How to make grape juice at home. Grape juice: methods and preparation options

Grape juice is rightfully considered a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial macro/microelements. The product contains the maximum amount of saccharides (glucose, fructose), which support brain activity in full mode. In addition, grapes have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract due to the incoming vitamins B-B6, C, E, and improve heart function due to magnesium, iron and calcium. To properly prepare the drink, you must have sufficient knowledge regarding the process of preservation and extraction.

Important features of preparing grape juice

  1. The main aspect of preparation is considered to be the correct extraction of pulp - peel and seeds. In regions that focus on growing grapes, the most valuable product is the product of the first pressing stage. It is obtained as a result of crushing raw materials; with proper pasteurization, the product is completely ready for use.
  2. During manual processing, the berries are pressed by hand and then filtered. Straining is carried out using gauze or bandage, a sieve for flour or berries, nylon stockings, and a colander. When grinding raw materials with a meat grinder or blender, the juice is filtered in a similar way.
  3. If you have a juicer, it makes sense to use it. This option is considered ideal if the device is equipped with the “Spin” function. A very convenient method is to use a meat grinder attachment, but you will have to tinker with it. However, in this case, the final product is clean, since the pulp is squeezed out almost completely.
  4. Advanced housewives should take a closer look at the juice cooker. In this case, the berries are loaded directly into the cavity (compartment) of the device, and then the “Cooking” mode is turned on. The main thing is not to forget about periodically kneading the steamed fruits. A potato masher will help you with this. After cooking, the juice is rolled into sterilized jars and sent for long-term storage.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to granulated sugar; it is not necessary to add it. However, people who prefer sweet drinks should stick to the proportions based on 100 g. sand per 2 kg. sweet grapes. If you are making juice from a sour variety, the amount of sugar should be increased based on personal preference.
  6. The branches of dark grapes contain a lot of tannins, so they don’t need to be removed. The twigs will make the drink tart but soft. When preparing grape juice based on white varieties, all shoots must be removed, otherwise they will give the drink an unsightly swampy tint.
  7. “Wine” varieties are considered optimal for preparing grape juice. These include “Armalaga”, “Golubok”, “Cabernet”, “Johaniter”, “Isabella”, “Lydia”. You can also use “Bianka”, “Ilyichevsky” (early). For the most part, juice is made from black grapes, but it makes sense to mix two varieties (white and black) at the same time.

Always pasteurize grape juice, otherwise the fermentation process will begin after 2-4 days. To carry out the procedure correctly, take a wide saucepan with a high side, lower a wooden base to the bottom of the container, and place a jar of juice on it. Fill an iron container with water, turn the burner on low or medium heat, and boil at 85 degrees for half an hour.

If desired, the drink can be pasteurized before pouring into glass containers. To achieve 100% results, do pasteurization 2 times. After the first half-hour boiling, cool the composition to room temperature, then repeat the procedure. As a result of the second pasteurization, the final drink will become translucent, after which it can be preserved.

Grape juice: a classic of the genre

  • filtered water - 3 l.
  • grapes (preferably dark) - 10 kg.
  1. Wash the bunches of grapes with running water, carefully treating each berry. Sort through the fruits, eliminating spoiled and bruised ones.
  2. To grind, use a blender, meat grinder or food processor. After this, strain the liquid from the pulp and cake, constructing a kind of filter: place gauze cloth folded in several layers in a colander, pass the composition through.
  3. Squeeze out the resulting juice and pour into a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom. Fill the pulp that came out as a result of squeezing with water at the rate of 5 kg. raw materials account for 0.5 liters of filtered (drinking, boiled) water. After adding the liquid, stir the mixture and squeeze again, add to the pan with the juice.
  4. Place the container on the stove, turn on the burner to medium, heat until the first bubbles appear. Do not allow the composition to boil under any circumstances; the duration of heat treatment is about 15-20 minutes. As soon as you notice that the mixture begins to boil, set the temperature to the minimum mark.
  5. After the boiling time has expired, remove the container from the heat and leave for 1.5-2 hours. This period is necessary for the juice to become cleaner and more transparent. Next, place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil (second pasteurization). At this stage, you can add granulated sugar (optional), waiting for the crystals to dissolve.
  6. Proceed to clean and sterilize the jars. Wash the containers with baking soda, then place in a wide saucepan with a wooden lining or cotton towel on the bottom. Fill the cavities with water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Sterilize the lids for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Pour the still warm juice into hot jars, do not allow a sharp temperature difference between the liquid and the glass. Roll up the container, turn it upside down, and wrap it in a warm blanket. Wait until it cools to room temperature, transfer the drink to a cool place for long-term storage.

