Awesome puff pastries with herbs. Cooking delicious and healthy flatbreads with herbs

Flatbread with herbs is a delicious pastry from Caucasian cuisine. They are very simple to prepare and are convenient not only to serve as a snack on the table, but also to take with you on a picnic.

Armenian flatbreads with herbs


For the test:

  • filtered water – 225 ml;
  • flour – 405 g;
  • salt – 5-7 g.

For filling:

  • fresh cilantro – 135 g;
  • green onions – 115 g;
  • dandelion leaves – 135 g;
  • vegetable oil – 45 ml;
  • green salad – 135 g;
  • spices;
  • – 105 g;
  • fresh dill – 55 g;
  • fresh spinach – 125 g;
  • fresh sorrel – 135 g.


Throw salt and flour into the water and knead a very thick dough with your hands. Wrap it in a towel and leave it on the table for 35 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the filling: carefully sort out all the greens, wash and dry. Then we cut it, put it in a bowl and pour it with vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and season with spices to taste. Divide the dough into parts, roll it into thin circles and lay out the filling. Cover the top with the second piece, pinch the edges and fry the flatbreads with herbs on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Flatbread with cheese and herbs


  • kefir – 205 ml;
  • flour – 645 g;
  • salt, soda - a pinch;
  • sugar – 10 g.
  • – 255 g;
  • fresh greens – 55 g;
  • butter – 55 g.


Pour flour into a convenient bowl, pour in kefir, add salt, soda, sugar and knead an elastic soft dough. Form a lump out of it, put it in a bowl, cover with a damp towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Shred the cheese on a coarse grater, throw in the finely chopped herbs and mix. Divide the dough into 7 equal parts, roll each into a circle and place the green filling with cheese in the center. We secure the edges, go over the top with a rolling pin and bake the cakes in a dry frying pan for a few minutes on each side. Then coat each one with melted butter and place it in a pile on a flat plate.

I bring to your attention a very simple dish in terms of ingredients - lean flatbreads with herbs. The peculiarity of the flatbreads is that they are layered in their finished form, as well as the ability to vary the greens according to taste or season. Today I propose to prepare young garlic from the tops, since garlic is in season now, it is filled with the largest amount of vitamins - just what you need after a cold winter. At other times of the year, you can prepare flatbreads with spinach, onions, beet tops, parsley, nettles, cilantro or wild garlic. Or you can make a mixture by taking a few branches of each.

I am sharing a win-win basic recipe that can be supplemented at your discretion: cheese, cottage cheese, mushrooms, tofu and more.

Preparation time: 40 minutes.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • wheat flour - 230-270 g;
  • warm boiled water - 110 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • butter or vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • tops of young garlic or onion 3-4 stalks (can be replaced with a bunch of spinach);
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil for frying

And here is a recipe for Indian flatbreads with potato filling - which are very similar to ours both in cooking technique and in taste.

Lenten flatbreads with herbs in a frying pan

At the preparatory stage, you need to knead the dough. To do this, sift the flour into a bowl, add a pinch of sea salt and sugar.

Add warm boiled water to the flour and knead into a soft and elastic dough.

Cover with a towel or wrap in a bag and set the dough aside to rest (20-30 minutes).

For the filling, use the tops of young garlic or onions; you can combine both types. Chop all the greens quite finely.

Place half of the garlic greens into a bowl. Grind the rest of the greens in a blender with a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Combine the resulting mass with finely chopped garlic in a bowl. Mix the filling thoroughly with a spoon.

On a work surface lightly sprinkled with flour, roll out the rested dough very thin.

Brush the entire surface of the dough with melted butter.

Spread the green filling.

Now try to make a fairly dense roll.

Pinch the weight of the edge of the dough.

Cut the roll into pieces, approximately 4-5 cm.

Pinch the edges of the resulting pieces with your fingers, and then flatten them into a flat cake. Roll each piece into a flat cake. Even if your flatbread bursts, don’t worry.

In a frying pan in heated vegetable oil, fry the flatbreads with herbs until golden brown. Fire - medium.

As a result, you get very appetizing and aromatic flatbreads, which are flaky inside due to the oil and cooking method.

Delicious with soup, main courses, or tea.

Best regards, Elbi. Bon appetit!

Well, here we are, waiting for spring to arrive. In our area, it has come into its own since January :)) And now outside the window there are snow-white and pink bride trees, and the yellow heads of dandelions turn welcomingly and invitingly yellow in the green freshness of the grass. At this time, you want to see tasty and healthy spring dishes on the table.

