of the mixture.

Baked in a round pan over low heat.

The finished biscuit is cooled and cut into three layers.

There are two options

Option 1 - regular custard

¾ cup granulated sugar,
1.5 glasses of milk,
1 egg
1 tbsp flour
Mix everything and stir continuously over low heat until thickened. Cool, add vanilla, a tablespoon of cocoa and 200 g of butter.

Option 2 – sour cream

2 cups thick sour cream,
1 cup granulated sugar (preferably very fine or powdered)
Carefully beat the sour cream, which is a good idea to strain beforehand to drain off the excess whey. You just need to be careful not to beat it until it becomes buttery.

Now you can take the cooled skins, grease them with any of the creams, and decorate the cake as desired. Or cover with the top cake, it turns out very nice anyway.

And – you can enjoy the cake and delicious strong tea or coffee.

Bon appetit!
Black bread cake

Separate the whites from the yolks and place in the refrigerator. Grind the yolks with sugar until white, add crackers and potato flour, stir. Then add the whites whipped into a thick foam (with the addition of lemon juice) and carefully mix from top to bottom. Place the dough in a prepared pan (frying pan), greased and lightly floured, place in a preheated oven and bake at moderate temperature until done. Cut the cooled cake horizontally into 3 cakes and spread each one with cream, placing them on top of each other. You can sprinkle grated chocolate on top.
For the test:
eggs 6 pcs.
sugar 1 cup
crushed black crackers 0.5 cups
potato flour 1 tbsp. spoon
lemon juice 0.5 tsp

400 grams of bread,
200 grams of herring,
200 grams of butter,
5 grams of dried mushrooms,
50 grams of fresh tomatoes,
1 egg
10 grams of greens.

Soak the herring, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces (keep some of them for decoration).
Boil the mushrooms, lightly fry, cool and finely chop. Add them to the herring.
Then add butter or margarine and mix everything well.
Place a layer of black bread slices on a plate, brush with herring mixture, repeat several times.
Do not lubricate the top layer. Place the cake in the refrigerator.
When cool, trim the sides, brush with butter and sprinkle with chopped eggs.
Place pieces of herring, butter, a slice of egg, a slice of tomato, onion, dill and parsley on top.

A no-bake bread cake is a dessert that you are unlikely to buy in a supermarket. The technology for its preparation is accessible even to a child. Because to implement it you only need to purchase a loaf of bread.
Recipe contents:

A no-bake cake allows you to bypass the complex and time-consuming process of kneading dough and baking cakes. There are a lot of similar products. But mostly they are based on cookies, waffles or gingerbread. But in this recipe the cake will be even simpler, and most importantly, cheaper. It is based on ordinary bread, which can be used in a variety of ways, whatever suits your taste the most. In addition, even yesterday and the day before yesterday will do. Because the moisture of the cream will still soak it well.

There may be similar products on the Internet, but fresh ideas never hurt. Knowing these recipes, you can quickly make a delicious and tender dessert. This is especially helpful when guests are already on the doorstep, and there is nothing to serve for tea. I am sure that after trying this delicacy, all eaters will admire it, because... will receive true culinary pleasure.

Based on this recipe, you can use your imagination and improvise. For example, instead of custard, use sour cream, butter or chocolate. Strawberries, kiwi, bananas, dried fruits, etc. are suitable as fruit additions. You can also add a little alcohol for piquancy and aroma: rum, cognac, whiskey.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 127 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1 cake
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Bread or loaf (any) - 400 g
  • Cherries - 150 g
  • Custard - 500-600 g
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Dark chocolate - 50 g

Making a no-bake cake from bread with custard:

1. Place the bread on a board and cut into equal slices or cubes. You can also break it with your hands into medium-sized pieces.

2. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, divide the berries in half and add to the bread. Cherries can be used frozen, fresh or canned.

3. Boil the custard and pour it into the container with the bread and cherries. You can find a recipe on how to make cream on the website by typing “custard” in the search bar. But I'll tell you briefly. Beat 2 eggs with 200 g of sugar with a mixer. Add 2 tbsp. flour and continue beating. Place the egg mass in a saucepan with 500 ml of warm milk and bring the ingredients to a boil. Remove the cream from the stove and add 30 g of butter. Stir and cool. The cream is ready for use.

4. Mix all products well so that they are evenly distributed.

5. Place the ingredients on a serving plate, forming a semicircular cake.

6. Combine butter with dark chocolate.

7. Place the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath and melt. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise it will become bitter. The butter will melt faster, and the chocolate will acquire only a soft consistency.

8. Next, mix the chocolate and butter until smooth. The heat of the butter will quickly melt the chocolate.

First of all, let's figure out the base (dough). Break 6 eggs and separate the yolks. Mix the yolks and 120 g of sugar. Stir until our mixture turns white. Beat the whites separately until thick white foam. Add pre-crushed crackers (approximately 70 g by weight) and potato flour (30 g) to the cup with the yolks. Then fill in our whites, do it very carefully. When everything is added, slowly begin to mix with a spoon, stir not sideways, but from bottom to top.

Step 2

Now we need to take a cake pan; if you don’t have one, you can use a regular frying pan and grease it with butter. You need to lay special parchment paper on the bottom of our baking vessel; if, again, this is not available, you can try with foil or take a sheet of plain paper and soak it in vegetable oil. This is necessary so that the baked goods can be easily separated from the pan. Next, sprinkle the inner cavity with flour.

Step 3

Pour our dough into the mold. It wouldn't hurt to level it out. Now we put it in an already warmed up to 200 gr. bake. I can’t say anything for sure about the time; for some reason it always turns out differently, about an hour.
After the cake is ready, separate it from the mold, cool and cut lengthwise into cake layers. I make 3 cake layers, it all depends on the shape.

Step 4

Preparing the cream. Start preparing the cream after you have thrown our dough into the oven. Take a clean bowl and add 150 ml of milk, 200 grams of sugar and 1 egg. Mix all this and put on fire. Cook, stirring, until a thick mixture forms. After this, cool our base to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Add cocoa, a little grated chocolate and butter. Mix again and you can grease the cakes.

A cookbook by an experienced Russian housewife. Sweet dishes Avdeeva Ekaterina Alekseevna

Black bread cake

Black bread cake

Take 12 eggs, separate the yolks and grind with 200 g of sugar, add a little cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and lemon zest, grated for sugar; Beat the whites until foamy and mix with the yolks. Then take a full cup of black bread crackers, finely crushed and sifted through a sieve, pour into the eggs and stir well. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put the prepared cake in the mold and put it in the oven, in a free spirit. (10).

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