Grape juice: hand pressed

It is impossible to prepare a lot of grape juice in this way, since the manual method is considered quite labor-intensive. However, the recipe has a positive feature: the final product does not have a specific taste, which is obtained as a result of crushing the seeds. To get rid of sourness (it will definitely be present), add granulated sugar in the quantities you need.

  • grapes (any) - 8 kg.
  • granulated beet sugar - optional (to taste)
  1. Wash the grapes, paying attention to each berry. Remove the branches from the bunches and crush the fruits with your hands until juice and pulp form. Strain the liquid by making a filter: fold the gauze into 3 layers, place it in the bottom of a colander, squeeze the liquid into a separate pan.
  2. Place the processed cake, which is wrapped in gauze, into an enamel container. Fill with purified water in a ratio of 1 liter. liquid per 1 kg. pulp, place on the stove. Set the heat to medium, boil the product for about 10-15 minutes, then turn off the burner and cool the composition.
  3. After this, strain the pulp decoction in a convenient way, pour it into a saucepan with pure grape juice. If desired, add granulated sugar (1 liter of drink contains 120 grams of sugar), wait until the granules dissolve.
  4. Wash the container with baking soda, then sterilize it in a convenient way. You can place the jars neck down in the oven and then heat for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the temperature from 60 to 140 degrees. The same must be done with tin lids.
  5. After sterilization, pour the grape juice, twist, turn upside down. Cool at room temperature and store in a cellar or basement.

Grape juice: juicer

In the context of technological progress, many housewives resort to using a juicer, and this is not surprising. The device allows you to obtain a high-quality product in the shortest possible time. Let's look at the technology step by step.

  • black grapes - 3.5 kg.
  • white grapes - 1.5 kg.
  • granulated sugar - at your discretion
  1. Wash the grape bunches thoroughly, sort the fruits, weeding out bruised and spoiled ones. Separate the berries from the branches and assemble the juicer.
  2. Select the optimal container with a neck whose diameter matches the faucet of the appliance. This move will reduce the degree of contact of the juice with air.
  3. Send the grape fruits into the cavity of the device in small parts in stages. Stop the process periodically to clean the blades and pits.
  4. When all the grapes have been squeezed, pass the juice through several layers of gauze, squeezing out the pulp. Place the product in an enamel-lined pan.
  5. Take the cake, dilute it with water in a 2:1 ratio, mix, squeeze through cheesecloth and a colander, pour into a container with juice. Add granulated sugar (optional).
  6. Turn on the stove over medium heat, bring the mixture until the first bubbles appear, reduce the power to minimum, and simmer for another quarter of an hour.
  7. Sterilize the containers, then pour the juice into hot jars and seal immediately. Check if the lid is leaking: turn the container upside down and run your finger along the perimeter.
  8. Cool the juice by wrapping it in a towel. When room temperature is reached, move the jars to the basement or cellar and consume after 1 month.

Grape juice: juicer

Thanks to the optimal mode, preparing juice in a juicer will be an excellent solution for preserving the product. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

  • grapes - 8 kg.
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  1. Sort the grapes, removing unripe, bruised and spoiled fruits. Do not remove the berries from the branch. Wash them, place them in the juicer compartment according to the weight instructions.
  2. As for adding sugar, spoon it over each layer of grapes to ensure the juice is evenly sweetened. Place a container or bowl to collect the liquid and pour water into the cavity.
  3. Boil the juice for about 1-1.5 hours (the exact time is indicated in the user manual). After the expiration date, pour the drink into pre-sterilized jars and seal with clean lids.
  4. Turn the container upside down, wrap it in a warm towel, and wait until it cools completely (about 12-14 hours). Take the jars of juice to the cellar and shake before use.

The taste of the juice depends on a number of features, such as the variety and color of the grapes, the time of ripening and harvesting, the pressing option and, in fact, the preparation itself. In cases where you have sufficient raw materials, the final product can be obtained manually or mechanically. The first option is considered ineffective, the second is achieved by using a blender, juicer, meat grinder or a special press.

Video: how to make pickled grapes and grape vinegar

Preparing grape juice for the winter is a simple process that allows you to preserve all the benefits of fresh berries in a jar for a long time. Even a novice housewife can cope with this task. The homemade product differs from the store-bought product in its naturalness and large amount of pulp.