Today we are preparing Caucasian-style flatbreads with herbs. The filling can include up to 30 types of different herbs, both cultivated and wild.

I took young dandelion leaves (we sell them at the market during the season), sorrel (a mandatory ingredient), spinach, cilantro, dill, green onions, a couple of stalks of young garlic, and green salad. These cakes also contain woodlice, carrot grass, purslane, young violet leaves, quinoa, young nettles, young beet tops, and borage. It is important that the herbs are not too spicy, so use mostly neutral-tasting herbs and add a few cultivated herbs to create a balanced flavor. It is not customary to add mint and basil, their taste is too spicy.

You can also lightly fry the onions and add them to the filling. These flatbreads are always served with fermented milk products, such as sour milk, sour cream or sour yogurt.

To prepare Caucasian-style flatbreads with herbs, take all the products on the list. The herbs must include sorrel to give the filling a slight sourness.

Knead the water, flour and salt into a pliable, dense dough. Cover the dough with film and leave on the table under a towel. Then knead again until the dough is completely smooth.

Sort all the greens, wash thoroughly and chop finely. Add pepper, suneli hops and vegetable oil. Stir until all the leaves are shiny with oil, but the oil does not remain at the bottom and squish. Do not add salt so that the grass does not release juice.

Divide the dough into equal balls, approximately 80-100 grams each. I got 6 pieces. Before use, keep the dough balls under film to prevent them from drying out.

Take one piece of dough at a time and roll it out thinly into an oblong flat cake. It is important to make the dough as thin as possible. You can only lightly dust the surface with flour, without pouring it onto the dough, but only lubricating it.

Mentally divide the grass into 6 parts. Each time, take a portion of the herb for one cake and add salt to taste. Then place the filling on the dough as shown in the photo. I don't have much filling, they usually add more.

You need to start pinching the flatbread from one edge in the center of the flatbread, slightly gathering and pressing the edges of the dough tightly, at the same time you need to press the filling with your palm and expel the air from inside.

Press the resulting flatbread further and stretch it slightly along the edges, being careful not to tear the delicate and thin dough. Prepare all the flatbreads in this manner.

Fry the flatbreads with herbs in a dry frying pan on both sides until golden brown spots are obtained.

Do not stack the cakes on top of each other, but leave them for free spirit on a wooden board, without lubricating them with anything.

Serve Caucasian flatbreads with herbs with sour cream, matsun, yogurt and tea. This is delicious. Bon appetit!

Zhengyalov hats are flatbreads (or pies) made from unleavened dough stuffed with herbs. In Nagorno-Karabakh they are a national dish, and any housewife can easily prepare them. A wide variety of greens are used for zhengyal hats. It could be dill, parsley, cilantro, basil. Edible herbs rarely used in cooking are also added to the filling: chickweed, shepherd's purse, quinoa. Even beet tops can serve as a filling. Sorrel or spinach must be added to Zhengyalov hats. These plants improve the taste of the filling, and therefore the baked goods themselves. But there should not be too much sorrel, as well as other spicy herbs with a pungent odor. All greenery should form a single “bouquet” and not drown out each other. Zhengyalov hats are baked in a dry frying pan, so when finished they resemble tandoor flatbreads (pies). To make these lean flatbreads with herbs at home, you will need:


for test:

  • flour – 600 grams;
  • water – 350 ml;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • jusai – 1 bunch;
  • green onion – 1 bunch;
  • sorrel – 1 bunch;
  • salad – 1 bunch (2-3 rosettes);
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook flatbreads with herbs - Zhengyalov hats:

First knead the dough. It should be quite dense, but not steep, otherwise it will be difficult for you to roll it into a thin layer.

Place flour in a bowl and make a crater in the middle. Pour water at room temperature, add salt.

First, stir the flour and water with a spatula, and when all the liquid is absorbed into the dough, place it on a floured table and knead thoroughly. You will get this unleavened dough.

Place it in a plastic bag and leave it for half an hour to rest well. Then knead again.

While the dough is in the bag, prepare the filling for zhengyal hats.

Wash the greens. Place it on a towel and dry well. Sort through, removing damaged leaves. Trim off any tough stems. Remove the yellowed tips from the jusai leaves. Separate the salad into individual leaves. Trim off the white nubs near the roots. Finely chop all the greens and place in a large bowl.

There will be quite a lot of it. You cannot immediately add oil or salt to the filling, otherwise it will release juice and become unsuitable for further use. Set the bowl aside and work on the dough.

