Delicious stewed potatoes with cheese without meat. Baked potatoes with cheese

On the eve of the New Year, I wanted to cook something like this - lean, low-fat, without meat. This happens extremely rarely in our family; my husband insists on eating meat every day. But I still decided to cook potatoes in the oven with feta cheese. I served it separately to my husband. And I’m happy, and my husband was pleased. As for the potatoes themselves, we were all very pleased with them. An excellent dish option for vegetarians.

Number of servings: 12
Calories: Medium calorie
Calories per serving: 260 kcal

To prepare potatoes baked with feta cheese, you will need:

potatoes – 1-1.5 kg
sour cream (cream) – 400-600 ml
feta cheese – 400-600 g
salt - to taste
spices (turmeric, ground black pepper, ground coriander, nutmeg, Provençal herbs) - to taste
vegetable oil - for greasing the mold
green onions, dill, leeks (green part) - to taste

How to cook potatoes baked with cheese.

1. Let's prepare all the products. First of all, let's deal with potatoes.

Peel it, wash it under water and cut it into thin circles (or slices, strips - as you wish). Let's put it aside for now.

2. Crumble the cheese with your hands. My cheese is not store-bought, but homemade according to my recipe. I really love this cheese, store-bought cheese just can’t compare! By the way, in this recipe you can replace feta cheese with Adyghe cheese or homemade unsweetened cottage cheese.

Let's also prepare our aromatic sour cream sauce. Pour sour cream (or cream) into a bowl and add spices. Mix.

3. Next in line is greens. I used fresh dill, green onions and the green part of the leek. If desired, you can use fresh parsley and other herbs to your taste. We rinse all the greens under water, shake them thoroughly so that the water drains well, and chop them.

4. All ingredients are prepared. Take a suitable baking dish, grease its bottom and side walls with sunflower oil. Place the third layer of chopped potatoes as the first layer. Salt and pepper to taste.

5. Then sprinkle with feta cheese, pour sour cream and sprinkle with herbs. We do this three times, that is, we should get three layers of potatoes with cheese, sour cream and herbs.

6. Cover the baking dish with a lid (or tighten it with foil) and place it in the oven, preheated to 250 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes. Then set the oven to 200 degrees and continue cooking the potatoes for another 40 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can open the lid and let the dish brown.

I recently returned from Transcarpathia, where I spent two weeks. And of course, I tried the local cuisine. Frankly, I wasn’t impressed with banosh (corn porridge), well, I’ll try it in other places. But I really, really liked the potatoes baked on the grill and sprinkled with cheese. Returning home, I urgently decided to reproduce the recipe. True, I baked the potatoes not on the grill, but in the oven, and my cheese isn’t real - it’s made from sheep’s milk, but the store-bought one is made from cow’s milk. But I was very pleased with the result - soft inside and crispy outside potatoes, spicy feta cheese and spicy onions... In general, despite the fact that this is quite a peasant dish - potatoes and cheese - I would not be ashamed to put it on the festive table. Well, if you are baking kebabs on the grill, then be sure to throw a couple of potatoes into the fire, and then cook this dish with them - believe me, it will fly apart faster than the meat.

Compound ( for 2-3 servings):

  • medium size potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • green onion - 3-4 feathers
  • unrefined olive or sunflower oil
  • feta cheese - 200 gr.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Preparing baked potatoes with cheese:

For 2-3 servings, thoroughly wash 6 medium-sized potatoes with a brush and dry with a towel. Using a fork, prick the potatoes in several places, brush each potato with sunflower oil and sprinkle salt on all sides (the salt will draw out some moisture and the potato skin will become crispy).

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees, but without waiting for it to warm up, place the potatoes in it.
Cook for about 1 hour (check doneness by piercing potatoes with a fork).

Remove the finished potatoes, immediately cut into 2-4 parts, pour in olive or unrefined sunflower oil and season with salt and pepper.

A tasty and healthy dish. Using my step-by-step recipe, you will quickly and easily prepare baked potatoes in the oven and delight your loved ones with a simple and tasty meal!

We will bake potatoes with feta cheese and tomatoes. I saw such a dish on the Greek island of Corfu - it was simply baked potatoes in slices, and on top of it were pieces of fresh feta. The Greeks call feta a soft cheese, which is better known to us as feta cheese. I was so shocked The simplicity and taste of this dish is what I started experimenting with when I arrived home. Today I present the result of my experiments to your judgment.

Potatoes baked with feta cheese

For baking we need

  • potatoes - 5-6 medium tubers
  • onion - 1 large head (you can take a medium one, it doesn’t matter, I just like a lot of onions)
  • tomato - 1 piece (you can do without the tomato)
  • feta cheese or feta - I can’t say exactly how much I took, the size of three matchboxes
  • garlic - 3-4 medium cloves
  • cream - 0.5 cups
  • spices for potatoes - to taste
  • pepper, salt - to taste
  • butter - 3 tablespoons
  • olive oil or any odorless vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • baking dish
  • foil to cover the pan

Let's start cooking!

I’ll say right away that adding tomato and cream is my improvisation, I used to make it without tomato and cream, it was also delicious, but a little dry for me, today I decided to add it. I really liked it!!! I love !