The best juice, just like , is obtained from grapes grown in your own garden, as it is safe. But you can make a healing drink from berries bought in the store. This will require additional processing.

Preparing grape juice for the winter is carried out in 4 stages:

  • selection of grapes,
  • berry pressing,
  • pasteurization,
  • conservation.

How to choose a grape variety

Almost all varieties are suitable for making juice. Muscat grapes have the most pleasant taste. These varieties are the sweetest, and they are used to make elite wine: Moscow Muscat, Ultra Early Red Muscat, Hungarian Muscat, Amber Muscat and others.

There are so-called technical grape varieties designed specifically for the production of juice, compote, marinade, wine, and cognac. Such berries contain a high percentage of liquid - up to 85% of the total mass. They are grown in southern latitudes due to their late ripening period. Residents of warm regions should pay attention to the following varieties: White Muscat, Isabella, Aligote, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Regardless of the variety, the grapes must be ripe and sweet, otherwise the result will be something between vinegar and wine. It is advisable to use large-fruited grapes. The color and taste of the product depends on the grape variety.

Grape processing methods

Before cooking, the grapes must be thoroughly washed and the branches separated. It is better to soak store-bought for several hours to neutralize nitrates. All spoiled berries must be removed.

High quality homemade juice can be prepared in several ways:

  • Using a press

One of the easiest ways is to squeeze the grapes using a press. The resulting liquid is transferred to an enamel container and left in a cool place for 10-12 hours. During this time, sediment will settle to the bottom of the dish. The settled liquid is poured into a new container using a garden hose. If you pour over the edge, the sediment will rise again. Unlike other methods, the press allows you to get much more juice.

  • Using a juicer

Having a juicer greatly simplifies the process of making a drink. Depending on the functionality of this kitchen utensil, the berries can be pre-chopped. Not all types of juicers support squeezing grapes. This should be stated in the instructions. Most centrifuge juicers do not produce enough juice; processed residues retain a lot of moisture. The most budget-friendly and reliable option is a screw juicer.

  • Using a blender or meat grinder

You can grind the grapes in a blender or meat grinder, and then squeeze out the juice through several layers of gauze.

  • Knead and squeeze by hand

If you don’t have any equipment, you can cut the berries with a knife, mash them with a spoon, mortar or hands, and squeeze them through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

  • In a pressure cooker

You can cook delicious juice in a pressure cooker. This is the easiest way: wash and peel the grapes, place the berries in a container, and cook according to the instructions.

Sometimes it is advised not to separate the berries from the branches. This is a matter of taste, since the juice from red grape varieties, thanks to the ridges, acquires astringency and a wine aroma. And the taste of juice from white varieties can be spoiled by leaving twigs.


Grape juice pressed by any method requires prompt pasteurization, since fermentation processes may begin after a few hours. Pasteurization is heating a liquid to 80 degrees and cooking for 10-15 minutes. It is important not to bring the juice to a boil so that it does not lose its beneficial properties. Pasteurization can be carried out both before and after bottling the juice into jars. In the latter case, glass vessels are immersed in a wide pan of water and, just in case, a wooden stand is placed on the bottom.

Canning grape juice for the winter

Immediately after pasteurization of the juice, you can begin canning. In this case, you will get an unclarified drink. If the juice is left for a day, it will become lighter, and a sediment will form at the bottom of the vessel, which can be filtered. After this, it is recommended to repeat the pasteurization procedure.

Before pouring juice into jars, they need to be sterilized. The easiest way to do this is with steam: place the jar on a kettle of boiling water and hold for 10 minutes. Immediately pour the juice into the treated container and cover with a lid. They also need to be boiled first.

The finished jars are turned upside down and allowed to cool completely. The product should be stored in a cool, dark place. After two months, the contents of the jars will become a little lighter. The shelf life of the prepared drink is from one to three years.

Many people are interested in whether sugar should be added to grape juice. Typically, fresh grape juice is very concentrated and sweet, so no sugar is needed. For comfortable consumption, it is recommended to dilute the drink with water. This can be done both before and after rolling the cans.


Preparing grape juice for the winter is a fun process that you can involve children in. And the cake remaining after spinning can not be thrown away, but used

It is difficult to fully appreciate the benefits of grape juice, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and substances that help improve immunity. Moreover, not only freshly squeezed juice has such properties, but also pre-prepared grape juice for the winter. The most important thing is to cook it slowly and follow the instructions carefully.