Divide it into pieces the size of a chicken egg. Roll them into balls.

Take one bun and make a neat thick cake out of it. On a floured surface, roll it out very thin. Its diameter should be no larger than the diameter of your frying pan, so that the corners of the flatbreads lie flat on the frying pan during frying and do not bend over the sides.

Place some of the chopped greens in a separate bowl. Exactly as much as you need to make one flatbread. Add salt to taste and season with oil. Stir.

Immediately spread the filling onto the juicy surface. There should be a lot of it, as it will settle during baking and the pie will become half empty.

Connect the opposite edges of the juice. Then make a big pie like this, making sure to let all the air out of it.

Press down, securing with your fingers, the joints. Turn the tortilla over, seam side down. Flatten it with your hands, you can carefully walk over it with a rolling pin.

Take a thick-bottomed frying pan (preferably cast iron) and place it on the stove. Heat it well.

Place the flatbread on it, pinched side down. Since the dough is thin and the filling does not require long-term heat treatment, Zhengyalov hats is prepared very quickly. After just 2-3 minutes, the bottom side of the dough will be covered with fried pimples.

Turn the tortilla over to the other side and cook until done. If desired, you can bake it with herbs in a slow cooker.

Place it on a flat surface and start baking the second zhengyal hats.

They can be stacked on top of each other only when they have cooled down. Otherwise, the cakes will become wet.
Delicious and very juicy flatbreads with herbs are ready! Bon appetit!!!

Sincerely, Alina Stanislavovna.

Have you ever wondered: “What is the secret of Caucasian longevity?” Of course, there are a great many factors influencing this phenomenon. This includes clean mountain air, spring water, organic food, and much more. However, one of the most important reasons is that in the Caucasus it is customary to eat a large amount of greens and herbs. Flatbread with herbs, the recipe for which we will present to your attention, is the signature dish of the Karabakh Armenians. Several dozen herbs are used to prepare them. We will not list the names of all the greenery, since many of them are completely unknown to Russians. All these herbs are collected on mountain slopes, which are sometimes impassable and require the skill of a climber, then they are thoroughly washed, dried and placed in canvas bags specially made for herbs. They are stored in this way for a long time. Stocks are made so that housewives have the opportunity to prepare these delicious flatbreads all year round. From late spring to late autumn, cooks have the opportunity to prepare Armenian flatbreads with herbs from fresh herbs. The recipe for these culinary products is very simple and does not require much time.

Our recipe is slightly different from the original and more adapted to the Russian vegetable market. However, this does not make the flatbread any less appetizing and aromatic. By the way, greens should be of interest primarily to those who care about their figure and are fighting excess calories. These flatbreads are also an excellent food during Lent: tasty, nutritious and low in calories.

Flatbread with herbs. Recipe and step-by-step instructions

Required Ingredients

For the test:

  • flour - 1 kg;
  • salt -1;
  • warm water - 2-2.5 glasses.

For filling:

  • 1 bunch of spinach;
  • a small bunch of beet tops;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 small bunch of sorrel;
  • 10 onion feathers (you can use 1 medium-sized onion);
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • ground red pepper.

Preparing the dough

Pour flour into heaps, dissolve salt in water, pour water in a stream with one hand, and with the other - using a wooden spoon - knead a homogeneous dough. Cover with a towel and leave for an hour.

Preparing the filling

Carefully sort and rinse the greens, place them on towels to remove excess moisture. Take a deep bowl and add finely chopped greens of all varieties and onions one by one. Pour in vegetable oil and add spices. Mix everything well. In a word, the result is a very tasty green salad that can be eaten raw.

Form flatbreads with herbs (the recipe is designed for 15 - 20 servings)

Divide the dough into 15 - 20 equal lumps. Sprinkle the work surface with flour. Using a rolling pin, roll each lump into a flat cake the size of an ordinary plate. Place a mound of filling in the center of the flatbread along the entire diameter. Pinch the ends of the dough together like a Russian pie. Press down with the edge of your brush so that the pie becomes flat. You can decorate the product in the form of chebureks, that is, put the filling on one half of the flatbread, cover it with the other half, and press down the edges, giving it a crescent shape.

Baking Armenian flatbreads with herbs

Heat a cast iron frying pan thoroughly, place the flatbreads on it, reduce the heat and cover with a lid, after two minutes turn the product over to the other side. As you understand, each cake is baked for about 3-4 minutes. To avoid the smell of burnt dough, you need to remove excess flour with a special brush or simply blow it off.