The combination of tomato and cheese turned out to be very successful and gave a slight sourness, and with the addition of cream during baking, the potatoes turned out tender.

My oven baked potatoes took about 1 hour in total.

And the smells... the smells are all over the apartment!!! Even my dad, not a fan of culinary improvisations and experiments, but a supporter of his usual food, said that I wanted to try it, and my dad liked the potatoes baked in the oven with feta cheese and tomatoes) )) He just said that you can add salt. For me this is good support - my dad liked it)))

As for the salt, I was careful and salted less than I like, I was afraid to oversalt, because... The recipe contains feta cheese, but it is salty, so I decided that it was better to under-salt than to over-salt.

You don’t have to cover the mold with foil at the very beginning, then the potatoes will turn out drier. I liked today’s version of the recipe for baked potatoes with tomato, cream and covering the mold with foil better!

You can use any spices that you like, you can take special spices for potatoes, or you can limit yourself to salt and pepper. I used rustic spices for potatoes from the island of Corfu, I saw saffron in them, it is what gives the yellowish color, thyme (thyme), rosemary, I didn’t recognize the rest...

As you can see, preparing potatoes baked in the oven, and even with tomato and feta cheese, is simple and quick, like most dishes on. Of course, the potatoes are baked for an hour, but during this time you don’t have to stand at the stove, stirring, turning, etc.

Well, how do you like potatoes baked with cheese and tomato??? Did you like it? I’ll be glad if you share the link on social networks)

Video recipe - potatoes baked in the oven with feta cheese.

Next time I want to try adding zucchini and maybe eggplant, I really love it))) I won’t write a new recipe, I’ll just write in the comments to the recipe what happened.

Did you like the recipe? Share with your friends without hesitation, let them enjoy it too! And please share in the comments whether everything worked out for you and whether everything is clear.

This potato casserole with feta cheese is very simple, but with an unusual taste. Its preparation takes little time, so it is perfect both for working days as a main dish, and as a side dish for roasts, for large feasts. Bryndza and sour cream in this casserole take you to the Carpathian hills, and green onions add freshness.b and brightnessb dishesu. Potato casserole turns out juicy, with a pleasant sourness of sour cream and saltinessYu feta cheese.

Before assembling and baking any potato casserole, I almost always, with the exception of gratinand with potatoes, first I cook the potatoes until half cooked and only then lay them out in layers. Then the potatoes turn out tenderthof coursem dish and cooks evenlyher, along with the rest of the ingredients. That's whyI don’t recommend simplifying everything, it won’t take much time, but the result is worth it.

If desired, in addition to green onions, you can also add parsley and dill. And also, the casserole with Carpathian will be very interestingand smoked cheeses. Try it if you have the opportunity.


  • 1 kg potatoes, peeled, cut into thin slices (weight of potatoes before peeling)
  • 3 tbsp. breadcrumbs
  • 20 grams butter, cut into pieces
  • Butter for greasing the mold

For sour cream and curd mass:

  • 1 egg
  • 250 grams sour cream (I use homemade, you can use 20-25% store bought)
  • 250 grams feta cheese, crumble by hand
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 1/2 bunch green onions, finely chopped

1) Place the potatoes in a large saucepan, add plenty of water, add salt to taste, bring to a boil and strain.

2) Preheat the oven to 180ᵒC. Grease a heatproof dish with a thin layer of butter. In a deep bowl, mix sour cream, feta cheese, egg, salt and pepper to taste. Beat until smooth.

3) Add green onions to the mixture and mix everything together.

4) Place 1/3 of the potatoes on the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Spread 1/3 of the sour cream and cheese mixture on top and place a second layer of potatoes.

5) Evenly distribute 1/3 of the sour cream and cheese mixture on top.

I don’t know about you, but when I don’t feel like cooking at all, and the family demands not bread and circuses, but a much more mundane “something to chew,” I immediately remember my grandmother’s good old recipe for cooking potatoes. It is made very quickly (and this is what I essentially need) and the taste is such that you can’t drag the small ones away from the plate and by the ears. Although, as they say, I have lost my mind, as they say, “thoughts throughout the tree” - here is the recipe for this hearty rustic delicacy:

So, we will need:

  • Potatoes – 4-5 pieces
  • Cheese cheese (homemade, cow or sheep) – 2 pieces
  • Vegetable oil (preferably aromatic, homemade) – 100 gr.

Peel the potatoes and cut into slices a little less than a centimeter thick each.

Grate the cheese (fragrant, homemade, the kind grandmothers usually sell at the market in thick pieces the size of a palm) on a coarse grater, and if strength allows, simply break it into small pieces. I didn’t have the strength, so once again I had to use a grater.

Place the potatoes in a hot frying pan greased with sunflower oil, cover with a lid and simmer until half cooked and an appetizing golden brown crust has formed. At the same time, do not forget to periodically remove the lid and stir the potatoes, because you will end up with a burnt crust instead of an appetizing and rosy one.

When the potatoes are almost ready, as evidenced by their softness and frequent visits to the family kitchen, sprinkle them with grated cheese, mix, cover with the same lid and simmer over low heat for about five minutes until the cheese melts.

Well, that’s all, dinner is ready, you can call the family, although I’m sure that they are already seated at the table with forks in their hands and are waiting to taste the fragrant hot potatoes.