To begin with, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a variety. Depending on this, the drink will have different beneficial properties and taste. In general, any grape variety is suitable for making the drink. But there are “dry” varieties, from which you can get a product only with the help of a juicer, and even then not very much.

The drink can be prepared from certain grape varieties, or from all of them together.

  1. When dark and light varieties are used together, an unusual and aromatic drink is obtained.
  2. If you cook only from the white variety, it is better to use muscat grapes.
  3. The following grape varieties are most often used for squeezing juice: Cabernet, Lydia, Bianka, Zigerbe, Isabella, Armalaga, Ilyichevsky ranniy, Yohaniter, Golubok. You can get more juice from them.
  4. Table varieties are used much less frequently, since they are drier and juice can be obtained from them only in small quantities.

Video “Recipe for grape juice for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to use a juicer to make delicious grape juice for the winter.

Delicious recipes


The secret to the success of making juice using this recipe is simple. The main thing is to have a reliable juicer with you. If desired, you can add sugar.


  • 5 kg of grapes;
  • sugar to taste.
  1. Select and separate whole berries from the bunch and wash them thoroughly, then run them through a juicer.
  2. It is common for grapes to have skins and seeds, so periodically stop the device and clean it of any contaminants that have appeared.
  3. Strain the juice through a gauze filter into a saucepan, as ground seeds have an astringent property and a bitter taste that needs to be removed.
  4. To do this, you need to mix the juice with clean drinking water in a ratio of 2 to 1, where water accounts for one part.
  5. For 1 liter of squeezed juice, pour 50 grams of sugar into a saucepan.
  6. Bring to a boil over medium heat until the first bubbles appear and cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Carefully pour the juice into prepared jars and seal immediately.
  8. It is recommended to shake before opening so that the drink has a uniform consistency.

With manual spin

This recipe is difficult not so much in theory as in practice, because in order to prepare the juice, you will need to crush the berries by hand. But the drink obtained at home will not have the viscous and unpleasant aftertaste of crushed seeds, like after a juicer.


  • 5 kg of grapes;
  • sugar.
  1. Separate ripe berries from the bunch, wash them, and then crush them with your hands or a press.
  2. Using a gauze filter, strain the juice from the pulp into a saucepan.
  3. Transfer the pulp to a separate container.
  4. Fill each kilogram of leftover gauze filter with 1 liter of clean water and place over medium heat.
  5. Boil the pulp for 10 minutes and then cool.
  6. Strain the pulp broth again through a gauze filter and pour into the main juice.
  7. For every 2 liters of final liquid, add half a cup of sugar (optional).
  8. Pour the drink into sterilized jars.
  9. Immediately roll up and cool, turning upside down.
  10. Such preservation can last no more than 1 year.


Canning juice or compote does not always involve the use of sugar or water. Concentrated juice is direct proof of this.


  • 4-5 kg ​​of grapes.
  1. Extract the juice using any method presented above and strain it through a sieve.
  2. Cook in a saucepan for 5 minutes.
  3. Now strain the lightly boiled juice through a gauze filter.
  4. Pour the drink into bottles and roll it up.

In a juicer

This recipe makes it easy to prepare any amount of grape juice. For this it is better to use a certain variety - Isabella. Canned juice from Isabella for the winter is slightly sweetened, aromatic and can be stored for quite a long time.


  • 10 kg of Isabella grapes;
  • optional - sugar.
  1. Select ripe berries without separating them from the bunch.
  2. Rinse the grapes by placing them in a special compartment in the juice cooker according to the instructions.
  3. You should not place too many berries in the receiver: the grapes should not rise above its side.
  4. If you want to add sugar, sprinkle it in portions between handfuls of grapes. This is necessary to evenly distribute the sweetness in the taste of the final product.
  5. According to the instructions, assemble the juicer, add water and cook for no more than 1 hour.
  6. Pour the juice into jars and seal them. Cool and store in a cool place.
  7. After cleaning the juicer, you can continue cooking the next portion of juice.

With apples

Apple and grape juice can delight you on a cold winter evening with its combination of sour and sweet taste, invigorate with its aroma, and also have a beneficial effect on your health. An apple helps tidy up the digestive system, while grapes saturate the body with glucose.


  • 3 kilograms of sweet and sour or sweet apples;
  • 3 kilograms of ripe grapes of any variety.
  1. Wash the apples and cut them into small slices.
  2. Carefully separate the grapes from the bunch and wash them.
  3. Assemble the juicer according to the instructions to begin cooking.
  4. First place the grapes in a special container, then the apple slices.
  5. Cover the contents tightly with a lid and cook the juice from the moment the water boils for 1-2 hours, periodically stirring the berries and apples.
  6. Pour the drink into sterilized jars and seal them tightly.
  7. Cool them and put them in a cool place.

With tangerines

This drink will delight true gourmets with its exquisite taste and rich aroma.


  • 1.8 kg white grapes;
  • 0.9 kg tangerines;
  • 0.25 kg sugar;
  • 0.2 liters of water.
  1. Separate the grapes from the bunch and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Transfer them into a separate container, strain with a gauze filter and pour into a saucepan.
  3. Peel the tangerines and divide them into slices.
  4. Grind the tangerines using a juicer, and pour the resulting juice into the grape juice.
  5. Heat the liquid well, but do not bring it to a boil, adding water and sugar.
  6. Pour into jars and seal them tightly.

Grape juice prepared according to any of the recipes is the quintessence of pleasant taste and beneficial properties. Whether you cook it with syrup (with added sugar), just water, or none at all, it has a positive effect on digestion and immunity.

It also improves blood flow and heart function, relieves neuroses, insomnia, and prevents senile myopia, the appearance of cataracts and kidney stones. The most important thing is that, if desired, it can be prepared with the addition of other ingredients.

Preparing grape juice at home for the winter gives a person the opportunity to enjoy a healthy treat even on cold winter evenings. After all, finding and purchasing high-quality grapes in the store in winter can be problematic. In addition to its amazing taste, grape juice contains a large amount of useful substances.

To prepare a grape drink, not many ingredients or effort are required. To a greater extent, this work is facilitated by the use of juicers or juicers.

Before you begin the process itself, it is recommended to remember the following simple rules:

  • When using white or dark berries, the final product acquires an excellent aroma, beautiful appearance and incredible taste.
  • The longer the grapes are subjected to heat treatment, the less beneficial components remain in the juice.
  • Before rolling, bottles, caps, and jars must be sterilized.
  • It is recommended to let the finished juice settle so that sediment settles at the bottom. After a certain period of time, the juice is carefully poured into another container, without mixing with the precipitate that has fallen. Next, the jars or bottles are pasteurized, and then put away in the refrigerator, cellar or other cold, dark place.

There are no particular difficulties during the preparation process. Therefore, anyone, even a beginner, can make such a tasty drink.

How to choose grapes for juice

When choosing grapes, you should pay attention to their appearance and integrity. Damaged and stale berries are not recommended to be used. After all, the taste and amount of nutrients contained in the final product largely depends on what grapes are used for it. Usually they take white and red varieties.

Grapes, which are grown mainly for the preparation of wine products, produce a high-quality, tasty and healthy drink for the human body. The fruits of such varieties contain more useful substances, microelements, vitamins, acids and sugars.

After purchasing the grapes, they sort them out, throwing out spoiled berries and any garbage. To prepare delicious juice, only juicy and fresh fruits are used. Ripeness is especially important here.

If there are damage or rotten areas on the berries, it is better to throw them away immediately, because the taste of such a drink is not the best.

Muscat grapes (the white variety) are often used to make juice.

Juicing methods

There are a large number of ways to prepare a grape drink. Only the housewife chooses the most suitable option for her and gets to work.

In a juicer

Using a juicer greatly simplifies the process of preparing a grape drink. You just need to place the berries inside the device (you can even leave them on the brushes), but before that, rinse them thoroughly under running water.

The mixture must be stirred periodically. Boiling is not necessary. The finished product is immediately distributed into jars and covered with lids. Making a drink using a juicer is quite easy.

From a “Traditional” juicer

The recipe for making such a drink is simple. The main thing is to have a juicer in the house and free time.

Required ingredients:

  • water;
  • granulated sugar;
  • grape berries in the amount of five kilograms.

First you need to rinse the grapes under water, remove them from the brush, sort them and dry them. Next, squeeze out the juice and mix it with water (2:1). Then add sugar (fifty grams per liter). Boil the mixture and then simmer for 15 minutes. Without waiting for it to cool, it is recommended that a person distribute the finished product into jars and put it in a dark place.

"Manual spin"

When you don’t have a juicer or juicer at home, you can try squeezing the juice yourself using your hands. Just before doing this, it is recommended to wear gloves (rubber). Long-term exposure to grape acid negatively affects the condition of the skin (they are simply corroded).

Making a drink with your own hands is a labor-intensive method. The first thing you need to do is wash the grapes and remove them from the brushes. Place the berries in a separate container and begin to mash. You need to crush all the grapes.

The next steps are filtering and distributing the finished liquid into bottles (they are sterilized only after filling by boiling for 15-20 minutes). At the end, the jars are wrapped in something and allowed to cool.

Cooking method

To make juice using this method, you will need several ingredients, namely water (two liters), granulated sugar (one kilogram) and five kilograms of muscat grapes. The berries are sorted, placed in a container and filled with water.

Afterwards, place the pan on the stove, turn on the heat (low) and boil the mixture for half an hour. The finished solution is filtered, mixed with granulated sugar and boiled. At the end, boil for 10 minutes, after which they are distributed into jars (or bottles).

With apples

Grape and apple juice is a real storehouse of vitamins. Drinking this drink in winter, when the body is weakened, allows you to compensate for the lack of certain elements and improve the functions of the immune system.

To prepare it you will need grapes (two and a half kilograms) and one and a half kilograms of apples. They are placed in a juicer to extract the juice, then boiled and boiled for 5-7 minutes. The finished solution is bottled and stored in the cellar (or refrigerator).

With pulp

The grapes are thoroughly washed and sorted, after which the juice is squeezed out using a juicer. To preserve the pulp, it is recommended to use a special cone-shaped nozzle.

The liquid is poured into a container and boiled. The finished drink is distributed into bottles (or cans). You should put it in the refrigerator only after the container has cooled down.

How to preserve juice

To preserve a drink, you can use several methods. These include hot bottling and pasteurization. The first method involves boiling, after which the jars must be rolled up immediately. Pasteurization involves squeezing the juice and pouring it into bottles, which are recommended to be closed immediately.

How to store juice

The storage temperature of the finished product is not lower than 0 ° C and not higher than +15-17 ° C. The optimal humidity is 75-80%.

To increase shelf life, you must follow all recipe rules. Lids and jars must be sterilized (mandatory).

Homemade grape juice is incredibly healthy. It contains folic acid, organic acids, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sodium, and many vitamins - C, PP, A, B. Dark grape juice has a beneficial effect on brain function and vision. And the juice from light grapes is especially rich in iron; it strengthens the immune system well. But at the same time, there are some restrictions for drinking this delicious drink. Grape juice is very high in calories, so it is not recommended for overweight people. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, hypertension and stomach diseases.

Grape juice recipe for the winter


  • grapes – 10 kg;
  • sugar - to taste.


First, we sort through the grapes, removing spoiled and limp berries. There is no need to pick good grapes from the branches. Wash the bunches thoroughly and place them in the juicer container. The number of berries should not be higher than the side. If you plan to add sugar, you need to do it now, sprinkling it on the berries. Now let's start assembling the juice cooker: pour water into the lower part, and place a reservoir for juice on top, and place a container with grapes on it. Place on the stove, cover with a lid and turn on the heat. It will take about an hour to prepare the juice. After this, remove the clamp from the hose and pour the juice into the pan. Immediately pour the hot juice into jars and seal. After this, we remove the used berries, add new ones and begin preparing a new portion of juice.

Grape juice for the winter through a juicer


  • grapes – 5 kg.


We separate the grapes from the branches, discard the unripe and damaged ones. Wash good berries and squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer. After this, we filter it twice through gauze folded in several layers. We heat the juice to a temperature of 60 degrees, and then let it brew for a couple of hours. After this, carefully pour the juice into another container so that all the sediment remains in the old pan. Place the container with the juice on the fire, heat it to a temperature of 90 degrees and pour it into sterile jars and immediately seal it.

Apple and grape juice for the winter


  • grapes – 10 kg;
  • apples – 5 kg.


Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the leaves and twigs and pass them through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan. In the same way, squeeze the juice from the apples and pour it into a saucepan with grape juice. Bring the mixture almost to a boil, pour into jars and sterilize for about 20 minutes, then seal.

How to prepare grape juice for the winter?


  • muscat grapes – 5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


Wash the grapes thoroughly, remove the berries from the tassels, place them in an enamel pan and fill with water (2 l). Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 30 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the heat and strain the contents. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and put it on the fire again, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. Now pour the juice into prepared sterile jars and roll up.

How to prepare grape juice for the winter?

Using this recipe, you can prepare juice when you don’t have any special equipment at hand - neither a juicer nor a juicer.
